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    Fallout: New Vegas | Craig Boone 1st Recon assault armor fan art

    Fallout: New Vegas | Craig Boone 1st Recon assault armor fan art

    Craig Boone 1st Recon assault armor fan art

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    Back To Where It All Began. Playing through the main story then all the DLC'S for the first time. Glad to finally jump into this game for good this time! (Screenshot by me)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    Oops wrong deck.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:48 PM PDT

    This game looks GORGEOUS modded, really makes these replays worth the time

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    That looked uncomfortable. Flat bed and sleeping still in your Power Armor.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:36 PM PDT

    A quick sketch i did of the Burned Man himself

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Found an busted leaking flask at a charity shop,Picked it up and gave it a personal upgrade With some tape

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Old World Blues is about the dumbest shit I've ever played.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    And it's absolutely fantastic. I think Muggy is my favorite character atm. Just got all three technologies and now I'm just getting all the things done before I have to go poke Mobius with this antenna, at least I think that's what the Think Tank has in store.

    submitted by /u/3DJutsu
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    RIP René Auberjonois

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 12:57 AM PDT

    I’m very new to watercolor, but this was a must paint haha

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 03:46 PM PDT


    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    Just finished a play-through. My gnome collection is my proudest achievement.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 05:49 AM PDT

    "Who are you, who do not know your own history?"

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    Zion Canyon, took this while I was in Arizona. My sister's hat actually!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    Perfectly normal New Vegas playthrough.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    Chainsaw happened......

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    how the hell do you make caps in this game

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 01:22 AM PDT

    im on my first playthrough and i just now reached freeside. my main quest objective is to confront benny

    i havent bough anything in this game besides the room at novac and i have like 600 caps to my name

    apparently its easy as dogshit to get rich in this game so im wondering how that happens

    submitted by /u/thebatteryisdead
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    The Beginning of Fallout: New Vegas.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    I have made a video going over the beginning of Fallout: New Vegas. It is a guide video. It majors in getting the best loot. Although I mention the leveling/perk system, that is not my intent with the video. I believe that should be up to the player. I give a few suggestions/tips. This video is for new players.

    I spent a lot of time on this video. I have never self-promoted in this community before.

    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbqLYrJ3y8E

    submitted by /u/Dyplexate
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    Anyone else get a little upset when a playthrough is coming to an end?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    When I start my new characters, I'm excited to roleplay my characters journey. But when I've done everything my character has to do and i reach the battle for Hoover dam, I get a little down 😂. It's the end of my characters story and it kinda sucks to see. I see how my decisions impacted everyone and especially the companions (arcade Gannon is my favorite). I wish obsidian had more time to work on post ending content (I know there's fpge but I play on console). This is favorite game of all time, but my one little nitpick about it. Does anyone else get a little upset when a playthrough comes to an end?

    submitted by /u/lokirofrorikstead0
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    Something is wrong here

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    Arcade has always been my favorite. Little experiment w/a new art style.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    Who Would Win New Vegas (According to Sun Tzu)?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 02:15 AM PDT

    "Leadership is a matter of intelligence, trustworthiness, humaneness, courage and sternness."
    "Which political leadership is able to win the hearts of the people? Which general has ability? Who has better climate and terrain? Whose discipline is effective? Whose troops are the stronger? Whose officers and soldiers are the better trained? Whose system of rewards and punishments is clearer? This is how you know who will win."

    Intelligence: this isn't necessarily a matter of how booksmart you are, but more to do with how much information you have, and how effectively you can use it. Mr. House is great at constructing mathematical models that allow him to make complex yet accurate predictions, giving him a unique advantage. What he lacks, however, is a robust spy network. He seems to have some intelligence in this regard, with some use of scouts and outward observers, but he has no infiltrators, nor does he seem to have counterintelligence beyond anti-tracking/bugging software. NCR has good outward observation with Rangers and 1st Recon, is better at infiltration with a firmer idea of what's going in on Gomorrah than House, but they are hamstrung by their own Head Ranger falsifying intelligence reports, as well as part of their spy network actually being controlled by...
    The Legion, who not only have spies within the NCR, but are also occupying positions of power within NCR's military (including Commissioned ranks). Part of the NCR's spy network unknowingly reports to Legion operatives, going by some Legion sidequests. Legion spies also have demonstrated the most impressive results, such as the annihilation of Nipton, as well as the ambush of Ranger camps. They're also able to infiltrate not one, but TWO spies in to assassinate Kimball, either of whom succeed without player intervention despite Ranger security being present. Finally, they have a good counterintelligence system by virtue of having a culture that's alien by design

    Trustworthiness: how sure people are of punishment/ reward. House is halfway trustworthy; those who work for him have great faith that he'll pay them well, but bigger groups like the Omertas or White Gloves feel he's too absent to punish, leading to shenanigans. Those who don't work for him, however, don't find him trustworthy at all.
    NCR leadership isn't always trusted to find their own rears, let alone care for their constituents. Even patriots compare their behaviour to a drunk cousin. Reward for merit isn't always a guarantee, and criminal behaviour isn't reliably punished (see Heck Gunderson); the justice system only works until politics get involved.
    Legion leadership, ironically, is extremely "trustworthy" in the sense that they can convince anyone of either punishment or reward; the Mojave is sure the Legion will punish them if they win, merchants are sure they'll be rewarded with safety in Legion territory, slavers are sure they'll get a fair price for selling to the Legion, and even groups that the Legion are deceiving (like the Omertas, White Gloves, Khans and Nipton) are absolutely sure that they're going to be rewarded instead of annihilated, because that's what the Legion promised. Merit is also sure to be rewarded; Legion troops can trust that insubordination is actually promoted if it directly leads to victory; they can also trust that the consequences for being wrong, however, would make simply dying in battle look preferable.

    Humaneness: Love and compassion for people, being aware of their struggles. House and Legion lose here. Hard. House has a vague love for "people" as a concept, but doesn't seem to care about them beyond how he can use them to further the needs of that concept. Legion have very little in the way of empathy, and do not care for struggles beyond how they can be exploited. NCR aren't perfect here either, but at least have the excuse of having significantly more people to take care of. NCR is the only major faction shown involved in relief efforts or in improving QoL for the people (fixing the Dam, growing crops, caring for refugees). They're also the only major faction able to actively engage in diplomacy as a tool in its own right (rather than just as a stalling tactic or a preface for ambush).

    Courage: to seize opportunities and make certain of victory. NCR suffers here, with General Oliver deliberately slowing everything down for the sake of spectacle. In contrast, the Legion excels here, being extremely proactive in their pursuit of advantage. House also has courage in his leadership, but it battles to manifest until the Courier delivers and uses the Chip.

    Sternness: discipline in the ranks, with strict punishments. Legion wins here, and their troops would rather die than disobey. NCR is okay for the most part, but does struggle with desertion and poor morale among conscripts. House is an interesting case; his military is even more disciplined than the Legion's by virtue of being an army of killer robots. He does have strict punishments in place for violations of contract, and he does have some discipline among the ranks (e.g. Swank turning in Benny, White Gloves + Chairmen turning on Omertas if they don't get foiled by the Courier), but it's marred by Trustworthiness issues above.

    Incidentally, Sun Tzu believed that Intelligence was the most important leadership attribute for a MILITARY force, but Humaneness the most important for an actual government. Make of that what you will.


    Winning Hearts of the People: NCR is a democracy, so has an advantage here. However, opinion is divided on the Mojave campaign, meaning the people's hearts are also divided until it is resolved. People outside the NCR vary in their opinion of it, but (with a few exceptions) tend to see it as better than the Legion.
    Legion uses a combination of manipulation and deception to maintain a stranglehold on its peoples' hearts (e.g. splitting up families so individuals are forced to rely on fellow legionnaires rather than personal roots). Meaning while Legion forces complain a lot less than NCR ones, it's difficult to tell how deep/ genuine the control is. No one outside the Legion has any genuine love for it.
    House has deliberately set up a seductive tourist economy, and Vegas is regularly praised as a shining jewel in the wastes. NCR citizens regularly leave their country to try find their fortunes here, and even troops will take part when on leave. Those local to Freeside and Outer Vegas, however, consist of people who have previously rejected his rule.

    Climate and Terrain: in terms of the Mojave theatre, NCR holds the most points of interest, as well as receiving supplies from Gun Runners, although the advantage firmly shifts to House after El Dorado. Legion claims to be better at living off the land, but the medic at Caesar's camp doesn't even know the Xander Root/ Broc Flower ratio. They hold a river (while NCR holds a dam), but otherwise have few terrain advantages.

    Effectiveness of Discipline: Legion has this overall, from lowest ranks to highest, but NCR's Rangers and 1st Recon also demonstrate phenomenal discipline and skill. For House, just see "sternness" and "trustworthiness".
    Strength of Troops: curiously, Legion actually loses here, mostly due to being poorly equipped and lacking the numbers of NCR. Every NCR soldier is given a service rifle and armour capable of stopping rounds from said rifles, and that's just their conscripts. Rangers, First Recon and Heavy Troopers are much more powerful. For House, his casino guards aren't really equipped for battle, being much weaker than NCR or Legion, but - should he receive the Chip - his force becomes the strongest, unit-for-unit, while also terrifyingly large.

    Training (for troops and officers): On average, the Legion wins for wartime training, but is not the best for peacetime training; troops are highly aggressive, always itching for a fight. NCR has quite poor wartime training among their grunts, as well as among some of their colonels and generals, but makes up for it with Rangers and 1st Recon, who thoroughly outclass Legion forces. On top of being much better acclimated for working with the people in peacetime overall.
    House's forces aren't exactly "trained" for wartime per se (House taught them showmanship, not strategy), but were either moulded by a tough tribal life (meaning they're at least on par with Legion recruits), or are already programmed with all the skills and knowledge to be terrifying killing machines (Securitrons). House doesn't really have officers (and, to be fair, doesn't need them as far as his Securitrons go) aside from Benny, and then potentially the Courier. If Casino Leaders count as officers, then aside from Swank they definitely leave much to be desired.

    Justice (clarity of punishments/ rewards): NCR acts on a constitution, but politics can get in the way. Legion revolves around the decrees of Caesar, and they are largely upheld although exceptional merit can (sometimes) mean clemency or forgiveness if you mess up (Joshua Graham being a huge exception). House revolves around contracts; your system of punishments/ rewards will vary tremendously depending on who you work for. Working directly for House will guarantee a very clear "justice" system, but working for one of his intermediaries such as a Casino Boss might not.


    And that's a wrap! This post is by no means exhaustive, so let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/DarthAdjutor
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