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    Friday, May 28, 2021

    Fallout | Fallout 3 doesn't get enough credit for its sense of humor

    Fallout | Fallout 3 doesn't get enough credit for its sense of humor

    Fallout 3 doesn't get enough credit for its sense of humor

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:15 PM PDT

    I was playing through Raven Rock today, and as I was walking in the crawlspace underneath the Mess Hall I came upon a huge pile of small forks and spoons lying on the ground. At first I was puzzled, but then I looked up and saw the floor texture of the Mess Hall was made of metal grates with big gaps in them. I actually laughed out loud when it clicked -- the Enclave officers kept dropping their cutlery and it went through the grates so they couldn't pick it back up and over the years it all just accumulated on the floor.

    It was genuinely a very funny moment for me, and it was refreshing because the devs didn't feel the need to add some kind of obvious indicator to make sure I noticed and understood the joke, they just left it there as just one more part of a huge world for me to find for myself, if not on one playthrough than maybe on another one. IMO more games could stand to do that these days.

    submitted by /u/Siegmure
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    Am I the only one that never uses power armor in Fallout 4?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:09 PM PDT

    Ever since my 1st playthrough back at launch, I only used the power armor for Concord and then never touched it again in any other playthrough. It felt too cumbersome, the running is clunky and I prefer seeing my character. I play on Very Hard and never feel like I need the extra dp.

    Am i alone here?

    I didnt use power armor in NV either but I did like Ashers Armor in 3

    submitted by /u/MexiFenian343
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    An Interesting Parallel Between the Courier and Benny I found in All Roads

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:25 PM PDT

    So in All Roads, we open on Benny in his penthouse looking over the luxury of the Vegas Strip. He refers to Vegas as "My kinda town."

    Meanwhile, in the base game when you come across lawless Primm, "The Other New Vegas." What quest do you get? "My kind of town."

    It's constantly played up in New Vegas how the Courier and Benny are meant to be foils to each other. What with them both being the Jokers of the Deck, and by extension the Wild Cards that serve as the catalysts for massive change in the region that separates the Mojave from any of the major power players. I feel this little comparison in lines is just another addition to their dynamic.

    Vegas is the sleek, shiny Oasis of the Wasteland that is clean and orderly. It benefits those who are ruthless enough to strike out on opportunities and is flooded with excess on all fronts. Of course it fits Benny, the sneaky and shifty head of the Chairmen who looks back on his tribal days with a degree of contempt and instead appreciates the opportunities Vegas has given him that allows him wealth and power, as well as his sense of fashion pizazz.

    Primm meanwhile, is a small, rundown trading town that has recently had its only form on law enforcement killed (No, Mall Cop Beagle does not count) and has been taken over by convicts. Even before the town got taken over, people were gradually leaving (The Bison Steve was being used as a hotel still, like Novac, up until the owner moved away) and really the only businesses left are the casino and the Mojave Express. It's looked down on by the mostly amicable Mr. New Vegas as a poor man's imitation of Vegas. The only options for the town are another mirror to Vegas with a robot sheriff taking over, or a gang of reformed Convicts serving as vigilantes, compared to the armies of police robots Vegas gets. So naturally it is appreciated by the Courier, who is implied to have been wandering across most of the country for years and is used to the rough living of the Frontier and the Wasteland and has the opportunity to kick all forms of authority out of the Mojave.

    Even the context under which the two of them give these comments contrasts each other. Benny had just ordered the assassination of one of his own comrades, solely because he was a direct threat to his power and station on the Strip (he ordered a Singer be killed because he sang about the old days which appealed to a lot of the Chairmen). In a town built around selfishness and seen as the Throne of the Mojave where anyone could rule the Wastes if they rose to the top, it's fitting Benny had just accomplished a relatively self centered goal and was admiring the glitz and glamor of the Strip when he realized the Strip was made for men like him. Meanwhile, the Courier gets "My Kind of Town" when they realize the town needs some new form of law and kicks out the Powder Ganger splinter group, and it is only completed upon instating some new form of peacekeeping and dealing with the Convicts. This is a far more selfless and community centered option and fits the fixer-upper nature of Primm and the Courier's potential to be a force for positive change in the Wastes on a Good Karma run, and most of their actions being done to benefit (or harm) others, rather than themselves.

    Just some interesting things I thought I would share.

    submitted by /u/DustyFails
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    Why did President Eden only get one scene?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:37 PM PDT

    Playing Fallout 3, there was so much build-up to meeting Eden, and it was probably the thing I looked forward to most in the game. I had been listening to Enclave Radio most of the playthrough, partially because I like the song line-up (though Galaxy News Radio was great too, as was Three Dog) but also because I liked his voice and wanted to learn more about him and his philosophy (even though I suspected he wasn't really honestly representing his plans for the wasteland).

    When I finally got to the antechamber to his room, I loved the small fakeout where the Enclave sentry bots say "Hostile target detected" and you think they mean you, but they instead save you by killing the Enclave soldiers. One even politely welcomes you to the meeting with the line, "The president will see you now."

    Making my way to the top of the room, I immediately realized he was the computer, and it was a great twist. The whole time you picture him as the Kentucky Fried Colonel from all the info he gives in his speeches, and then he's just a machine. I assumed at first he was the digital consciousness of the real Eden who had his brain uploaded to the computer, but it was even more interesting when I realized there was never an Eden, he was literally just an AI who had crafted what he thought was the most endearing presidential persona.

    I expected the next 5 or 10 hours would be doing faction missions for Eden and learning more about him to see who I wanted to side with in the end, so I was pretty shocked when a single speech check made him agree to disband the Enclave immediately. I reloaded to try to work with him longer but I realized no matter what happened that was the last time I saw him. There was no faction side plot with quests from Eden and Autumn akin to New Vegas or 4, it was just a one-time meeting and he got killed one way or another, either by me or during Broken Steel, no matter what I did.

    I still love the character and had a great time with the game, but I'm just wondering why he wasn't used more, and why there wasn't a serious opportunity to work with him or at least gain a more intimate understanding of his admittedly insane goals. You just have one chat and then he either self-destructs, you talk him into resigning and dissolving his own government, or you leave and after Project Purity is activated Lyons off-handedly mentions he was defeated. It just feels like much more could have been done with an otherwise very intriguing character.

    submitted by /u/Siegmure
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    What do you think the worst DLC from New Vegas and 3 is, and why?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 01:57 AM PDT

    The options are: Operation Anchorage, The Pitt, Broken Steel, Point Lookout, Mothership Zeta, Gun Runner's Arsenal, Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues and Lonesome Road.

    My personal pick is Mothership Zeta, because even though it is somewhat fun, it breaks the game more than any DLC.

    submitted by /u/SaltyPeppermint101
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    What’s your favourite gun and why?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    Personally I like the overseerers guardian and an instigating sniper. The two shot shreds and the sniper is great for one tapping enemies.

    submitted by /u/FreshLasagna1433
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    In fallout new vegas is it worth getting a mod that allows me to continue after I've beaten the game so I can play the dlc's?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 12:08 AM PDT

    Heya folks, beat fallout new vegas a few months ago and I had a lot of fun with it, I never played any of the dlc's except dead money *and my god did I hate it, story was good but gameplay was awful, in fact it was so unenjoyable that it put me off of the game for a while* but after beating the game I've heard that the other dlc's are really damn good, but then again I've also heard a lot of bad things about the dlc's as well, so are the dlc's good enough to make me get a mod to continue playing?

    submitted by /u/WilliamHDenver
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    Watching my sister play FO:NV for the first time PART 2

    Posted: 27 May 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    Welcome back! We are currently playing, so I'll be updating as we go!

    Started with a history lesson on why the world is as it is (no microtransisters, fascination with nuclear power).

    Clearing Primm, rescued Beagle and threatened to shoot him if he runs. She is also learning the value of VATS and becoming fond of the Plasma Pistol. She gave Beagle the Incinerator and fuel. We do not have high hopes for his survival.

    She is getting a handle on lock picking and hacking.

    SHE SHOT BEAGLE! TWICE! he limped out of a room she had looked around in and she got turned around. She used her 9mm, rather than her plasma pistol, so he is still alive, but hanging on by a thread. TWICE! so he is hanging out till she is done clearing the Bison Steve. She collected Beagle, stepped out of the hotel to clear the coaster, and very nearly shot him again!

    She found the last(?) convict in Primm and got into a sniping match with her .22LR varmint rifle (not sure which mod did that. Maybe JSawyer or Project Nevada?) And got him from a substantial distance.

    She met Johnson Nash, and is excited to get her first hint at Ulysses. Very exciting! She listens to the band "Miracle of Sound", so she is aware of him from the song The Mojave Song. Highly recommend it, good stuff

    Chatted with Primm Slim, I had completely forgotten that his dialogue is absolutely HILARIOUS. So he's now the Sherriff. Also, the displays for Vikki and Vance are absolutely hilarious!

    Cleaning out the Bison Steve, she found the Ransom Note, and kicked the skeleton in the head while the appropriate song was playing. Then she found the room with 2 skeletons and her working theory is that the woman and "kidnapper" were actually running off together, and the husband found out and shot himself in the head. Also the skeleton in the tub physics-freaked out and spooked her.

    After losing a bunch of loot to corpses despawning due to Primm coming under Slim's authority, she spent a long time trying to find a third scrap metal. She nicked it from the shelf behind the NCR lieutenant across the way.

    And with Ed-E coming online, we end our session for the night! Check in next time when we finally meet Ed-E and make our way out of Primm... maybe?

    submitted by /u/Volcarion
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    Fallout (Build a car)

    Posted: 27 May 2021 05:44 PM PDT

    What do you think about being able to build a car in the next Fallout game? Gathering the components necessary and outfitting it with upgrades/perks you aquire when leveling up. It can be powered by a fusion core or makeshift battery. Maybe a game mode where you have the option to opt out for fast travel and use the car as a means for transportation. The parts in the car will break down over time and will need to be repaired or replaced.

    Just an idea, not sure if it has been brought up before.

    submitted by /u/kindwarrior86
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    Most disturbing fallout location?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    For me it would be vault 11 from FNV

    submitted by /u/fphred1
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    fallout NV or 76 wastelanders

    Posted: 28 May 2021 12:53 AM PDT

    Hi all, I have fallout 4, but lost loads all progress after getting a PS5, and gaining the digital edition. The saves I have are from a disk version. So I'm tempted to re-buy the disk. However, I then thought, would it be worth trying another version… I see NV is a big fave in this group, but has anybody played fallout 76 wastelanders, and what's your thoughts on it? Worth playing on PS5?

    submitted by /u/l1nd0gg
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    Does having high luck (10) in Fallout New Vegas cause weapons of enemies to break?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    I started a new run and decide to put 5 in luck.

    The guy with an incinerator at Primm ran up to me with fists.

    The viper gang ambush failed, as their weapons were not functional.

    Convicts were running up to me with fists.

    Uh... Am I the luckiest son of a gun in the Mojave?

    submitted by /u/MatrixReaper
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    The town of Nipton is apparently for sale. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:06 PM PDT

    Is a rebuilt world really workable in Open World Fallout?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:37 PM PDT

    I keep running into the complaint that both the Capital Wasteland and the Commonwealth should both have been more rebuilt, if not fully rebuilt by the time their games take place. But I'm wondering if people making those complaints that the East should already have its own NCR by the time FO3 starts are really thinking it through.

    Yes, I know that Fallout 2 gave us the established NCR city but Fallout 2 isn't an open world exploration game. Fallout 1 didn't have full reconstruction either. New Vegas gives us a rebuilt world but it has (IMO) one of the emptier and weaker maps as a direct result of the reconstruction. Since the place has been rebuilt there just isn't much left to really explore. And even taking THAT into account...New Vegas still had empty buildings that hadn't been rebuilt and had stuff for the player to explore. Like that Hardware Company Business that was run by House's crazy Half-Brother.

    I mean if Washington was already a rebuilt city-state of its own with everything cleaned up, all old stores explored and stripped and nothing to explore....what would be the point of the game then? Running around doing fetch quests to everyone? Where would the conflict come from? Raiders and animals would be no threat to a rebuilt Washington with walls and defenses. The NCR Capital City was never in any danger from a direct attack in FO2.

    New Vegas still had areas dominated by Raiders/Fiends and empty areas that by all rights should have been cleaned up. But Washington having ANY unclean areas is bad.

    Seems to be that folks making this complaint just don't get how Open World Exploration games work.

    submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded_Log9378
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    Fo4nv had the potential to be the best thing ever made in fallout history

    Posted: 27 May 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    Think about it.

    Fallout 4 always being put down because of its lacking story and overall lack of choice and 0 room for roleplay unless you play voiceless and don't find Shaun.

    But it's mechanics are fantastic and my favourite in any fallout to date.

    And compare it to new Vegas Story is incredible absolutely fantastic and really makes you think and engage with the world as if it is living and breathing.

    There are real consequences and anybody is killable and there can be a sense of something far bigger than you and knowing the real dangers of the wasteland.

    So with all of that.

    The streamlined clean UI and gameplay of Fo4 (excluding bugs but come on give it a break)

    And the phenomenal writing and world of New Vegas.

    Combined it could be absolutely amazing and the best thing to happen to fallout of all time.

    But of course the modders have no obligation to keep going and all we can do is hope they keep at it and bring us the most ambitious crossover of all time!.

    Thank you fo4nv and we wish you the best

    Edit: title is has instead of had

    submitted by /u/kaka_carrot_cake456
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    Order to play fallout games?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:32 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm soon going to be getting into the fallout series via gamepass- I noticed 3 isn't on there, is it important to play for the story? If so, what's the best order to play all the fallout games? Sorry if this has been answered before

    submitted by /u/Yusifff
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    What do you think the prologue/canon ending for the SS should or could be?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 01:28 AM PDT

    Before you say "it's an open ended ending" not entirely, it's not uncommon to have a canon ending for a main character, big example is the vault dweller and chosen one. They both have a canon ending not matter what you the player may have done in those games. Plus, the ending of fallout 4 with the SS is a huge deal, they're either a top railroad agent who took down the BoS and institute, a sentinel who took down the railroad and the institute, a minutemen general who took down the institute and or the BoS or they're the director of the institute who took down the railroad and the BoS. We could also look at the endings of the DLC. While I doubt far harbor will be exploitable again in the future, we could definitely get a mention of what happened after fallout 4 and nuka world would also be a big deal since the SS would've either turned it into a raider empire or have killed all the raiders and left it alone since we don't get an option to really do anything with it like make it a major trading hub. The vault tec DLC could also be a possible ending too since maybe they made a self sufficient vault and closed the doors for good not letting anyone in or out. What do you think? Hopefully in fallout 5 the SS fate will be vague but I'm certain that there is a canon ending that Bethesda doesn't want to reveal yet much like how they have yet to reveal the civil war out come in skyrim.

    submitted by /u/Bigfoot_samurai
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    BoS first mission bug (fo4)

    Posted: 27 May 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    So I was playing fallout 4 and I was walking past the police station when the ghouls were attacking, when I killed all the ghouls I went up to Paladin Danse to talk to him to continue the mission, but he (and the other two people) keep saying that there are still some ghouls left to kill (there aren't). His exact words are "Check your fire, we've got hostiles". Does anyone know what to do?

    submitted by /u/Yeetmaster2405
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    Vehicles in fallout

    Posted: 27 May 2021 04:50 AM PDT

    Not very educated in the fallout lore (I know they are nuclear powered cars) but would it be lore breaking to be able to drive vehicles in fallout games?

    submitted by /u/Sand-Inner
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    Fallout Expanded Universe Idea.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:55 PM PDT

    Would anyone else love novels, comics, and other material set in the Fallout universe? These can showcase lore events as well as character backstories. I think there is a large amount of untapped potential in a Fallout Expanded Universe.

    submitted by /u/Doom4104
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    Will the war ever end?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:52 PM PDT

    All fallouts are good. They all bring the same atmosphere, but they are different games.

    Why are we fighting for which is best fallout? I was actually hating fallout 3, but after playing it I realized I was wrong. I liked NV,1,2 too. But I didn't complete fallout 4. That doesn't mean it is a bad game. It isn't just for me.

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    Can You Beat Fallout: New Vegas If It’s Randomized To Hell?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:29 PM PDT


    "Victor in the distance. I thought I'd be nice, and say houdy. I walk up to him. Press E. And he immediately goes hostile. It was not Victor"

    submitted by /u/Hike_N_Fight
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