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    Sunday, January 26, 2020

    Fallout: New Vegas | I'll pick answer number 1.

    Fallout: New Vegas | I'll pick answer number 1.

    I'll pick answer number 1.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:42 AM PST

    Independent Bois

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:33 PM PST

    I’m on Xbox so can’t use mods but I wanted to play as Benny so I tried to make him. How did I do?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 06:40 PM PST

    Got new Vegas working on my school pc, lord thank Geforce now

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:19 AM PST

    This is my first play through using mods and this is my casino owning millionaire ghoul Hawk Holiday

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 08:59 AM PST

    The House Always Adapts - How House's Endings Are More Flexible Than Imagined

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:04 AM PST

    This is just a thought that occurred to me this morning.

    Many players point to how House rolls over others in pursuit of his own goals, and how he will never change his ways or let anyone convince him otherwise of his decisions.

    If we recall his specific endings though, an argument could be made that the exact opposite is the case, for good and especially ill.

    (Good Ending): "The Courier, fair and kind-hearted to those in the Wasteland, ensured that Mr. House would keep New Vegas stable and secure for future generations. Mr. House afforded him/her every luxury at his disposal in the Lucky 38, out of gratitude - and a quiet sense of pride for his choice in lieutenants."

    (Evil Ending): "The Courier, cruel and merciless, had ensured that Mr. House would maintain complete control over New Vegas and everyone in it. Mr. House afforded him/her every luxury at his disposal in the Lucky 38, partly out of gratitude, and partly out of fear."

    As can be seen, if the Courier is good, House grows to have some personal pride in and respect for the Courier; such indirectly implies that House would take the Courier's opinion and advice into account when making decisions.

    More over, if the Courier is evil, House's gifts and pay and benefits are no longer given willingly alone, but almost as a form of appeasement; at such a point, he'd realize the Courier could figure out how to kill him at any time said Courier wanted, and House would be helpless to stop his merciless employee. In such a case, would he really refuse to obey the nudging of the Courier, when he'd be thinking his life was always to some extent at risk?

    Going with a House ending where the Courier is not neutral, essentially makes the Courier a high-tech Caesar of sorts if they ever choose to take that role, with House's resources as their metaphorical legate.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Fire_N_Forget
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    Tips on a new play through and how to get back into the game?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:50 AM PST

    Have tried new play throughs here and there over the years...have never been able to really get back into it...any tips on accomplishing that?

    submitted by /u/44iced
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    Had some quality time at the Casinos

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:43 PM PST

    Is the courier possibly the best option for the Mojave?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 09:40 AM PST

    I always begin supporting a faction, mainly NCR or sometimes legion because why not, but I always end taking the Yes Man path after completing the DLC because I always come to the conclusion that the Courier is the only person in the Mojave who have all of this meta knowledge of the Mojave, this things that are happening in hidden places but that are affecting the Mojave in one or another way, like Big mountain and the think tank, Dead money and Elijah or The divide and Ulysses, is the courier the best option because all of this knowledge?

    submitted by /u/Dagio21
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    I have 74,000 caps and have no idea what to do with it.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:05 PM PST

    Please help, give some fun stuff to buy

    submitted by /u/UvUwhatsthis
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    What build should I do?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 04:03 AM PST

    I am on Xbox so I have no mods, but I have all of the dlcs.

    submitted by /u/JohnTheWhale123
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    It's never too late to explore New Vegas

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 02:48 PM PST

    Banned from casinos anyway to get unbanned

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 02:53 AM PST

    Banned from all the casinos on the strip and the atomic wrangler for getting too many jackpots

    submitted by /u/nintendont69420
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    Really,really,dumb question

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 08:39 AM PST

    Ok, i'm just need a good template for my pipboy 3000 skin,where i can find?

    plus: I download a mod that adds the classic plasma grenade texture and mesh, but this doesn't replace the vanilla one, it's just a .esp file, so what are the name of the folder and the name of the assets? (yes I already search for this on google)

    submitted by /u/kIRjirklirkurMiku
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    Is there anyway to get .45 Auto ammunition to spawn in the base game without travelling to Zion?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 04:03 AM PST

    I got a bit of a surprise when playing around with some mods (inc New Millennium weapons) where an enemy corpse contained some .45 Auto ammo before entering Honest Hearts. I was always under the impression that they can't appear until you've returned from the DLC (as even the mod cheat cabinet in Goodsprings does not contain this ammo type, despite having a Colt 1911 added and 1000 of every other ammo type in the cabinet).

    Anyone else had this occur to them before HH?

    submitted by /u/MinuteTo2359
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    Reinforced Spine & Weapon Handling

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:06 PM PST

    If my strength is 4 and I use both the Reinforced Spine and Weapon Handling, then will I be able to use the Anti-materiel rifle and other 8 strength requirement weapons?

    submitted by /u/JordAdd
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    Can't Alt-Tab or Access Task Manager While FNV is Running. Any Fixes?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 05:52 PM PST

    Been experimenting with some new mods and getting frequent crashes, and but on this game only, if i try to access the task manager to force quit or alt tab to another window, the game is always on top of everything and still has control of my mouse. Also totally ignores Alt-F4. It's Always done this for me since i first got the game, wether i launch from the vanilla launcher, FOMM, or Vortex. My only recourse in a crash is to just restart from the Ctrl-Alt-Del menu.

    Im running Windows 10 BTW

    submitted by /u/G00GIRL
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    What happens to the legate if he is convinced to retreat?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:30 AM PST

    What happens if you do not kill Lanius after the 2nd battle of Hoover dam by passing the speech/barter check. Caesar says to come back victorious or don't come back at all. Does this mean Lanius will get the Joshua Graham treatment?

    submitted by /u/BobRoss_keepcrits
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    I want to make a mod but I can't find a guide online. help.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 06:49 PM PST

    I want to make a really small mod, just add armor to a piece of clothing, Im searching guides on how to make mods on google but all I get are "how to install mods".

    maybe you guys already know of a site or have any tips you are willing to share.

    submitted by /u/elmolinero96
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    Is it morally the best choice to destroy Helios one?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 12:12 PM PST

    So you have a lot of options where to send the electricity from helios one, and one of the options is emergency output which overload the plant and makes it no longer function, doing that prevents anyone from ever getting their hands on archemedis, but it would also deny the electricity to the poor people, what do you think?

    submitted by /u/BilaryatBensec
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