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    Sunday, January 26, 2020

    Fallout | For me, the hardest thing to believe from the Fallout universe isn't the post apocalyptic wasteland, the strange mutated creatures, or the fact we have nuclear powered everything: It's that all of the music used is *real*.

    Fallout | For me, the hardest thing to believe from the Fallout universe isn't the post apocalyptic wasteland, the strange mutated creatures, or the fact we have nuclear powered everything: It's that all of the music used is *real*.

    For me, the hardest thing to believe from the Fallout universe isn't the post apocalyptic wasteland, the strange mutated creatures, or the fact we have nuclear powered everything: It's that all of the music used is *real*.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:09 AM PST

    We've all come to know and love the various songs used in Fallout over the years, and one can hardly think of the games without humming the tunes to Civilization or Butcher Pete. Yet after all this time it still absolutely blows my mind that these are real live songs that used to play on the radio and aren't just some catchy tunes the devs came up with.

    submitted by /u/Reiterpallasch85
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    I present to you, my Fallout Themed Pc!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 06:25 PM PST


    Finally finished my second attempt at a Fallout themed Pc! Set me back a few caps but I feel like I did a good job on it! Hope y'all enjoy!

    submitted by /u/1YardLoss
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    I just finished a 60 hour 100% run of Fallout 3 and here’s what I have to say.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:56 PM PST

    This is gonna be a very long post so don't say you weren't warned.

    TL;DR - I played the game a lot and it made me feel good, let me know how the game makes you feel good I guess.

    So over the last month or so I've clocked a little over 60 hours on Fallout 3. I'm not really sure what made me start this play-through and I didn't expect to get so invested in this character but after 11 years of having this game I can finally say I've done it all ( I think ).

    Like many people in this subreddit, Fallout 3 has a special place in my heart. Booting it up and hearing the intro music feels like visiting an old friend. Songs and the radio and unique encounters bring back the memories of staying up till 3am playing the game or sitting in class searching through the wiki for what quest or item I'll chase after next time I get the chance to play.

    There's something that can't be put into words when it comes to Fallout 3. Despite its aged mechanics and glitchy tendencies, there's still something that pulls you in and makes you want to just search through one more ruin or do one more quest before logging off and you'll end up playing for 2 more hours after that. After collecting all Bobbleheads, books, unique, completing all marked and unmarked quests, I still feel like playing as I'm typing this.

    So what did I learn/realize after this "ultimate" play-through? A lot more than I'll be able to put into words but I'll try my best. Here's how it went.

    Character: I've done a 100 in a all skills play-through before and if you've tried that before you'll realize it's ridiculously easy and with the skill book system it's very easy to have 100 in every skill at level 26 and end up with extra books lying around collecting dust. My build was heavy in AGL and LCK with a decent buff to INT to get me those sweet skill points and I was throwing crits around left and right. Once I got Lincoln's repeater I was unstoppable. With the Almost Perfect perk and high INT my character ended with S:9 P:9 E:9 C:9 I:10 A:10 L:10. Now if I waited till after I got this perk to get the bobbleheads for the first four attributes I very well could've had 10 in every one but of course I rushed around and got them all before level 20.

    Weapons: Right now my character has The Metal Blaster, Paulsons Revolver, and Lincoln's Repeater. I've collected all the non-ultimatum unique weapons I possibly could. Things like The Ant's Sting and Lindens Power Armor we're lost due to my characters choices in quests and I have no regrets.

    Armor: Wanderers Leather Armor and Lug-Nuts Shades. That's it. I felt like it was fitting for the Lone Wanderer to wear the WLA and with 100 in all stats I didn't really need to wear any stat boosting armor and I like having relatively low weight equipment so I can carry ridiculous amounts and random shit because why not. With two sets of T-51b and other great pieces of armor chilling in my Megaton House collecting dust, the Leather Armor just feels like the right amount of DT and just looks so cool.

    Misc Items: I saved every unique misc item I came across. Whether it's all five extra sheet musics, keycards, a chunk of my brain in a jar... you get the idea. I have a lot of shit and if you really wanna know I'll be more than happy to comment a list but I'll spare you the details on that for now.

    Companions: With good karma (how original, right?) I had the option between Cross, Fawkes, Charon, Dogmeat, and RL-3. Dogmeat has been by my side since level 3 and Charon since level 5. I never really felt the need to switch it up because Charon is such a heavy hitter and also doesn't spam the chat 24/7. Dogmeat was a god since I have broken steel installed and with the tribal power armor I gave him, Charon was almost as tanky, with the exception of the Reavers in Franklin Metro Utility smacking him down five times in a row until I finally made it through with him alive. Even though he hates the look of every place he's in, I feel like he's the best choice if you don't want to put up with the yellow giant blocking your doorways... and dogmeats a good boy.

    Quests: I did all marked quests except for evil ones like Strictly Business (Me, Eugene, and my T-51b armor wiped all the slavers off the map) The writing of Fallout 3 still holds up to this day. The Keller transcripts always stand out to me. Hearing Candice scream about the mushroom clouds in the sky gives me chills every time. Quests are just genuinely fun and each one is different from the last. Of course there's still the "go here, do this" but the locations the visit make it worthwhile. Agatha's Song, Stealing Independence, Republic of Dave.. I could go on and on. I don't think I did a quest that I didn't enjoy.

    Locations/Environment: Easily the strongest aspect of Fallout 3 in my opinion. Whether it's disturbing baby skeletons or a scientist blowing himself up in the back of an 18-wheeler. I had so much fun discovering every location (yes even Vault 87 at the expense of 50 radaway). The metro system seems overwhelming at first but I genuinely think the game wouldn't be the same if D.C. was an open and seamless experience like some people think it should be. I wouldn't change a thing. The environmental storytelling makes the wasteland feel alive even when you're surrounded by dead bodies. Each location gave me an idea of what it used to like be before the war and I found myself daydreaming and feeling nostalgic about how things used to be in the pre war days even though the closest thing you see to that in Tranquility Lane. I remember reading a theory online somewhere on how the game was originally supposed to take place only a few decades after the war and it really shows. The earth still feels freshly charred and people are struggling. Either way, this game never fails to impress me with its locations and environment.

    Character/writing: While we all know the awkward feeling when it comes to Bethesda games and their tendency to reuse voice actors, it didn't seem to bother me in Fallout 3 like it did in Skyrim. Of course every Enclave soldier sounds like Nick Valentine but my immersion was never broken because of it. Dialogue options never left me feeling like I had more I wanted to say, I enjoyed telling people to fuck off and equally enjoyed being overly polite to Ms. Agatha. Holotapes seems to be where the voice actors put most of their energy in. Whether it's the previously mentioned Keller Tapes or Jaime's Dunwich recordings. Holy shit Jaime's final tape genuinely frightens me. There are so many I want to mention but this post is a novel already.

    After the 60 hours and countless searches on the wiki I feel like I've put something inside of me to rest. Maybe it's just the yearly craving of making a new character or maybe it's the feeling of knowing I went everywhere and saw everything and now I know that I'm not missing out on anything. Let me know what your favorite things about this game are and if you recently discovered anything new on a new play through! Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/TheTonyReznov
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    Has fallout 76 got any better?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 05:43 PM PST

    Me and my girl where desperate at finding a game we could enjoy together. So a year ago we bought Fallout 76 on release.

    There wasn't one aspect of the game that actually worked and we just could not deal with all the grieving time wasting and bug filled moments in the game. So after just having been ripped off with no legal premises to be able to get our money back we just stopped playing it. Now over year later I've come back check on the situation and its freaking mind blowing the stuff that's been going on and there complete lack of competence.

    So here my check list on the main features of Fallout 76 if you're considering to buy it:

    Build engine: Still broken, bugged and still containing items that simply do not function at all. Error messages of thing floating when not or intersecting when not, prevents you from building certain builds completely. Almost all of the switches are ether bugged, flawed or flat out useless. You can't create any kind of loop, automation or effects with it. Wiring still requires you to break and rebuild walls in order to get them through if your not lucky enough to get them through a window or door, or willing to sacrifice the few base caps you have to make unnecessary connection points. Breaking your own walls requires assistance from another player. Even though you can find a simple drill that you would assume could help you out, In the world of bethesda you can't even shoot a freaking hole through your own wall. Luckily floating bases is still possible, as that serves as the only "work around" for many of these issues but its a painstaking, time consuming and frustrating way to build something that should not have been an issue to begin with.

    Blueprints: ...still dont work and still breaks your build in to different sections. So dependent on your build, you will be forced to start from scratch every time you need to move it. That is, if you're not satisfied with just creating something extremely simple. More often than not, your not even going to get it place down on the ground. And creating a blueprint of your entire base is still not possible to fix the problem.

    Server stability: We have experienced server crashes on a daily basis from two different locations.

    Crashes: Game crashes to desktop 2-4 time a day on two separate and completely different high end computers that usually has no problems with other games. This usually happens when using short keys to eat and drink, fighting the scorched queen or running to recover you loot bag. These are particularly grieving but it can happen any time anywhere for no apparent reason.

    Weapons: Weapons that have been bugged since release have still not been balanced and are still bugged. "Two shot cannon", and the "quad assaultron" serve as perfect examples. The weapons still follow a system that makes one weapon better than the other so it's really not a matter preference and choice.

    Armor: As with weapons it's not really a choice as the system basically still makes some armors completely useless leaving you with a very limited amount of sensible choices. This would have made most people look exactly the same but the game fixes this by give the option of putting on normal apparel on top of your armor witch simply doesn't make any sense as cloths should go under the armor not on top of it. Your armor some how just magically disappears. So instead of it being about armor its more like playing dress up. The apparels also completely breaks away from the post apocalyptic theme in the game, as seeing people in clean clothes, as drag queens or childish carnival suits is even a part of daily challenges. Some times it resembles more a game for Hello kitty loving 8 year olds then a 17+ rated dark apocalyptic game.

    Interface: still bugged with the exact same bugs on release. Transferring multiple items is impossible as the transaction window will at some point without warning just cancel itself out. When trying to compare and look at two items the list resets as soon as you hover your mouse over the other list. When trying to place items up for sale the list also then resets to the top after every item your putting up for sale. This forces you to have to scroll all the way down to where you where from the top of the list, for every freaking item you want to sell. Do that 120 times and your finally finished maxing out your sales cap.

    Effects: Water effects especially around the Mire are is still bugged, The ground is rippet all over the place as if there is a graphical glitch in the middle of the water, ground, swamp or golf course. The effect of the radiation trap is still missing as it still just looks like big squares instead of smoke, Mutation effect plague still shows half the time as a weird blue or bright green bubble, and the charded mutation still looks terrible and obscures vision while fighting. Fighting Scourge beast still leaves you with a blistering headache as they have clearly never hear of the health risk involving flashing images and people having seizure after being submitted to them. They are obviously self taught amateurs as this is pretty basic.

    Missions and Events: Some missions and event are still not fixed and are as bugges as ever,.. "Breach and clear", "Finding the governor" and "Camp stories" just to mention a few, and the overseer journey still never goes away. They have even added a new one that makes you run around the entire map for some map fragments only to find an empty vault. Ment as a teaser to the upcoming patch. Can safely say that I'm not teased, but rather put off from doing any more as I had to look it up to realize that it wasn't bug.

    New content: - Over a year after release I can't say that I'm seeing much of it. But apparently we got an insult bot that manages to say stuff so insensitive as to say and I quote: -"You have a face only a mother could love only they both died in the great war." Now, we still live in world where a 17 year old kid looking for some down time, could have had his parents die in some conflict or war. I mean how stupid can you get?!

    - As far as I could tell the only new enemy you can fight is a Sheep that just looks like a spinoff from the original Deathclaw.

    - You're now also supposed to be able to tame certain creatures and have them at your base but the mechanics are so bugged that your more likely to get an ear deafening, bugged creature, that just keeps attacking and in some cases even breaking your base. After spending a month running around like an idiot, the list of bugs is to complex and to comprehensive to even list.

    Turrets: ...have always been broken and had a hard time registering when enemies attack your camp. Well now they have in addition, even started shooting each other and your base structures. They still have no hp and lack targeting range to be able to defend you camp. Completely useless, and a waste of an already severely limited basecap.

    Storage space and base cap: ...is slightly better but still nowhere near where it needs to be. So if you're looking for a proper base building game this isn't it... At launch we couldn't have unlimited storage space due to server stability issues, but clearly that all changes as soon as you start throwing money at them as Fallout 1th with no hesitations gives you this option. My recommendation is to not get ripped of by this as this should have been a standard feature for everybody from the get go. Would rather recommend people that are hooked on this broken game to instead just bye a sheep account from someone that is never going to play it again, as it will give you 8 times the space for only a few bucks. It will also give you the basic option of being able to transfer item between your character since Bethesda has no intention of provided us with that ether. Make sure you google how to run two instances as it will demand a lot from your computer if you don't do it right. As with all other games it's perfectly legal and not an exploit and with this game it's an absolute necessity.

    Customer service and support: A quick search on youtube and few experiences of my own show that they still suck and some of the shitt they have been doing is beyond belief.

    Community: People in the community are for the most part ok, but the official community web site is still run like a communist Chinese government. Your not allowed to talk about their actions, their team, or bethesda in any critical form without getting banned. And they do ban you thinking that they are actually creating a unicorn infested rainbow sky community for all to see. It's PR not community. It's not a forum where there is any point of raising any kind of topic as the dev's aren't even reading it and support usually comes from other players that are powerless to actually do anything about the buttload of problems in this game. Seemingly it's just the people still loyal to this broke game in there, but of course it would seem that way if no one is allowed to say what they truly mean.

    PVP: I don't play this game for the PVP as there are much better games out there to do that, but the games still forced you to have to take over workshops in order to complete certain daily challenges. That will get you mix up in it even if you don't want to. So on more than one occasion a person is going to come strolling along with the sole purpose of killing you and does that with only one shoot, he is then going to stand over your dead body and literally puke all over it. Thats Bethesda humor for you. It's also incredibly clear that there are still people running around with gear and armor that isn't acquired through standard methods so unless you wanna risk it all, there is no fair fight as there will alway be someone in the game that doesn't care if their account gets banned at some point.

    Misc: Now there is an incredible amount of bugs or problems not mentioned but it's impossible to list all of them. I have tried to list the main features and show that none of them are fixed an entire year after release. I bought this game last year as I wanted to play this then, by the time they get it fixed, assuming that they will, this is going to be old news but not forgotten.

    They haven't fixed one important aspect of this game but rather just broken it a little bit more. Being a big fan of the concept it really breaks my heart to see how they could make such a mockery of this game. They don't behave like professional game developers. It could also not become more apparent that they lack competence in the field of user interface design, graphical design, visual effects, animation, and build mechanics not to mention customer support and normal respect for people's money and time. There is something fundamentally wrong with this company.

    submitted by /u/0meo
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    TIL Deacon in Fallout 4 spies on you throughout the entire game.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:22 PM PST

    During playing Fallout 4, you can find Deacon watching/spying on you in towns such as Diamond City and Goodneighbour. This is why he vouches for the Sole Survivor when you first meet the Railroad. Here's a video of him appearing in all locations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDXIajMdUas

    ALSO, if you start a new playthrough and run straight from Vault 111 to the Old North Church and the Railroad HQ, Deacon mentions he's never seen you before and is really confused, which causes some unique dialogue to occur.

    submitted by /u/ReflexezJack
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    Probably a very popular opinion, but: Far Harbor should have been the whole game. [FO4]

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 03:18 PM PST

    The writing and implementation of RPG elements is out of this world compared to the base game. What happened? Is this written by other people? How did they manage to make this little island so much more compelling than what remains of Boston?

    submitted by /u/TheCreecher0
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    How can I make fallout 4 2560x1080?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 02:47 AM PST

    Hello all, apologies for this technical post. I just bought fallout 4 today and was wondering how to get it to fit my monitor. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/BrightonY125
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    ashen 2063 is a doom mod, I am only posting it because it feels very fallout, even has radiation and a geiger counter.If you want somthing that has a fallout vib, even with a surviva mod, then this might fill that fixing, oh and the 1st pick shows off a fallout vault 13 t shirt in a shop in the game

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:54 PM PST

    This post is mostly just to show off that T-shirt also, though if you wish to play the mod, well you can.

    You need doom 2 to play it, but you could also use freedoom phase 2, it was made so that the mods like these could run over it, but it uses free to use assists and is also a free to use game by itself.


    this is all you will need to play also.

    ashen the mod review:


    Freedoom download page:

    zdoom to play them on:


    submitted by /u/ickda
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    Transfering fallout 3 GOTY saves

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 01:01 AM PST

    Hi everyone, i started playing fallout 3 GOTY on my laptop, but after i reactivated my PC i would like to continue my playthrough on it. I copied my save file from the laptop and guides on the internet have been telling me to paste it in the saves folder in the fallout 3 GOTY game folder. The only issue is, there's no such folder. Where should i paste those data? I also downloaded games with Windows live, should I do something with that?


    submitted by /u/Gionanni
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    [fnv] is this cheating ?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 12:16 AM PST

    I have a couple mods that improves my experience in gambling , one that increases betting , another that makes the casinos replays or even after getting banned (basically a mod that resets the "banned from casino" thing) , and a mod called (anti-anti cheating)

    Is this cheating ? Getting money in this game is very easy even without mods

    submitted by /u/xseif_gamer
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    Is there a good replacement mod to project nevada?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 01:46 AM PST

    I was gonna get project nevada for fallout New Vegas, but then some folks told me it wasn't a good choice, and then someone suggested Just Mods Merged, but according to the internet and nexus, that doesn't exist anymore. Does anyone know any good mods that have a bunch of goodies all in one, like project nevada did?

    submitted by /u/helpimdumby
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    Finally got my computer ready to explore the Lonesome Road once again.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 03:02 PM PST

    Dear Fallout players, I need help finding sound clip for best friends birthday �� please.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 01:31 AM PST

    Hi, this will become terribly obvious; I haven't played fallout myself and don't know much about the game.

    But my friends birthday is coming up and she mentioned how hard she laughed when an unexpected sound bite popped up in the game. I would love to find a recording of the sound bite to make a text sound for her birthday.

    I profusely apologize for the vagueness because I don't know which character said it or in which game it was in (76? I think).

    But it's said to the player after completing a mission? The quote: " good job, mammal" or "well done, mammal"

    Any leads/ links to the sound bite would be very much appreciated. She hasn't been able to find it anywhere and apparently it's rare in the game.

    Thank you for suffering through this post.

    submitted by /u/thumperreloaded
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    FPS or Traditional RPG?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 04:50 AM PST

    Hi, just got finished the main story line of Fallout 3 with around 30 Hours played and I'm really enjoying the game but getting tired of the FPS aspect of it. I'm thinking about taking a break from the game and playing Fallout 1 or 2. Is this a good idea to jump from an FPS to full on RPG or would I not enjoy it? Should I just follow through playing Fallout 3 going through DLCs and what not or make the transfer?

    Would also love to hear your thoughts on which is the superior Fallout between 1 and 2.


    submitted by /u/HonestWeeb
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    Any of you seen Omega man or read I am Legend?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 09:18 PM PST

    I watched Omega man this evening and wow Definitely see the influence it had on Fallout

    The Blue Jumpsuit at the end was pretty nice lol

    submitted by /u/segaisnotdead
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    Which ending for Far Harbour would a institute character be most likely to do?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 12:36 AM PST

    I'm playing a institute character and cannot decide which ending is most like the institute. Their is a institute ending however I'd rather do one of the main endings and then do that one. So which one is most like would be in the best interest of the institute?

    submitted by /u/Maxpacific04
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    Releasetrailer - Whispering Hills 2.4 - The Otherworld passes over. A Silent Hill Overhaul for Fallout 4.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:30 AM PST

    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2AQsE-8Yp4

    Whispering Hills 2.4 has been officially released for PC and Xbox. This is a rather huge update introducing the Mumblers that attack you with their sharp claws as well the Otherworld now starts to move into the Fog world. That means that different buildings started to be populated by Monsters.

    In particular following Buildings have been stripped off raiders and ghouls

    mostly and being populated with: The nurses: Kendall Hospital, Mass Bay Medical Center and the Medford Memorial Hospital.

    Mumblers (wich once where children):South Boston High School, Suffolk County charter school, East Boston Preparatory School, D.B. Technical High School and Malden Middle School

    I also added a special surprise in the Parsons State Insane Asylum. In addition i also added Silent hill 1, 2 and 3 background music to the Hospitals as well to the Shools.

    I hope you enjoy it!

    submitted by /u/The_Manga_Man
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    An automaton DLC bug

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:53 PM PST

    So I just started automaton and I have to install the radar beacon on ada, but when I do nothing happens and the quest doesn't progress. It just keeps pointing me back to the robot workbench to install the radar beacon on ada. I play with mods, but there are none that I have that could probably mess it up like this. Any help?

    submitted by /u/miamimodder
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    [Fallout 2] Gecko walking animation

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 03:11 AM PST

    is there some way to get the walking animation for the little gecko creatures as a gif file, or even a series of pngs? I've been mucking about with the files for hours now. It is currently 4 am.

    submitted by /u/poop_balls_3
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    What do you headcanon happened to the Lone Wanderer?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 01:02 PM PST

    The Lone Wanderer's fate is unknown, disappearing all of a sudden.

    I like to think what happened was that they got abducted again by aliens. I mean, I bet the Zetans would come back after hearing nothing from Mothership Zeta and the other ship. I bet they kept a close eye on the Lone Wanderer and took them since they proved themselves to be extremely capable for a human their age.

    We do know the aliens are still around in Fallout 4. Its fun to think the Wanderer is kicking ass in space.

    submitted by /u/Hope1820
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    What element of the OG games would you impliment into the Bethsda games, and what element of the Bethesda games do you think would benefit the OG titles?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:38 AM PST

    Just a fun thought I had - Inspired by watching some guy rant about how New Vegas is the tape holding the world together. Thought I'd make something positive out of a negative dicussion he was having.

    Here's something I'd personally do:

    Link party size to charisma like in F2. In F3, NV and F4 charisma has always been a bit of a dump stat for me and I never struggle to improve the related skills later in the game if I need to. While in F2 it can also be this way at times, the link to party size is interesting and can allow for some bizzare gatherings of morally good and bad characters sharing humourous dialogue. Marcus and Myron make for a good comedic duo.

    If I had to add something from Bethesda games to the older titles, I'd probably add more environmental story telling. While F1's Glow and F2's Mariposa ruins did this well, I feel some minor areas could have also bennefitted from it. Bethesda are good at telling those short little tales that lead to a skeleton at the end of the tunnel, in such a way that ckntextualises that skeleton into a person if you follow the trail of clues. Obviously I have no idea how this could be done in an isometric game, but it's an idea.

    submitted by /u/BilboSmashings
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    Powder gangers question

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 01:15 AM PST

    I'm trying to get the "I fought the law quest" with the Powder Gangers at the NCRCF, after having done Ghost Town Gunfight.

    I have used the console to set my reputation to idolised and allied the player and powder gangers factions. Random powder gangers in the Mojave are now friendly, but the ones in the NCRCF are still hostile. Any ideas? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Reizpire
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    The player should be able to play as a ghoul

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:16 AM PST

    At the start of the game they can choose to be a ghoul, in the lore there are some ignorant communities that don't accept ghouls and they don't allow you in.


    submitted by /u/Shadow_Of_
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