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    Fallout | Why Nora is the better Fallout 4 protag

    Fallout | Why Nora is the better Fallout 4 protag

    Why Nora is the better Fallout 4 protag

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 04:06 AM PDT

    1. She's voiced by Courtenay Taylor AKA the voice of Jack from Mass Effect and Ada from Resident Evil. She also voiced Gloria Van Graff from New Vegas.

    2. Her voice lines are much better and more believable.

    3. Her relationship with Danse differs greatly from Nate's. While Danse is only Nate's superior officer, it can be implied through dialogue that Nora has some sort of caring relationship with Danse that bleeds deeper than him just being her superior. This adds some great drama late game.

    4. Her law degree comes in handy restoring law and order to the Wasteland, unlike Nate who can easily become a tyrant (and arguably does through Nuka World).

    5. Thicc

    6. It's much more dramatic. If any of you played Far Cry 3, you'll know that instead of starting off as your war veteran brother, you play as his younger, less experienced brother who instead goes on to live another day. Same concept here. Nora is less experienced, but that's what makes it so satisfying to dominate the Wasteland with her. It's a struggle of pure survival. She has no idea how to survive, allowing her much more character development and metamorphosis.

    7. In the Institute ending, you're not Father II, you're Mother I.

    submitted by /u/loungeops
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    Why no pipe shotgun?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    In real life (or at least according to cryptonomicon) one of the big issues with pipe weapons is that the barrels don't have rifling, which requires special tools. Shotguns though, also tend to not have rifling because that wouldn't be useful except for slugs. Because of this, it seems like a pipe shotgun would be an entirely valid weapon for someone to use.

    Okay, game time now. It just seems like it would be a logical early game weapon to have, and since there's a pipe version of revolvers, sniper rifles, and machine guns, a shotgun would fit in just fine. You could give it a cool design, like making it a revolver shotgun a la Metro's Shambler, which would be a nice contrast from double barreled, pump action, and combat shotguns. Or, if they let pipe weapons be the crazy heavily-modifiable make-it-do-whatever-you-want guns they deserve to be instead of pea-shooters, you could rechamber pipe guns to fire shotgun shells, so you could have your choice of fully/semi automatic pipe shotgun, pipe revolver shotgun, or, for the slower kids, a bolt-action pipe shotgun.

    I just feel like it makes sense as an idea, and would be a little more fun than the old double barreled.

    submitted by /u/ThorgilsBoomer
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    Can the raiders of Nukaworld take over Sanctuary before Preston arrives?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:24 AM PDT

    I'm thinking of another play through, and this time I'll immediately head to nukaworld after leaving the vault for the first time. I will become their leader and invade the commonwealth. Can the raiders occupy Sanctuary before the arrival of Preston and others after saving them in Concord?

    submitted by /u/NE6427
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    What if the boomers bombed the fort?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    Couldn't they just fly over the fort and easily kill Caesar? He lives in a tent, so he could be killed pretty easily.

    submitted by /u/mysterymustacheman
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    TIL that Phyllis Daily is an amazing character

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    Hey guys. You know that crazy lady up at Egret Tours Marina? I don't know about y'all but I always ended up killing her because I thought she was annoying. Today, just before posting this actually, I decided to just TALK to her. She had such a sad background and now I feel like an asshole for killing her repeatedly. I also learned that you're able to recruit her for the Minutemen as well, being General and all, I thought it was appropriate. It seems like a sketchy decision once you listen to her background (not gonna post that because spoilers and I'm not down for any bad shit that happens to me after that), she seems like gamble, but I think she's a good person at heart and make the right choice.

    TL;DR: i think I found my new favorite side character, Phyllis Daily

    submitted by /u/RedBear223
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    Whenever I enter Diamond City my game crashes to desktop during the loading screen

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:39 AM PDT

    The only mod that I think affects Diamond City is living diamond city

    submitted by /u/NovaX338
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    Do you ever just take it slow and walk from place to place?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    I was playing 76, turning in Foundation's missing property to Ward. I wanted to head to the Bog and pay a visit to Defiance, and I decided to follow the tracks of the old monorail. I was running but I decided to slow it down to slow walking speed and the game is just so beautiful. Walking along the dead future with the ambiance of 76 is wonderful. I found this to be true when I took it slow in New Vegas as well - so desolate, yet so beautiful.

    Anybody have moments of levity and a slower pace in any of the Fallout games?

    submitted by /u/OzymandiasDavid8
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    Ranking all the Fallout DLCs (I don't know, I'm bored.)

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    15. Wasteland Workshop

    Self explanatory, pretty trash, 3/10.

    14. Contraptions Workshop

    Still pretty trash, but adds in warehouse building objects, so points for that, 3/10.

    13. Vault Tec Workshop

    Like the last 3, but with a small story component, 4/10.

    12. Operation: Anchorage

    Consists of mostly gameplay, which is Fallout 3 gameplay so it sucks. That being said, the power armor training is nice, and you get some sweet loot at the end, Gauss Rifle is bae. 6/10.

    11. Automatron

    The best part of this DLC is the robot building, story is still bad. It's just even more of Fallout 4, which isn't bad, but it's not as good as everything else in the series. 7/10.

    10. Mothership Zeta

    Going through an alien spaceship is sweet, but there's not really much other than that. Good loot, not as good as Anchorage, but good. 7/10.

    9. Honest Hearts

    I apologize to the community for this. Thing is with Honest Hearts, there isn't much to do. There's like a 3 part main quest, with a really easy choice at the end. Best part is Joshua Graham, Survivalist is great, Daniel is okay, his outfit looks cool though, 8/10.

    8. Broken Steel

    Post endgame content should've been in Fallout 3 from the start, but I like what was done here. In none of the other Fallout games do you see the impact of the main story after it's happened. Seeing project purity manned my the Brotherhood was cool, seeing con artists selling fake aqua pura was cool, higher level cap was cool, post endgame content was cool. 8/10.

    7. Nuka World

    Nuka World is really good, problem is, it's really geared towards evil characters. Doesn't help that Fallout 4 shoves you into the role of "caring, determined mommy/daddy figure." If you wanna not be a raider bastard, then you have to wipe out the park, then explore everything on you're own, fragmented, which isn't to good. But if you are a raiding scumbag, this DLC is really nice, with a cool questline, a great new worldspace, and Porter Gage, who I think is a neat companion. 8.5/10.

    6. Lonesome Road

    Everything beyond this is actual gold, 9/10, good shit. Lonesome Road was great, exploring the Divide was really great, new perks we're also nice. Ulysses was also really cool, albeit a bit pretentious. Story was really straightforward, there weren't any deep moral choices, but Ulysses makes up for it, 9/10.

    5. Point Lookout

    Point Lookout was a real eye-opener. I already knew Bethesda could do good DLC with Shivering Isles and everyone's favorite Horse Armor, but Point Lookout was so damn good. The worldspace might be one of my favorite ever, the swamp-folk are twisted, demented, and fun to kill, and the double barrel shotgun is such a good weapon. The story, is neat, nothing special, but it's cool. In short, all hail the Punga Fruit, 9/10.

    4. The Pitt

    The Pitt did good story right. The choice of who to give the cure to still agonizes me to this day. In addition, The Pitt is just a really good setting. The industrial factories, the grimy alleyways, hell, the iconic bridge with the Pitt sign, all of it makes for a good location. The only other thing I could ask for is to be able to explore more of the city, but I'll be satisfied with what I got. This DLC proved to me that Bethesda can write interesting, they can write good story, and they can write morally gray. 9/10.

    3. Old World Blues

    Old World Blues has the best dialogue in the entire series. The Think Tank are honestly just laughable villains, and that's the point. From the "Penis Tipped Feet," to the autistic WooEEEOooWooEEEOoos, to the "death ray with a smaller power supply," everything in this DLC is just funny. Exploring the Big Empty is really fun, with each new dungeon offering some new lore, some new technology, some new weapon to your arsenal. In addition, the X-2 Antenna is beast, the Stealth Suit is my waifu, and the Mysterious Radio just slaps. 9.5/10.

    2. Far Harbor

    Far Harbor succeeds where Fallout 4 failed. Far Harbor gave an interesting story, with good characters, three fairly reasonable factions, and a morally gray conflict. The setting of Far Harbor is in my opinion Bethesda's best. The fog is oppressive, the gulpers, anglers, fog crawlers, all frightening, the atmosphere is absolutely amazing. The only nitpick I have with this DLC is that one annoying puzzle section, which you can easily overlook in the grand scheme of things. Far Harbor is Bethesda at it's best, I really hope they can manage to top this in the future. In short, Far Harbor is what Fallout 4 should have been, 9.69/10.

    1. Dead Money

    Prepare your hate comments. I know a lot of people hate Dead Money, and I agree with a lot of their points. Yes, the cloud is annoying, yes, seeing "Your collar is emitting a high pitched beeping noise," in the top left is numbing. Yes, the ghost people will kill you over and over and over again, while taking at most 5 damage from your Police Pistol. But that's the point. The atmosphere is king here. The cloud is opposing, the radios make you dart your head around, frantically searching for the source, and the ghost people are unnerving, making you check every corner, every rooftop, every gate. The point is to make you feel afraid, like you're backed into a corner with a half broken rifle and only 12 microfusion cells. And that's because you are. The characters are just as good as the atmosphere. Dog and God left me frustrated, which is better, a mindless killer, eating the corpses of his foes, or a sociopathic killer, cold, calculating. Dean Domino was charismatic, delivering stupid one liners as he shoots the ghost people with a 9mm. Christine makes me sad, she went all this way to kill one guy, lost her voice for a time, was permanently scarred, and for what? Elijah is finally dead, and she is left with nothing, nothing but the Madre. After beating Dead Money, I turned my computer off, sat down on my bed and just took a moment to take it all in, think about what just happened. I found the message at the end to be impactful. Begin again, letting go, ringing around in my head. In the end, I'd say this is some of the best video game content I've ever experienced. Left my heart in the Sierra Madre, 10/10.


    The Fallout games have some of the best downloadable content ever, some of the best content ever. I'd say all of this is worth buying, even the trashy ones, just so you can experience it. Thanks for reading my shitty little Reddit post, bye.

    submitted by /u/BasketCase_111
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    HELP! Caesars guard attack me for no reason

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 04:24 AM PDT

    I started playing new vegas again and I am siding with Caesars Legion I just destroyed the brotherhood of steel but when I go to the fort to speak with Caesar his Praetorian guard outside the tent attack me for no reason. If anyone has a fix please help.

    submitted by /u/CRLSN22
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    Mariposa BOS in...Appalachia?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    For months I've been told that it's ok that the brotherhood is in Appalachia simply because it's not actually the brotherhood, just a separate chapter formed over radio, but now with patch 22 the actual Mariposa Brotherhood will go to Appalachia, which makes precisely zero sense and is outside of the realm of possibility. There is simply no way that Maxon would ever send an entire chapters worth of soldiers across the country so they can go to some shithole in the worst state in the union.

    submitted by /u/ambrosemilan
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    In your opinion what faction in the whole series is best for long term survival?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    Synth: "Caps collected, sir." Me: Those are toothpaste lids, damnit..

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    I want to build a sentry bot in real life

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    Yes I know this is probably illegal I'm not gonna have it shoot fire or shoot things. Maybe prop guns though. Anyway I wanna build a sentry bot robot thing. I think it would be cool. Also any software that could replicate the bots voice. Any one have any suggestions or links to poeple that have done it in real life. Any info helps. Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/Own_Potato
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    My Fallout 4 disc won't install on PS4 [HELP]

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:26 AM PDT

    When I try to install the game, it tells me the disc could not be read and I have to close the app and remove it. The disc is clean and undamaged, and I have more than 100 GB of free space. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/BILLNYETHEMISCGUY
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    Moira Brown is the Best NPC in Fallout 3

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    So chances are on your first play through, shortly after leaving Vault 101, you waffle around to Megaton.

    In search of your father in the wasteland while completely unequipped and uneducated with the surroundings, Megaton becomes your home(literally if you choose to not nuke it).

    Now I don't know how y'all play RPG's the first time around, but I immerse myself to a very real degree. So upon entering a supply.....shop I think, I'm greeted to a VERY enthusiastic girl who is just the literal epitome of a ray of sunshine and probably the first thing that hasn't given me a dirty look or tried to kill me.

    We learn her name is Moira and she's a tinkerer/inventor/genius and she wants us to help her test some of her inventions. Somebody offering me caps and weapons just to go point A and come back? Sign me up.

    So there's a couple of these quests and some players by this time could have gotten annoyed by her voice. NOT ME THOUGH. Not only did I now know a good amount of the area just outside of Megaton, but this served as a real good tutorial that's not a tutorial on how to not die in the wasteland.

    Actually, I loved all the wacky inventions and concepts she made that were so out of the box like the mole rat stick and wished she had more quests! And if you're sick in the head and nuked Megaton, she even survives it and lives on as a ghoul as a final, "fuck you, asshole".

    Thanks for listening to my ted talk

    submitted by /u/laswat220
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    Anyone knows how to create mods for fallout 2?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    I'm working on a translate for fallout 2, but I also want to create a custom npc as a follower. Anyone knows how to make mods for fallout 2?

    submitted by /u/Zaner1s1
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    Small immersion mod idea

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    Add the characters prewar outfit to inventory at start of the game, since all they do is change clothes. The prewar outfit just disappears as soon as you put on the vault suit

    submitted by /u/1205fgh5
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    fallout 76 Xbox with PC crossplay?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    How do we Implement Alternative Starts?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    I've always wondered why weren't Alternative starts even implemented offically. Especially in Fallout 2. Although, it has been implemented before in mods. So i've started looking into it.

    There are major benefits for alternative starts:

    -More Roleplaying purposes. Hey! You wanna roleplay as a raider instead of always starting out as a naive Vault Dweller? Well then just fucking start as one!

    Maybe even have people react differently to your past/faction.

    -Much more replayability. Tired of starting with the same gear? Bam! New gear, new default stat bonuses, etc. Etc. Maybe even change up the starting location.

    However, there are some problems.

    -Voice Lines. Every single NPC has a voice actor now. And they all need to react different ways depending on your choice.

    Say you started out as a Gunner. Well, people would usually act differently around you. With fear and carefulness. Guards would have a disposition towards you due to your occupation/past. Etc. Etc.

    Now imagine that for multiple choices. Sounds like alot of hardwork.

    -It can undermine the story you want to tell. It seems that FO3 and FO4 want to follow a linear storyline. Find your dad, find your son, WHO TF SHOT ME IN THE HEAD?, etc. It'll be hard to implement something like alt starts and not undermine the story you want to tell.

    The more freedom you have. The less the developers can plot which course you should take.

    Now then. Because i'm unoriginal. How would you solve these problems? Do you know of more benefits and problems? Or do you just not want alt starts in Fallout for whatever reason? Let me know.

    submitted by /u/Laati-Chan
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    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:39 AM PDT

    While playing Fallout 4, just open the console and type player.setrace supermutant

    This has worked very well for me.

    On a side note, I do wish there was a mod one could use to play as a Super Mutant.
    It would be a top-notch experience.

    submitted by /u/ThundertheTroll
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    What are the stupidest/weirdest things you did in Fallout because you didn’t know any better?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    I just finished Mothership Zeta and apparently you get your gear back like 5 minutes after starting the DLC. Welp, I somehow missed that mission marker and played through its entirety only with gear I got from the aliens—I thought that it was part of the challenge to not have your stuff on you (like in Dead Money) and that I'd get my gear when I'm back on Earth. I guess my power armor and all the guns are gone lmao :)

    submitted by /u/catfishedagirl
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    Fallout 4 Workshop Efficiency Question

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    So do I still need to remove and manually break down things like lighters, and desk fans by hand, or has the game been updated to where it doesn't waste materials anymore? I.e a building item needs one piece of steel and your last piece of steel comes from a wrench, so the game takes the steel by breaking down the wrench but the gear disappears.

    Haven't played in years. Thank you for answering!

    submitted by /u/Brocodaily
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