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    Wednesday, September 16, 2020

    Fallout: New Vegas | Legion using guns colorized (year 2281)

    Fallout: New Vegas | Legion using guns colorized (year 2281)

    Legion using guns colorized (year 2281)

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    Beatrix Russell cosplay by Elena Samko.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    Okay, so, I may have gotten a bit cocky

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    I have never heard of anyone taking cinematic shots with their saves even though its a habit of mine. I've been working to get the best possible ending with the corresponding photos that encapsulate my journey and finally, after about a year of working on this specific game, I've done it.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Matching with my bro Ulysses, love a bit of Courier coordination

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    I shot Mr. House with flare gun. This abomination doesn't seem to actually be doing much fleeing.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    Hanging out near One (Lone) Pine, CA today. Tan his hide, ladies!

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    Fort Assault Complete

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    I am about to complete Dead Money for the first time. What should I do before I leave?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    Played for a few hours last night, and I last saved where I'm about to take the elevator from Vara's room. I'm really looking forward to finally finishing this DLC. I've enjoyed it a lot, but it has been a grind because I was not strong in sneak or melee when I was going in. Anyway for my question, what are some things that I should do before I leave the Sierra Madre after I finally complete it? I'm putting a list together of collectibles and stuff, and just wanted to make sure that I see and do as much as I can. Basically just looking for recommendations.

    Also, do I have to worry about a lot ghost people and hologram guards after I complete the quest? I'm sure I'll have to keep fighting in some spots. I'm mainly curious because after I set off the gala, I just ran for the casino instead of fighting because I had limited supplies at the time. Am I going to run into a lot of extra fighting because of that?

    submitted by /u/jobulives
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    Dead money overhaul mods?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    Continue the survival aspect of it

    Making the ghost people actually scary

    Don't make the companions attack the super scary ghost people like idiots

    That sort of thing

    Is it a thing?

    submitted by /u/Mr-kabuk
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    Butch and I went on a trip and the bastard let me get shot in the head -.-

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    Which add ons should I buy?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    I bought the game almost 5 years ago on Xbox but I've never got the time to play it, I want to give it a try but I want to experience the full game (not just the base game), which add ons should I buy?, I know some of them are just guns or outfits, I mainly want to buy the ones that add more story to the game, thanks!

    submitted by /u/MiguelIslaaa
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    Made the doc in rdr2

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    Just finished the game for the first time, went in semi-blind

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    And oh geez I loved it. I went relatively pacifist and good karma, and yes man ending. I did throw the ncr guy off the dam though. Genuinely this has been one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played. I loved almost all of it. Just not when my saved sometimes wouldn't load

    I played all the dlc too. I'm one of those people who loved dead money. The story, atmosphere, and characters were just incredible although yeah the gameplay can be a bit annoying at times. The other DLCs were good too, especially lonesome road. I love walking through that hellscape, learning about your past from Ulysses and then finally meeting him and seeing what everything came to.

    The companions were probably my favorite part about the game. I got them all and did all their quests and I really can't rank them but if I had to choose I think Boone's story is too heartbreaking for me not to have him as my favorite.

    The only downside is a massive game hangover. I don't know what to play now. I feel so absorbed into this world and these characters. Any suggestions for similar games? Last time I felt like this was after finishing disco elysium.

    submitted by /u/Soupy314
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    Need help with my next playthrough

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    So ive modded my game to perfection and i hav two playthroughs i wanna do. I havent played this game in years so im hyped to get back into it.

    Build 1. Randall Cohle. Good karma, joins legion. His backstory is that he grew up in a vault with a death sentance for any crime committed as the experiment. His father was the executioner who then became overseer after the old overseer passed. Randall was then trained as the next exectutioner at the age of 15, planned to succeed his father. Not many crimes took place until his father took over, then it grew to almost a death a day the Randall had to swing the headmans axe. The past overseer let low profile crimes fly without a death sentance but Randalls father upheld the old law. Any crime will be punishable by death. After 4 years a rebellion began. Randalls sister was raped at the age of 16. No one knew who did it and his sister wouldnt tell. The rebellion divided the vault into 2 factions. The rebellion eventually broke out and opened the vault and in the war randall and his now 8month pregnant sister fled. But not before Randall let a mob of 3 people kill his father. He watched, he was armed and they were not. He couldve stopped them. Maybe it was fear, or anger, or cowardice, but he turned and ran out of the vault with his sister. His sister told Randall it was their father who raped her. Their was father was also the father to her unborn baby. She died in childbirth, the baby was born, but was strucken with a terrible cough. Randall heard through passing traders of a crater that could save you. Free you of any sickness. So he went to the crater, his geiger counter was maxing out but he had seen some people enter and leave without coughing or throwing up. So, desperate and starving he and his nephew went into the crater. The radiation quickly killed the baby, strucken with grief randall layed down, accepting the now inevitable. It didnt come. The radiation seemed almost to fuel him. After hours, he stayed in there, waiting. A day passed, two days, three days, he finally walked out, in defeat. Feeling stronger than he ever had. A man he passed looked in horror at him and attacked on sight, Randall easily subdued the man, but the man raised a gun to him, instint kicked in and randall broke the mans neck. Randall walked aimlessly, eating rodents and drinking puddles to get by. Though his will to live was broken, he moved in his pogramming. He didnt even seem to be conscious of his actions. Days went by like minutes. Minutes lasted weeks. Wasnt until he got to a village and into a bar did he learn what he had become. A ghoul. People walked avoided him, some shot on sight, so he began to stay away from people. Began to read. History, to try and understand how this world came to be. He eventually stumbled upon Machiavelli's texts and was encapsulated by his work. Stability by any means. He saw the savagery in the roads. The people litterally eating each other. He wanted to stop it, any means neccessary. Must work towards a sustainable and safe society. He finds that in Caesar. Taking a job as a courier, as he travelled to find books anyway, he wanted to make a little bit of caps to survive.

    Build 2. Liberty. Bad karma, NCR. Liberty grew up in shady sands. Lived in the high class before her family kicked her out for getting into drugs. At 16 she was on the street, mughing people, using drugs, and selling her body for the next hit. She was picked up by a small revolutionary group who hoped to rid san fransisco of the Shi. They used guriella tactics to destroy them, and lured others into their group with promises of freedom. But they were losing faster than they were growing. They were outgunned, and outnumbered. They wanted to free the city of the control, let the people be heard. They were crushed. In a panic Liberty left her men, whom she was in charge of, and fled. Took a job as a courier to hopefully make it to vegas where dreams of starting over were just that, dreams.

    Both will play almost the exact same and i will probably write more backstory for liberty since ive only thought of her since today. I just wanted some feedback. Liberty will also be using the mod Russel as a companion. Randall, idk what companion. Both will use ede though. Any thoughts or feed back is greatly appreciated. If anyone wants a more in depth backstory of randall, let me know. Ive thought about his story a lot and hav a lot more details to add.

    submitted by /u/SabotageKing
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    So, i made my courier in Hero Machine 3, thought i would share:

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    I’m on my first play through, is it me or is the possible web of decisions a lot more complex in this Fallout?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    I've only played Fallout 3 & 4. I THINK I'm pretty far a long. Every now and then I'll look up some quest trees to see which way I want to do things or I'll watch a YouTube video. For the most part I just enjoy the game but curiosity gets the best of me occasionally.

    Every time I watch a YouTube video the persons story seems really different. Or if I look up on a wiki there's warnings about how certain quests can't be done if you do such and such.

    I know you can't really play any Fallout entirely in one play through and I am totally not complaining I fucking love it. But I saw a video with Benny being held hostage by Caesar and I was like WTF is this?! I killed Benny in the Presidential Suite and 10 hours later after I got Vilified by the Legion I just took the boat over there and killed every one.

    submitted by /u/TheScrambone
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    i messed up movement speed and need some help

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    I basically just need to know what the base speed is for the command setgs fmoverunmult # I was messing with it and dont know what to set it back to it think it somewere around 5 but i want to know the exact number as to not mess anything up.

    submitted by /u/butcher-pete--
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    boone straight chillin in the background behind the 160

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:20 PM PDT

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