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    Friday, January 24, 2020

    Fallout: New Vegas | finally got all achievements

    Fallout: New Vegas | finally got all achievements

    finally got all achievements

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 05:24 AM PST

    Unique empty sunset sasparilla bottles

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:57 PM PST

    So I'm doing my tenth annual playthrough of the game (I do one full on epic playthrough every year since it has come out). Just when I thought I've done every damn thing this game has to offer, I've found something new. I found a unique empty sunset sasparilla bottle in the sunset sasparilla star cap reward safe room. It's a mini variant and it's the only one in the game, similar to the mini destroyed garden gnome at Lucky's in Fallout 3. I did some research on the item and discovered there are actually 2 obtainable unique empty sunset sasparilla bottles. One is the mini one in the HQ, the other is in a truck at the bottom of Lake Mead and it's unique in the fact that it's the only one in the game that doesn't float.

    Just an interesting tidbit of information for my fellow completionists.

    submitted by /u/TheSyrupCompany
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    its just... not the best momento, malcolm

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:21 AM PST

    The Bug side of Fallout New Vegas is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be.....unnatural (bad quality,sorry abou that)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 01:47 AM PST

    What are the chances of me botching another routine procedure in the same day? ... Wanted to share my Ada Straus cosplay here in the Mojave!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 11:16 AM PST

    Looking to commission some art.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:14 AM PST

    Any artists here taking commissions? Or, alternately, does anyone know any artists who create New Vegas art and take commissions? I'm looking for a few items to accompany a fan serialization of New Vegas that I'm writing, which would be posted on a blog I maintain. Nothing NSFW, nothing bizarre or outlandish. It would be a few things at first--think cover art, if I was putting this project in book form--but if those work out fine, possibly more later on as the project gets bigger. I'll give more details to the artist as needed. Please be clear that I'm NOT doing the /r/ChoosingBeggars thing and asking for it for free or for exposure; I'll pay for the work. Hopefully not too expensive, but I also understand that you get what you pay for... Anyway, thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/twcsata
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    The M1 steel pot helmet looks great with Advanced Riot Armor

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:43 PM PST

    No-bark Noonan knows the true dangers of the Wasteland

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 10:05 AM PST

    Must do quests before final battle

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:59 PM PST

    I've been playing the game for the past week and im only level 14 so far but my game pass ends two days from now so i need to finish the game by then. With the time i have left is there any side quests that are so amazing that i can't not do them or characters i should meet?

    submitted by /u/shrek_grunge
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    [SPILERS] NCR now hostile despite 'liked' rep and many quests completed

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:57 AM PST


    I completed so many quests for the NCR, this is extremely strange. Some of you may be familiar with this situation, please help me pinpoint exactly what I did wrong! Here is a detailed information:

    • Finished the Archamedis quest without killing NCR soldiers in the area
    • Killed all the fiend bosses (lied about motor runner though, to save him for Khan quests), 1st recon moved to the eastern camp (did their quest, too), and got the key to Ranger Hideout from Colonel Hsu
    • At the airport, finished a non-marked quest with that fishy NCR arms trader inside the airport
    • Finished the monorail quest without blowing up the train
    • Finished Vault 22 (plant) quest by giving research data to the doctor
    • Did not kill any NCR soldiers during the Kings questline
    • Turned in some NCR dogtags to the NCR guys at the eastern camp
    • 'Allowed' NCR to take over the Correction Facility from Powder Gangers, also NCR hold Primm now

    This is the situation BEFORE they went hostile:

    • Completed all Brotherhood of Steel quests
    • Finished Boomer quests
    • Finished black mountain (mutant radio) quest
    • Did not enter the strip at all

    Now, my liked and idolized (McCarren airport, I think) status went to shit and the NCR went hostile some time during/after the House/Legion/Yes Man quests after I entered the strip. This is what I did:

    • Accepted the NCR Ambassador's quest (I said I'll speak to the boomers and left it there, then bankrupted him in caravan)
    • Killed Benny in the Presidential Suit, gave the platinum chip to House, turned on the robots in the weather station
    • Accepted Ceasar's request to kill house, not yet killed

    So the completed quests after I entered the strip at this point were Ring-a ding-ding, House Always wins I and II (III is started atm, not completed, he asked me to kill or sway the boomers to his side), You and What Army? (weather station) in House's favor and completed Wild Card: Ace in the Hole by simply speaking with Yes Man.

    Now, after/during all these, the NCR decided to go hostile, and all NCR area reps went to neutral. In the status screen of Pip-Boy, NCR faction disappeared. However, I am not sure precisely when I completed side quests for ceasar: two of them, the one saving a woman from that casino vault in the strip, and the other one with the howitzer, if these quests factor into this at all.

    I distinctly remember the game tells you the point of no return for the NCR in the main questline, and that never happened (I think it's the Don't shoot the bear quest)

    This is my theory so far: Something strange happened when I did Veronica's personal quest, when I got ambushed by 3x BoS paladins at the end of that quest. They were killing me in less than a second after the conversation was over, so I read a bit a decided to go back into the BoS bunker asap. When I came back out, only one of the paladins was hostile so it was easier. Now the remaining two are apparently permanently just standing outside the bunker. This may have something to do with it.

    Also, Veronica had been my companion for some time during the initial Strip quests and she had BoS B-51b armor on the whole time, and the NCR did not go hostile due to the faction armor (are they supposed to?).

    The most accurate point in time I can say when NCR went hostile is when I removed her BoS power armor and replaced it with a BoS T-45, repaired my own normal T-51b with her BoS version. I never wore any power armor, BoS or otherwise, before this.

    I'm sorry about this overly detailed post but I can't play caravan with the ambassador anymore, please help me.

    submitted by /u/OS_SilverDax
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    ??? Need instructions for installing Dust mod

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:48 PM PST

    I need 1000% step by step elementary instructions.

    Tried multiple times. Still 100% vanilla game besides start up screen says "New Vegas:dust" by the cover art and has creepier music

    Everything 100% the same. Quests, scenery, start at doc Mitchell's. Nothing different

    Downloaded 2.0 version of Dust... Used 7-zip to extract the files... Dragged all folders in Dust folder into the new vegas Data folder.. It added and overwrote..

    Wtf do I do?

    Might just go buy FO4. Ffs this sucks

    submitted by /u/Sturmtag
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    The M1 steel pot helmet looks great with Advanced Riot Armor

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:42 PM PST

    Lead Pipe is overpowered for me

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 11:40 AM PST

    Excuse me, but is this a bug or something? When i attack with a lead pipe i hit WAY further than with any other one-handed weapon, such as machete, knife, katana. This makes cazadores look like a joke, and any melee combat becomes far too easy to win. Why is that? Is there some reason for a lead pipe being so spiritually big?

    submitted by /u/ButterStab
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