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    Wednesday, August 19, 2020

    Fallout | Just realized everyone probably smells like fermenting ass

    Fallout | Just realized everyone probably smells like fermenting ass

    Just realized everyone probably smells like fermenting ass

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    If you step in the water you gain radiation. If everyone is aware of this then they can't bathe. Rain water would definitely be saved for drinking. Guess you gotta take a dirt bath.

    submitted by /u/RapidSage
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    I think my grandpa is addicted to fallout

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    He almost got all the trophies in fallout 3 and new vegas, and he has played fallout 4 almost every day since it launched, he has beaten the game several times on multiple accounts on his ps4, has done literally every side quest, main quest, everything. He even bought the "tunnel snakes rule" creation from the creation club just to do the quest, his character levels range from 163, he told me he once had a character that was level 289, and he loves fallout so much, that my dad once bought him an irl ammo box because it looked like the ammo boxes in fallout 4.

    submitted by /u/PmanMI08
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    When people say “it should be less than 200 years in the fallout games because society would’ve developed more”

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    I get mad when people say stuff like this. The whole point of fallout and lesson your supposed to learn is is that people will always find a reason to fight each other. That people would rather be in conflict than in peace. Have warfare instead of rebuilding. The groups that actually got organized have more innovation and technological advancements. The enclave, BOS, The Institute I could go on. This is purely for example. In fallout 4 we see the Prydwen. An entirely post war ship. Now if you played Fallout 4 you know that this thing is awesome. It was all made post war by the BOS. The enclave created the X-01 power armor post war. Jet was invented post war. Heck the entire US switched currency post war. All this happened post war. Anyway that was my tedtalk Bethesda please hire me.

    submitted by /u/Whovian12132007
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    The potential for Rad Tornados and Rad Hurricanes in the Fallout Universe

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: I am writing this at 4 AM, I am tired, but I am also restless with ideas. So please, bare with me if there are grammer or spelling mistakes.

    The Glowing Sea in Fallout 4 has to be one of the coolest things ever introduced. As many of you may know, the Glowing Sea was created near an area of impact from one of the biggest nukes within the Commonwealth area. However, a suspected idea for why this area in the Commonwealth is so radiated compared to other places is because of its lower elevation. The radiation is lifted into the atmosphere, it rains, the radiated puddles gets soaked into the water before it rains again. Within the Commonwealth, we also get Rad Storms as the radiation from the Glowing Sea is picked up in the moving clouds. I'm poor at explaining this currently, but Oxhorn's Glowing Sea videos on YouTube explains it much better.

    States like Oklahoma, Texas, Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota and a little bit of Colorado are considered tornado hot spots through the summer. This is mostly because of the climate conditions and the low elevations these states have. Imagine, because of the low elevations, these places could be considered incredibly deadly. The radiation is often kept within these states, tornados sweep up the radiation, spreading it further through tornado alley, creating the deadliest months of the year for many residents.

    Now, Rad Hurricanes I can't give much ideas for. Maybe they pick up radiation within the atmosphere, collected all over the world over time. The eye of the storm, ironically enough, would be the deadliest part of a Rad Hurricane. There's so much radiation circling around you, it won't be good.

    Fallout weather conditions are so cool, esspecially to speculate just how messed up the weather is now, ever since the great war. I honestly hope they introduce more of these challenges in the future.

    submitted by /u/1mTiredToday
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    If you eat the right amount of mushrooms, Oxhorn will narrate your game

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 04:26 PM PDT

    Not too many, not too few.

    submitted by /u/DollaBill138
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    I’ve done Cola, I’ve done Quantum, and here’s Cherry!

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:01 AM PDT


    Another project done! Maybe my last fallout one for a wile:( hope y'all enjoy! I had this sub in mine while building this.

    submitted by /u/1YardLoss
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    My Creation : The Rise of The New Legion

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    Okay folks, I've been working on something for the past 6-7 months or so in my free time mostly for fun. I've been writing about a new, better Legion that rises from the ashes of the original and although I never really planned on sharing it at this point I've got like 17 pages of maps, political changes, conflicts, characters, and history for this New Legion and i thought I'd share it in case others may find it interesting. Now I won't bore you all with every detail but on the off chance anyone enjoys my ramblings I'd be more than happy to share more info and details. For now I'll just do a summary of the basic information, it goes as follows:

    Caesar's Legion has fallen. Their Tyrannical ruler passing from an untreated brain tumor and Legate Lanius proving an even more brutal dictator than his predecessor. After their defeat at the hands of the NCR at Hoover dam they are pushed back into Colorado, and with their second Emperor's short lived reign ended they are left leaderless. The Legion shatters, splintering of into tribes and raider groups quickly forgetting their customs and culture thrust upon them by the Legion. All except for one group. A young Centurion by the name of Brutus convinces around 1,000 legionnaires that the Legion should not be forsaken. He tells them the Legion is strong and that the wasteland NEEDS that strength. He tells them that Caesar made many mistakes, mistakes that he plans to correct, but the core of what makes the Legion is the best chance the wasteland has for true order. He tells them they must travel as far east as east gets, away from the NCR. He tells them he will forge a true Empire not some band of enslaved tribals forced to play war, and then they will expand east and when they meet the NCR on the plain of battle once more the ground itself will shake from their strength. They crown him Emperor Brutus and they begin their pilgrimage east. Along the way they are harassed by many hostile forces but none have the numbers or the discipline to stand a chance. Along their travel Brutus tells groups of survivors of the vision of his empire and those with the discipline and strength of will to see it through join him. After a couple long months of marching they arrive at the eastern shore of the U.S, in a city known as Providence to the south of the Commonwealth. They have found the capital of their new Empire.

    Okay so this is already pretty long and the next bit is the stuff i wrote the most of so I'm gonna try to just rattle off the main points and events here and if i ever end up sharing more of this i can do it in more detail but i want to make sure people get the general vibe of this.

    The New Legion arrives in Providence. They begin settling there, establishing a home. They call their new capital Romulus and as they build it up they patrol the surrounding area and clean it up. In the New Legion not all citizens are slaves but slavery is still a key part of the culture. Raiders who survive conflicts are enslaved to serve the Legion and those that refuse to work are crucified to serve as an example. Any crime committed within the Legion is punished by a term of slavery and the severity of the crime dictates how much time they'll serve before they are allowed to rejoin as a full citizen. Settlements that don't join the Legion are attacked and survivors are enslaved however they're allowed to gain citizenship after 5 years of labor. A high ranking warrior named Invictus who has served as Emperor Brutus' secondhand from the beginning begins a program at his Emperor's behest where orphans and children who's parents give them to the program are trained. The children must be under the age of 14 and they are raised to have undying loyalty to the Empire and the Emperor. Their life is extreme training and indoctrination and after years of the hardest training in combat, infiltration, assassination and intel gathering they are implanted with cybernetic implants to increase surpass their physical limitation and they are ready to serve the Empire. They are known as the Invicta Guard and they are the dagger and the key of the Empire. They wear all black armor and are outfitted with the best tech the Legion can offer them, They wear black masks and no one outside of the Invicta Guard ever sees their face. They allowed to personalize their masks but every member does so in a way that instills fear. They serve as the secret police, the black ops unit, and the elite troopers of the New Legion, scouting and destabilizing enemy forces and rooting out treachery and traitors from the Empire ensuring stability. Romulus has grown to massive size and the Legion numbers close to 10,000. A number of smaller settlements have grown around Romulus and many traders and travelers flock to the capital to join the Legion or to trade hearing of the safety they provide, making their numbers continue to grow quickly. A road is made connecting the capital with the surrounding settlements and ensuring safe travel and trade, made of quarried stone provided by the slaves. The road allows for the use of wheeled transports such as carriages pulled by brahmin and trade booms with larger loads of goods being able to be transported much faster. A shipyard is constructed in the waterfront district of Romulus and basic ships are constructed to allow another method of travel and trade to settlements along the coast. The Invicta Guard scouts the Commonwealth routinely and Brutus decides it's time to take Diamond City and use it as the start of his construction of his 2nd large scale city, the sister-capital of Romulus: Remus.

    Okay well I have lots more past this and i have a lot more detail about the parts I've mentioned. Had to leave out many characters, important figures, and minor events to make room for the more important details and events.I'm gonna end it here for now because i don't want to keep going on if no one gives a shit lol. However if there's even a few people interested I'd love to share more such as my maps of the New Legion territory and layouts of the cities, key figures in the New Legion, more details on the Invicta Guard (my favorite part of my little creation), more detailed events, and the expansion of the New Legion into the Commonwealth where real conflicts with organized movements and an all out war begins and not to give away too many details but there may even be an NCR Ranger who arrives to help the Minutemen form a resistance. Anyways if anyone has seen this and actually read this far down let me know what you think and if you'd like to learn more. This has been a little hobby of mine for quite some time and I really enjoy making this but I never planned on sharing it anyways so if no one cares it's not too big of a deal and i'm gonna keep on making it anyways. Thank you everyone :)

    submitted by /u/Legendairy-Cheeseman
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    Overlooked gigs in the fallout universe.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    In the post-apocalypse there's a few things you might not think about... but just looking at all the filthy freaking clothes you'd think... LAUNDRY MAT! I mean, manually washing clothes SUCKS, but does nobody want clean clothes?

    Another one I thought of, Dentist! I know there's plenty of doctors but, can you imagine tooth decay in the wasteland? must be freaking awful!

    Metal smith as well, you can probably craft all kinds of things, why not have a specialist?

    What other missed gigs could there be in fallout?

    submitted by /u/Skumocomics
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    Played about 400hrs of F4 on PS4. Worth buying it for PC?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    I'm not sure if there would be any point can PC be altered significantly?

    submitted by /u/Euan-S
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    Check out "The Fun House", it's safe.. i promise.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    Finally got around to messing with the contraption stuff and came up with this funny but functional monstrosity that serves a need.


    submitted by /u/gorey666
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    I get that it's for gameplay balance, but it still bothers me that power armor is basically a tank you can wear and yet you still take damage from a ghoul hitting you with it's bare hands.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    I get that it's a weird thing to take issue with. I can't really explain why this is my biggest immersion issue in Fallout. I still love the games though.

    submitted by /u/TheGameMerchant
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    I feel like the song "accentuate the positive" holds up today

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    Enclave power armors

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    Do the enclave power armors such as the Advanced power armor and hellfire power armor count as part of the X series or are they a completely different series?

    submitted by /u/CawCawBish
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    Does finishing the Automatron DLC storyline stop robots attacking your settlements?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    I'm tired of getting one-shotted by those laser eye Assaultron feckers while I'm jumping around planting melons.

    submitted by /u/spacelory
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    How many humans and creatures do you think are frozen in a Zeta mothership?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    Hundreds? Thousands? Maybe even a million?

    submitted by /u/I-Like-Being-Alone
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    Why is vault 81 a fully functioning safe vault with no problems?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    I thought all vaults were supposed to have different social experiments that were going to be taken place without the inhabitants knowledge and were probably not good for them, yet vault 81 has been safe for over 200 years and looks like it was actually built for people to survive in. Is there a reason for this?

    submitted by /u/zetahood343
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    ???? Names for enemies after leaving the Vault.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    So you play as a survivor of a Vault in every game except New Vegas (to my knowledge), so logically you wouldn't know what any of the creatures are called. The hud should show a ??? in place of the name until you learn it in game, like dialogue options with random NPC's or Vendors, especially food vendors.

    submitted by /u/Zech17_
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    y’all remember how if you bought the FO4 season pass before a specific date it was only 30 dollars instead of 50?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    idk why I just thought about it

    submitted by /u/AHMS_17
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    For the IDIOTS who think fawkes is female.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 03:45 AM PDT

    First the test numbers on fawkes cell that is the same as the girl who turned into a mutant (forget what her name was) they are not the same person because the scientists terminated them. And fawkes says that the mutants put him there. There are also cut holotapes that state what happened to him and it states he was male before. And he refers to himself as male. And fawkes is biologically non binary

    submitted by /u/N___THOR
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    Anyone have alternative institute endings they would like to share (spoilers abound)

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    I personally feel that the institutes handling of other factions was a little heavy handed, and aggressive for such an intelligent faction, and I would like to hear creative alternatives to the usual bloodshed that ensues. Also please don't put a ton of "Bethesda bad writer" comments, trust me; we are aware.

    submitted by /u/roofingtruckus
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    Fallout 5 fan idea

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    It would take place in New York (Urban Wastelands) it would involve Brooklyn, The Bronx, Manhattan, Staten Island and part of Newark and Yonkers.

    We would wake up behind a dumpster along with a pile of bodies and we are covered in blood and disfigured. A random doc saves us as we are waking up and struggling to walk up right. This doc gives us a new face and gender. The year is 2786, 209 years after the Great War. Civilization is starting to slowly rebuild in small pockets of the city. Small towns in The Garden, Empire State, Yankee Stadium, and so on and building up like how they used to be before the war or as close as they can with lighting, clean water, housing, etc. No run down shacks.

    However, there's a looming threat, where the Atlantic Sea is heavily irradiated and sea winds and sending radioactive mists across the wastes and accelerating the ghoulification for some people in feral and infecting others to start the ghoulification process. Only mutants and already irradiated animals are immune. But the threat of wide spread ghoulification is real.

    Some how, we are immune even though we are not mutated in any way. We do get rad sickness but nothing else.

    We need to find a way to help the people get vaccinated from the mists (but it leaves them with a high chance of sterilization) or prevent the mists from penetrating the city.

    In the broken remains of the Statue of Liberty there is an underground lab, from before the war, not Enclave or Big MT, the last survivors of Mariposa, Mutants. These high intelligence mutants are the last disciples of The Master and seek to continue their masters wishes, however since there are no clean test subjects they cannot make perfec super mutants. So they developed a cure for ghoulism, to revert ghouls back to humans and feral back to ghouls, so that over time the new test subjects won't be poluted by the wastes.

    In here lies the choice, give the cure to the survivors but risk them being hunted down and be FEV'd or look for alternative solutions but risk running out of time and everyone turning into ghouls. Or sacrifice yourself for a cure but you won't be able to stop the Disciples or the RadMist.

    Why are you immune? You are a clone and your DNA or so corrupted you cannot be mutated. You are the last clone of.....Frank Horrigan. The last Enclave remnants tried to replicate their best humanoid weapon by creating a clone but each attempt was unsuccessful and they were hunted down and killed. Believing you were dead and useless was their mistake, you live with corrupted yet strong Genes and DNA from the dead Enclave Agent.

    So yeah. It's not the best, but it beats crawling out a Vault or having the BoS and Enclave involved.

    submitted by /u/thefoxygrandma
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    A game like fallout but with pirates and stuff

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    I just think it would be cool, u could be a pirate or u could join the redcoats

    submitted by /u/mrcheese555
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    An explanation of how Caesar's able to have such a fanatical army at his disposal.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Legion's into a preteen, than it would be someone who's say 18+. IRL examples would be things like the Hitler Youth, many of whom were found to be extremely devoted to the Nazi cause when captured by the allies. The Reich was only in existence for roughly 12 years and the level of fanatic devotion among young men was really high, Caesar in comparison has had 30 years to indoctrinate his men. Combine that with legionaries having relatively short lifespans and you have an army of men who won't second guess a word you say. Especially when they're being taught this from birth. Perhaps Vulpes Inculta is the best example of how far this goes. In particular his betrayal of the Twisted Hairs. They first made contact and essentially acted as a proxy army for the Legion in 2246. They were acting more or less independently with oversight from Caesar. In roughly 2271 Vulpes set the plan in motion to fully assimilate them into the Legion, thus making Vulpes in my best approximate estimate anywhere between 32-37. Meaning he's still quite young, but old enough to be have the position he has. His views on the Legion are likely due to being taken in as a boy and not remembering his tribe in a positive light. Hence the ideology he preaches at Nipton that he believes. He burns the mayor alive in particular because, he was supposed to be watching over the town and seeing it prosper. Instead he sought to benefit only himself, something that is so throughly opposite Legion. Which is why Vulpes thinks one of the most gruesome deaths is a fitting punishment. Something someone who was assimilated into the Legion that was older, wouldn't be as enthusiastic about as he is. He doesn't just see what he's doing as right... but he's actually enjoying it. Compare that to Lucius who appears to be in his 40s when he speaks of his old tribe. He claims they were savages and that the Legion did improve his life, but he doesn't have that same fanaticism Vulpes has. Basically Caesar's cult of personality is what many leaders that have existed could only dream of, and that is why his Legion IMO is perhaps the strongest military power on the West coast.

    submitted by /u/snake177
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