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    Wednesday, February 19, 2020

    Fallout | Nuked a town on accident :(

    Fallout | Nuked a town on accident :(

    Nuked a town on accident :(

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:42 PM PST

    Playing Fallout 3 for the first time. I was on my way to Megaton and went into Moriarty's saloon. There I saw a man in a nice suit waving me over. He told me he was representing interests that thought the town was an eyesore and also wanted to see the atomic bomb detonated. I mistakenly thought this was the branching point in a quest that would have me make the town prettier and also move the atomic bomb to an unspecified region they had set up as a nuclear test site. He told me to attach a charge to the bomb which I figured was just to have it ready to blow up as soon as we got it to the test site, since his employers couldn't wait to see the blast. So I attach the charge and meet him at Tenpenny Tower to collect my payment, but he told me to savor the moment and press some button, which I honestly thought was completely unrelated to the quest. You can imagine my surprise when a nuclear blast went off in the direction of Megaton. To make matters worse I was labeled as "very evil" afterwards and a lot of people I ran into later on were very angry at me over this honest mistake so I accidentally poisoned project purity to get back at them.

    submitted by /u/papitopaez
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    please stop the karma whoring "did 'x' on accident :("

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:45 PM PST

    that is all

    submitted by /u/magicman88999
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    What is your best quote from any fallout game

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:40 AM PST

    I prefer the one where veronica comments on Mr. house's robot servants.

    submitted by /u/joemama2003
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    Anyone else has "essential" headcanons?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 05:41 PM PST

    The title says it all, after countless replays i came up with some very unlikely (or flat out impossible) lore explanations that i implement in all of my playtroughs just for the sake of personal enjoyment.

    These are:

    1-all towns and cities are considerably larger than what we see in-game.

    2-the protagonists of fallout 1,2,3NV and 4 (i've only played these titles) are all descendants of the same family.

    So what about you guys? Any goofy theories you accept to enhance your experience? Or is basing roleplay on official lore only how you enjoy the series the most?

    submitted by /u/iwantbullysequel
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    Not specifically an *event*, so to speak, but I made an RP shop on PS4s edition of fallout 76!

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:24 AM PST

    If anyone wants to add me on PS4 to look at it, my PSN tag is Generic_Male55, but if you dont want to add me and you happen to come across "Generic Kev's Camp", don't be afraid to come have a look, buy or sell, or just chill out in the bar! (Please note, bar not built yet)

    submitted by /u/NoodlePot_
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    Helped the legion on accident :(

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:50 AM PST

    First time playing fallout New Vegas and I got to fortification hill as part of the main quest. Cesar told me to block you everything in the bunker and I went along with it because I didn't trust House. Now house has locked me out and I'm already in bad terms with the NCR for killing a ranger for there cool armor and Boone is starting to give me wired looks.

    submitted by /u/ironchicken45
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    My ideal Fallout 4 (begging)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:16 PM PST

    I think it's fair to say that overall fallout 4 was a disappointment in regards to choice and story so I want to go over what I would change and how I believe it could've been better.

    Note: The base story of dead wife/husband, find son is the same

    It starts like fallout 4 does, pre war. create character, interact with your spouse and codsworth, bombs drop, vault, dead spouse escape.

    Once you leave the vault your character would say something along the lines as "My God" etc then it would cut to black and some time would pass, minimum 6 months, you would be greeted to your character in very raggy clothes and a dirty face with maybe longer hair, the tone would be a lot more miserable, you would still be in Sanctuary Hills but you wouldn't have interacted with Codsworth due to the fact that he has been disabled due to 200+ years alone in an irradiated wasteland, you see a wandering caravan who are about to scrap Codsworth but due to sentimental reasons you talk them out of it and decide to activate him The first quest would be to fix him, if you had high intelligence you would be able to do it easier and quicker.

    Once Codsworth is repaired the interaction would be similar to the one in game except there wouldn't be the "what happened" aspect. Then you would venture to Concord, Once there you have the option to join the raiders and be genuinely evil. Either option ends with you learning more about the wasteland and mysterious disappearances , either a member of the raider group or a member of graveys group. The institute is much more of an urban legend and synths aren't known as I believe an opportunity for tension and slight horror was missed.

    This is how I wished the game would have opened, I plan on making further posts detailing changes, if you have any ideas I'd love to hear them.

    submitted by /u/IJRIDG
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    Nailed Benny on accident :(

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:23 PM PST

    Nailed him on to a cross.

    submitted by /u/addfase
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    Fallout new Vegas good, fallout 76 bad

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 05:54 PM PST

    That's all there is too say

    submitted by /u/Chilbill9epicgamer
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    (FO4) Favorite Pip-Boy game?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 03:36 AM PST

    Pretty simple, which is your favorite of the Pip-Boy holotape games?

    My choice: Zeta Invaders

    submitted by /u/DragonRanger117
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    Suggestion for what they should’ve done in stealing independence in fallout 3

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:05 PM PST

    Abraham Washington is old and I wish you could send Button Gwinnett to Abraham to assist and carry on Abraham's business when Abraham dies

    submitted by /u/Dresslobster7
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    Goodsprings saloon is a hotspot for fallout fans.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 01:16 AM PST

    I was just on Google maps and was reading the Q&A and the first question was do they serve deathclaw meat. After reading that I busted up laughing and couldn't stop for a while. Go ahead and take a look if you want too. You'll laugh as hard as I did.

    submitted by /u/vaultdweller501
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    Your dream fallout?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:01 PM PST

    Hello there, I know there's alot of negatively and a rift between the community, and talking about this is risky to start fights, but I find myself curious, as we are all in one way or another drawn to the fallout universe we may have more common ideas of our dream game than we think.

    That's why I'd like to ask, if you had full control, of story, mechanics, style and everything else, what would your fallout be if you could make the next one, to your liking?

    This is honestly just because I love how this community can have such contrasting opinions, yet somehow all stay in the same universe. So please I would like to read your ideas, and who knows maybe good ol' toddy Howard may see it (doubtful he'd even care)

    So maybe you don't want the BoS? Or maybe you feel super mutants are overdone? Maybe you want a top down strategy game? Idk, or maybe you want to write a whole game out of the series? That being said... Can I ask if you remove a game, please don't just scream 'Not Canon' Im Curious how creative you could be in writing it out, if you chose to do so. I will say, if you do so I should warn you, this action can lead to harsh reactions. Trust me I know.

    But please I would like to know where your dream game would be set, what mechanics would return, what new mechanics would appear, and what your story would be, be creative, I would love to see how far we could go with this. Just please be civil (I know, here's hoping, if you even bother)

    submitted by /u/Thaz01_
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    Are there any other long questlines like in TES

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:34 AM PST

    I just finished fo4 siding with the BOS. I started doing side quests but quickly noticed all of them were short and had little followup. (apart from the dlc questlines) In Skyrim you had the dark brotherhood. The guild of thieves, the civil war, the companions or fighters guild on older games. The college of winterhold or the mages guild.

    All of this was just in the base game. When I play fo4 there aren't many faction questlines like that. So I was wondering what should I do apart from the dlc.

    submitted by /u/Tinsecho
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    Lost Fallout 3 save on accident :(

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:19 AM PST

    I was playing Fallout 3 for the first time ever (I've never played it before) and then I saw a scary man running towards me so I decided to save. Of course I went ahead and deleted all my old saves to keep my last 12mb of storage on my sexbox 420 and then I made a new save. Now I resumed gameplay and the scary man killed me by swinging his dead grandma with HIV and it gave me so many rads that I died. I sighed and exited the game. When I returned, I found all my saves were gone! I forgot that you have to save twice like in Knack 2. Lesson learned: only play games on PC.

    submitted by /u/U7TRABA77333
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    Harold/Herbert/Bob is the greatest person to live Post War. Bethesda made a amazing story and they didn't realize it.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:05 AM PST

    Harold lived in The Hub and probably saw the birth of the cap currency. Was bestfriends with the person who would become the master of the supermutants. Became a 1 of a kind mutant/ghoul (idk what he is). He became the mayor of a ghoul town. When this got boring he wanders east.

    Then my own fan fiction kicks in... He sees Mr. House wake up the start of New Vegas and Caesar's Legion as he travels east. He starts to lose his mind (maybe) as the plant growing on his head starts to talk to him as it grows more and more. He continues to be a wandering vagabond across post apocalyptic America. Running into all kinds of Creatures, People, and Locations. Learning more about the wasteland then any other person.

    As he almost reaches the east coast the weight of his tree friend growing all around his body at this point becomes too much to bear. Hes unable to move and it starts to grow roots and growing a forest around him. Soon people find this forrest and start to worship him as some kind of god. But he grows tierd of this and his own exsistance and wishes for his own death.

    the ending of fallot 3 is hard for me. Does he get his wish and dies peacefully and end of story or does it continue and something happens after idk but Harold\Herbert\Bob is my favortie character from the fallout series

    Bethesda made an amazing story and i don't think they realized I guess you could say it was

    On accident :(

    submitted by /u/Not_Coblowski
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    Canadian Terrorists Started the Great War

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:15 AM PST

    Just think about it for a moment. Canadians had nothing to lose so they resolved to let the nukes fly. Also they put pineapple on pizzas.

    submitted by /u/Esperaux
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    How come you cant post memes or pictures in this group? Just curious

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:17 PM PST

    Was just wondering why you cant post pictures I have some cool pictures and funny menes that are fallout related and would like to post them

    submitted by /u/ImWitDaFeds
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    Can I disable creation club mods on Xbox?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 02:04 AM PST

    I was wondering cause I don't want to delete my cache and lose all my mods too if there no way to do this?

    submitted by /u/superretro2012
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    Is fallout 3 side quests any good?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 02:03 AM PST

    Is the side quests in fallout 3 any good I heard there is only 15 opposed to the 100 side quests fallout new Vegas has.

    submitted by /u/Xortor86
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    How were you introduced to the fallout franchise?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 02:02 AM PST

    Is fallout 76 good in 2020?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 01:29 PM PST

    Just wondering if the game is worth it after a year of it's release

    submitted by /u/kojobeans
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    Help on dangerous minds

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:07 PM PST

    So I need to give the doctor chick Kellogg's brain peice thing but I must've dropped or sold it and do not have it, is there anyway I can get it back or skip the mission. (Should mention I'm on XBOXONE) appreciate any help I can get, thanks

    submitted by /u/Oooga-Booga-Nooga
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