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    Wednesday, October 9, 2019

    Fallout | TIL that you can go brahmin tipping in Fallout New Vegas

    Fallout | TIL that you can go brahmin tipping in Fallout New Vegas

    TIL that you can go brahmin tipping in Fallout New Vegas

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 08:25 PM PDT

    Unequip your weapon. Sneak up to a brahmin and interact with it to push it over. It counts for the knocked up challenge as well so that's easy xp to be had at farms. Thousands of hours and I'm still learning new shit about this game.

    submitted by /u/Thumbs0fDestiny
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    Entire Massive Hospital I Made in Fallout 4

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 11:30 PM PDT

    Just finished replaying Fallout 4 and wanted to share some opinions and hear some discussion.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 04:17 PM PDT

    I've got a lot to say both positive and negative so bear with me here.

    • The gunners are the biggest disappointment in the entire game for me, they would have made an incredible faction that I'd love to join.

    • The main story is only good on paper. In execution it came off a little rushed and bland.

    • Kellogg is one of the greatest video game villains ever written and I love everything about him. I wish he played a bigger role past the memory den

    • Settlement building is a lot of fun and allows for more customization but I feel like it takes away space for potential "REAL" Settlements like Diamond City or Goodneighbor

    • I hate the ghoul redesign. Fallout 3/NV ghouls were the best

    • Nick Valentine is not just the best companion but one of the best characters in the series. Far harbor only makes him better

    • Far harbor is incredible! It has some of the best writing in the series with a creepy environment, a morally grey main plot that ties into the base game, an incredible cast, and some of the best side quests in the game.

    • the Silver Shroud, The Cabot Quest, and the vault with the robobrains are some of my favorite quests in the franchise

    • I'm not bothered by super mutants being in the game but there are WAAAY too many of them

    • Fallout 4's factions are somewhat vague but they are also some of the most morally grey and interesting in the series

    • Nuka World was a lot of fun for what it was. It allowed players to redo the story but as a raider

    • Redeye is the best radio host. He is the real deal

    • I wish Covenant and Atom Cats played a bigger role

    • Aside from some brief lore or Nuka World the game is nowhere near as dark as its predecessors. The bright colors and light environment make the Commonwealth feel like a playground instead of a wasteland

    • The Operators are one of my favorite factions in the series

    • Vault 81 is my favorite vault in the series

    • The lack of ending slides ruins the ending for me though. I like to see what impact I made on the story even if it was only a small one

    • Travis is okay but confident Travis sucks.

    • The BoS are at their most BoS in this game and Maxson was a great character. His intensity either makes you hate him or see him as a passionate and great leader.

    • Garvey is a good person and not nearly as bad as everyone says. His goons can go fuck themselves though

    • Shaun is an asshole and a bad leader. I like his design but that's it

    • The RR sucks. They just blow

    • Salem was a disappointment

    • The Glowing Sea was incredible and felt like it was what the Capital Wasteland was supposed to be

    • Automatron is a fun DLC. It's not the best but it doesn't suck either.

    • Vault 88 was fun too. Again, nothing special but I got a few laughs from it

    • I don't mind the voiced protagonist or the dialogue. A lot of it is really good/funny. I just wish we had more than 4 options and could actually see what we are choosing

    • Magnolia's songs are the best original songs in the series beating the old lady from 3 and the cowboy from NV

    Overall it had a lot of potential but didn't always live up to it's expectations. BUT, when it did it was pure gold

    submitted by /u/Aurora_Vorealis
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    The Fallout Debate - A Personal Essay

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 04:00 AM PDT

    I'm honestly not certain on the best way to start this off, so I'm just going to write what comes to mind until I begin getting to the point. Fallout. This is a game series we all (perhaps used to) love. A look into a post-apocalyptic world following a war between the United States and China over natural resources, which ended in multiple nuclear warheads being detonated. I suppose if you are, or were a fan, you'd be aware of the setting by now, so I won't spend ages explaining it again. What I'm writing about today is the debate between each of the individual games themselves, as in the recent years it has become an odd and yet very personal subject to me. You see I am a Bethesda fan in general, not just Fallout, and following the release of Fallout 76 there sure were a lot of very negative things said not just about the game and the PR surrounding it, but about Bethesda as a whole, which bled into their other titles as well, such as The Elder Scrolls. Now out of all of Bethesda's game series, TES is by far my favorite, the one I'm most invested in. And it's because of this that I felt as if I was being personally attacked simply for being a Bethesda fan after 76 was released. This was mostly because of people lashing out at Bethesda as a whole, and there were others who simply found an excuse to loudly voice their opinion on Bethesda. I came to realize it was not really a personal attack, of course. In 2019 it's apparently so strange and unbelievable to be a Bethesda fan that people being excited during BE3 were called paid actors and corporate shills. The fact that people can't seem to accept that not everyone shares their viewpoints and opinions is baffling to me. All of that has calmed down quite a bit by now though. I'm actually able to check out a Fallout 76 video on youtube without all of the comments talking about how terrible the game and Bethesda is. It's very refreshing and relieving to me. In recent weeks it's become more and more evident to me however that many still consider Fallout 4 a bad game. Others believe Fallout 3 is a bad game even. Some see the latter as being better than the former in every way. None of this seemed to be directed at Bethesda because of the release of 76, and so I became interested. You see I had just recently been playing New Vegas and FO4 as well, so I was naturally more intrigued. I got to thinking about the reasons why people have the opinions they do about each of the games. "Fallout 4's story isn't good." "Fallout 3 is better than Fallout 4." "New Vegas is the best modern Fallout game." Things like that. And ultimately it has driven me to write this personal essay about it.

    When it comes to the three games in question I'm genuinely unsure of which one is my favorite. Well, allow me to reiterate. Between New Vegas and FO4 I am unable to decide. I will explain why I have excluded Fallout 3 later. NV is generally accepted as the best of the modern titles, and I am inclined to agree. The storytelling, the raw importance of certain skills and handicaps for not picking others, the amount of weapon choice and the true uniqueness of special weapons. I truly do not believe that Fallout 3 or 4 beat New Vegas in terms of raw quality, though I do still have my gripes with it. Trying to play NV without fast travel, as I've come to enjoy a lot due to more opportunities to stumble across something or a new place and simply explore, is just awful. I find it this way mostly because of how movement works in NV. Oblivion and Fallout 3 have the same problem, to be fair. Gunplay leaves quite a bit to be desired, and I've found this especially apparent thanks to my recent playthrough, where I missed upwards of ten shots with a long range rifle despite having sights trained perfectly on the target for each one. And I have a personal issue with the karma system that I will also get into later. By comparison to the first two points I've made, Fallout 4 improves on both of them heavily. Movement works and feels great and it doesn't feel sluggish and slow, even in power armor. Gunplay has been accepted as being vastly superior to New Vegas by most players anyway, so I don't even really need to explain why it's such an improvement. Yet despite this, New Vegas obviously does things better than Fallout 4 just the same, which is what makes the decision of which is my favorite more difficult. But I've got a bit of explaining to do, as I mentioned earlier.

    Why do I not consider Fallout 3 a contender for my favorite title? Well it's relatively simple, actually. Fallout 3's main story is void of actual choices. Sure, you could send Fawkes in to turn on the purifier instead, unless you're playing without Broken Steel. And you can choose to side with the Enclave a bit later in, though they just murder you regardless. You're locked to the entirety of the storyline, with no important deviations to be made. What if you wanted to play a truly bad person and poison the purifier, with or without the Enclave? You don't get to do that. What if you wanted to just destroy the purifier, making you an enemy of the Brotherhood? Well, you can't do that. Oh, but you can try to convince Autumn at the end of the game to give up! No, not really. You can just let him go, sure, but otherwise you just have to kill him, even if you pass a speech check. Now don't get me wrong, Fallout 3 has some great side quests, and some great DLC storylines at that, but I can't ever get over the fact that you are tied to the exact same allegiance with the Brotherhood of Steel no matter what you try to do. Now compare that to Fallout 4's story. You know, the one many people consider inferior in every way for some reason. You get to choose between four different factions to end the main story with. You can do things for each and every one of them provided you don't go too far down the main storyline with one side or the other. The Minutemen are generally an exception to the whole "side with one side, make the other sides mad" thing, but I've got more to say about them later. You get to learn more about and understand the motives for each side, and ultimately the decision for which you support is yours to make. And the story itself which leads you to meet each of these factions and learn about them in the first place is a good one, if maybe a little far fetched with the cryo stasis and son kidnapping thing. And here's a fun fact as well; you can completely ignore meeting the Brotherhood of Steel at all if you so choose to. You can actually do the same with the Minutemen as well provided you don't visit Concord. This means you can effectively skip out of being involved with either of those factions in the first place, leaving only the Railroad and the Institute, which are both directly tied to the flow of the story. In the end, you get much more choice with how you want to go about progressing the story, which factions you do so with, things like that. Immediately a step up from Fallout 3, which gives you basically no choice at all unless you enjoy being murdered by the Enclave. And there are some good side quests in Fallout 4 as well. Same goes for Far Harbor, and maybe even Nuka World.

    I mentioned that I dislike the karma system, and the reason why plays into why I believe Fallout 4's story from a writing perspective is quite a bit better than people make it out to be. I've made a more in-depth version of what I'm about to say on a review of FO4 as a whole, so I'm just going to give a somewhat quick explanation. In New Vegas, and even Fallout 3, when you do something such as steal, you gain bad karma. When you help out an innocent person in the middle of the wasteland, you gain good karma. When you support a faction such as the NCR you tend to gain some animosity from other factions such as Caesar's Legion and the Great Khans. And when you support Caesar's Legion you generally gain the animosity of most of the available factions, at least that's how it went in my experience. The problem I find with this isn't that you become the enemy of other factions, it's that the game through the karma system just flat out tells you when you're doing something that's good or bad. And when a faction like the Legion earns you the animosity of a lot of the other available factions out there, you generally just accept that you're being the bad guy at that point. Whenever I decide I want to play Legion I am always prepared for many other factions to hate me for it, and I expect the karma system to tell me exactly which ones don't like me. That is the problem. There shouldn't have to be a system in the game to tell you when the guys you're supporting are the enemies of many other guys out in the wastes. I believe that is something you should have to figure out for yourself. And just as well, I believe you should have to decide which faction you support on a moral level as well. When you are able to personally identify with a specific faction choice, you come up with ways to morally rationalize some of the not-so-good things they tend to do. For example, look at the Brotherhood, the Institute, and the Railroad. Each one of these factions have good and bad things that they do/have done, and ultimately it's up to you to decide which one you support above the others. There isn't a karma system to tell you when you've pissed off one side, at most there is a prompt before you start the Beryllium Agitator mission on either the Brotherhood or Institute side, which is there to warn you before you do something to make the other side mad, as opposed to it simply telling you "You are now the enemy of these guys pretty much forever."

    With the available three factions I have mentioned in Fallout 4, it becomes entirely up to you to decide which is better than the others, or which ones are worse than the other. Which side you identify with on a mortal and perhaps even personal level. I believe this to be the key in truly appreciating Fallout 4's main story, what makes it good. The game's main story strikes me heavily as a story of personal morality and what might be best, or worst, for the Commonwealth. And many, if not all of the major choices which can lead to prosperity or calamity, are on you, and what you believe. It's not dictated by some karma system, or even so clearly shown to you which is blatantly evil or good. Even the Minutemen, which are around no matter what you do, are affected by your choices in the main story, at least in some form. Side with the Brotherhood, Railroad, or even the Minutemen for the Institute Invasion and don't activate the evac? Well, you've betrayed the trust of the man who believed you to be the leader the Minutemen needed in order to unite the Commonwealth together once again, and you've also tarnished the name of the Minutemen forever due to the murder of Institute civilians. Even if the world around you isn't affected much by your choice in the end, ultimately it has had an effect on the people you've met in some way shape or form. And in the end you're left wondering if you even made the right choice. Far Harbor even continues this theme of personal morality driving the story forward. Should the Children of Atom be "evicted?" Should Acadia be razed by Far Harbor or perhaps even the Brotherhood or the Institute depending on your main story choices? Or should you allow DiMA to go against his own moral code if it could result in peace across the Island? These choices are left up to you, and what you choose to do will stick with you in some way shape or form. It's because of this that I cannot understand people who believe Fallout 4's main story is vastly inferior to Fallout 3's. But I'd like to get back to something I referenced at the start of all of this. A realization of sorts.

    "Fallout 4's story isn't good." "Fallout 3 is better than Fallout 4." "New Vegas is the best modern Fallout game." These opinions, these statements if you will, bothered me for a good little while, and still kind of do to an extent. But I've realized something that changes the way I perceive all of this discussion, this debate.

    By debating these three games, comparing their stories, gameplay, and other things of that sort, you are, in a way, acknowledging that each of these games is good in at least some aspect. Or perhaps it's even a bit deeper than that. By debating why Fallout 3's story is superior to Fallout 4's, or vice versa, you aren't necessarily making a case for why one or the other is flat out bad, you're making a case for why one is worse. You are saying that both of these stories are good, but are simply debating why one is perhaps better than the other. By looking at it this way, or rather it simply being this way, really changes how one looks at these debates and discussions going forward. Now, it certainly is different if you say something like "Fallout 4 is an objectively terrible game" or "New Vegas is the only good modern Fallout game" because those are saying that one is bad and one is good, with no real debate involved. They are mere statements from people who can't see the other side of a discussion, in my opinion. In the end they're allowed to say what they want, of course. But to me, they don't have a place in any real discussion on these games. And now, to circle back to the game mentioned at the start of this, Fallout 76. I have not seen ANYONE try to discuss or debate why this game is better or worse than another of the series, and to me that clearly shows that it is not good. Or at least, it isn't good yet. I still feel that Fallout 76 deserves a major chance to prove itself worthy of the other games, but only time will tell if they are able to prove such a thing. But hey, we've seen other games come back from the brink of obscurity or controversy before, so who's to say Fallout 76 won't turn out the same way?

    In conclusion, now that I've come to this realization, and I've been able to hopefully spread it to even a few other people, I can finally view everything in the discussions without feeling the way I did before. And it feels great.

    I know that a TL;DR is usually proper etiquette, but I don't feel like adding one to this because I feel it wouldn't properly convey what I've written and how I feel about all of this. Some things simply can't be shortened for the sake of saving a few minutes.

    submitted by /u/_Kambo_
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    For as much flak as Fallout 76 gets, it, to me, portrays the socio-economic/political landscape of pre-war/1950’s America better than any other Fallout game.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 03:53 AM PDT

    Fallout 4 or Fallout 76 as Solo-Player?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 02:46 AM PDT


    I really enjoy crafting in video games and I mostly do play as a Solo-Player but I also like being online and be able to see other people, to not feel completely alone, like in most singleplayer games.Recently I thought about buying Fallout 76, but I'm not sure because of all the bad reviews. I think it's a really interesting looking game.

    Is crafting in Fallout 4 a really necessary/helpful thing for gameplay or progression? In Fallout 76 it looks like it's like that.

    I do own Fallout 4 for PS4, but I just played it very little. I'm a PC-gamer and do not like playing on console.

    I want to buy one of the games for PC, so please do not recommend something like "play on PS4 to find out".

    I think I would enjoy the PVP-part of Fallout 76.

    Would you guys recommend buying Fallout 76 or Fallout 4?

    submitted by /u/Snetro
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    My need to have (mostly) on my side has finally met it's crossroad

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 02:27 AM PDT

    I am playing Fallout 4 through again and I wanted to do my very own ending: The Minutemen and the Brotherhood coexist. So, to do this, it all started with working with both factions simultaneously. Danse let me in like the adorable stray dog I was and I helped him create his hype-booster so he can summon his gang of hypebeasts to the Commonwealth, all the while I recruit shitty village after settlement using their sense of obligation towards me because I helped them clap the cheeks of whatever was bothering them.

    One dead Mr.Clean later and the Brotherhood of Hype appear in the Commonwealth aboard their phallic symbol ready to dick down the wasteland while me and the chocolate cowboy take back the Castle while I undoubtedly do all the work taking down the Mirelurk Queen as these assholes brought laser BB guns. I was forced to go to the Clowns to have the Courser chip decoded but then immediately fucked off back to my Hypebeast leader and had him help me build the teleporter. Once I met with my son, Benjamin Button, I decided to do some oddjobs for him and the Brotherhood and the Minutemen all at the same time. By order of my Supremetm Leader, I slaughtered the Clowns in their dumb ass church because I and the Minutemen will be the liberator of Synths from now on. It was going well until the Brotherhood had me build their Lego-Bot and both the Institute and them wanted this nuclear dildo to power stuff. After careful consideration, I had to stay true to my Supremetm Leader and decided to get the dildo for them. But, surprise surprise, I was kicked out of Benjamin Button's underground club. My sexy chocolate cowboy wanted to talk to me about the matter and he was eager to clap some white-suited cheeks. Never being one to say no to a good pounding, me and the Cowboy Cavalry invade and absolutely take a dump on the Institute and, in the end, I decided to fill the empty void in my heart with a mail-order son that is programmed to do nothing but give me worthless mods for junk that is worth way more than the mods he produces. I revel in my victory as I hold the dildo that is meant to go into the Lego-Man's backside, rendering him literally useless and the Brotherhood is forced to gaze at my Minuteman Magnum Dong and not do a damn thing as I have ultimately brought peace to to the Commonwealth and secured free living for humans and Synths alike...and the occasional Super Mutant. The Paladin of the Brotherhood/General of the Minutemen became bored so he decided to become a private eye with his new* Synth Sidekick and search for a confused girl to take home...I promise it's not what it sounds like.

    This journey brings me north to the island I call Satan's Cataracts because this is hell and I can't see for shit, a.k.a. Far Harbor. I do some mundane crap for the crybabies of the Harbor, get DiMA to commit honorable seppuku for his war crimes, and I carry out the will of Molecule or whatever.

    Now this is where the title comes in, I am at an impass and can't please everyone. Before DiMA bit the dust, I found out where he was hiding the nuclear key so I can blow my load all over the Kids of Molecules and I also got the codes to turn off the Fog Condensers around Satan's Cataracts and completely drown everyone in humidity. I told the Captain at Far Harbor about the codes and she politely asked me to not use them. "K, I don't want to because I have investments and settlements here" I say. I go to the Kids and I give their sickly father the nuclear key as a sign of good will...but there was no option to negotiate between the Harbor and the Kids. I figured "what the hell, I'll just go to this condenser control building". After getting sliced up by Kinkbots, I found that the only option I have is to turn them off. I don't want to do that because 1) I will lose my settlements and will deal a decent economic blow to the New Minuteman Republic (name pending) and 2) those condensers are an amazing source of Oil which I desperately need to keep my settlements autonomously defended because no one but me can shoot for shit. The quest literally only gives me the option to turn off the condensers to complete it, even after killing all of the Children and attempting to take back the nuclear key it is just gone forever. So what are my options if any? Do I just finish the quest? What happens to all 4 settlements I have on this godforsaken island?

    submitted by /u/SouthBeachSarcastic
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    Fallout 76 Steam Release Date

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:18 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    Any update on this news? I've tried to search for an update but nothing seems to come up aside from the initial announcement of Fallout 76 coming to Steam late 2019. Has no actual release date been announced yet? Thanks for the update!

    submitted by /u/itsnesiguess
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    Did I miss a lot of musical score/ambiance because I have the radio turned on all the time?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 07:44 PM PDT

    Sometimes you just want to turn off the radio and experience the wasteland the way it's meant to be played..

    I feel like in Fo3, New Vegas and Fo4, I missed a lot of score music made specifically for a quest because the radio is on all the time but jingle jange jingle is just way too good to listen to when you're entering a creepy cave or something because it removes the fear..

    submitted by /u/Dotaspasm
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    Fallout collection

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 02:02 AM PDT

    I heard a rumour that a fallout collection could be releasing soon has anyone else seen or heard anything about this? Also whats everyones opinion or comments on this if its real? Honestly myself im so excited and really hope that it's true.

    submitted by /u/HDAWAY
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    Liberty Prime right now

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 06:11 PM PDT

    I dont get the speech check with Lady Jane.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:17 PM PDT

    With enough perception, you can call out jane for lying about her brahmin. But if you help her with her brahmin, the brahmin is actually there.

    I dont get it.

    submitted by /u/J0NICS
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    The Powder Ganger's cut content

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 05:47 PM PDT

    TIL You Can Scrap Mole Rat Tunnels

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 06:17 PM PDT


    1000 hours in this game and I just found this out.

    submitted by /u/VintageRawr
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    Ghoul Problem at Tenpines Bluff

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 06:29 PM PDT

    started the quest at the beginning of my game, it sent me to Bedford station. I cleared it out. didn't mark the quest as complete. I just came back to the location a few days later, killed the ghouls again. the location is marked as cleared yet the quest hasn't completed. is there any fix?

    submitted by /u/kaliiico
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    Any advice for playing fallout 1 and 2 first time playing them

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 07:48 PM PDT

    New run of Fallout 3, if I get shot then I have to reload to my most prior save

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 04:17 PM PDT

    I just decided to do this yesterday, it's basically where I play Fallout 3 but if I get shot I have to load back, it seems impossible without exploits but it gets much easier pretty quickly. It's a lot of fun and for me it brings a lot more to the combat, rather than standing out in the open I utilize cover more often to get quick shots on my enemies. It also gets very tense when you've got bullets pelting the wall you're behind with bullets whizzing past your head as you poke your head out. I've got the game on Very Easy so that enemies go down much more realistically and my own health doesn't really matter unless I'm hit by a creature, explosion, or melee attack. I've also got a rule that allows me to carry only two rifles, one side arm, and one melee weapon and those are the Chinese assault rifle, hunting rifle, sawn off shotgun, and baseball bat. Really only got stuck once when I was behind a barricade as a Super Mutant kept me pinned down with mini gun fire, other than that it's tough, but not too tough

    submitted by /u/Dragonborn12255
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    The locations on the map are in fact real locations.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 07:23 PM PDT

    Okay so this is a story from quite a few years ago but the background is important.

    I am a light sleeper and what ever kept me up the first nights wasn't significant enough for me to remember. I may have been suffering from an actual jaw fracture but that wasn't resolved until after my vacation.

    Day 3 without sleep: The next day I was a work for a 12 hour shift. This didn't bother me as I knew I was on a 2 week vacation after my 6 to 6:30 schedule. The problem was that I then had to drive 12 hours south to make it to the hotel we planned to stay at.

    Fast forward to 8:30 and we're in Pittsburgh. Gotta take a little bit of 'jet' to stay awake.

    2a.m.: We made it as far as old Olney at about 2 a.m. because I hate driving through west virginia. There's an express way in the middle of the highway and if you didn't get on it then you have to get off the highway to get back to it and so we exit and there's the sign. Old Olney. My brain translates this as "you are going to die" a full panic starts and I start raving "we shouldn't be here" and "we need to leave." I wasn't even sure why at the time but I realized after a minute it's because of the deathclaws that are waiting for me in the fairly abandoned capital metro.

    After that we made it to the hotel around 10 or 11 am. Check in wasn't until noon. I tried to sleep on the beach but tje sand was too hot to touch. No sleep for me.

    Anyhow if you spend the hours playing these games that they deserve, you may find some things become instinctive like a fear of certain locations.

    submitted by /u/zidanet16
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    Looking for serums

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:49 PM PDT

    Well priced serums

    submitted by /u/youmissedagain1
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    Should I mod fallout New Vegas, if so how?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 08:12 PM PDT

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