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    Wednesday, January 8, 2020

    Fallout | General Atomics - Maker of Mr. Handy and Mr. Gutsy in the FO Universe - is also a real company in the USA

    Fallout | General Atomics - Maker of Mr. Handy and Mr. Gutsy in the FO Universe - is also a real company in the USA

    General Atomics - Maker of Mr. Handy and Mr. Gutsy in the FO Universe - is also a real company in the USA

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:05 PM PST


    Founded in the 1950s, they focus on nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, and killer robot research (including the Reaper drone). It was founded by what are now very reclusive billionaires (a la Mr. House?).


    In the Fallout Universe, they are known for things like the Mr. Gutsy killer robot, the AER9 Laser Rifle, and - in partnership with RobbCo - LIBERTY PRIME! In Fallout 4 (FO4), you might recall their failed Director protocol.


    submitted by /u/LeonardoDaTiddies
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    Had the chance to visit Boston in late November, here are some of the places i got to see!

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 12:01 AM PST


    I know all of us here have seen the photos of Boston in real life compared to fallout 4 before but i never thought i'd get the chance to visit Boston, considering i live on the other side of the world (Australia) and that the trip would be extremely expensive because of the US dollar. But my family had a couple of days left unplanned after NYC and i managed to convince them to go to Boston! I wasn't able to see everything such as the USS Constitution, Fort Independence or anything outside Boston.
    And hey, its a new decade, so i felt it would be cool being the first one to post it! Enjoy :)
    (photos taken in Late November 2019 on my Galaxy S10)

    submitted by /u/TheHoovyPrince
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    I don't think it's that unpopular of an opinion anymore to like Fallout 4, just a little appreciation post how much this game hooked me

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:33 PM PST

    I had 2 weeks off school and I legit played for 14 hours every day, wasn't online on steam for 14 days because I didn't want to be distracted (someone thought I died lol). I enjoyed choosing the most interesting perk when leveling up, or looking at the map to see a huge gap with no places discovered just to discover another raider camp and eliminate them and carefully look through every building for loot. This game, besides the bugs, was absolutely perfect. I don't mind the story one bit. I just love this game and can recommend it to anyone! It's funny how when I listen to music today that I used to listen to a lot when playing fallout 4 I actually feel the vibe of playing fallout 4 the entire day

    submitted by /u/1Lucia
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    How old will you be when October 23rd, 2077 rolls around?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:26 PM PST

    I'll be the ripe old age of 83 - at least I'd be too tired to get up & bother with trying to take shelter.

    submitted by /u/MusicianObsession
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    Another Opinion on Fallout Games

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 09:10 PM PST

    I'll start by saying that I love all the single player fallout games. I don't care for multiplayer games, so, I won't factor 76 into this.

    I've put a lot of hours into all of them, right now I'm working on 100%ing New Vegas, which, is my favorite in the series.

    This made me think of ideas for a new Fallout Game style that I would enjoy.

    The concept is this. It's pretty simple.

    The gameplay of Fallout 4. The open decision making and freedom of New Vegas. And the roleplaying and flavor of Fallout 1 and 2.

    I loved Fallout 4 and 3, but I felt the story was a little too "railroaded". For example, I couldn't really be REALLY evil in 3 and 4. (Barring infecting the Potomac with the Enclave's extermination juice). I could make rash decisions that would effect small term things, (i.e. Megaton in FO3 or Helping/Not Helping Virgil in FO4), but, essentially, the outcomes of the games had little difference no matter the path I chose, and, the world overall didn't change much around me based on these decisions.

    I loved how New Vegas virtually did away with essential characters. So you could waste, spare, and work with anyone you wanted.

    And clearly, the roleplaying and themes in Fallout 1 and 2 were unheard of in the industry when they came out.

    Also, to really boost roleplay, let's be able to play as ghouls or super mutants in addition to humans.

    I'd also love to see more references to the Midwest and Western Coast, of course that may just be because my favorite game is New Vegas!

    I'd love to hear other thoughts in the comments! This is just an opinion, of course.

    Edit 1: Grammar

    submitted by /u/Rookie4407
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    Which Fallout game have you spent the most hours on?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:15 PM PST

    Is there a way to play Fallout 1 on an android

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:20 PM PST

    Hey guys i started play FO4 again and I have been wanting to play FO1. I can not buy it on steam as I don't have a computer so I was wondering if I could play FO1 on my phone using an emulator like a DOS box

    submitted by /u/DingDongDoe128
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    What are the strongest weapons of each category in Fallout 3?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 03:05 AM PST

    So... I am currently playing Fallout 3 and want to know what the strongest weapon of each category is, like what is the strongest energy weapon? What is the strongest small gun (aka pistols)? ETC. So... if you know what is the strongest weapon of each type, feel free to comment!

    submitted by /u/Murko666
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    I need help with fallout new vegas.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 03:02 AM PST

    I can't believe that I'm having more problems here than Skyrim or fallout but anyway

    My game crashes everytime I leave and I get outside, like when you leave the doctor room at the beginning. I always have to turn off quality to low to go outside and then I can save and turn quality to ultra again. Yes, my computer can run fnv in ultra by default, so I don't think its a computer problem. Probably mods? I've installed some High quality mods to improve graphic. I keep having problems like my main menu who doesn't appear or my game crash when I get outside. I had to remove mods that worked on MO2, now I'm using NMM, the best for me. These are my enabled graphic mods, with the load order:

    BNB ARMOR BNB BODY Enhanced blood texture FCO HD TEETH ghoul retexture improved heavy guns weapon textures improved LR robot textures interior lightning overhaul ojo bueno textures securiteon hires retexture wasteland flora overhaul (Edit: this was the problem) weapon retexture project

    Sorry for any mistakes, I'm not english :)


    submitted by /u/Belzebasss
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    Who would like to see Fallout set in China?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:15 PM PST

    76 - Has anyone had random government aid drops following you around as you go and are empty?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:36 PM PST

    Backstory - I have been playing FO76 for the last 75 minutes. The last few times I have logged on by the Morgantown airport there have been a bunch of government aid drops at the landing pad where the event takes place. BUT this time, everywhere I go, I'm being followed by random government aid drops that fall and are empty. I literally walk around and will hear a thump, look behind me and there's an empty drop.

    HAS ANYONE OUT THERE WITNESSED THIS? I'm literally streaming on twitch right now twitch.tv/pianofort3. Please help. It's creepy AF

    submitted by /u/mus1cn3rd
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    I've lost an outfit from fallout 4 and I want to know if its possible to recover it?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:10 PM PST

    Hello, I lost the minuteman general outfit from fallout 4. I've misplaced it somewhere, dammit I knew that would bite me in the ass later. Hancock is my buddy now and I want to suit up that guy in the general's outfit, cause hancock needs some decent protection. Hes always dying on me. His red coat offers nearly no defense. I play on xbox one and I'm wondering if theres a way to get that outfit back? please help hancock is depleting my stimpack collection at an alarming rate!!!! Also want that outfit cause I think he'll look charmingly good in it lmao

    submitted by /u/LankyStickBitch
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    Is fallout 4 without DLC is still good?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:03 PM PST

    Im playing on PS4.

    submitted by /u/grinsken
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    How do I properly side with both Railroad and the Minutemen?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 04:35 PM PST

    I want to do a playthrough that ideally ends with me siding with the Minutemen against the BOS and the Institute but I also want to do as many Railroad quests as possible. My char's is kinda going for the people's side and this includes the runaway synths.

    How do I do this? When should I stop doing Railroad quests and when should I do Minutemen's? Are those two compatible in a gameplay sense? Like, can I side with both without the game forcing me to choose one? Thanks for any help

    submitted by /u/mkoften67
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    Fallout 3 goty vs regular and 4

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:06 PM PST

    Hey guys i have the choice of buying fallout 3 goty or regular and fallout 4 any idea what i should buy

    Ps i live in Australia where the prices differ and if anybodys wondering i am buying these from Cex

    submitted by /u/awildshardul
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    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 02:01 PM PST

    While I understand that she's a random encounter, and I even found her on my first playthrough.... I've never seen her again!! It bothers the fuck out of me that I can never play that quest... she just doesnt exist... I have never encountered her since and I've had the game since launch. I never fast travel, always follow the roads, but nothing! Anybody have any ideas about finding her more easily/at all? Is she levelled?

    submitted by /u/Soviet117
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    Any xbox mods that make the sole survivor more mentally unstable

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 04:05 AM PST

    Stuff like PTSD and similar things maybe hallucination

    submitted by /u/Orion-The-King
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    Things from Fallout 4 that i think should remain in Fallout 5

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 03:26 PM PST

    I know Fallout 5's far far away but what the hell.

    -Exploration. Let's be honest, if there's one thing Bethesda does better than Obsidian or for that matter anyone it's exploration. Fallout 4 for all its shortcomings has a beautiful, colorful and expansive world, filled with interesting places off the beaten path. In fact, sometimes it feels like they spent more time on side stories and locations than the actual main quest

    -Weapon Modding. If I'm being honest, the weapon modding in New Vegas was pathetically bare bones. Fallout 4 improved upon it and I think this system ought to remain in Fallout 5, maybe even improved further

    -Power Armor. In my personal opinion, the way Fallout 4 handled Power Armor is the best out of any Fallout game. And i think the same should apply for Fallout 5

    -Gunplay. Now i think this is one of the few that's a no brainer. Fallout 4 easily has the best gunplay in the entire franchise. The shooting is smooth, the guns have the desired impact, you don't have to go in and out of VATS all the time, it's one of the few aspects of Fallout 4 that i can say without a shadow of a doubt is superior to the previous Fallouts. So it's a no brainer that the gunplay should remain just as good in the next one

    submitted by /u/prossnip42
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    Why I'm optimistic for Fallout 5's story

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:40 AM PST

    Plenty of people bash Bethesda for bad storytelling, and much of it is fair game I'd say. In Fallout 3, you're either downright evil to the core or you're the saviour of the wasteland, with not much moral ambiguity. I would argue that Fallout 4 is, at least in some ways, an improvement however; namely the fact that you have the choice of faction to side with, with none of the options being a clear "best". The fact that the SS is locked into loving and chasing after Shaun and can't criticise the institute verbally etc. is restricting however, and (among other things) greatly detracts from player freedom. While it's far from the story of the century, I'd argue that it's an improvement over Fallout 3's in terms of moral ambiguity, showing that Bethesda have at least learned something.

    What really makes me optimistic though, is the existence of DLC, namely the Pitt and particularly Far Harbour. The Pitt is rather short and light on story freedom, however the end presents a choice that isn't obviously good/evil. Far Harbour on the other hand, is a gem. I can't remember every possibility but if I'm not mistaken, one could save all three factions (at a cost), destroy them, or leave any one or two of them alive. Far Harbour (and to a much lesser extent, the Pitt) clearly displays the ability for Bethesda to create a well-crafted story; they just need to actually want to make one.

    After the PR disaster that was Fallout 76, they're going to want to regain fans' trust, and a proper story is a good start. I think that for Fallout 5, chances are we'll be getting a better story, even if it's not on par with Far Harbour or NV writing.

    submitted by /u/Machine98
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    Game crash to desktop

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:02 AM PST

    My fallout 4 crash. When i disabled all mods, it worked again. How can i know which mod that cause the problem?

    submitted by /u/DanialHilmi
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    Survival mode game breaking glitch

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:39 PM PST

    So.. it looks like my Railroad survival play through will now be an Institute survival play through... Upon finishing Rockets' Red Glare, or at least the difficult parts of it, I watch Tinker Tom's flying of that vertibird like a hawk, making sure I wouldnt have to reload a save from his stupidity or inability to fly straight... No problems, he flies away, perfect phew So I go off and do some other nearby Railroad quests, for a big xp hand in when I hand in RRG .. i get in the safe house, walk straight into Des, hand in 2 quests, and then get met by "hurry, the brotherhood could return at any moment" ?!! I look to my right.. Tom is dead on the floor... ARGH!!!! Ok, no problems, just reload an older save.... wait... where are my older saves?? Nothing between 8 days 3 hours and 4 days 7 hours... WTF!!!!

    No way I'm replaying all that, so looks like I can still salvage this relationship with my son.. I hope...

    God I hate this game...

    submitted by /u/Borentar84
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