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    Wednesday, June 23, 2021

    Fallout | Shaun actually had a lot of audacity to be upset at the Sole Survivor for hating him

    Fallout | Shaun actually had a lot of audacity to be upset at the Sole Survivor for hating him

    Shaun actually had a lot of audacity to be upset at the Sole Survivor for hating him

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 08:46 PM PDT

    Literally knew of their existence, decided to keep them in the Vault for years, then forced them to wander the Wasteland in search of their son, who orchestrated it all. Filled with monsters, raiders, and other shit, which Shaun even admits the above ground has gone to hell. Why would the Sole Survivor not be pissed? I'm sure this all sounds naïve and juvenile to some of you but I don't know, it's just my opinion. Fuck the Institute.

    submitted by /u/baycho95
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    The Legion are in no way the good guys

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 07:06 AM PDT

    Like stop saying they are! The legion is a nomadic slaving warband. Sure, they kill bandits. But that's it! They are strictly utilitarian, which usually means civil rights go down the drain. They burn towns for going against their ideology at all! They aren't good, they are evil. They serve as a contrast to the NCR, which, despite all its flaws, is still a republic. Smh I don't really understand people who think the Legion is better than the NCR.

    I like yes man.

    submitted by /u/MossyProductions
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    Every New Vegas side-quest RANKED from worst to best.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 04:38 PM PDT

    72. Hard Luck Blues

    Fuck Vault 34. I know there's a moral choice and all but I'm never going into that irradiated hell-hole ever again.

    71. The Moon Comes Over the Tower

    I know there was originally much more planned for this one but in the final game's state it's just so much nothing. I remember being baffled by it the first time I played the game like, that's it?

    70. Cold, Cold Heart

    Really should've been unmarked but there are unmarked quests with more to them than this one. You just say one line of dialogue and it's over.

    69. Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

    You get some free XP for going somewhere the main quest was already pointing you to. Cool I guess?

    68. Sunshine Boogie

    Really this one's just a part of Volare. Doesn't make it any more exciting though.

    67. Can You Find it in Your Heart?

    You kill some ants. They don't even explode in this one. Lame.

    66. Booted

    There's like nothing to this one. Not even a cool location for the captives to be in.

    65. Pressing Matters

    Kinda odd they made this a standalone quest. You just go there and disable to press, nothing to it. Probably a way to lead the player to The Legend of the Star.

    64. Eyesight to the Blind

    Basically just a way to lead the player to Crazy, Crazy, Crazy. Could've just been a section of Still in the Dark.

    63. Bitter Springs Infirmary Blues

    I guess the theme's kinda neat but there's just so little to it. Another quest that's basically a small part of another one though so while it has to be ranked low it is a bit better in context.

    62. Anywhere I Wander

    A fetch quest but it's a human this time. Thrilling. At least there's a neat cave I guess.

    61. Back in Your Own Backyard

    Basically the same deal as Anywhere I Wander but at least this one has some cool parallels to Boone's story.

    60. Left My Heart

    You buy or rescue some slaves. Got a neat theme I guess but that doesn't make it have any more content.

    59. Ant Misbehavin'

    The Sonic Emitter thing is kinda cool I guess but mostly you just kill the explosive ants and are done with it. Basically just a part of Volare but it is technically a stand-alone quest so I guess it has to go down here.

    58. I Hear You Knocking

    You repair the howitzer and... that's it. It gets some bonus points for the payoff at Hoover Dam but there's not much to this one.

    57. Don't Make a Beggar of Me

    Reminds me of I Fought the Law but just much less of a thing.

    56. No, Not Much

    Just fetch quest stuff.

    55. Tend to Your Business

    Yet another "go here, kill them" kinda quest. At least this one has some kinda tough enemies.

    54. Medical Mystery

    There are a surprisingly large number of ways to go about this quest given what it is. That gets it a few bonus points but it's still just a little stump of a quest.

    53. Pheeble Will

    Just a lead in for Beyond the Beef but it has some story too I guess. It will complete by itself if you follow Mortimer in Beyond the Beef or shoot up the casino.

    52. Unfriendly Persuasion

    A neat bit of story information I guess but you aren't really missing anything if you skip it.

    51. Classic Inspiration

    Super straightforward and easy to miss. Nothing too thrilling on this one but I guess it has a cool theme and little mechanic. I'd reckon it mostly just exists to get players exploring.

    50. Return to Sender

    A very protracted fetch quest with a buggy speech at the end. This one doesn't bother me as much as other fetch quests though for some reason. Maybe because it really gets you around the map, not just retreading old ground. Ranger Sequoia is a nice bonus too.

    49. We Are Legion

    Basically just Restoing Hope but with less stuff and the other way around.

    48. Restoring Hope

    The first half of the quest isn't much but the assault on Nelson is a good time.

    47. Cry Me a River

    Short but sweet story about someone who just doesn't belong. Another one that maybe should've been unmarked but I can't complain too much.

    46. Eye for an Eye

    It's got some cool espionage vibes but is pretty simple and short. Worth doing though.

    45. The Finger of Suspicion

    This one's just a lead in for the Legion half of I Put a Spell on You. It's a neat scenario but that's all this is so it can't get that much credit.

    44. There Stands the Grass

    This one will either be a fun trot through a creepy vault with a neat choice at the end or a maze of very unfun horrors depending on how high your repair skill is. That choice at the end is pretty fun though I guess. Shame I never side with Keely since causing that explosion without dying makes me want to die myself.

    43. ED-E My Love

    ED-E is great but his quest just isn't much of anything. The choice at the end has zero depth to it and while the audio logs are cool I guess, they aren't anywhere near as good as the Lonesome Road ones.

    42. My Kind of Town

    This normally would be lower since it's just a choice of how much you like the NCR but Primm Slimm is a part of this quest which bumps it up to here.

    41. Boulder City Showdown!

    Fun little scenario but not a whole lot of depth to it. I do like how intense the fighting can get if you set things off.

    40. Wheel of Fortune

    This one's got a nice twist for the first time around but on subsequent playthroughs you can just get the killing over with early then get whatever supplies you actually want.

    39. We Will All Go Together

    Most of it is just collecting the dog-tags which isn't exactly thrilling but meeting Private Edwards at the end of it makes up for that I think.

    38. Flags of Our Foul-Ups

    Some colourful characters in this one but it's pretty short. Still it's fun to see how your actions impact the ending slides and radio broadcast.

    37. Climb Ev'ry Mountain

    A nice little story but nothing mindblowing. Definitely worth having in the game though.

    36. Heartaches by the Number

    There's some nice story here but the quest basically boils down to looking through some ruined caravans then committing some murder. It's also a huge pain to start.

    35. You Can Depend on Me

    Mostly just some errands to run but I guess stealing from the Gun Runners is pretty fun.

    34. High Times

    Simple but effective. It humanizes drug addicts which is pretty cool too. Not sure why I like it so much but it's good stuff.

    33. Debt Collector

    Kinda fun to punch people in the face collecting debts and getting the ghoul to kill you by insulting him never gets old. Not a whole lot to this one but there's some wacky fun for sure. Wang Dang Atomic Tango-lite.

    32. For Auld Lang Syne

    I found many of the remnants in my travels in the Mojava before I found this quest so seeing how they all find importance is cool. Mostly just a nostalgia trip for old fans but it's still a great time to see the Enclave back in actions at Hoover Dam.

    31. Aba Daba Honeymoon

    Some much needed extra characterization and story for the Khans. The quest itself isn't super thrilling but going into Vault 3 is a good time I guess. Needing the Khan disguise could've been better explained.

    30. The Legend of the Star/A Valuable Lesson

    Basically just a collectathon but it makes exploring locations in the Mojave more interesting. I've poked my head into areas I otherwise wouldn't have to collect those little stars. The reward is purposefully disappointing but I suppose the real reward is the fun we had and the Malcolm Holmes we killed along the way!

    29. The Coyotes

    A fun little mystery to solve. I don't have a ton to say on this one since I've only played it once I think but I do remember it being fun so there's that.

    28. Volare!

    Basically just a bunch of busy work. The Boomers are a really cool faction so it's a shame this is the best Obsidian could do with them. Oh well, at least surfacing the bomber is a cool little set-piece.

    27. Young Hearts

    This one would be much lower down if it weren't for the option to send the girl in to get killed. That's just so wonderfully horrible it deserves some praise. Other than that it's just Bye Bye Love without the intrigue.

    26. Bleed Me Dry

    There isn't a whole lot of story to this one but it forces the player to confront dangerous enemies they might otherwise run away from which is fun. I would almost never fight Deathclaws or Cazadors normally but this quest always has me running straight into them. What people do for "love"...

    25. Why Can't We Be Friends?

    One of those quests that sets up a scenario with a quandary then asks you to pick a side. This particular choice is pretty neat I guess but doesn't stand out too much. The option to destroy the vault is pretty fun though.

    24. Crazy, Crazy, Crazy

    Climbing up Black Mountain has a definite vibe to it but once you're done with the combat there's just not a lot too it. You repair the robot or commit some murder and it's done before you even really get a chance to know Tabitha. Then again I don't listen to the radio so maybe I'm biased. At least you get Raul out of it.

    23. Three-Card Bounty

    Pretty simple, there are three troublesome fiends, kill them. The aspect of not mangling their heads is a fun twist to that format and there are some other cool options like luring Driver Nephi to the camp to get destroyed by first-recon. Mostly it's just good to finally give Cook-Cook what's coming to him. Shame they cut the dialogue with the Fiends. Get fucked.

    22. I Could Make You Care

    Not the best companion quest but not too bad either. Gameplay wise it's kinda shallow but I like how it explores Veronica's relationship with the Elder and the BOS as a whole. I like how it sets up the idea that you can change the Brotherhood but at the end of the day they're much too stubborn for that. All you can control is Veronica's reaction to that fact.

    21. One for My Baby

    This one's absolutely iconic. Seeing that old bastard's head go splat never gets old and the detective work to figure out it is was very fun the first time around. It would've been awesome if who did it was randomized every game but that's probably asking for too much.

    20. Come Fly With Me

    Super goofy but also a lot of fun. A lot of players seem to dislike the Nightkin and fetch-quest portions but personally I like them. The quest probably comes a bit early in the game for most people I think. The Nightkin slaughtering Ghouls in desperate hope of finding a Stealth Boy shipment that isn't there is a very sad story. I like how you can sabotage the flight and Chris is a fun character too.

    19. Nothin' But a Hound Dog

    A simple quest saved by its awesome theme. Rex is a very good boy and I get him a new brain every game!

    18. Ghost Town Gunfight/Run Goodsprings Run

    Super simple but it's a great micro-chasm of the rest of the game. Plus, because every player finds it all the characters are super iconic and seared into the memory of any fan of the game. I must've played this quest more times than any other in the game but it's still a good time.

    17. G.I. Blues

    The Kings are such a lovable bunch that this one's a joy to do every time. The bodyguard part is unlike anything else you have to do in the game and the subplot with the NCR squatters (though hamstrung by cut squatter camps) is an interesting dynamic. Whether the Kings are a positive thing for Freeside or not is a genuine question to ask which makes this quest one of the better ones.

    16. I Fought the Law

    The assault on the prison is way too good. The rest of it is eh but siding with the NCR and taking the prison is such a good time this quest gets this rank just from that.

    15. Guess Who I Saw Today

    I'm probably quite biased because I absolutely love Lily as a character. The gameplay on this one is admittedly pretty straightforward but the story of Dr. Henry trying to find a cure sucks me in every time. It feels like a much better end to the story of the Super Mutants and the Nightkin than Crazy, Crazy, Crazy is.

    14. Talent Pool

    Okay, this one isn't exactly deep but it's some wonderful New Vegas goofiness. Seeing the acts perform once you collect them is a great payoff. I also love how one of them is on the run from the child of your character in Fallout 2, it's a nice touch.

    13. Birds of a Feather

    Super underrated quest. The guard duty portion is very unique and a great way to take out Pacer for the NCR or take out the Van Graff's for the BOS. Having to choose whether to get Cass killed is fun too. The climax in the warehouse is a great twist too although I dislike how you can't choose whether to side with the Legion or not. It just sucks how you get bad Legion rep without it telling you first.

    12. I Put a Spell on You

    Both the Legion and NCR routes are full of fun activities and are just a thrill ride the whole way through. On the NCR side finding and exposing Curtis is just so satisfying and on the Legion side well, you get to blow up a train. Nothing more satisfying than seeing that monorail go boom.

    11. The White Wash

    Just one of the games' murder mysteries. This one does have some extra spiciness though because it's not 100% clear whether the murderer should be turned in. This one's extra fun if you bring Arcade along. Personally, I like to turn him in since it provides closure for the people worrying about the soldier and they are stealing the water and making people potentially lose their jobs. I've seen decent arguments that go the other way though so who can say for sure.

    10. Someone to Watch Over Me

    One of the best and most overlooked stories in the game. Every section has plenty of methods of completion, especially the ending one. I also love how if you enter the Hostetler home before you start the quest Ms. Hostetler will tell you to leave her home because to her you're just some weirdo who wandered in. It's a shame you can't start this quest with low Speech since that's how I build all my characters these days.

    9. Oh My Papa

    Not really a side quest since I don't think it can be started outside of the main quest but we'll include it. Convincing the Khans to not lead themselves into their own demise is surprisingly difficult, they really hate the NCR. The ways you can are all fun though and choosing how the Khans should handle their future is a tough choice.

    8. Wang Dang Atomic Tango

    Do I even need to justify this one? It has Fisto. There's your justification.

    7. I Don't Hurt Anymore

    Such a good story. Few games could tackle as serious a subject as this without messing it up but New Vegas nails it.

    6. That Lucky Old Sun

    Fantastic is one of the funniest characters in the game. I'm convinced his dialogue was written with meme potential in mind. Besides him there's a fun choice in this one, a giant laser you can use as a weapon, and the option to rain spacer beam death down on the NCR soldiers below. The Legion occupying it after that last option is just great too. This one's a clear classic.

    5. How Little We Know

    It's not as layered and complex as Beyond the Beef but this one's got a vibe for sure. Seeing Cachino get smoked by Big Sal will never get old and there are so many fun little details to this one. Uncovering a secret serial killer, uncovering someone being framed for a crime, destroying a weapon shipment with thermite, there's just so much to this one. And who doesn't love the Pimp-Boy?

    4. Still in the Dark

    I'm surely biased because I absolutely love the New Vegas Brotherhood. They're such a flawed and nuanced group, not knights in shining armour like in some other Fallout game... That aside this quest appeals to me and honestly I'm not sure why. Isolating the virus and searching the vaults is annoying but there's just something about getting to interact with the Brotherhood that I'll never get tired of. The option to replace McNamara with Hardin is great, you can make a convincing argument for either of them honestly. I also love how the Brotherhood treat you when you first encounter them, if you don't have Veronica they put a bomb collar on you and carefully monitor your every move. The idea that the Brotherhood are serious about security and secrecy is apparent not just in the story, but in the gameplay.

    3. Beyond the Beef

    It's buggy as hell but there is an amazing amount of variety in this quest. There are so many ways it can play out depending on your character and their role in the story. I love how their cannibalism is revealed by Marjorie's little monologue and the whole detective slant is fun too. Getting to serve a companion for dinner is definitely the highlight though.

    2. Bye Bye Love

    Not a whole lot of depth to the choices on this one but the story is super good. Really humanizes all the prostitutes you see around and makes you excited to get your revenge on Omertas for being just the worst people.

    1. I Forgot to Remember to Forget

    Boone has one of the best stories of any character in the game. When I first played this I really was not expecting that to be what happened to his wife. And I'm saying it that way just in case someone is reading this without having played this quest. You must play this quest. It's difficult to know how to feel about Boone and how Boone should feel given everything he's done. The conclusion with the Legion attack is the perfect end for Boone's story arc.

    This took way too long please validate my life choices.

    submitted by /u/Lethemyr
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    A cool yet minute detail I noticed when starting another playthrough of Fallout 4

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    In the opening sequence, when you have to leave your house to get to Vault 111, you can interact with Codsworth, which makes you say "Codsworth, stay safe buddy." Just a cool little detail I felt like sharing. If you want, share any other little small, easily-overlooked details you noticed in the comments.

    submitted by /u/D00NL
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    Fallout set in Texas

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    I'm currently writing a story for a Fallout set in San Antonio. I think Texas has vast potential for lore and is a great setting for a new story to take place. I'm keeping it as lore friendly as possible but obviously with a Texas twist. I'm curious of interest anyone would have in this becoming a real mod. I have no programming skills or have ever modded anything but I plan on enlisting a team to help this come to fruition if this does have real interest. If you have questions or comments please feel free to dm me. Every bit of help or criticism is always welcome.

    submitted by /u/Robbonck
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    all fallout 4 chems real life comparison

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 10:05 PM PDT

    • Berry mentats --- Adderall/Ritalin laced with a fictional drug
    • Bufftats --- Steroids laced with Adderall/Ritalin
    • Calmex --- Xanax or possibly Ketamine
    • Daddy-O --- Possibly a mix of some cocaine, a little heroin, and Adderall/Ritalin
    • Day Tripper --- Weed
    • Grape Mentats --- MDMA
    • Jet --- In fallout 4, it resembles a mix codeine and promethazine, otherwise known as lean, dirty cup, dirty sprite, and more (Methamphetamine and Ketamine in other games)
    • Med-X --- Heroine
    • Mentats --- Adderall/Ritalin
    • Orange Mentats -- Adderall/Ritalin
    • Psycho --- Mix of Crack and Heroine
    • Psycho Jet --- Mix of Crack, Heroine, Codeine, Promethazine
    • Psychobuff --- Mix of Crack, Heroine, Steroids,
    • Rad-X --- ????
    • X-Cell --- ????
    • Fury --- Crack, Methamphetamine, Heroine, Steroids, MDMA
    • Jet Fuel --- Methamphetamine
    • Overdrive --- Crack, Heroine, And Adderall/Ritalin
    • Ultra Jet --- Methamphetamine, Codeine, and Promethazine
    submitted by /u/godgame98
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    Do you enjoy DLC that directly relates to the main story/overarching plot like in New Vegas, or do you prefer more side quest type DLC as seen in Fallout 3 and 4?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 11:42 PM PDT

    What I love most about New Vegas is that its DLC(at least Lonesome Road) directly relates to the main quest. And while Dead Money and Old World Blues maybe aren't as essential to a play through as LR or HH, they still include valuable and interesting information about characters you hear about in game. For example, whenever I play New Vegas, I don't feel right not at least playing HH to learn about Caesar from Graham and how to beat the Legion, and LR to learn from Ulysses how to conquer Lanius and the importance of the outcome of the 2nd Battle of Hoover dam and how it will effect the wasteland. Fallout 3 only really has Broken Steel that is IMO a great follow up to the events that happened in the main game, but then The Pitt, Mothership Zeta, and Point Lookout don't exactly add to the main quest. Fallout 4 only really has Nuka World and Far Harbor that potentially can slightly affect the wasteland, but don't pertain to the main story. The Mechanist quest is really more of a side quest than DLC. Personally, I love Fallout 3 and NV's DLC, and I can appreciate 4's, but I think I prefer DLC that creates world building while adding to the main quest.

    submitted by /u/ObiWanSerote
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    Nuka-World is a absolutly nightmare for survival dificulty

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 08:30 PM PDT

    I started nuka world for the first time, and for my luck, in the survival mode.

    For starter, i can't find any place with some good water, and i why does the npc's are called traders if they don't trade?

    ffs, this place is a nightmare. I only went to two zones untill now, the robots zone and the ghouls. I died like, 12 times already, everytime, need to comeback to the overboss house to save, or start back there if i died. This is so disheartening.

    I'm a sneaky character and have the Robot Expert perk, so you might think: "Well, it's easy then! Just Sneak up on them". I CANT, BECAUSE THEY HAVE 99 PERCEPTION OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. Because every time i try to sneak on them, they see me.

    Not even starting on the bullet sponge enemys. I know, i know, is survival mode. But i already have realy good gear and i'm lv 44, so i should be easy right? No, it's not. Those robots can kill me with one rocket, and i'm not even starting on the assautrons. When i finnaly overcame my fear of Assautrons, they come back and even stronger.

    And i need to do everything by myself. Those raiders just stand there and do absolutly nothing.

    Is it to late to comeback on becoming a minuteman?

    submitted by /u/TsunamiDayne
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    Fallout Florida lore and concept discussion, there is huge potential for lore here.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 03:35 AM PDT

    Gators, Death-Crocs (see what I did there), Swamp Ghouls, Giant Mosquitoes, Giant Brown Recluse Spiders, Rad-Iguanas, Radiation Swamps, Giant snakes, Cape Canaveral/Kennedy Space Center, Scar Face mansion Easter Egg, University of Florida, Vice Style detective quest in Miami, Sharks with arms and legs, Eglin Air Force Base, MacDill Air Force Base, Fort Benning GA Ranger school quest similar to Bar Harbor quest in 4, Giant Bats Nuka World Radiation Kingdom with hostile malfunctioning animatronics, Walt Disney in a cryogenic chamber that if you wake him up and fight him he drops the key to an awesome loot stash, New Orleans and Rougarou (ware wolf) quest.

    submitted by /u/Clam_Latte
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    Any ideas on more vaults?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 01:46 AM PDT

    So, I'm planning on running a short campaign for the Fallout TTRPG. It will be set around "The Sick Easy" New Orleans (because of course it will be). Now what would Fallout be without some wicked vaults? So I'm looking for some ideas. As a starter, here's my first shot:

    RobCo presents: Vault [##]

    Building Vaults is expensive, and even a corporation like Vault-Tec needs to cut some expenses. Enter Vault [insert Number here]! Everything in this Vault could be endorsed before construction. From simple tags on towels ("Perfectly clean - Thanks to Abraxo!") and control over the food storages ("Have you had your Dandy Boy today?") up to the Name of the Vault itself!

    The whole vault was an experiment on how far one could go with pure capitalism. Nothing was free and the Vault had it's own currency (the cleverly named Vault-Dollar). Algorithms and advanced A.I.s could change the Dollar's value to simulate inflation. Over the centuries, the inhabitants started using brand names in their everyday speech. From swearing ("Aw, Cram! I broke the radio!") to joy ("Blamco! What a surprise!") and even flirting ("Hey there, Sugar Bomb!")

    Oddly enough, the Vault worked out pretty well, and when it opened to the surrounding wasteland, it quickly became a hub of successful traders and merchants. Centuries of pure trading culture had made the inhabitants into some very cunning businesspeople. Some caravans even started accepting Vault-Dollars, which slowly but surely make their way into the wasteland (even though they of course are not as popular as bottlecaps).

    So. What kinds of Vault would you like to see in the Fallout universe, be it upcoming games or otherwise?

    submitted by /u/CrookedCrunchies
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    Fallout 4 mod recommendations?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 12:59 AM PDT

    So I've been a avid console player and well the mods there are limited. I love the NV modding community and some of the great stuff they have and finally getting the GOTY fo4 for pc. I'm just wondering what mods people would reccomend.

    most likely will be trying to slightly overhaul the game with multiple mods so minor overhauls (stuff like the sim settlement bandit thing) to flesh it out and make it more alive.

    And weapon packs which I've noticed are...uncommmon? I'm not a huge fan of like modern weapon stuff so I'm looking for more "lore friendly" stuff. Such as the classic weapons pack on FNV that add more scrap/pipe weapons that fit in smoothly without this really awkward looking AK47

    Random note: Armor packs as well. Console was filled with them but in a "make female wear skimpy outfit" way. So I'm looking for something that fits into lore and just. Kinda makes sense?

    I'm also wanting to try complete overhauls. My first stop will be the FROST mod as I loved DUST

    I'm trying to just build a list of stuff to try as I get bored rather quickly and will change it up quite a bit.

    Sorry if this is a bit hard to understand or seems a bit picky.

    submitted by /u/SSpookyTheOneTheOnly
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    Where in the world do I find a stealth-boy? (Fallout 1)

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 11:24 PM PDT

    I can't find a single one to the point I'm doubting they're actually in Fallout 1. I've checked the entire Hub.

    submitted by /u/notaboogaloo
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    Legion is bad like why is this even a growing debate

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 09:18 PM PDT

    Slavery, Inequality, Opposed to modern medicine and Anti-Science to boot. Came here after a growing amount of Legion mofos are flooding fallout community posts on YouTube and memes that are unironically serious. Like how can you even justify this slaving warband lol!

    submitted by /u/MaDroXBaNaNa
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    Fallout 3 and NV on Windows 11

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 03:41 AM PDT

    What do you guys think the risks are of Windows 11 causing issues for Fallout 3 / NV ? (I'm sure FO4 will be fine lol)

    submitted by /u/KayDaGunna
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    Why Am I Enjoying Settlements??

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 07:23 PM PDT

    So I have never been a fan of the settlement building. At the same time I have never played any of the DLC.. Well recently I had to pick up a new copy off Fallout 4... A new disc copy is alot cheaper than the download. Anyway . For this play through I decided to actually spend some time on the settlements and it has become my favorite part of the game.

    I have recently spent alot of time building egret tours. It has to be my favorite place to build... And for a player base I chose costal cottage since it kinda sucks to build at.

    submitted by /u/JC_Massakre
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    Nuka World Funhouse

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 01:51 AM PDT

    I'm sure I'm not the first person to say this, but that level designer can die in a fire.

    submitted by /u/wags83
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    My disappointment in the institute (FO4)

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 11:33 PM PDT

    Was anyone else disappointed when they got to the institute? It was hyped up to be such a powerful and fearsome group but it's so small. I don't know, maybe I was just expecting too much, but I expected it to be at least three times the size and with much better loot.

    submitted by /u/Official_DarkPurple
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    FNV Easy Pete % speedrun on 75 mgs of DMT

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 10:59 PM PDT

    F4: always gonna bother me (no matter how many times it's been a thing here)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 12:27 AM PDT

    One of the options to tell Piper during the interview is (paraphrasing) "You're all living in rusty, tin-walled huts and killing each other." What bugs me is that, yes, they all live in rusty huts, and they kill each other with plasma rifles they have time to find, upgrade, maintain and keep powered up.

    submitted by /u/branmakmuffin
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    Fallout New Vegas: Trouble with “Eyesight to the Blind” quest

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 04:08 AM PDT

    I've completed the quest as normal became a member of the BoS, and the quest is marked as complete, however, the "Report to McNamara that the device has been installed" quest stage is marked as incomplete. I am able to speak to McNamara again to re-complete the quest (I get all of the usual dialogue and rewards), but the same thing happens again, where the quest is complete but the last objective isn't. The only mod I have is BrotherhooHouseAlliance. I've tried innumerable console commands but none have worked.

    submitted by /u/yyes7278
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    Diamond City Radio News missing?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 03:42 AM PDT

    Has anyone encountered a Fallout 4 bug wherein Travis doesn't report the news?

    I've recently started a new game (survival mode, very slow rate of progression) and usually after several hours would expect Travis to have reported of someone leaving the Vault and on the Sanctuary / Minutemen. I'm about 10 hours in and so far all songs and sponsor ads are playing, but no news. I have OCD and this is driving me crazy o_o'

    submitted by /u/Doctor_Addams
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    I have the Nuka World theme stuck in my head

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    I've listened to it several times now and yet it still insists on annoying the hell out of me. Anyone have any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Poopychicken17
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    Fo4 theory: Paladin Danse and the Brotherhood are an ironic pastiche

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 05:18 PM PDT

    I'm currently playing Fo4. It's my first game in the series and I absolutely adore it. I have not gotten very far in the story but so far the Brotherhood sticks out like a sore thumb. While the overall world feels very creative and original, Danse and the brotherhood feel like two dimensional space marine cliches with goofy Rob Liefeld/warhammer designs. I know the armor is carried over from the older games, which may be why it looks so 90s.

    I'm not complaining, I think it's hilarious and awesome. My theory is that Paladin Danse and the brotherhood are an ironic pastiche, a parody of the generic millitary shooter games that cater exclusively to adolescent boys. Without spoiling myself I've learned that there are plot twists and character growth to Danse's story if you go that route. I've also seen clips of the queer romance dialogue with him which is hilarious because he doesn't know how to process it while trying to maintain his stereotypical macho millitary persona.

    I can't help but think the brotherhood is intentionally ironic, given how sophisticated the rest of the game is. I think it's amazing that rob liefeld space marines, 1950s satire, detective noir, queer fiction and road warrior post apocalyptic combat can all exist in the one game. I love it!

    submitted by /u/barnayo
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