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    Wednesday, December 18, 2019

    Fallout | Mr House's priorities. Platinum Chip -1000 caps. Snowglobe Collection - 22000 caps

    Fallout | Mr House's priorities. Platinum Chip -1000 caps. Snowglobe Collection - 22000 caps

    Mr House's priorities. Platinum Chip -1000 caps. Snowglobe Collection - 22000 caps

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 06:04 PM PST

    Chip containing critical Mk 2 operating system and software drivers essential for plans - 1000 caps.

    Snow Globe Collection - With 11 snow globes its 22000 caps at least. Of course he had snowglobes in his collection before we started collecting them.

    I'm guessing the snowglobes contain something important House isn't telling us about.

    submitted by /u/Smooth_Complaint
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    What Fallout 5 Needs

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 11:44 AM PST

    So the Fallout community has spoken about how they want Fallout 5 to be, and I reasoned down to this. This is all written by me so be calm! Here goes:


    I mean, Skyrim looked good, Fallout 4 looked okay, and Fallout 76 alternates between good graphics and bad ones. Look at Fallout 76 and compare it to RDR2. That game looks awesome and is a masterpiece. Bethesda can either upgrade to a new engine, which could be great, or license a new one, such as Frostbite engine from Battlefield V (great graphics) or maybe REDengine from Witcher 3. Either way, we need this.


    New Vegas was honestly the best Fallout game made. Why? It had everything Fallout is. Lore, great factions, and most importantly, RPG ELEMENTS. Fallout 4 was a great game overall, but an average one Fallout-based. In F3 and FNV, we had dialogue that ACTUALLY SHOWED WHAT YOU WANTED TO SAY. In F4, this is downgraded to a simple wheel. Another thing is that F4 has already chosen a background life for you. You are either a military veteran or a lawyer. In F3 and FNV, you could choose your character more openly, and being bad in F3 and FNV is a bit hard, but not Dark-Souls-3 hard. In F4, being bad is hard. Like really hard. You can't be bad because everyone will be hostile. Only a few F4 companions like you being bad. Also, make decisions more important and more consequence-like. Have me give a boy a water bottle and then I have a random encounter with them, and they give me a few caps for the favor


    No Preston, I don't want to help Finch Farm with problems about raiders terrorizing them across the map. I would like to call my settler John or Jake, not just "settler". I would also an option where if you put Jake as a guard in a tower, it would look like "Jake - Guard", not just "Settler". I also liked a lot how you can now collect trash and surroundings and craft them into other things. One thing is to make it more realistic. How is the wood available in 2 ball-peen hammers equal to a 4 feet tall wooden post? Or how 5 aluminum cans are equal to better 10mm pistol magazines? Also, I realized that in combat armor, the second-to-last mod is half of the last one! (Second-to-last: 12 cloth, 4 adhesives, 6 ballistic fiber, last one was 24 cloth, 8 adhesive, and 12 ballistic fiber. Another weird thing is the Railroad's ballistic weave. How can a full set of heavy combat armor have less protection than a Newsboy cap with Max Level ballistic weave?


    In Fallout 3, Power Armor could easily be acquired early on, when the behemoth attacks GNR. You can get some there and some more on dead BoS or Enclave soldiers, but you needed to have training to do so. Power Armor Training is a late-game addition, making Power Armor a late-game item and actually quite powerful. In Fallout 4, I like how PA is more of a mobile tank than just a suit, but the fact that you get it early on and the fact that there are at least a dozen raiders with Power Armor, it kinda devalues it. Make us find a book on how to use it, and its location can be varied between 6-8 places. I also appreciate how in F4 there are individual limb armors, like left leg and right arm.


    Search up Fallout 3 screenshots. A barren wasteland, with lots of green and great post-apocalyptic ambient. However, it is very plain and there are little to no places that are great to see. Fallout 4 had a great location and map, however, it is very bland as well and there are almost no trees with green. 210 years after a bomb, there should be at least green trees around. Fallout 76 is the example, and I actually dream of a Fallout game with forests and lush trees. Upgrade the graphics to a great potential, Far Cry 5 and Battlefield V like. Rad storms in F4 blend in perfectly with what Fallout is: a post-apocalyptic game where the bombs are just the start of something new and make the sky not look as blue, and add a bit of a rusted look to remind us we're in the aftermath of a nuclear war. Make the map bigger. Some complain F4 had a smaller map than F3, but F4 feels bigger. Make a game with a reasonably sized map! Skyrim has a great map, with mountains and trees and rivers, but F3 just feels... empty.


    Every Fallout game as had its good and bad DLCs, but make sure every time you add one, it's a game-changing one; like Far Harbor and Nuka World, Point Lookout and Dead Money, Honest Hearts and Broken Steel. Make sure the DLCs have some actual value to them, not just like a 90 MB DLC just to add a few settlement options. We don't want Bethesda to turn to an EA monster by making the games not complete and adding the needed as DLCs.


    Fallout 3 and Fallout 4's story is just bland. You have a relative missing, so you must find them, but oh no! They die because you can't save them! Make us have an actual goal like Fallout and FNV, where you have to find something vital for your vault, or finding the man that almost killed you. Give us an actual story with actual branching decisions, like finding a cure to a disease your loved one has instead of letting them die.


    People play with mods because, after a while, the basic game just becomes... boring. Ask modders if they can give you ideas on how to be better and adding old items to the game (Chinese assault rifle for example). You know the community might be a bit toxic, but most of the games have one! Fallout has the potential to be one of the best game franchises in the gaming industry, and make sure we deserve so. Creation Club might sound like a good idea, but few people actually buy things. Either reduce the price or just add them to the game! The community may be strict, but is great! If you listen to your community, it will help you become a better fan listener!

    I know I may be missing some, so if you have any other ideas or opinions put them in the comments! Thanks for coming to my TedTalk, see you later!

    Also, make sure you don't have lots of bugs at release!

    Edit: So I made a list of what could be included, so this is kind of a TLDR:

    1. Better engine and graphics
    2. Give us more choices-and-consequences
    3. Pay attention to the community's opinion
    4. Don't add DLCs that just expand the crafting system
    5. Give us a blue sky of hope but with the faint that it will never be the same world again
    6. Factions matter. Make them each have a perk/armor that benefits you with certain builds
    7. Make power armor rare and powerful
    8. Make us need training to use Power Armor
    9. More detailed world with trees, waterfalls, forests, and even an Glowing-Sea like section!
    10. Perks: Add more useful perks and make us actually think when leveling up
    11. Give us an extensive NV gun arsenal (suggested by comments)
    12. Add a multiplayer mode, separated from the single player mode.
    13. We enjoy building but we're no masters. Don't overdo the settlement options
    14. Less "Go here, kill this, loot, return" quests.
    15. Make legendary weapons rare but powerful. I spent 10 minutes killing a legendary Fog Crawler only to get a Junkie's Lead Pipe
    16. Keep NPCs. Fallout 76 has the potential to be a great Fallout game but when I saw the release I was... disappointed.
    17. Add to the official game some good community ideas. Some mods are better than the actual weapons.
    18. Don't remove achievements just my having mods. I downloaded a graphic mod my first run and I wondered why I didn't get any achievements. Just remove achievements if you have mods that interfere with actual gameplay like a mod that gives you all the weapons.
    19. I'm going to edit every few hours, comment if more ideas!
    submitted by /u/LuisAlbert145
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    To get a sense of the complexity and world of Fallout 3, observe it.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 01:41 PM PST

    So, for a slaver mission, you're supposed to slap a collar on a weapons dealer named Flak in Rivet City. And I couldn't find him outside shop hours on my first attempt to enslave him. So I decided to sit down in front of my TV with a notepad, and record all of his movements. From smoking a cigarette (he smokes 14 in one day), to what food he orders at Gary's Galley, the Rivet City restaurant (2 mirelurk cakes, he does actually eat two in game as well, one after the other), I watched his every move. I was amazed at the sheer effort put into one character, of which there are hundreds, if not thousands, in the game. He has conversations with his business partner about having a hard time sleeping, and later that night, I saw him violently shaking in his sleep, waking up over and over. He's paranoid from the slavers tracking him, so he sleeps in the guard barracks instead of his room. And finally, at exactly 8:25 PM, after walking through the ship up to the flight deck, he stares out over the wasteland, contemplating his past. The amount of detail put into one character is insane, then you realize that every NPC has their own schedule as well, coded down to the minute. Fallout 3 may lack in graphics and gameplay, but the worldbuilding is simply incredible, you just have to watch it.

    submitted by /u/ENCLAVE_ETERNAL
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    Fallout Netflix Series

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 11:57 AM PST

    Friday 20th is the big day and The Witcher starts on Netflix. Wouldnt it be great if we could get a Fallout Series?

    submitted by /u/drdogg81
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    Fallout anthology

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:19 AM PST

    Someone who works at my grandfather's pawn shop got me this.


    It has every fallout game except 4, which was released after this came out and it's all stored in the mini nuke, and it makes a mini nuke sound when you press a button, just got this today, thought I would share this with all you guys

    submitted by /u/TheWanderer002
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    I Envy all you guys that play New Vegas on a PC

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:21 AM PST

    I have the honour of experiencing it for the first time on PS3. And my god. What a piece of shit port. In a messed up way, it's a testament to the game that I've finished it and really enjoyed it. Sorry for the random rant. I've just been playing the dlcs for the first time and was reminded of the horrors. I can only imagine the experience with mods that clean up the graphics and add sprint ect...

    submitted by /u/air4orce1s
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    I'm pretty sure I found the Fallout 4 menu screen location

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 03:28 PM PST

    Currently on my first playthrough, I wondered where the menu screen location was in the game and after a bit of googling, consensus seemed to be that it's not in the game at all. Fair enough, but still, I figured the location where it once was would still exist in-game some way or the other. Going by the skyline in the teaser trailer I first thought it might've been to the far west, outside the map boundaries, but then I started looking at other landmarks, and found that it must've been at the place that's now Sunshine Tidings Co-op.

    Here are shots where I've tried to be as exact as possible. The landscape has changed quite a bit, and there are structures blocking the view, but you can still make out the key landmarks (which I've circled):

    North view

    South view

    If it's unclear from the above screenshots, I went to the northernmost and southernmost points of Sunshine Tidings and took unobstructed views of the landscape for easier comparison. These are not meant to be exact, but to provide a clearer view. I haven't circled anything because I think they speak for themselves.

    North point view

    South point view

    Sorry if it's old news, I'm new to the community.

    submitted by /u/itsgallus
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    Siding with the Institute is not as bad as you think

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:26 AM PST

    After playing through Fallout 4, this time fully modded (huge shoutout to We are the Minutemen, Sim Settlement and Youandwhatarmy creator, having a network of settlements and an army keeping every corner of Commonwealth safe feels amazing), I feel like siding with the Institute is not as bad as people think, as long as you also control the Minutemen. Reasons: 1. Moral issues: sure, the Institute has done some shady, even outright evil shit in the past (kidnapping people incl your son, murdering your spouse). However, YOU are the Director of the Institute now, you can shape it however you want. Anyone against you can have a free dinner (read: be dinner) with Deathclaw. 2. Technological edge for your people: Imagine the Minutemen equipped with teleportation tech, they can truly live up to their moniker, hell, they can be the Secondmen *wink". Or the settlement gaining access to medical/communication/agriculture tech. The possibility is limitless, and you can even restore Commonwealth to its former glory by curing the radiation sickness. 3. Sick Institute plasma rifle

    TL,DR: Institute + Minutemen = Advanced tech + men power = major win

    submitted by /u/FammyMouse
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    What’s the funniest glitch you’ve seen in any game, aside from 76?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 10:40 PM PST

    In Fallout 3 by the Washington monument why are there large trenches in front of it?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 05:47 PM PST

    Was this ever explained? You can see a bunch of mutants and dead BoS soldiers in the trenches so I'm assuming some sort of conflict happened where there were tons of explosions and casualties.

    submitted by /u/GalagaMarine
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    [Question]Fallout New Vegas Trouble: The House Always Wins VI: Failed and Want to Redo

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 09:01 PM PST

    Spoilers for New Vegas

    I was playing through the quest the House Always Wins, the one where you need to stop the assassination of president Kimball.

    I was trying to investigate the area, when I suddenly failed when I went into Hover Dam. He just died and I failed at what I thought I was doing right.

    I tried looking for ways to remedy it using setstage but had trouble. The game always thought him dead.

    Is there anyway to reset the quest? Note using an old save won't work, or could. Its just I made mine like an hour before I blow up the brotherhood of steal bunker.

    submitted by /u/KhajitHasWaresNHairs
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    Fallout 4: Far Harbor - Captain's Dance (Rite of Passage)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 06:38 PM PST

    Questions about New Vegas!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 02:31 PM PST

    Hey! So I love this game I've played it over a few times but I've always gone independent or NCR route. I've also assassinated House and left New Vegas to rot. I've played the dlcs as well but I'm wondering.. I'm at about 75 hours play time for this playthrough.. and I've done most of the major stuff without siding with the NCR. I have the divide and the final battle left.. and I'm wondering what are some quests you've missed or extra things you've found out about after you wish you knew before? Are there secret plot lines or extra quests like Michael Angelos sign shop, the thorn, and vault 22 that you'd recommend.

    Also replaying Dead Money for the first time in years.. anybody else still kind of pissed off you couldn't get Christine as a companion? Lol

    submitted by /u/fukurdum
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    [Discussion] How do you make one picture to have multiple pictures of weapons or armor from a phone?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 11:42 PM PST

    I just made a huge fuck up while buying fallout 4 goty

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 02:53 PM PST

    Sooooo basically i bought it second hand because it was the only thing available. HOWEVER i only just found out the dlc is redeemed by a one time use voucher that comes with it which of course this one didn't have. So i paid extra for something i can't even use. Been waiting 6 years for this yay me

    submitted by /u/crackly_b0i
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    Best Fallout game besides New Vegas?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 07:19 PM PST

    I already know new vegas is awesome. What's the best fallout game after it?

    submitted by /u/Lil_Doll404
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    Good sneak smallgun/knife build

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 05:34 PM PST

    Ive been messing with fallout fixt recently but I cant find a good build. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/02132005
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    Fallout 4 keeps freezing on XB 1

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 01:33 PM PST

    I've deleted every single character i have but the one im using, i hope it will be worth it.

    submitted by /u/Menefregoh
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    New Vegas Items Question

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 03:01 PM PST

    Hi! I'm playing my first Fallout game right now (New Vegas). Is it a good strategy to sell my miscellaneous items to Chet, and then return to buy them off of him if I need them later for a quest? Like tin cans, conductors, and other items labeled misc. I plan to keep the stuff I can eat for added benefits on me. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/lilburop
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    New fallout idea.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 04:50 PM PST

    First post so lot of pressure. I have a great idea for a fallout game. Fallout: Rising Sun. It takes place in good old new orleans. So much water you could avoid. Many buildings to hop across and explore. Many diffrent creatures and animals to fu*k up such a giant mosquitos. I love this idea so much and it could become a good fallout game.

    submitted by /u/normalman115
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    do yall think they will ever remaster fo1 and fo2?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 08:19 PM PST

    it really seems like a no, but :/ i wanna hear some peoples thoughts

    not even necesarilly in fps form, but even in the original style. (that seems extremely outlandish, but its not like people dont play top-down games these days)

    submitted by /u/AfricaDOTcoDOTuk
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    Who should I side with if im rolepaying an outlaw in New Vegas?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 11:14 AM PST

    There ain't much of a choice, Caesar would have you on a cross, the NCR would send you to be judged for your crimes in Shady Sands and Mr House would blow you to pieces. Yes Man seems like the only alternative but it feels a little akward being a major outlaw and still lead New Vegas

    submitted by /u/heitorsl
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