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    Sunday, March 21, 2021

    Fallout | A goul walk into a bar, the bartender says “we don’t serve gouls here.” The goul reply’s “that’s fine, is the human fresh.”

    Fallout | A goul walk into a bar, the bartender says “we don’t serve gouls here.” The goul reply’s “that’s fine, is the human fresh.”

    A goul walk into a bar, the bartender says “we don’t serve gouls here.” The goul reply’s “that’s fine, is the human fresh.”

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 07:30 PM PDT

    A couple of tips that have helped me

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:11 PM PDT

    If you go into the display settings, you can change the color of your pip-boy, which changes the color of your pip-boy light. You can then change the color to white by sliding all colors to the right, making the light much more useful than green. Also there is more light with a gun out than not, wherever it's pointing. (at least on pc, hopefully on console too, but idk)

    When customizing your guns or armor on the workbench, you can change your gun's name to anything, such as "+10mm Pistol" instead of "Recoil Compensated Super Duper Mega Pistol". The plus sign in front of the gun name puts it at the top of the list and has a reasonable name that tells you generally what the gun is rather than all the mods it has on it. This name does NOT change when adding or removing weapon mods because it's a custom name.

    (It started as a couple tips)

    You can drag certain items (hold the activate button when looking at it) into your settlement's build area to scrap them if you're short on supplies or just want to clean up the wasteland a bit. (Tires, traffic cones, wooden crates, wooden pallets, a whole engine under the Sanctuary bridge, etc.)

    Using the command "scrapall" before building anything in a settlement clears out everything that can be scrapped and anything that can't gets picked up and stored at the settlement workbench. (This one is only pc)

    submitted by /u/Tunic_Tactics
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    If you could design a Vault for Vault-Tec that won’t get denied, what would be the: Number, Location, Purpose, and Requested Candidates be?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 04:10 PM PDT

    Feel free to include the Size, and any Specific notes on the Vault Design.

    This is a Vault that Vault-Tec cannot under any circumstances deny.

    submitted by /u/TheLonesomeUniverse
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    Diamond City Radio Changed The Way I View Fallout 4

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:26 PM PDT

    I'd always found fallout 4 a fun game, but I just felt there was something in it that was lacking. I would play for an hour and then get bored of clearing out buildings and killing raiders and log off.

    I recently however got fallout 4 on PC (had it on Xbox before) and decided to do the confidence man quest. I had listened to a bit of diamond City radio before it but had always found it hard to enjoy the music with Travis being so... akward. When I finished the confidence man quest though I was curious to see if there was actually a change in travis.

    I turned on the radio and found it pretty interesting that Travis had a different tone after the quest. I thought it was a pretty cool detail for the devs to include, but then a song came on.

    I had never really properly listened to the songs before this point and has just passed them off as some old crappy 50s music, but when I turned the old pip boy radio on and the first notes of "rocket 60" came on I was instantly hooked.

    I just sat back for a few minutes not fighting any enemies or progressing any story and just listened to the music. Before I knew it half an hour had passed and I had to go to triathlon practice. The next time I logged onto fallout 4 I instantly turned on diamond City radio and went to go do some quests with the music playing in the background and it was the greatest thing ever. I could now enjoy the game for hours without getting board and the music helped add the little thing I thought was missing.

    Its been a week since then and the game has just absolutely changed for me for the better. I know every song by heart and have a newfound love for Travis as a DJ. I think he's one of my favourite non companion NPC's now and just wish I could have him as one. The game has become more enjoyable as there is something to fill the emptiness when I'm doing something not as enjoyable like walking from place to place, and I'm surprised I never discovered the joys of it until recently.

    Tldr: Diamond City radio helped me play this game for longer periods of time and has changed the way I view fallout 4.

    submitted by /u/DeluxeMonster6
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    Railroads Purpose After Beating The Game?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:50 PM PDT

    I've been playing through Fallout 4 and have chosen to side with the Railroad (laugh all you want, I've never sided with them before and have kind of enjoyed it tbh). I just got down to the institute and am choosing to go undercover for the Railroad. I want to start building little "safehouses" for runaway synths at my settlements but am wondering if after beating the main quest line, would this be pointless? I know the ending for the RR is to destroy the Institute at CIT like it is with other endings, and so I just don't see a purpose in building safehouses like I want to if synths won't need to use them to escape the Institute anymore. Is this the case? What does the RR do after destroying the institute?

    submitted by /u/jruble7
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    Not sure if stuff like this is allowed here, but heres a display i made for the NV special edition poker chips.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:38 PM PDT

    Why do people not like the voiced protagonist in Fallout 4

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 04:53 PM PDT

    I really liked having the sole survivor being voiced. I thought Nora's voice actor was great. So why do people not like the voice acting?

    submitted by /u/graedaphilosopher
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    I Got Finally Got All Of The Level 4 Merchants!

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 09:29 PM PDT

    After trying for hours and hours and hours I finally got them all! My sanctuary settlement is finally complete!

    After looking up how to get them all I kept getting the same answer "JuST UsE ConSolE CoMManDs" but being a console user I couldn't do a thing! But after pouring enough time and effort into it I got em all!

    If you wanted to ask how I got them I'll try to answer to the best of my ability's

    submitted by /u/BruhCaviar
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    100%ing Fallout games. Feels good, dunnit?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    All marked quests in Fallout 3.

    Still working through my NV & 4 runs. Not too many games/books/shows/movies compare to completing a Fallout journey.

    submitted by /u/GundoSkimmer
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    What happened to the term “smoothskin”

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:52 PM PDT

    I know this is a small detail but as you probably know in fallout 3 and Vegas ghouls would call you "Smoothskin" why don't ghouls say it in 4?

    submitted by /u/No_Interaction4027
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    [FO3] Why does Talon Company exist? What exactly is their motivation??

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:12 PM PDT

    So brief background, my new level 3 LW was violently accosted by Talon Company outside Megaton for giving that poor sod some fresh water. And it really got me asking... why??? I'm not against having a faction that's evil for the sake of being evil, but what does Talon company hope to actually achieve by being the way that they are? What exactly is their endgame here?? I can understand if they're opposed to helping others on the basis that they're the epitome of the selfish a—hole, and that they genuinely believe that all of the wasteland's scarce resources should be hoarded by themselves for their own survival, or that they've got some master network of illegal goods that's raking in mountains of caps and want to keep that going, but like, that's not the case?

    The tooltip on the loading screen says that they're 'trying to keep the wasteland a lawless place' but why? Who benefits from the wasteland being lawless and disorganized? As mentioned before they haven't got some master gun running or drug smuggling ring that benefits from lawlessness. You could make the argument that they're keeping the wasteland disorganized so that the settlements don't band together to wipe them out, but for all the effort they go through to take out community leaders that might bring order to the wasteland, they could just as easily take over all the settlements to prevent them from uniting or whatever and use their newfound dominance to fleece all the towns and cities for their caps in the name of "protection" or "continued existence". You could make the argument that it's not really the Talon Company's business since they just take orders from and get paid by Tenpenny and Mr. Burke, but that doesn't make the problem go away, it just kicks it up one notch of the chain of command.

    TL,DR: Talon Company isn't out for resources, or power, so what realistic (realistic within the narrative of the game) reason do they have to exist?

    submitted by /u/2_cats_high_5ing
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    I love how nearly everyone in Fallout 3 sounds the same

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:59 AM PDT

    Pretty much every NPC who isn't a main character like Dad, Colonel Autumn or Three Dog can be categorized into one of the following voice types:

    1. the chipper old man (Evan King, Irving Cheng).
    2. the deep voiced young man with with a transatlantic accent (Flak, Paladin Gunny).
    3. the sleazy young woman (Nova,female Rivet City Security officers).
    4. the sweet english grandma (Old Lady Palmer, Agatha, Tiffany Cheng).
    5. the smooth talking African American sounding man (Lucky Harliff, Paladin Bael).
    6. the cocky Hipster dude (Diego, Butch, Crazy Wolfgang).
    submitted by /u/LividRooster6
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    Giveaway: Fallout 4 Season Pass (PS4) (Europe Only)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 01:21 AM PDT

    So I lost my game when I finished moving to another house. Decided to buy again Goty Edition and I thought DLCs were inside the CD, but actually you had to download them. So here's the spare code. Thanks for reading!


    submitted by /u/Kaspavicius
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    Is Fallout 4 any more stable on PC than it is on Xbox?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 03:25 AM PDT

    I can't play Fallout 4 on Xbox anymore, downtown is so unstable that every survival mode save is deleted in frustration. Every attempt ends early. Don't think I've gotten past Dangerous Minds in 2 years.

    I just realised I own it for PC as well, I must have gotten it on sale at some point. I have an MSI GS66 Stealth now so I can run it well but it's the stability of downtown and trying to play a legit survival mode I'm worried about.

    Is this any better on PC? Could I get some tips to improve it?

    submitted by /u/Awkward-Ad2821
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    [Fallout 4] Preston is gone. Any ideas?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 02:56 AM PDT

    I'm brand new to Fallout, and my game is pretty heavily modded. I've just finished a Minutemen quest and have to report to Preston, though when i get to the marker he's just not there.

    Will he return later? or have i ran into a serious bug.

    submitted by /u/Felwinter_II
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    How did it all begin. How did the old world fall apart?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    My thought was that Vault Tec themselves launched the nukes on both sides, and then the war began that ended it all. What do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/Hotandsexytrashbin
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    The Chosen One isn't the most powerful Fallout character.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 02:14 AM PDT

    Oh boy, I'll get some hate, maybe I will be downvoted to Oblivion but man what I have to say.

    1.Public opinions of who is the most powerful Fallout character are there. The most powerful being The Chosen One or The Courier. And the most Powerful was declared The Chosen One, well, only because a Supermutant in a Power Armor. 2.Let's see a battle between the two of them, at the start of the games, and at the end. In the start the Courier wins. As you enter the game The Chosen One is only a village boy, The Courier is a fucking man who survived a bullet to the head and a roast from a doctor. 3.At the end of the Fallout 2,The Chosen One is powerful, I'm not listing all the things he has cause is a long list, but The Courier has an entire Army, The Euclid C-Finder would rape The Chosen One.PUN INTENDED. (For those who don't know you can be a pornstar in Fallout 2)And If someone tries to sell me that The Chosen One defeated Franck Fucking Horiggan I will tell him that The Courier wouldn't have a problem, he has all that good shit, and Army of Protectrons fully upgraded, the Boomers, even him alone could defeat him. I hope that in Fallout 5 they make A LEGENDARY INTELIGENT MYTHIC DEATCLAW IN AN X-02 POWER ARMOR FULLY UPGRADED the last boss.

    Thoughts? Say if I am wrong with something.

    P.S. My favorite Fallout is 4 so don't call me a New Vegas fanboy or something.

    submitted by /u/Riky77
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    Why is fallout 3 & 4 so dry

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:09 PM PDT

    So this is a dumb 3am fridge moment for me but:

    Fallout 1,2 & New Vegas are all set in desert locations - so it makes sense why its all dusty - but 3&4 are set on the east coast which is a lot more green.

    Ive seen pictures of Chernobyl and the nuclear fallout there didn't cause any vegetation death, its all mossy and stuff

    So why do fallout 3&4 have almost the exact same climate as the other games? Am I just being dumb about the science of mass nuclear apocalypse?

    submitted by /u/jonesiguess
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    At the Enclave Oil Rig of Fallout 2... And I painfully need help.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 05:47 PM PDT

    For context, I pretty much play with a brute build, focused on combat and right now I'm near the endgame... I was able to kill the president without alerting the base but when I try to blow up the core or whatever the floor is inmediatly alerted and also I seem to have a problem with the regular power armor guards who have gauss rifles who fuck me up.

    submitted by /u/imnotgae998
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    How to start DLCs?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 08:47 PM PDT

    I've been playing fallout 3 (goty) for the past couple of days, but I can't seem to figure out how to start the any of the dlcs. Does anyone know how? There also isn't an option to click on the downloads button on the main menu, but I don't see any way to manage dlc in steam. Also what order should I do them in?

    submitted by /u/LittleLuigi69
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    I want to propose a theory that Fallout 4's cryo bay malfunction that sets off the story and frees us into the wider world is started by Father's lust for revenge and power.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 02:02 AM PDT

    So let's start off with why cryo storage doesn't kill our protagonist, for the sake of lore I personally believe Nate is our protagonist due to the events that transpire including the knowhow that requires power armour to be used.

    This theory states that years after Shaun is kidnapped and turned into the institute's golden boy he learns that his father is still alive and in cryo storage. Knowing that with his cancer he won't survive to bring the institute into power he remotely trips the fail safe that unlocks Nate's cryo pod. This fail safe is imbedded when Shaun is kidnapped to not waste the "backup" and is also the program that kills all the other residents by suffocation. (It is very likely a remote monitoring program is setup to monitor the backup's health and have a triggerable failsafe in case the vault starts to erode over time.)

    Shaun knows Nate will come looking for him so calls off the Courser hunts on Virgil, has Coursers rerouted to local missions and forces certain factions to set up events (like the brotherhood's skirmish in the rocket test facility) that will eventually lead to Nate finding the institute.

    This also includes the revenge for the killing of his mother and the loss of specimen life when the institute kills off most of 111. As in order to figure out where Shaun went Nate will have to confront Kellogg and knowing Kellogg will be confrontational also knows that Kellogg will die by the hand of Nate leaving his agent title open for his father.

    Fast forward a bit: Nate by the time he reaches the institute now has knowledge of Virgil's whereabouts, the railroad home base location and likely has contacts with the brotherhood and several settlements under his control. So if Nate picks up the agent mantel he'll rise through the ranks as 2 big thorns in the institute's side will have been eliminated by the hand of Nate. This does 2 things: gives the board a more likely reason to trust Nate and proves that he can get done what no other member of the institute can leading to his promotion to the mantel of father to be smoother.

    This also does one last thing for father: keeps the power inside of his like-minded family. Which in short means that his vision for the future of the institute is more likely to come to pass because he is passing it onto someone to who acts and thinks like him.

    So in short I think father willing released Nate out of his cryo prison because he knew if Nate came looking for him his vision's legacy would be kept pure and he could get revenge for the death of his mother all the while bolstering the institute's influence in the region and potentially taking apart powerful enemies depending on what factions Nate sticks his fingers into.

    submitted by /u/garmdian
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    I took Fallout 3 for a horror game when I was 12

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 02:44 PM PDT

    It was a long time ago and this game had just been released, when my father for some reason installed it on my PC (probably confused it with Flat Out). I had never heard of Fallout before, but at the first glance it looked like fun since I liked casual shooters. I left the Vault and headed to Megaton. The wasteland seemed fine for me, only some dumb raiders and my guns felt bad to counter them. So I tried to break into a house and steal some weapons, but I failed miserably and the whole Megaton turned against me. I ran away. Later, some bloatflies tried to rape me. I ran away again with no health. After 10 minutes of wanking around I got to some city ruins. And met them. I didn't even know they existed. They scared me to death. A group of fucking massive green scary-ass super mutants, who ran towards me laughing and telling me how dead I am. I believe I managed to explode one of them but my weapons were just shit so I tried to hide. My heartbeat was like 150 bpm but they were not going to let me escape. And out of a sudden one of them jumpscared at me and kicked my ass all of that followed by dramatic music. That was enough for me. I just deleted this fucking horror game.

    submitted by /u/slamoWRX
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    Having trouble finding games with similar thing to the pip boy app.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 01:38 AM PDT

    So I'm not sure if this the right place to ask this question but to anyone who used the Fallout 4 pip boy app I was wondering if there is any other games that have apps like that?

    submitted by /u/DimensionCake
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