• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 18, 2020

    Fallout: New Vegas | Faction outfits I use that don't count as disguises. I'm a member of the Followers and Kings, so that would be more of a uniform than a disguise anyway.

    Fallout: New Vegas | Faction outfits I use that don't count as disguises. I'm a member of the Followers and Kings, so that would be more of a uniform than a disguise anyway.

    Faction outfits I use that don't count as disguises. I'm a member of the Followers and Kings, so that would be more of a uniform than a disguise anyway.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:03 AM PST

    This looks cool as hell

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:17 AM PST

    TIL you can tip Brahmin in New Vegas.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 02:33 PM PST

    vegas nights made better

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 05:38 PM PST

    how to do an explosives build?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:17 AM PST

    i'm a melee build usually. however i'm trying to get the trophy where you cause 10,000 points of damage with explosives. i've tried using dynamite but suck ass at it -- they'll be way past where i threw the dynamite by the time it explodes lmfao. so, how do you suggest i do this? like should i steer more towards grenades, any tips on how to actually hit people with these fucking things? btw i use a ps4 controller on my 3 and can't use back bumpers, so i cant use vats.

    submitted by /u/romansapprentice
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    Cannibal Johnson what r u doin

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:12 AM PST

    Why you shouldn’t let the companions do all the fighting

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 05:51 AM PST

    NVSE Loader won’t work. Every time I click it to play FNV it loads up the main screen then closes on me. Why is this happening?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:20 AM PST

    I'm fairly new to PC gaming and modding. Not very computer savvy either. Wish this was easier honestly but that's okay I'll learn lol.

    Please help. I just want to play this game modded for the first time ever.

    submitted by /u/JamesSundy
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    needs some self confidence

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 04:40 PM PST

    The soldier in Camp Forlon Hope that steals drugs is called Private Stone.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 04:05 PM PST

    Cracked me up.

    submitted by /u/Umkomasia
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    Mojave Music Radio or Radio New Vegas?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 08:47 PM PST

    Which station do you guys prefer? I personally like Mojave Music Radio, as I like the whole cowboy/western vibe it gives to the game, I personally find it more fitting for the setting than Radio New Vegas

    submitted by /u/splashbro4
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    Modding guide

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:54 AM PST

    Looking for the ultimate graphical overhaul for fnv. I want to make it look like this game came out yesterday. Anyone have a good guide?

    submitted by /u/HalfwayIllumined
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    Dead Money Complete ! WHAT NEXT??

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 05:56 PM PST

    what should i do next get further in main quests or do side quests specifiy which ones if u have any good ones or any dlc to do next .

    submitted by /u/FarmingSimulatorGuy
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    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 03:33 PM PST

    I did it !!! where can i sell this ?

    submitted by /u/FarmingSimulatorGuy
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    Ultra Luxe Graveyard

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 08:31 PM PST

    So, after I completed all my possible missions for the white glove society and the gundersons, I decided to purge the wasteland of all of the filth that was in the ultra luxe. Literally everyone is dead. Travelers, gamblers, the gundersons and their guards, every white glove wearing freak, everyone. NOT A SINGLE NEGATIVE KARMA MESSAGE. what just happened. Also got the Lord Death Perk near the end of my massacre. Anyone know why my karma wasn't affected, or why when I would shoot people's heads off, everyone would just watch and audibly go "huh"?

    submitted by /u/sanjisaperv
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    NMC's texture pack not actually installing GOG version of game?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 04:39 PM PST

    As the title says, others on the mod page notes the files don't load or archive invalidation doesn't work. It seems like resetting the validation worked for me as NMM showed it on and other mods loaded but the texture pack doesn't load. If I load game, all the NMC texture installs get the red x while other mods stay activated.

    Any help? Or another alternative to try?

    EDIT: I figured it out, seem to anyways. I used medium pack not large, had the wrong virtual install folder in mod organizer from drive game used to be installed on. ALso, checked load loose files in FONV to be safe and now it's working. Kinda odd.

    submitted by /u/The108ers
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    Evolution of the New California Republic (NCR) in Fallout Games

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 10:30 AM PST

    After i talk to pacer with the kings no one else shows up. Birds of a feather pt1

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:40 AM PST

    He told me to go inside and tell the leader of the graffs, but it won't let me open the door. And no one else comes after I talk to the king. I'm just stuck there unless I leave but then I get shot at. I have tried reloading a save. Please help

    submitted by /u/Sven5628
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