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    Fallout | I just got Fallout 3 for $1 at gamestop and i couldn't be happier

    Fallout | I just got Fallout 3 for $1 at gamestop and i couldn't be happier

    I just got Fallout 3 for $1 at gamestop and i couldn't be happier

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 02:59 PM PDT

    I haven't been able to play it since it left gamepass about a year ago and I've been really wanting to play it again so getting it for a dollar was great

    submitted by /u/1ROYinHD1
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    I just wanted to say to those who think the 50's style retro futurism, along with the music wasn't in fallout before bethesda, the intros are enough proof that it was.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    Now i'm not going to argue that bethesda didn't turn it up to eleven (because they did), but the 50's style retro futurism WAS in the games before bethesda, and the intros of both F1, and F2 prove it. Before anyone says that they were "more influenced by the 80's, and 90's" the only reason why you see a lot of easter eggs surrounding that time period, is because it was a product of it's time. Back then they weren't seen as old references, they were modern to them because they were living through it, so at the time they were references to current movies and events, not old 90's references. Not only the art style and tech of the games proved it had some inspiration from the 50's, but the intro of F1 had a panning shot of a 50's styled black and white TV, along with 50's styled commercials, and propaganda, along with the song "Maybe" playing in the background. F2 had a old looking black, and white instructional/propaganda film playing through, and old styled projector with the song "A Kiss To Build a Dream On" playing in the background. I'm not a bethesda shill trying to say their games are better (because they're not). I'm just trying to stop the spread of the lie that bethesda invented the 50's style in the game series, and that it ruined the series, when it was in the series since the beginning. And also Bethesda didn't start the retconning of the lore. Black Isle had already started that trend with F2. When people asked about it on boards at the time (for example the retconning of the lore behind vaults), Black Isle just told them not to worry about it. I repeat I'm not a Bethesda shill. I'm just tired of people treating Black Isle/Obsidian like they're gods that can do nothing wrong, when that's far from the truth.

    submitted by /u/Infernojake36
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    For All My Fellow Minutemen Players

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 05:37 PM PDT

    What did the Minutemen become in your game?

    submitted by /u/simeoncolemiles
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    I want to do an NCR playthrough but i see them as a corrupt, overextended, bloated mess and everytime i try i doubt myself everytime i help them, can someone help me see them as not bad?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 07:55 PM PDT

    Made my own trailer for Fallout 3 using Tale of Two Wastelands

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 03:46 AM PDT

    Best Fallout 4 faction?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 11:53 PM PDT

    Has anyone else noticed the Arak-21 7.62x39 looks a lot like the Marksman Carbine in New Vegas?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 11:28 PM PDT

    Obviously, the Marksman Carbine isn't based on the Arak-21 since well the gun came out in 2015 but the resemblance is pretty close. Here's what they look like side by side: https://i.imgur.com/HnP9bn4.png

    submitted by /u/UMesssedUp
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    Creating a DnD Campaign in the Mojave

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 07:17 PM PDT

    I've been wanting to do this since I started DMing last year, and have just started work on it. Feel free to use it as a basis to make your own games. I'll be using the Fallout PnP system to actually run the game. Would really appreciate any advice/butthurt criticism you lovely people have to offer! Especially quest ideas! These are early stage notes so I still haven't gotten around to creating maps yet. I will post more as it gets written.

    Campaign Concept:

    The Courier never existed in this universe, and Mr. House is still searching for the Platinum Chip. The game is set two months after the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam, with the NCR emerging victorious. They now hold House's Bunker hostage, unable to access it themselves, for ever-increasing control of the Strip's electricity. The Legion has all but been destroyed, with a few holdouts wreaking havoc wherever they go in the Mojave. The players begin in The Atomic Wrangler in Freeside, with the quest Wang Dand Atomic tango (re-worked to serve as a better starting quest) introducing players to the npcs and factions around the town.

    Overall concept for the campaign is to put emphasis on wacky sci-fi, grey moral choices, political intrigue and dark humour. Some quests/locations/characters are identical to their in-game counterparts, some are slightly tweaked, and some are completely new. My players aren't the biggest New Vegas nerds so I'm not too worried about them knowing how a quest will end, for example.


    - NCR

    • Players are pointed towards Camp McCarran as a means to gain employment. The New California Republic are known to hire for odd jobs and recruit people they find useful.
    • Captain Ronald Curtis (Legion spy) is in charge of small-scale operations, and requests the players to investigate the water supply at the Sharecropper Farms. Sends Cass with the players as oversight. Leads to Westside and a moral question about how the water should be distributed.
    • Find a Legionnaire hiding out in Freeside. Captain Curtis knows the man will have come to New Vegas in the last two months. The man has been accosting chem dealers in Freeside.
    • Clear a small Khan encampment of two families, including children, using force if necessary. The Khans are to be reminded that Red Rock Canyon is their only safe haven, and it is only by the grace of the NCR that they are allowed they reside there.
    • Liberate Sloan from a holdout of Legionnaires. The NCR plans to use their superior numbers and firepower to Blitz the encampment. The commander in charge presumes all Legionnaires to be savage dogs, and presumes they have already killed all civilians. Therefore he is not overly concerned with collateral damage. Large numbers of civilians will die and infrastructure in Sloan destroyed if the commander's plan is followed.
    • Participate on a raid on a known Brotherhood of Steel site of interest.

    - Crimson Caravan Company

    • Anyone in the Mojave knows the Crimson Caravan Company are a popular choice for wastelanders looking for caps. They have a reputation for paying well, but giving the most dangerous jobs to their caravans.
    • Alice McLafferty is in charge of operations in the Mojave. She has a number of routes, currently available. All of them lead to early-game towns. They pay is 300 caps each way., although it is not required to make the return journey.
    • Alice next asks the players to buy out a rival merchant. She argues that the CCC actually has the means the deliver these goods to more people who need them, and at a lower price as well.
    • Protect another caravan. They pay is 500 caps each way this time.
    • Buy out Cassidy Caravans.

    - Brotherhood of Steel (Random Encounters)

    • The players encounter a Brotherhood of Steel patrol consisting of a Paladin, a Knight, a Scribe and an Initiate on their way to a technological site. If the players are already to close to avoid, the patrol wishes to ensure they are not a threat, and are then in a rush to move on, threatening violence if necessary.
    • The players hear the distant eruption of energy weapons and automatic fire as the BoS ambushes an New California Republic encampment close to Hidden Valley. They may join either side of the conflict, with either victor being appreciative of the support.
    • A deep whirring is heard over the horizon, before a vertibird is spotted crossing the Mojave. They are transporting a fresh contingent of BoS members near Hidden Valley.
    • The players camp is unintentionally too close to a BoS site of interest. The players do not see the BoS until they are already on the camp. This Paladin is particularly zealous, and will not leave satisfied without a piece of high-grade tech.
    submitted by /u/jammydillon1
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    Can I spare the Brotherhood of Steel

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 08:59 PM PDT

    This is my first play through of New Vegas. I've decided to do the NCR route for the ending, the only problem is the eliminating the BOS. I don't want to do it since I'm sure that doing it will cause Veronica to hate me and plus I've grown fond of a lot of members of the BOS. Currently I am accepted by the BOS and I replaced the original leader. In these circumstances am I able to spare the BOS.

    submitted by /u/JohhnyBeatles
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    What is the funniest, out of context, dialogue option you can think of?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 08:25 AM PDT

    For me it has to be, "It's ok, I eat people too" when talking to the white glove society. I don't know why, but this one made me spit out my drink the first time.

    submitted by /u/mhem7
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    Does it really matter who wins the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, since the Mojave is kind of screwed?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:08 PM PDT

    I was reading the Fallout wiki a few moments ago when I came across the article on Tunnelers and the following quote from Ulysses:

    "They'll start emerging throughout the Mojave in time, might be years. Probably less. They breed fast, hunt in groups, more than enough to bring down the strongest in the Mojave. Once they draw blood... Seen them tear apart deathclaws... Deathclaw might get some, but the rest will swarm it, tear it apart, like Denver hounds."

    He seems to predict that the Tunnelers will make their way into the Mojave wasteland in a very short period of time.

    Assuming they arrive within 3 years, then no matter who wins the battle, the Mojave is screwed either way?

    As a matter of fact, it may be beneficial in hindsight to actually lose the battle, since it is heavily implied that the losing sides will retreat and withdraw from the Mojave permanently, meaning this faction will not suffer further losses when the Tunnelers show up.

    But with that said, do you think one faction is better placed to deal with the threat?

    I personally think it would be Mr. House, since he relies mainly on robots to do his bidding, meaning the human losses from dealing with the Tunnelers should be minimal, and has a record of producing results very quickly, meaning he should be able to at the very least keep New Vegas safe until he works out a plan to deal with the Tunnelers (who are hypersensitive to noise and light, again making me think the Strip will be safe, and Mr House will quickly recognise and take advantage of this fact).

    submitted by /u/TWON-1776
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    Playing far harbor for the first time, have a couple questions

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 04:44 AM PDT

    If you focus on just the main quest do you miss out on a bunch of side quests?

    Or Should you go through and do all the sides before attempting to locate Kasumi? Was going to take this route.

    I did read ita best to take nick along qith you when doing the main quests sonyou dont miss out on stuff. What about longfellow? Im at the part where im going to meet him. Should i take him with me for the side quests the get nick back for the main?

    Dont want spoilers, just wanna make the most out of my firat play through.

    submitted by /u/MidRoad-
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    Are companions worth keeping around in Fallout 1?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 10:12 PM PDT

    I'm at Junk Town now and just took down Gizmo, it was a pain with Ian, Tycho and Dogmeat all in the same room damaging each other. Did you guys keep them for the whole game, did you ditch them? I think having all three is too much, maybe I'll stick with one. This Tycho guy seems cool, Dogmeat too.

    submitted by /u/-ObligatoryUsername-
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    Since i killed house i think that i have to be idolized by the NCR to complete the "You will see it when it comes" quest, and i would want to do so by doing Crockett's quests, but he isn't in the embassy anymore. I did the first quest and he's gone. Where can i find him now?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 03:40 AM PDT

    What are your favourite radio stations in the games?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    Personally I like Mojave Music Radio and Diamond City Radio with default Travis.

    Mojave Music Radio has a ton of jams and no news reports as interruptions. Mr. New Vegas has a slick voice but by now I've heard all his news reports 50,000 times and don't need to hear them again.

    Diamond City Radio has a good music selection too and Travis' intros are still fresh and fun to me. "I don't think he's talking about the length of his naps!"

    What are your favourite stations?

    submitted by /u/Lethemyr
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    Top 5 weapons from Fallout New Vegas:

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 03:20 PM PDT

    Mine are:

    1. Riot Shotgun
    2. Gattling Laser
    3. Mercy
    4. Anti-Material Rifle
    5. All-American
    submitted by /u/Lance_alot_147
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    I've had Crawl Out Through The Fallout in my head on repeat for a month.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 10:09 AM PDT

    I'm not even that mad about it.

    submitted by /u/Joker042
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    Can't complete deal with ncr and vault 15?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 01:37 AM PDT

    In fallout 2, I want to start the quest "Complete deal with NCR" however every time I talk to Zeke to start the quest he says "Now that Darion's gone we don't have any way to get food. We will surely perish! Thanks a lot!" Have I screwed something up? If so is there any way to fix it?

    submitted by /u/WilliamHDenver
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    Amazon Exclusive Fallout 3 Pipboy Replica

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 12:42 AM PDT

    So I purchased the Amazon Exclusive Survival Edition of Fallout 3 when the game came out. I have never opened the included pipboy watch replica that came with it, it's still in the box, taped shut. I have been scouring the internet to find any available listing or historic listings of the replica to get an estimate of what it might be worth, if anything. I realize it is a pretty niche item and wouldn't be surprised if it hasn't retained or gained any value since 2008, but who knows, might be a rare collectors bit for, well, collectors.

    Any sources for current or historic listings would be most appreciated, as well as any opinions on what it might go for on ebay/fb marketplace.

    submitted by /u/TheDekadin
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    Fallout New Vegas character build suggestion

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 08:25 PM PDT

    I'd like honest suggestions for character builds. Starting stats and what to apply points to. Sniper suggestions maybe, I'm open to other suggestions too. Id like to be able to post updates for the suggestions if I can. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Ghoststroke907
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    I did something crazy

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 03:20 PM PDT

    So right when I entered diamond city it went to the mayor's office hacked his terminal opened the safe and got Kellogg's house key will it change anything

    submitted by /u/SlipPlaysz
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    Anyone else was sure that Yes Man would betray us?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    I remember the first time I played New Vegas I went along with the Yes Man route because ruling New Vegas myself sounded appealing, but I didn't trust Yes Man at all. Everything about him sounded too good to be true and I was 100% sure that he was going to be betray me at some point. A robot that would happily betray it's creator because it wasn't programmed to answer only to them sounded suspicious as hell.

    submitted by /u/BrotherhoodVeronica
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    Opinion: Done with Old Factions

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    As someone who has played Fallout 4, Fallout 3, and Fallout New Vegas. With the latter being the most extensively played. I feel that there are three factions that I want barely a hint of in the next installment. The first are the Enclave, I personally think their story is over and they've been defeated enough times to justify their extinction. Secondly I'm done with the Brotherhood. I think New Vegas handled them well, being a secluded enclave of sorts. Like the Enclave I just think they've become stale. Maybe if there's a chapter that's adopted some new radical ideology for a well written reason, I'd be fine with they're inclusion. Otherwise I'm bored with them. I also think that the lack of a power armor faction would make power armor that much more powerful. Lastly, I'm really tired of super mutants. Like the enclave and brotherhood they are cool concepts but they've been a crutch mob for too long becoming increasingly less detailed lore-wise as the series goes on. They like the others could have a minor presence. New Vegas did it well but at this point I want to see even less of them. Maybe some kind of plot about super mutants being close to extinction or there being a new kind of mutant from pre-war experimentation. I'm not sure where in Fallout America this hypothetical setting would make sense. I imagine somewhere more inland, though I'm not that sure. If you guys disagree or have any ideas for new factions I implore you to share.

    submitted by /u/Paperbag_Man
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