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    Wednesday, May 5, 2021

    Fallout | Killing Caesar seems to be a non-event

    Fallout | Killing Caesar seems to be a non-event

    Killing Caesar seems to be a non-event

    Posted: 04 May 2021 10:25 AM PDT

    Look, I get that killing Caesar would not end the Legion or stop the second battle from happening. But I marched into the fort, killing every member of the legion there and killing Caesar. I was at least expecting a piece of radio news, or unique dialogue with Crocker, or ANYTHING, but nothing seems to have changed at all. When House is killed it seems to be a huge event, but not for the killing of the leader of the group posing the biggest threat to the Mojave. Just thought it was weird.

    submitted by /u/carey42052
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    Looking For A Big Fallout Fan To Interview

    Posted: 04 May 2021 06:20 AM PDT

    If you are interested in being questioned about how fallout goes about making theirs gamers, mechanics, lore, npc interaction, etc and could provide your own personal opinion on each question asked pls dm me or comment below.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/StatisticallyMeh
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    Am I the only one who falls for the bathroom stall trap 100% of the time?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 12:16 PM PDT

    Every other trap I can notice before, but those damn bathroom stall traps get me. Every. Single. Time.

    submitted by /u/Asfastas33
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    This subreddit has come full circle

    Posted: 04 May 2021 03:18 PM PDT

    I love the fallout games and have Atleast 600 hours in each and It's kind of disappointing to see how the general feelings towards the Fallout games has come to recently. I remember how annoying it was to see people bombard Fallout 4 with hate because of how different it was from the games before, and although I believe some criticism for 4 and 76 was valid, it was common to see people who enjoyed those games made fun of and downvoted to oblivion. I didn't think that was fair and I still don't.

    But after returning to this subreddit and reading some of sentiments on many posts it seems we have come full circle. It seems a lot of people have distaste for New Vegas purely out of spite for those who hated on 4. It seems it has become fashionable to hate on New Vegas and it's fans the same way it was fashionable to hate on 4 and 76 and their fans. And I know we're better than that. Some new players who liked Fallout New Vegas and had nothing to do with the previous hate have been downvoted to hell and turned away because of it and I don't think that's fair. You can praise 4 for its amazing gameplay and technical breakthroughs and it doesn't necessarily mean you dislike any other games. You can also praise New Vegas for its brilliant writing and it doesn't mean you hate the other titles.

    Let's not make this Bethesda Fans vs. Obsidian Fans, let's make it Fallout Fans loving this series.

    TL;DR: blindly hating NV is just as annoying as blindly hating 4, let's just all get along pls

    submitted by /u/OldWorldUlysses
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    Vault 22 scares the ever loving crap out of me

    Posted: 04 May 2021 05:21 PM PDT

    So I'm playing FNV right now and I'm in vault 22, and all I can say is SOMEONE FREAKING SAVE MY ASS!!!!

    This place is creeping me out and I've already been jump scared by like three spore carriers. Does anyone else get a creepy feeling from 22? Or maybe scared of 22?

    submitted by /u/The_Senate_69
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    If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the window.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    [Speech 100] Shut your Walt Disney ass up. I can see you're obviously manipulating me under the assumption that I have no knowledge of Pre War America, but you of all people are in the position to know that Pre War America was the farthest thing from democratic. It was a fascist oligarchy under indefinite martial law with suspended elections ruled by a shadow government that has tried to commit genocide on two different occasions. It was literally ruled by Ingsoc to the point of being a constant war with a complete ideological opposite and dehumanizing it's enemies to the comical extreme. It was a fucking Starship Troopers government. And you were complicit in it. Yeah, remember all those Mr. Gustys and Sentry Bots? Those were flaming Chinese children and enforcing martial law. For a 261 year old billionaire, you make some bad fucking faith arguments.

    submitted by /u/TheBullGat0r
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    I hate the poor criticism of fallout 3 and it’s place in the timeline

    Posted: 04 May 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    The whole "it would make sense if it was 50 years but 200????? Obviously Bethesda bad!" No! If you really wanted things to make sense, then think! What made mass civilization possible in the west coast mainly NCR and the hub, trading and water. Water is the most important thing to survival, and it doesn't hurt to have clean water for crops either, making the food you grow more healthy. Give me one location in alllll of the east coast where clean water is available for trade in large masses. The institute? Like they care about anything outside they're underground palace. The vaults? Most are in ruins or don't like outsiders. Diamond city has a purifier, but it's really only enough to supply the city. It makes sense if you really think about why the main plot of fallout 3 is getting the purifier running, because to build a proper and powerful civilization like the NCR, you're going to also need clean water. Also, don't act like there aren't other places that have huge huge communities in the east. While not flourishing like the NCR, diamond city is a good example, being called the great green jewel for a reason. There's also places like ronto, the Pitt and unnamed communities along the eerie strait. Don't shit on stuff because it makes you think, it just makes you look like an asshole trying to shit on something they hardly looked into

    submitted by /u/Bigfoot_samurai
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    If you were a unique weapon what would you be and do?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 01:48 AM PDT

    I'd be a flamer that flings railway spikes.

    submitted by /u/ISniiffRainbows
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    A question to all the people who got the platinum trophy/all achievements in Fallout 4, what is the hardest trophy/achievement you had to get

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:41 PM PDT

    I have begun playing Fallout 3, and I'm currently at level 3, I accidentally have gotten myself into the Motherschip Zeta DLC. My question is: should I keep playing at the DLC, or not? If not, at what level should I begin playing the DLC?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 01:07 AM PDT

    Assuming developers stuck to original content and just improved gameplay and graphics, would you like to see a Fallout: New Vegas or a Fallout 3 remaster?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 06:58 AM PDT

    I know Bethesda doesn't like remasters, but considering how badly a lot of people want this (evidence being Fallout 4: New Vegas and its development), and the Microsoft purchase, there might be a slim chance of this in future. Would you guys want to see it?

    submitted by /u/Robbinsmods
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    Hey guys I am trying to get in to fallout, I am wondering what games to start with and other material to read

    Posted: 05 May 2021 04:28 AM PDT

    Thank you for your help

    submitted by /u/Much_Championship545
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    Hoosier Wasteland: A Short Story (Prologue)

    Posted: 05 May 2021 04:17 AM PDT

    Jaucke squinted his eyes at the horizon, his gaze squared on the green clouds coming from the general direction of Base Crater. He had gotten lucky with dodging radstorms lately, but this one was coming directly for them. "That storm looks like a nasty one. My Geiger is going off already." He heard from his Assaultron friend, Kothra. Out in the middle of this grassy, hilly plain, they had plenty of sight on the sky, but no protection. Hope this bunker's airtight, he thought.


    2 weeks ago marked Jaucke's 4th year of nomadry, having wandered and explored pretty much the whole circluar area of about 50 miles out from the old city of Indianapolis. Jaucke (pronounced "jock") himself was the son of an Enclave scientist, born in 2273. His dad was one of the last Enclave scientists to be travelling eastward (his group had suffered a comical number of setbacks, apparently), and his mom was similar but died after childbirth. Soon after a particularly gruesome skirmish, he realized he couldn't keep his 6-month-old son safe as long as his ties with the Enclave remained. So, when the fateful night came, he snuck off in the night towards an old town they had spotted, and left his son at the door to the old council building, alongside 5 items:

    1. A note,
    2. A Pip-Boy,
    3. A holotape (which just turned out to be a voice recording of the note),
    4. An old journal,

    and finally, a metal vial containing some greenish liquid.

    Now, what was that greenish liquid in the vial? Well, in the note, he explained everything.

    "Dear Residents of New Bargersville,

    It is with upmost importance that you see this and pass on the information enscribed in this note and/or holotape, as well as these two other possesions, to my son when he is of age. My name is Dr. Jacob Myers, and I am currently an Enclave scientist that is travelling to our group's rendezvous in the Capital Wasteland. On our trip, it has become apparent that my son is not able to complete this journey without being in danger of being killed, and so I entrust to you the hope that this location will allow a safer upbringing of him. His name is Jaucke Myers. He means the world to me, and I can't stand the thought of him dying at my hand any longer. I include with him 3 items that I feel are necessary to continuing my legacy through him. First, my personal Pip-Boy 3000 MK-IV. Second, a journal recovered from a doctor at Vault 13. Finally, my life's work: a single vial of a perfected version of a virus. Not just any virus, but THE FEV strain used to create the intelligent deathclaws in the west; you may have even heard rumors of them, even if you know nothing about anything else I just said. I don't feel like classifying information is so important so far away from the Enclave, which is why i'm even disclosing this. My only, and final request I make of him, is to finally implement my work by any means neccessary. Please, keep him safe at all costs, if you can. Sincerely, Dr. Jacob Myers."

    Yep, Jaucke's old man was one of the last Enclave scientists still dedicated to his original mission.

    Turns out, that guy made a damn good choice, because Jaucke spent the next 13 years as a farmer in one of the few areas untouched by the hell that was radiation. By some stroke of luck, this particular area was spared from the fallout during the war (mainly due to a lack of nearby targets), and the lake that fed the large creek used for water by the village formed after the fact, granting the land a level of viability rivaled only by areas reborn using a GECK. In short, Jaucke got to experience one of the most peaceful upbringings one could have in a wasteland; just farming corn & practicing his aim with an old .308 in a shed.

    Then, his luck caught up with him.

    Raiders. The word every settler damn near has a heart attack to if heard in a serious tone. Such a safe haven is very much noticeable in the wasteland, and those who notice don't usually have the best of intentions. 4 years ago, when he was 13, Jaucke awoke in the middle of the night. That rude awakening was due to a sudden roar of gunfire erupting from outside. As his surrogate parents hid him in the cellar and armed themselves (he only knew them by "mom" and "dad"), he kept asking what was going on, but was shushed. His step-mother retrieved the 5 items, and gave them to him in the cellar. Then, she gave him one last look before quietly shutting the top door.

    That was the last face from the town of New Bargersville that he would ever see.

    He never slept that night, too afraid that the gunfire would come closer. When morning came, he dared to peek above the cellar. Of course, the first thing he saw there was pool of blood on the floor.

    He doesn't think about what he saw after that. Not in his worst nightmares.

    All he remembers is that he retrieved his .308 stashed in the shed, some dried food, and some other guns & crude armor, and filled his canteen from the parts of the creek where the water hadn't gone red yet. After that, he started his journey as a nomad.


    Jaucke had set off in this direction a few days prior, having bought some info off of some new guy in the Bloom for about 50 caps. He hadn't visited there very often, the city being a little too far south for his taste, but he decided to check up there just on a whim. What was this info? Apparently, this guy had located some untouched pre-war bunker that, according to some notes at a nearby home, some prepper had kitted out with stolen items from a nearby military base. Problem was, it was locked behind a Pip-Boy terminal. Well, he had a Pip-Boy, and he wasn't going to pass up an opportunity like this. Unfortunately, this radstorm was putting a heavy time limit on this, as he didn't bother buying rad supplies before the trip. Stupid move, yes, but this area wasn't too prone to radstorms to warrant any absolute necessity of these. Well, it was looking more like a necessity with every passing minute this thing got closer. Here's hoping, he thought.

    submitted by /u/Ajbonnis
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    Benny looks weird.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 02:36 PM PDT

    Why do Benny be looking so slimy on the first cutscene in fnv though, my guy looks like he's about to slither off my screen 🤔😂

    submitted by /u/ISniiffRainbows
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    If there were to be multiple non-game spin offs what would you want them to be?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    It can be books, comics, movies, shows, etc. I'd really like to see them cover the origins of the Legion. I'd love to see or read how a young Edward fell into his power trip and how Joshua Graham turned from a Mormon into a brutal war lord. I just think that the whole origin of their expedition into the Grand Canyon up to the first battle of Hoover Dam would make for such an awesome book, graphic novel, or mini series. Would be a super cool character study imo.

    submitted by /u/Entire-Job7656
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    Fallout 4 - At level 76, even Survival difficulty is a walk in the park

    Posted: 05 May 2021 03:37 AM PDT

    I really like Survival difficulty in Fallout 4, but at level 76, almost nothing is a challenge anymore. Sometimes a handful of enemies may pose a small challenge, but other than that almost nothing can harm me. The only challenge I have left is to kill all the raiders in the Nuka World DLC. Am I missing something here? Or am I just too powerful at this point?

    submitted by /u/Lovoskea
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    my Fallout story. Last weeks of New Kansas city

    Posted: 05 May 2021 02:44 AM PDT

    [Before i start, i should tell you that my knowledge of Fallout isnt great due to my knowledge coming from Fallout 1, 2, NV and 3, but i will try. Also i dont live in any English speaking country, so my English is a bit broken. Also i will share music which i find fitting for situations. And last thing i made this story because i think Midwest is underdeveloped(Fallout Tactics doesnt count because its one game.), and im tired of the west/east coast getting games. Also i write this like what 2 hours for every 6 days, i have school to do]

    CHAPTER 1: Prologue

    This story takes place in the northern Middle of USA(Basically entire Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri + parts of Tennessee, Indiana, Wisconsin and a bit of S. Dakota) 10 years after The Courier fend off the onslaught of Caesar's legion, sent Oliver back to NCR and got rid off Benny in the name of House.

    You start in Vault 66 somewhere near Omaha, Nebraska. Your vault is no longer active due to mass dehydration caused by unknown cause. The closest vault you know is Vault 54 somewhere in Kansas, however if you are around 25km away from Topeka(Kansas) by north, you will meet with the main antagonists of the story:

    The New America, These guys are basically more tolerant version of The Enclave lead by Super Mutant King Lawrence James Dexter, or Dexey as he likes to be called. The only survivor of explosion in Mariposa Base back in Fallout 1. Dexey sends his party of warriors lead by General to some town called "Orimosa", and the party will murder the local town because local ranger disagreed with the general Quentin Mansion, so the general used his pack of Ghoul warriors to murder the men, force families to watch how other ghouls eat their children alive while being shot. You witness a family hiding in dumpster that is burned by the Angels, but then captain will say to you "You may not be from this town, but remember to spread message about great Chieftain to the world, so that your home doesnt end up like this" and then will go back to General. If you chose to ask General about his reasons, he will tell you: "We The New America are the only path to make civilization in wasteland. WARRIORS OF NEW AMERICA, WE WILL SHOW THESE PEOPLE WHAT IS OUR CAPITAL MADE OF!".

    CHAPTER 2:

    You witness the beauty of rebuilt Overland Park and vault 90 inside Kansas city center, but you will also notice the slavery allowed on "Enemies of The New America" which are sold to Caesar's legion. And then you will meet King Lawrence the 1rst or King Dexey as he suggests you to, who will offer you a chance of service in his army. If you say no, he will imprison you and tell you "You want freedom? Fight for it!" and then you have to defeat Deathclaw. If you do, he will tell you "You earned freedom through your skills, now go and if you show up again without asking for recruitment, you will be next on the menu!". Then you wander off to remains of former Kansas city, and you will see only bones and scavengers that try to eat them, but are afraid of New American soldiers. If you wander east to shores of Missouri outside of Kansas city, you will meet with a bunch of friendly gangsters called "Dark Angels", who will reveal the secrets of the King Dexey: He hides the fact that hes a cannibal, He plans to reduce most of the US population from 100% to 49% because he wants to create "Stronger Americans" with a bit of an FEV, and also that he is disloyal to other factions, and you have to cure the virus their leader Joseph Price. If you insist of curing him, he will grant you the with the map to Vault 54. If you get there, you will learn about Cyborgs and their hatred for King Dexey that caused 7 month war, in which Cyborgs won.

    CHAPTER 3:

    You get an option to breach into the secret treasure of Vault 54, disappointingly you dont discover anything valuable, besides the fact that Cyborgs are basically hostage cult, that imprisons foreigners and sacrifices them to the Great Vault Lord. If you have any chance of not leaving any tracks, you would get out without problem, but if they found about your breach, you will have to resort to either diplomacy or battle. If you get out(Whenever diplomatically or with strength), you can also gain cure for Joseph Price. Joseph Price will grant you a new companion as a reward: His 21 year volunteer Barbara Price(Specializes in barter, small guns and medicine, but dont rely on her when it comes to energy weapons, big guns or hacking into computers) and repaired car he has. She will mention the fact that theres a caravan post somewhere around ruins of West Missouri, especially near the only Nuka-Cola factory in the state. If you chose to find that caravan post, you will be greeted with deserters of Caesars legion, who became raiders lead by former commander Ursus. They came there to raid and pillage the caravan, however as soon as you try to fight them, local members of brotherhood of steel will attack them. Then they will approach you and ask you: "Do you know where brain of Vincent Dufrense, the former governor of Kansas before New America came? He knows a lot about old machines hidden around Kansas". Governor Vincent Dufrense was a man who defended Iowa from Caesar's invasion of the Ursus. Speaking of Caesar's legion, Legate Meles, also known as "The Badger", who tries to conquer remains of Kansas and Iowa since previous legate failed due to the fact that he succumbed to be super mutant known as "Purger" or "Legate Ursus", who now serves King Dexey as a secret service, but New America stands in his path. If you chose to help Caesar, you will learn that Governor Dufrense was the man who made him into mutant, and that legion is what he hates the most

    Chapter 4 and 5 will depend on your factions you chosen, and i havent yet made the factions consistent with the quests yet, oh and also it will depend on your actions IN THE FACTION you have chosen, but basically Chapter 4 is basically you preparing to join the faction and chapter 5 is basically you preparing for the last battle: Battle for Kansas City. Also Canonically it should be Brotherhood

    CHAPTER 4(Brotherhood of steel):

    If you chose to follow Brotherhood of steel, you have to travel first into Vault Pi in Iowan-Missouri borders(With the car it will take around 4 Hours depending on your speed, but lets assume its 200km away from Kansas city center), where the Brotherhood will train you in power armor fighting. If you are loyal and get the rank of Initiate the High Scribe Hawkins, who tells you the story of the Vincent Dufrense. Vincent Dufrense was the last official governor of Kansas and former mayor of Kansas city before the great war war before the war started and son of former mayor of Kansas Harrison Dufrense. He planned on expanding his knowledge of the robots, in order to defend Kansas, and also planned to build as much bunkers as possible. In first March 2077[NOTE: In Europe we start with day, then month and then year], he used his knowledge of architecture to design his bunker under Kansas city for his father Harrison, who was so paranoid of the nuclear war, therefore he was the most pro nuking up China. The day when the war starts. The day when war started, Harrison passed away and let his son Vincent control Kansas city, and therefore had a power over robots there, but Vincent was dying due to heart diseases, so he let his brain become part of the machine that controls the robots. In year 2282 he defended Kansas from Caesar's invasion, hell he even controlled his own Liberty prime. But one day, Future King Dexter stolen the brain to control the remaining robots, because in his words "Machines are worthless, flesh is stronger", and also hidden the brain in strange place outside of Kansas city. Some of these robots have secrets of the old world.

    So you get the quest of finding the brain, before you go you hear the fact that one of their spies learned about the certain locations the brain might be hidden, but that might turn into guessing game or time race, if you meet with the small unit of Caesar's legion doing the same thing.But when you find the brain, you will learn that it still is connected to some machine, but disconnected from robots, in order to connect it with the robots he controlled, you need to enter the vault under Kansas city, which is guarded by Super mutants and their King Dexey. However he explains his own reasons why the king cant just use the robots to permanently weaken his enemies: Because it might exhaust the brain permanently or the machine that powers them is. The best he can do with the robots is to give out the knowledge they hide

    CHAPTER 5: PREPARING FOR BATTLE(Brotherhood of steel, again):

    You will have to find one big cannon called "Roosevelt's pride" which can create 50m radius and 40m deep craters. However this weapon was not used in great war because the crew disappeared and also it had expensive ammo(5dm radius shells) which are only 3 left in the world due to war. This weapon is guarded by group of 4 Super mutants and 4 Centaurs, dont worry your group will get 2 paladins as a mates.


    Lets assume you have chosen anyone besides New America at the battle of Kansas City. It will start with the bombing of Kansas (Only brotherhood bombs, Legion uses sewer system and ordinates bombs, dark angels use explosions in the base), the battle will by you sneaking into the walls and killing guards, then you will have to contact your allies in some way(Legion will want to burn the base, brotherhood will attack in open gate and dark angels will just go help you to kill the security.). Flames in the streets are sky high, and people (Innocent or not, old or young, ghoul or normal, normal or mutant, there will be side quest to save as much citizens as possible, unless youre Dark Angel). And the last battle will be between you and the King Dexey in his Throne room: Chose words wisely or else you might face your doom, even if you had reinforcements.

    Fight: He will use his Volt-hammer(Basically hammer with electricity), which can one shot you or better yet use his 6 barreled Flamethrower he carries which can burn you in 2 shots. TIP: Use environment to defeat him(Hide behind pillar or make sure stuff falls on him)

    Speech battle: You have to convince him how his cruelty will make New America thing of a past in less than 2 decades.

    You will return back to your general and he will give you important title in his country.


    Just a summary of your actions and results which can influence entire Midwest, or what remains from there.

    This is just a first draft of it, so if i wrote something wrong, tell me please

    submitted by /u/FilipRebro
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    As a Canadian, I need answers!

    Posted: 04 May 2021 10:32 PM PDT

    Maybe it's the 🍃 talking but as a Canadian I'm interested in the back story here 😂🇨🇦 The new scoreboard for Fallout 76 paints an interesting picture.

    Bear with me. As we all know, Canada was annexed by the USA in the Fallout universe before the bombs dropped.

    The name of the villainous robots is "The Yukon Five". For those of you unfamiliar with Canadian Geography, the Yukon is a Canadian territory. One of the robots is even named "The Quebec Claw" ffs 😂.

    So, this leads me to belive that a story line for the Cold Steel Saga is that a group of Canadian radicalists created the Yukon Five to fight the Americans.

    Kinda cool. I'm both impressed and offended 😂

    submitted by /u/AA0X
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    What guns do you think should of been in Fallout 4

    Posted: 04 May 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    I thought this would be a interesting discussion what I can think of is

    5.56mm Pistol or That Gun

    ( I think it's pretty straightforward why it should have been in the game you know Blade runner. Also, I think it would of been cool if Valentine had one and you could of found a unique one during the Valentine companion questline or something )

    45.auto pistol we literally have the 45. Submachine gun in the game already from New vegas I thought it was a weird choice not to have the auto there.

    Chinese assault and pistol pretty straightforward Chinese were undercover in the east also we saw them in Fallout 3

    M1 Garand, we saw the gun in New vegas and our Grandfather I believe use it in a flashback also it wad was manufacture in Massachusetts

    and that was all I can think of any thoughts or guns you would add?

    submitted by /u/Instruction_Holiday
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    How do I stop fallout 4 from speeding up randomly?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    When I'm playing fallout 4, recently the speed of the game has been randomly speeding up before slowing back down to regular, resulting in oddly fast movement, overlapping dialogue lines, and overall weirdness.

    The only thing I can think of that this may be is that for loading times I turned off vsync which made loading MUCH faster (and also made the actual loading icon go faster, and all "pause screens" like lockpicking and hacking go faster as well.)

    But I've played several play throughs without this problem and it's just popping up now.

    submitted by /u/EpicManBen
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    Anyone know where I can read Resurgence: Rise of the Minutemen?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 05:30 PM PDT

    I found this really good fanfic a while back which had great worldbuilding Ideas called "Resurgence" or"Resurgence: Rise of the minutemen" by SovietBabushka. It was based around a what-if scenario where the brotherhood arrived in the commonwealth too late and the institute had already been dealt with. For some reason he deleted it but the ao3 version is still up but only has 4 chapters. Does anyone know how to reread it again? It used to be on FanFiction.Net.

    submitted by /u/bzetoving
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    Im trying to get the nuka cola quantum skin on fallout 76

    Posted: 05 May 2021 12:54 AM PDT

    Does anyone have the dome key 7 i can offer a trade for it EDIT: i found the plan

    submitted by /u/minibik798
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    SPECIAL dump stats?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 12:42 AM PDT

    I'm doing a charisma/luck build right now and my dump stats are strength and endurance at 1, and then int. and agility at 3. What are the most popular dump stats? Charisma?

    submitted by /u/asscrawler
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