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    Saturday, June 5, 2021

    Fallout: New Vegas | First Fallout game, I'm digging this look

    Fallout: New Vegas | First Fallout game, I'm digging this look

    First Fallout game, I'm digging this look

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 02:01 AM PDT

    How regular wastelanders must see the BoS

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 11:30 PM PDT

    Made this cool currier bag from an old military bag

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    ED-E Taking the Kids to School

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:13 AM PDT

    this is why unarmed is better than guns

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    Never forget our fallen brothers

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 06:48 AM PDT

    My nuka cola collection is going well in the lucky 38

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    Boone Admires the Gobi

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:10 AM PDT

    A Tribe of Two: The Courier and Scout

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    I was enjoying my retirement as a courier, and I Just woke up in this cute town after some asshole shot me. I don't think he knew who he's dealing with, because Fawkes and I are coming for that prick.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 12:38 AM PDT

    Just a normal man with a big and a 10 gallon

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 11:06 PM PDT

    I have updated my Lego Scale Gauss Rifle have a detachable Magazine and Battery. BONUS: I have also Designed and Printed the Pulse and Gauss Weapons from Fallout 2

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    Obliterating Benny with a Frag Grenade

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    Some art of a alien blaster I did over 2 years ago, enjoy!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:49 PM PDT

    Ignoring the entirely blank background and unfinished landscaping, does this plane wreck look natural enough?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    Fallout NV perk tier list (complete and revised)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 06:40 PM PDT

    This is my comprehensive perk tier list including traits and companion perks. I have made many perk tier list posts but I have combined and updated my list for this post. Please enjoy and leave me a comment if you would like to see anything else ranked.

    Below is the rating scale I will use for ranking all my perks.

    S: Amazing perk for virtually every build

    A: Strong perk that will be essential to some builds

    B: Decent perk, take this if there is nothing better to grab

    C: Weak perk with niche uses

    D: Terrible perk, only useful for roleplay or challenge runs

    F: Doesn't work or makes your character worse

    With this in mind, onto the ratings


    • S: Logan's Loophole, Skilled

    • A: Fast Shot, Good Natured, Built to Destroy

    • B: Trigger Discipline, Heavy Handed

    • C: Loose Cannon, Wild Wasteland, Kamikaze, Small Frame

    • D: Claustrophobia, Early Bird, Hoarder, Hot Blooded

    • F: Four Eyes


    -Logans Loophole: While it may not seem like it, level cap of Logan's Loophole is actually a pro rather than a con. Enemies level with your character in FNV and virtually all builds hit their sweet spot before lv 30 meaning further levels hurt your character as the enemies will scale better than you do. Combine this with the fact it doubles the duration for ALL consumables (food, chems, stealthboys, magazines, ect) and you have a ridiculously powerful trait.

    -Skilled: FNV is more than generous with EXP and even if it wasn't, skilled grants 65 skill points which is between 6-5 levels worth of skill points. On top of this, skilled has a bug where the skill boost remains even if the trait is removed (the EXP nerf still gets removed) meaning you can gain the bonuses of skilled up to 3 times in a single playthrough (Character creation, character recreation when leaving goodsprings & OWB auto doc) or just get a free +5 to all skills by taking it initially then removing it in character re-creation.

    -Fast Shot: A 20% dps boost is a fair trade for becoming slightly less accurate, especially since most weapons that can utilize this perk are already ridiculously accurate. This perk also makes you less accurate in vats while decreasing AP costs, useful for packing in headshots on a nearby enemy. Does not work on fully automatic weapons so keep that in mind.

    -Good Natured: Most builds only utilize one combat skill set making the downside fairly trivial compared to the +5 to speech, medicine , repair and barter which are useful for all builds. Unlike skilled, this perk is not bugged so taking it multiple times will have no effect.

    -Built to Destroy: 3% crit is not a lot, but neither is 15% weapon degradation if you have a way to maintain your weapons. This 3% crit is also effected by your weapons critical hit multiplier making it a solid choice for crit builds, but not a mandatory one.

    -Trigger Discipline: This perk would be good for low accuracy full auto weapons to make them get more hits on target while wasting less ammo, but just like Fast Shot this weapon has no effect on fully automatic weapons. This perk can still be taken if you want to be a super sniper but its not as useful as its counterpart. This perk works multiplicatively with fast shot meaning if you take both you will shoot slower while also being less accurate so don't stack them. Lastly, this perk will make your shots in VATS more accurate while increasing AP costs.

    -Heavy Handed: Take this on builds that use low crit dmg melee weapons like 2 step goodbye or Oh Baby!. Since crit dmg perks are multiplicative even if you take Better Criticals and Elijah's Ramblings you will still only do 90% of your weapons crit dmg.

    -Loose Cannon: Ok in a meme grenade build but grenade builds aren't all that great anyway.

    -Wild Wasteland: Grants access to the Alien Blaster which is a pretty solid weapon, but due to its limited ammo you will only be using it against tougher foes. Do note that the unique Gauss Rifle YCS/186 will be unavailable if you take this perk.

    -Kamikaze: Lets you squeeze out another hit in VATS with some weapons which is nice but not always worth the -2 DT. IMO VATS is pretty bad in this game so the usefulness of this perk is limited.

    -Small Frame: +1 agility for a relatively minor downside isn't bad, but given the opportunity cost of missing out on other traits I wouldn't bother with this one.

    -Claustrophobia/Early Bird: Conditional SPECIAL bonuses. Sure you could play around them but the effects are so negligible that there is no real reason to bother.

    -Hoarder: You can just fill your inventory with garbage you toss as you load in useful items, but honestly it's not worth the chore.

    -Hot Blooded: Useful only if you're trying to hit the highest dmg possible. 9/10 times the extra health is going to matter more than a marginal DMG increase and the drop in agility is going to make you reload slower to boot.

    -Four Eyes: This perk decreases your base perception by 1 while granting you +2 as a buff if you wear eyeglasses meaning that it becomes harder to hit SPECIAL threshold for perks. Combine this with the fact glasses are useless (bar lucky shades), conflict with useful headgear and that perception sucks and you have zero reason to take this trait.

    • LV 2 PERKS

    • A: Rapid Reload, Light Touch

    • B: Heave, Ho!, Retention

    • C: Black Widow/Lady Killer/ Cherchez La Femme/Confirmed Bachelor, Intense Training, Swift Learner

    • D: Hunter, Old World Gourmet

    • F: Junk Rounds, Friend of the Night, In Shining Armor,


    -Rapid Reload: The faster you can reload, the faster you can get back to shooting enemies resulting in a decent DPS boost during fights that go beyond a single reload. Very helpful for weapons with low magazine size like Light in Shining Darkness or the Avenger.

    -Light Touch: The critical bonus on this weapon is unaffected by your weapons critical multiplier making this a solid choice for fully automatics and by combining this with Set Lasers for Fun and Laser Commander you can get a 19% critical hit rate on full auto laser weapons allowing them to shred. The -25% crit chance from enemies is also useful, making light armor better defense against high crit enemies since crit dmg ignores DT. There are rumors that DLC heavy/medium armors can be used with this perk since it checks a blacklist of armors rather than the quality of armor the player is wearing and DLCs have trouble interacting with each other, but I have yet to test this.

    -Heave, Ho!: This perk effects all weapons that fire in an arc including fatmans, grenade launchers and incinerators. Very useful for grenade and explosive builds.

    -Retention: Useful for crit builds utilizing the Police Stories magazine, otherwise don't bother.

    -Black Widow/Lady Killer/ Cherchez La Femme/Confirmed Bachelor: These perks would be in D if not for the fact the LV 2 perk pool is pretty terrible all around. The dialogue options they grant usually have other ways of resolving themselves and the DPS bonus isn't really that noticeable. If taking for DMG you could be a simp and take La Femme/Confirmed Bachelor to make the Oliver, Lanius and Ulysses fights easier, but I prefer Black Widow/Lady Killer because it makes me better at beating up women.

    -Intense Training: SPECIAL in FNV are much easier to come by than perks, so using a perk to get more special is pretty questionable. Take only if there are no better perk options for your build.

    -Swift Learner: This would be a D tier perk if the other D tier perks weren't even more useless. At least this perk lets you save time on maxing out your character.

    -Hunter: On crit you do extra dmg to the easiest enemy type in the game as "creature" only counts things like bighorners or molerats. If this perk included abominations it would be usable but it doesn't so skip it.

    -Old World Gourmet: You get some bonus health out of specific food and drink items. Neat but not worth a perk, even on hardcore mode.

    -Junk Rounds: While this perk should be D tier since it TECHNICALLY provides benefit to the player, I'm putting this in F tier because of how egregiously bad it is. This perk converts ONE scrap metal or FIVE tin cans into a SINGLE FUCKING ROUND OF AMMO AND YOU STILL NEED A CASING. The icing on the urinal cake is that BENT TIN CANS ARE NOT USABLE FOR JUNK ROUND CRAFTING, YOU NEED 5 PRESTINE SHIT CANS JUST TO MAKE A SINGLE BULLET. This is hands down the most insultingly bad functional perk in the game.

    -Friend of the Night: Makes your whole screen tinted blue when it turns night. Doesn't help you see at all just makes everything less pleasant to look at.

    -In Shining Armor: This perk does not work, taking it will grant your character zero benefits. If you use mods to make this perk functional it would be a C tier at best.

    • LV 4 PERKS

    • S: Rad Child

    • A: Comprehension

    • B: Educated, Travel Light

    • C: Run n Gun

    • D: Cannibal, Entomologist

    -Rad Child: This is my first revised rating from my previous ranking posts, but I severely underestimated the power of this perk. Rad Child can grant between 2 - 8 hp/s depending on how irradiated you want to become. While the special loss from rad poisoning sucks, the quality of life improvement from never needing healing items (outside of doctors bags) is quite large. Do note that to make up for the endurance lost from radiation poisoning you will have to spend 10 seconds in combat (slightly less for the last stage of rad poisioning) so in short fights this perk hurts you. This perk also trivializes Dead Money so take it if you struggle with that DLC (but don't use any of the autodocs since they will cure all your rads.)

    -Comprehension: In theory this perk grants more skill points than any other perk in the game (104) but it is such a chore that I can't recommend doing this, if you just want more skill points take educated. That being said, where this perk really shines is magazines. Boosting skill magazines to +20 from +10 allows you to save tons of skill points for needed dialogue, lockpicking and science checks. This also boosts True Police Stories from +5% to +10% crit chance making this perk a good choice for crit builds.

    -Educated: This perk is a little bit of a noob trap but its still not a bad choice compared to your other options at this level. Useful if you want your character to be a master of everything.

    -Travel Light: Being able to move around the wasteland faster is a nice for quality of life plus it makes you more efficient at kiting out melee enemies. Combine this perk with Run n Gun and you've got yourself a slippery gunslinger.

    -Run n Gun: This perk is nice in pistol builds since pistols get to move around at full speed when drawn unlike rifles making them great for kiting melee enemies. Combine this with Travel Light for even better kiting.

    -Cannibal: This perk would be playable if not for the long animation that occurs every time the player eats a corpse. Combine this with the pitiful +25 health you heal per corpse and this perk is only useful for roleplay, karma tanking or challenge runs.

    -Entomologist: As much as I hate cazadors, taking an entire perk just to kill them faster isn't really worth it especially with the 40 science requirement. Sure this perk also helps you kill other bugs faster but we all know that cazadors are the only reason to take this perk.

    • LV 6 PERKS

    • A: Demolition Expert, Hand Loader, Vigilant Recycler, The Professional, Shotgun Surgeon

    • B: Gunslinger, Toughness

    • C: Bloody Mess, Ferocious Loyalty, Mad Bomber

    • D: Fortune Finder, Lead Belly


    -Demolition Expert: Just a standard damage perk. Take if you run explosives, ignore if you don't simple as.

    -Hand Loader: Allows for crafting of hand loader ammunition which is a significant upgrade to the default ammo on most weapons. Also lets you recover casings more often which is useful if you love reloading. Shame the interface for workbenches and reloading is borderline unusable.

    -Vigilant Recycler: Same principal as hand loader but for energy weapons. While it does have a worse skill requirement than hand loader does (repair vs science) it makes up for it by allowing the player to recycle full energy cells while handloader only recovers casings.

    -Shotgun Surgeon: Shotguns get gimped by armor since smaller dmg instances are resisted better by armor. Take this perk to mitigate this downside in a shotgun build.

    - The Professional: Boosts all crits not just sneak attacks so it gives a decent damage bonus to crit pistol builds. Given that crit boosters stack multiplicatively this perk will allow your pistols to hit quite hard when they crit.

    -Gunslinger: VATS is pretty bad in FNV but this perk helps make it slightly more playable. Essential in a VATS pistol build.

    -Toughness: You become harder to kill simple as. Makes for a good filler perk if you have nothing else to take.

    -Bloody Mess: An unnoticeable damage increase that doesn't even matter 90% of the time. Since most weapons will overkill your enemies by a significant amount, this perk doesn't even decrease time to kill in most fights and even if it does the maximum amount of time you will save is 5%. Take only if you have nothing better to grab.

    -Ferocious Loyalty: This perk looks pretty bad on paper because it is bad outside of a companion build. In a companion build however this perk is pretty good granting your companion 50% damage resistance. This is even more useful on hardcore mode where companies love to die all the time. I do not know if this perk works with NCR troopers called by the NCR emergency radio but that would require testing.

    -Mad Bomber: Allows you to craft custom explosives to rein terror on the Mohave if that's your thing. Also allows access to the cheapest craftable grenade in the game, MCF grenades that only requires 3 microfusion cells to craft.

    -Fortune Finder: If you know what you're doing you will be swimming in caps in FNV, even if you don't know what you're doing this perk will not make any difference. It grants a 10% chance to find around 100 caps in a viable container which is nothing.

    -Lead Belly: Rads are a non-issue in FNV outside of select areas and rads from food/water are even less of an issue. In the off chance you do stuff 800 iirradiated foodstuffs in your mouth and want to stuff 800 more just take a radaway or give a doctor like 3 dollars and boom you're good.

    • LV 8 PERKS

    • A: Cowboy, Super Slam!, Grunt

    • B: Packrat, Quickdraw, Stonewall

    • C: Commando, Living Anatomy

    • D: Rad Resistance, Scrounger, Terrifying Presence, Home on the Range, Sneering Imperialist, Tribal Wisdom, Fight the Power,


    -Cowboy/Grunt: Generic DPS perks nothing specials here. Do note that combat knives benefit from both cowboy AND grunt making Chance's Knife a strong melee choice if you want to invest the perks and skills into taking both.

    -Super Slam!: Allows melee builds to stunlock their enemies until they die. This perk does not work with full auto melee weapons like the chainsaw or thermic lance so keep that in mind.

    -Packrat: This perks allows you to carry more crafting supplies, food and ammunition in hardcore mode. Would rank higher if it didn't have an awful 70 barter requirement.

    -Quickdraw: Great for builds that require weapon switching or constant holstering due to your primary weapon dropping movespeed. Another niche use for this perk is that switching weapons will fully reload your last weapon equipped allowing you to squeeze more DPS out of weapons with lengthy reloads.

    -Stonewall: Knockback is just as deadly to the player as it is to the enemy so making yourself completely immune to it takes away a lot of the danger from certain encounters. Also the +5 DT against melee enemies is helpful for tank and melee builds.

    -Commando: Its grunt but for rifles. VATS still sucks but if you're building around it take this perk for rifles.

    -Living Anatomy: Being able to see your enemies health and DT is actually quite helpful but rarely if ever necessary due to the existence of the internet. The damage bonus is negligible and only works against humans and ghouls so don't bother taking this perk for dmg. The best use for this perk is adding it to your character via console when you want to DPS test or perform various experiments.

    -Rad Resistance: Unless you plan on being Rad Man of Rad Land don't take this perk, radiation is a non issue.

    -Scrounger: Not nearly as bad as cap collector, but making money is trivial in FNV and so is buying ammo. If you think you need this perk here's what you do. Negotiate the hostage release and let the Khans go in Boulder City as this will grant you "liked" by the Great Khans. This will grant you access to the Great Khan armory, a vendor that stockpiles ridiculous amounts of ammunition and with a barter of 25 you hit the FNV buy/sell maximum values for all items. If you don't like the Khans then the Quartermaster in Hoover Dam is your next best bet.

    -Terrifying Presence: This perk grants you a whopping 18 extra dialogue options, half of which just lead to combat and all of which have better ways of resolving themselves. Only useful for roleplaying purposes.

    -Home on the Range: Maybe this perk has some uses in survival but beds are plenty common and fast travel exists for a reason.

    -Sneering Imperialist: Makes you better against some of the weakest human enemies in the game, yay. Only take for the funny dialogue options given in Honest Hearts.

    -Tribal Wisdom: Eat the bugs to save the planet, bigot. This is just cannibal for bugs.

    • LV 10 PERKS

    • S: And Stay Back

    • A: Finesse

    • C: Math Wrath, Nerd Rage, Plasma Spaz,

    • D: Animal Friend, Mr Sandman, Miss Fortune, Mysterious Stranger, Night Person, Fight the Power!

    • F: Here and Now


    -And Stay Back: Normally I wouldn't put a perk that applies to such a narrow category of weapons in S tier, but And Stay Back trivializes the entire game when combined with the riot shotgun. Even if you aren't running a shotgun build you can always just take this perk, grab a riot shotgun and cheese your way through almost every fight in the game. Do note that Ulysses is immune to all knockback effects so he can't be cheesed via this method.

    -Finesse: This single perk grants 5 luck worth of crit and has no SPEICAL or skill requirements. Mandatory in crit builds, ignore in no-crit builds.

    -Math Wrath: Only useful in a VATS centric build where the 10% reduction results in an extra hit inside of VATS. Combine this with the science requirement and I would only run this perk in builds that utilize other VATS reduction perks and Concentrated Fire.

    -Nerd Rage: Grants significant durability if your health gets low, but you will usually be overkilled before you can fall into the 20% health threshold required to proc this perk limiting its usefulness to tank builds.

    -Plasma Spaz: This Perk + Math Wrath + Fast Shot allows you to to drop the Q-35 matter modulator VATS cost to 16 per shot. This perk makes VATS Plasma a viable option but outside of that specific build there is no reason to take this perk.

    -Animal Friend: You won't be attacked by the weakest enemy type in the game. Great, never take this. And this perk has the gall to have two equally useless ranks.

    -Mr. Sandman You gain the ability to instantly kill sleeping people as if this was some kind of challenge. Just shoot/burn/stab them like a normal psycho and ignore this perk.

    -Night Person: Like all other situational SPECIAL granting perks, this one is not worth the chore to maintain.

    -Fight the Power!: Situational damage increases against NCR or legion soldiers. Helps a little with the Ranger/Legion ambushes but not enough to waste a whole perk point.

    -Miss Fortune/Mysterious Stranger: 10% chance when your VATS attacks end that one of these goons will be summoned to dunk on your foes. These perks are great for comedy, not so great for combat.

    -Fight the Power: Situational damage increase against faction enemies. Consider this if you're going for a genocide run but just like all other situational damage perks it's not really worth it.

    -Here and Now: A complete waste of a perk point, if you're looking for build filler take anything else that isn't F tier.

    • LV 12 PERKS

    • A: Piercing Strike, Pyromaniac, Silent Running,

    • B: Hit the Deck, Long Haul, Splash Damage, Heavyweight

    • C: Fast Metabolism, Life Giver, Robotics Expert, Sniper, Hobbler, Unstoppable Force

    • D: Ghastly Scavenger, Alertness


    -Piercing Strike: Armor stops your damage so take piercing strike to stop their armor. One thing to note is that the armor piercing effects of full auto melee weapons are broken so Piercing Strike is highly recommended in the full auto melee build.

    -Pyromaniac: A perk about burning people but the best use for it is in melee builds because it effects Shishkebabs and the Super Heated Saturnite Fist. Shame this perk scales with explosives making it a chore to get the skill requirements for.

    -Silent Running: Makes you sneak even sneakier. Gives a lot of power for its skill requirement so just by getting 50 sneak and grabbing this perk you can make any build semi-stealth.

    -Hit the Deck: While enemies that use explosive weapons are fairly rare, the ones that do usually cause instant death if they catch you unaware. This perk makes your instant death a little less instant, also useful for explosive builds where you hit yourself a lot.

    -Long Haul: Makes inventory management easier by allowing the player to teleport to vendors whenever they pick up too much loot. Some people swear by this perk but IMO the inventory management perks are unnecessary outside of hardcore mode but I will leave it at B due to its usefulness.

    -Splash Damage: Great perk for explosive builds, but I recommend pairing it with Hit the Deck to avoid embarrassing deaths.

    -Heavyweight: Allows you to weapon toolbox easier without having to worry about carry weight. Highly recommend this perk if you're a "bring the right gun for the right job" kind of player.

    -Fast Metabolism: Get more out of your stimpacks, as if healing is rare in FNV. I've heard this perk is good in hardcore mode where you can't just jam 50 stickpacks into your arm and live anything.

    -Life Giver: Gives 1.5 END worth of health. 30 health points will rarely make the difference between life and death, but this trait is useful in combination with trait that makes you do more damage below 50% or the companion DR perk because the health granted by life giver goes not count against your half health requirement.

    -Robotics Expert: Would be in D if not for robo scorpions being one of the most annoying enemy types on the planet. Take to make OWB easier.

    -Sniper: VATS isn't great but if you do want to make a VATS build take this.

    -Hobbler: See what I said for sniper. Some people may trash this in favor of sniper but crippling legs is a fantastic strategy vs hard enemies like deathclaws.

    -Unstoppable Force: If this perk prevented melee stagger from hitting a blocking enemy it would be C tier but it doesn't so it gets D tier.

    -Ghastly Scavenger: It's cannibal, but for even rarer enemy types. You could combine both the cannibal perks and I would still chose Here and Now over the cannibal perk. It's that bad.

    -Alertness: Wow two whole perception, the most useless SPEICAL in the game rendered even more useless by EDE's enhanced sensors. Even if this perk set your perception to 10 when crouched and standing it would still suck.

    • LV 14 PERKS

    • S: Chemist

    • A: Jury Rigging

    • C: Center of Mass, Purifier

    • D: Adamantium Skeleton, Light Step


    -Chemist: This perk doubles the duration of all positive consumables so you get double duration on stealth boys, stimpacks in survival, magazines and food as well as chems. Chemist also stacks with Logans Loophole for 4x duration on all your buffs. Fantastic perk for any build.

    -Jury Rigging: Makes repairing your weapons (and more importantly armor) much easier, and it should for a whopping 90 repair requirement. While easy weapon repairs are nice, this perk really shines in builds using armor with unique repair categories (i.e. remnants power armor) to save a ton of money on repairs.

    -Center of Mass: You get extra damage when hitting the part of the body you shouldn't be shooting in VATS. Just spam vats on their head and if you can't do it accurately just walk closer.

    -Purifier: Normally I would rank such a niche damage perk lower, but nightstalkers and deathclaws are nasty to fight in melee builds and 50% boost is a lot of damage. That being said, the number of deathclaw fights in the game is very low if you know where to avoid and nightstalkers aren't worth taking a perk just to kill easier.

    -Adamantium Skeleton: How are broken bones real just take a nap bro it'll be fine. Maybe this is an ok quality of life perk for hardcore mode, but maybe you should get good and not break your bones in the first place.

    -Light Step: All mines are scripted in FNV meaning with enough playthroughs you'll remember where they are rendering this perk pointless. That being said if you aren't a nerd who plays this game way too much and doesn't know where all the mines are then this perk is a solid C tier. This perk is also useful for peace of mind in permadeath runs and making Dead Money easier (but you really should challenge dead money far before you get this perk, the ghost people scale hard with level and the weapons given in this DLC are not effective end game weapons but they're quite ok early.)

    • LV 16 PERKS

    • A: Better Criticals

    • B: Meltdown

    • C: Action Boy, Weapon Handling

    • D: Chem Resistant, Tag!


    -Better Criticals: While the description makes it appear as if your whole shot hits 50% harder when you score a critical hit, all that really happens is the critical portion of your hit gets increased by 50%, not the whole shot. Regardless, this perk is mandatory in critical builds so take it if you're running one of those.

    -Meltdown: The explosion of meltdown does equal damage to the damage of the shot that caused said meltdown ,can critically hit, apply on hit weapon effects and will cause other enemies to meltdown if they are killed. This perk is very useful for high damage energy weapons like the gauss rifle to decimate groups of enemies.

    -Action Boy: Grants 5 agility worth of AP, but unlike agility it does not make you reload faster. That being said, VATS still sucks and for many weapons 15 point of AP still isn't enough to squeeze another shot out requiring the second rank of this perk. Do the math before taking this perk to see if you gain anything out of it.

    -Weapon Handling: Ideally you should already know what weapons to build your character around during creation and just hit your strength requirements there but if your SPECIAL is stretched thin I can see uses for this perk. Maybe C tier is a bit generous but its good for builds that can utilize it.

    -Chem Resistant: Rendered irrelevant by Logan's Loophole, but even if it wasn't you would still never take this perk since addictions are easy to cure.

    -Tag!: If this perk was offered at lv 2 or 4 to help the player hit early skill thresholds it wouldn't be terrible, but trading a perk point for 15 skill points is laughable at lv 18.

    • LV 18 PERKS

    • B: Concentrated Fire, Paralyzing Palm

    • D: Walker Instinct

    • F: Computer Whiz, Infiltrator


    -Concentrated Fire: Useful for low VATS cost weapons to cheese out massive accuracy buffs, but requiring 60 energy weapons AND 60 guns is pretty shitty since most builds only invest into one of these skills. Another thing to remember is that the accuracy buff does not apply retroactively, each shot will fire with the accuracy displayed when you chose to take it.

    -Walker Instinct: What is it with DLC perks giving shitty conditional SPECIAL buffs? See what I've said about every other conditional SPECIAL buff.

    -Computer Whiz, Infiltrator: While TECHNICALLY useful, I have put these perks in F tier because they encourage the player to fuck themselves over. The lock picking minigame is a joke so there is zero reason to force a lock and the hacker minigame can be exited before the lockout and restarted with zero cost.

    • LV 20 PERKS

    • A: Them's Good Eatin

    • B: Grim Reaper's Sprint, Ninja, Atomic!

    • C: Solar Powered, Eye for an Eye

    • D: Explorer, Mile in their Shoes


    -Them's Good Eatin: This perk is cannibal but playable. Any living creature you kill (people included) has a 50% chance to drop blood sausage or thin red paste which are decent healing items that sadly do not count as food for hardcore. This perk will solve almost all healing issues your character may have.

    -Grim Reaper's Sprint: Get some of your hard earned AP back after killing someone. 20 isn't a ton but it's better than nothing.

    -Ninja: Makes sure your melee sneak attacks kill enemies while also giving a small crit chance boost. The reason I say small crit chance boost is because Ninja only multiplies your current crit chance by 1.15, it does not add a flat 15% to your critical chance sadly.

    -Atomic!: Atomic is quite the strange perk. While irradiated you regenerate AP faster up to a 50% boost at the 800-900 AP range which is quite good for a VATS build. Another benefit of this perk is that while you are gaining rads, you move faster, attack faster, gain 2 DT and 2 STR, but given how rare irradiated zones are in FNV you won't be utilizing this portion of the perk very often. THAT BEING SAID, you can manually trigger this perk by consuming coyote meat since it will irradiate the player for 3-9 seconds per steak. Combine this with Logans Loophole and Chemist and you turn shitty critter meat into a powerful supplement.

    -Solar Powered: While I do hate conditional SPECIAL bonuses, 2hp/s is quite nice.

    -Eye for an Eye: Just because crippled limbs are easy to deal with doesn't mean you should break all your limbs for a damage boost. Sure a 60% damage boost will make you the most dangerous paraplegic in the Mohave, but it's honestly not worth the effort to keep your limbs broken and the negative effects of broken limbs are quite annoying.

    -Explorer: Maybe this would be a useful perk if the internet didn't exist, but the internet does exist and you can print out a map of the Mohave for free. Maybe grab this perk at lv 40 something if you're running out of stuff to do and want to travel to every location in the Mohave.

    -Mile in their Shoes: The buff it gives is bad so the perk is bad. Nuff said.

    • LV 22 - 30 PERKS

    • S: Implant GRX

    • A: Laser Commander, Slayer

    • B: Nerves of Steel, Voracious Reader, Tunnel Runner, Burden to Bear

    • C: Spray and Pray, Lessons Learned

    • D: Rad Absorption, Irradiated Beauty, Nuka Chemist, Roughing it


    -Implant GRX: Turbo is OP enough, but FREE turbo is even better. You get this perk just as you reach the level cap for Logan's Loophole but won't be able to take the second rank, which is OK because Logans Loophole buffs GRX to make up for your loss.

    -Laser Commander: 15% damage and 10% crit in a single perk makes this core for any laser build. One thing to note is the critical bonus granted by this perk is NOT effected by your weapons critical hit multiplier, which sucks for weapons with high crit multipliers like the AER14 prototype but is absolutely broken on weapons with small critical multiplier like the Gatling Laser. Combine this perk with Set Lasers for Fun and Light Touch for a 19% crit chance on the gatling laser turning it into one of the most over powered weapons in the game.

    -Slayer: Hit people faster, essential perk for melee builds. Unfortunatly, for full auto melee weapons all this perk does is decrease the windup time, your chainsaw will not do more dps when revved with this perk. Another fun use for this perk is for travel, get a war club with the honors mod from Honest Hearts and spam forward power attacks to move faster than your character can run. Throw in Melee Hacker and Rushing Water to become speed.

    -Nerves of Steel: Getting back AP faster is good for any player that utilizes VATS a lot. I do not know how this perk stacks with Atomic! so that would require testing if you plan on taking both.

    -Voracious Reader: Provides the player with a very consistent way to grind out skill magazines. You can get wonderglue from vendors or Muggy in the Sink and burnt out books are everywhere. Very useful for crit builds since it provides the player with endless True Police Stories which boost your crit chance by 10% (with comprehension) and is affected by weapon critical hit multipliers. This perk does require a lot of supporting perks to get the most bang for your buck and comes with a steep requirement of 7 int so plan out if you take this perk before you even start your build.

    -Tunnel Runner: Moving faster is always nice and when stacked with other movement bonuses you can almost sneak at your full running speed. This perk does require AG 8 which is quite the investment if you don't use vats or need the reload speed.

    -Burden to Bear: Strong Back 2. Not a necessary perk with proper inventory management but Fallout games turn everyone into hoarders so go ahead, take this perk and carry around 20 miniguns nobody can stop you.

    -Spray and Pray: I'm only putting this in C because of hardcore mode. Never take this perk outside of hardcore mode unless you're running explosives and have decided to have a melee companion for some reason. Even then you still probably shouldn't take it.

    -Lessons Learned: Normally experience perks would be rated lower, but by the point you can take this you're probably already swimming in extra perk points and are just trying to rush lv 50 for the end game perks. Hit level 50 faster so you spend less time getting molested by enemies that scale harder than you do.

    -Rad Absorption: As if rads already weren't a problem in FNV, this perk only cures 1 rad per 20 seconds which is insultingly low.

    -Irradiated Beauty: Better than rad absorption, but rads still aren't an issue in FNV.

    -Nuka Chemist: Turn 3 nuka cola into a slightly better nuka cola that gives negligible buffs. Not worth a perk point let alone the 90 science you need to invest into getting this perk.

    -Roughin It: Well rested only grants a 10% experience bonus and while it does scale multiplicatively with other experience perks that doesn't make experience gaining perks any more worth it. Plus you can just sleep in your own bed to gain well rested so the usefulness of this perk is quite limited. Tack on the fact this perk has the highest skill requirement in the game (survival 100) and it cements its place in D tier.

    • LV 32-50 PERKS

    • S: Ain't Like That Now, Just Lucky I'm Alive

    • A: Thought you Died

    • C: Broad Daylight

    • D: Certified Tech


    -Ain't like that Now: You attack and regenerate AP faster on top of gaining immunity to critical hits. Like all fire rate bonuses, this perk does not effect full auto weapons but it does allow the PC to become a whirlwind of death with weapons like the Katana.

    -Just Lucky I'm Alive: Ignore the luck bonus what really matters here is the crit damage that stacks multiplicatively with better criticals.

    -Thought you Died: The worst out of the 3 level 50 perks but still a good perk nonetheless. Take this in full auto non-crit builds.

    -Broad Daylight: Normally I would rate a meme perk like this at D but by the time you're lv 36 you're going to have more perk points than you know what to do with so allowing the PC to have a little light when sneaking in dark places isn't bad.

    -Certified Tech: The crit chance on this perk does not work and the bonus loot on robots is irrelevant, especially by the time you hit lv 40.


    • S: Comrader-E & Enhanced Sensors

    • A: Full Maintenance (Raul), Old Vaquero (Raul), Stealth Girl (Lilly)

    • B: Spotter (Boone), Lonesome Road

    • C: Better Healing (Arcade Gannon)

    • D: Scribe Assistant (Veronica), Whisky Rose (Cass), Search & Mark (Rex)

    Note: I am not including DLC companions into this list because they are mostly irrelevant and the time you get to travel with them is incredibly short. I am also not rating companions on their combat ability or other qualities besides the value of their companion perk. Another thing to note is I do not usually travel with companions so I may be missing some nuance with these perk descriptions.

    -Comrader-E & Enhanced Sensors: Comrader-E when all holotapes are obtained grants weapon repair, energy cells, 2DT, extra beam weapon damage and a 5% vats hit chance all for walking around with the flying metal meatball. Enhanced Sensors is like having 10 perception all the time and lets you VATS cloaked enemies. You can also take EDE with any companion besides Rex who has a terrible perk so just run EDE all the time.

    -Full Maintenance & Old Valquero: Making your weapons almost indestructible is neat and on paper Full Maintenance is the clear winner here but regular maintenance is usually good enough on its own and allows Raul to also get the Old Vaquero perk which makes him more effective with revolvers and lever action rifles. Unfortunately, Raul's default firearm is not boosted by Old Vaquero meaning you have to arm Raul and load him with ammunition for this perk to be effective, I recommend La Longue Carabine.

    -Stealth Girl: This doubling of stealth boy duration stacks with chemist, day tripper and Logan's loophole allowing for 20 minute stealth boys. Also the crit bonus effects all critical damage not just sneak attacks.

    -Spotter: Ranking spotter this high is purely my personnel preference, but being able to see enemies from really far away is a godsend for sniper builds, especially since everything just blends together in this game color wise.

    -Lonesome Road: While not technically a companion perk, the fact this perk is deactivated while traveling with someone makes it a defacto companion perk. Sure the damage and VATS hit chance are neat but they're not nearly as strong as some of the other companion perks. Even if you plan don't want to run any companions you can just make them wait somewhere while you do whatever you want to gain the their perk while still working alone.

    -Better Healing: You get to heal a whole 20% more from all consumables. Nothing spectacular but better than nothing. Honestly the only uses for arcade gannon are enslaving him for the lols or using his personnel quest for quick power armor training so I wouldn't bother with this perk.

    -Scribe Assistant: Redundant with EDE.

    -Whisky Rose: Immunity to alcohol related debuffs and DT from very specific types of alcohol great who cares. The DT does scale with your survival skill and you can stack both whisky and wasteland tequila for a 15 DT defense bonus but this is still lackluster compared to other perk

    -Search & Destroy: You can't take EDE with his perk so dont take this perk simple as. Even if you could this perk sucks compared to other companion perks.

    submitted by /u/Nazbowling11
    [link] [comments]

    Benny And The Jets

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    Veronica seems quite mad

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:33 PM PDT

    Surprise fight with a giant cazador, nearly shit my self

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    Look at all those friends!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 07:26 PM PDT

    FPGE Mod not working

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 06:56 AM PDT

    Hello everyone.

    My FPGE is not working, and it just takes me back to the main menu.

    I have no installed mods except for the ones necessary for the FPGE

    (JohnnyGuitar, List extender, etc.).

    The game still runs, it just takes me back to the beginning.

    I can add more info if necessary.

    Any idea about what's not going on? I used WinZip instead of 7Zip for my files if that matters.


    submitted by /u/Bi_Accident
    [link] [comments]

    Can anybody tell me why the Weapon animation replacer FOMOD isn't working? All the files are in the right place but this keeps showing up.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    dont fuck with the one who brings u ur mail

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:04 AM PDT

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