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    Wednesday, July 22, 2020

    Fallout | Roll up if you've a moment to spare and rubberneck at these tires.

    Fallout | Roll up if you've a moment to spare and rubberneck at these tires.

    Roll up if you've a moment to spare and rubberneck at these tires.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    Dunno why I do this.

    Ever since I was a small lad, I've been collecting tires in this game. There is just something about the way you can pick some of them up. And how you need to be in power armor to pick up other tires. It's gotten to the point where I will make piles of local tires and remember them for hauling back to base later.

    I found a tire that was part of a wad of decoration once. That one included a hose and a traffic cone as part of its model. You can't pick that one up, but it does move. So I flipped it home over the course of two hours using a cafeteria tray.

    In this playthrough, Im going to get them all. Im settling in Hangout Alley, and Im bringing all the tires here.

    Here is my pile so far.

    It's not much, but it's honest tires.


    submitted by /u/Rug-and-Tub
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    Damnation Alley, Fallout in 1977

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    So I just found this movie and watched it. As a Fallout fan how have I not heard of this before? Nuke attack, radscorpions, radroaches, raiders, and weather that reminds me of a rad storm. People say that the creators of the fallout franchise used the game Wasteland as an inspiration but this is more Fallout than that! If you put this together with "A boy and his dog" you have pretty much everything Fallout will become.

    It's free to watch on YouTube.


    If you can ignore the cheesy special effects it's all there. Fallout in 1977.

    submitted by /u/Stevesd123
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    FO4 - How do I pick up and move a skeleton from a mattress?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 12:51 AM PDT

    I have seen movies where people drag and move stuff. How do I do that?

    submitted by /u/Perperre42
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    Why the master is and will always be the best fallout villian.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    The master is the best villian in the entire fallout series both from a mechanical level, in terms of character design, in terms od voice acting and in terms of writing.

    Mechanically he is the only antagonist in the series who talking him down makes sense. In order to talk him down you need a minimum intelligence of 7 which makes sense given the circumstances, you need to have actual knowledge of what is wrong with his plan and you need either the tape to prove he is wrong or the speech required to get him to ask his female mutants. Compare this to legate lanius in which you can be an actual idiot with no knowledge of how big the legion is and be less charismatic than a brick but as long as you have 100 speech he will just surrender and run away.

    In terms of character design him and Frank horrigan are the best just because if how unique they look. The master In particular is genius in his design. He looks so alien and disgusting but he is made in a way that also allows him to convey some emotions. Compare this to autumn in fallout 3 who is just some guy in a trench coat or lanius who is just a slightly larger character model in a mask.

    Voice acting wise it is phenomenal. Every voice he has sounds amazing. The voice he uses matches perfectly with what he is saying and his emotions and the way it's all made is very unique.

    Writing wise there is no contest. The master has an expertly crafted motivation and reaction to when he is proven wrong. The fact that even when shown undeniable proof he still atempts to claim it's fake and how you have to call him out on this before he accepts it is such a human and interesting moment. Not to mention how if you use the ask button to type a question he says 'im the master I don't have to listen to you" is just genius. Every line of dialogue fits his character so well and it makes him one of the best villians in any media.

    submitted by /u/Flat-Moon
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    Caesar’s Legion has a major problem.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 12:22 AM PDT

    The more I think about it, the more it bothers me.

    The Legion can not exist, not without some serious lore disrupts.

    2247: Edward Swallows and his colleagues are held for ransom by the Blackfoot Tribe. Noticing lack of advantages and knowing that they would lose, Edward teaches the tribe how to maintain firearms and fighting techniques.

    Impressing the tribe, Edward becomes leader. He rebrands himself and the tribe as Caesar and his Legion respectively. He begins a ferocious campaign that slaughtered and absorbed nearby tribes.

    2248: "Caesar begins his conquest of the tribes of northern Arizona, southwestern Colorado, western New Mexico and southeastern Utah." That's a sizable amount of land to conquer. His strength and determination is very inspirational.

    Here's where things get a bit tricky.

    2254: Core Region (OG on the West-coast) Brotherhood of Steel dispatches a chapter eastbound to Chicago and Capital Wasteland. Find the lost Midwestern, and determine how the East-coast fared after the War.

    2255: East BoS makes contact with Midwest, but no further as they've gone "rouge". They arrive in the Pitt, losing Paladin Ashur but kidnap 20 children. Months later they arrive at the Capital! The Citadel is carved from the ruins of the former Pentagon.

    2255: Caesar's Legion has amassed enough population and resources to convert the ruins of Flagstaff, Arizona into its capital. That's some serious amount of resources that only an army/nation can achieve.

    No mention of any contact between the two occurs. Not one single, itty bitty tidbit.

    The East Brotherhood most likely traveled by foot, they only mention Chicago Chapter having air-support, and walking directly east would put them right into Legion territory.

    Several theories:

    1. BoS went around them: That would add some serious miles into their already lengthy walk. Plus weather would force them to stay where they can be warm as much as possible for as long as possible. They are heavily exposed to weathers/climates.

    2. Caesar watched and created a buffer without the BoS noticing their presence: That would be incredibly hard to accomplish, even for the mighty Caesar.

    3. The Legion does not exist, and the events of New Vegas are not canon: Fallout 3 and 4 shows us that the East BoS knows about NCR still, radio contact and records, but nothing is told about Second Battle of Hoover Dam or Legion. I don't like this theory as New Vegas is one of my favorite entries in the series.

    4. Legion is a product of Time Travel: probably the most outlandish theory. The reason no one knows about them is that time has not kept with the time stream. It takes years for ripples to be felt.

    TLDR: Obsidian kinda fucked up on Legion Development during New Vegas production. This isn't to bash Obsidian!!!! If any lore experts can chime in; I'm most appreciative for constructive feedback.

    submitted by /u/fucuasshole2
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    [SPOILER] Can a synth child age mentally?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    In Fallout 4, it is made very clear that it's impossible for a synth to age physically. That's why many scientists dislike the creation of synth Shaun - he is programmed as a child and will forever be a ten year old boy. We also know that Gen-3 synths and early prototype androids like Nick and DiMa can learn and mature psychologically. DiMa and Nick even had cathartic moments for their personalities. So, these synths have the ability to go against their programming. The question is, does the game imply anywhere that Shaun could grow mentally? He could never experience growing up, but unlike robots, he would experience passage of time. He doesn't know he's a synth, but after several years, when the truth is revealed to him and he's grown, his mind could be transferred to a new synthetic body, much like Curie.

    submitted by /u/DarthMemus
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    Live action Fallout YT series?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    Super hyped for the Fallout T.V. show that's been announced and can barely contain myself. I want to watch similar things and recently finished the wonderful series by Wayside Digital, called Nuka Break, and the subseries about the ranger 'The Wanderer' and 'Red Star.'

    Now that Wayside Digital no longer posts, sadly, and likely never again will (if anyone knows why, I'd like to know.) I need a new fallout series to watch. Preferably not in-game, I want to watch something with real actors and effects. Fallout has interested me since 2015 when my cousin let me play Fallout 4 on his xBox, and I slowly began to play titles like FO3 and, my favorite, FO:NV myself in the years passing. Let me know, folks, I'd really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/InstagramDiplomat
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    (Spoiler) Fallout 2 oil rig theory

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:16 PM PDT

    I was replaying fallout 2 for the millionth time and when the Chosen One blows up the enclave oil rig I though "how would that effect the ocean environment".

    I figured it would be bad for any life left in that part of the ocean, like when the BP oil spill happened but worse since nobody would be around to clean it up and it was on fire after the explosion.

    I want to know what other people think though so share your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/darkmagician2904
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    Not just another "Should I play Fallout?" Post (I promise)

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    dodges a Tato

    I say this as somebody who has played pretty much all the Fallout games; 1, 2, 3, NV, 4, and 76.

    I uninstalled 76 a while back after spending approx 76 hours which isn't much for me. I got pretty fed up with the gameplay loop, bugs, other players in my wasteland with stupid names and duped weapons, grinding, the list is long. I definitely see where 76 excels over the other games but for me the short comings outweighed the positives.

    I'm talking to the other people on this sub in a similar situation. Has the DLC redeemed the bullshit? Is it worth swallowing mouthfuls of bugs at a time? Are there still game breaking quest bugs like I encountered with the boy scouts line? Is the wastelanders questions actually good, or just good for 76?

    With all the hype/controversy largely in the past, what do you guys and gals really think of this game now?

    submitted by /u/deadeyediqq
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    Music in Fallout 4 - The Five Stars(Atom Bomb Baby)

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    Hey! Does anyone know if the Five Stars band (guys who performed "Atom Bomb Baby") were a real-world band or they were created for the fallout lore and their songs belong to other performers? I'm asking because I can't seem to find any info on them besides one album on Spotify and some vague info on fallout wiki site. Thanks in advance! Sorry if this question had been asked before.

    submitted by /u/SnooTangerines3042
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    What mechanics do you hope to see in a Fallout 5 game?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    I know Fallout 76 has been questionable in its success, but let's just assume a Fallout 5 game would be given proper time and energy in its development. There's plenty of mechanics that have been desired that, so far, have either been left out or just not adapted into gameplay.

    What gameplay mechanics would you like to see added to FO5 as a baseline thing?

    Here are a few I'd want to see in FO5:

    • Dual-wielding/akimbo. Impractical, wasteful in ammunition, but oh so stylish and enables you to put a lot of lead down range. Skyrim let us dual-wield weapons, so it feels strange that Fallout doesn't let us yet. Even if a single weapon is more efficient, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be allowed to go akimbo if we want to play like a John Woo character.

    • Underslung weapon attachments. Call them noob-tubes if you want, but stuff like underslung grenade launchers (i.e. the M203) would be great to add to the game. Heck, it'd be so sick if Fallout 5 took notes from Gears of War and added in chainsaw bayonets (given the setting, I don't think it'd be totally unreasonable). Additionally, having the controls for switching to underslung weapons programmed baseline into FO5 would make it so much easier to mod, as players wouldn't have to worry about controls.

    • Energy shields. Mods do make these workable, but it'd be nice if the game just had them in baseline so they'd be much easier to modify. I know the shields would diminish the need for Stim Packs and the like, but as long as the mechanic is there baseline, the players can worry about the balance and alter it to their preference.

    • Night vision, thermal sights, x-ray vision, etc. These are typically added into the game via mods, but before you get those headsets and the like you only have your Pipboy light to work with. Modders do a good job adding them in, sure, but again, having these effects in the game baseline would make the modding process a whole lot smoother. Additionally, giving certain enemies access to night vision or thermal sights would allow them to counter stealthy players and Stealthboys.

    • More vehicles, pilotable vehicles. Again, mods can make this happen, but they're extremely difficult to work with. And while there are segments in FO4 where you ride a Vertibird, you don't get to actually pilot it. And while we're at it, why are there no functional tanks? I'm sure some of us want to emulate Tank Girl.

    • The ability to become a Ghoul. I know Ghoulification would be much more permanent than becoming a vampire or werewolf in Skyrim, but it's something that should be available in Fallout, maybe with a specific-to-you means of undoing the process via a side-quest. Becoming a Ghoul would mean immunity to radiation (among other things), but also add some side effects (some people will shoot you on sight, others will dislike you, etc).

    • Reload and weapon animations for various weapon styles. Fallout 4 lacked bullpup weapons as a baseline thing, which really hurts when you want to make weapon mods for bullpup weapons like the FAMAS, Morita Rifle (Starship Troopers), etc. Yes, various modders have added bullpup animations to FO4, but those animations should've been there as a baseline thing. Bethesda should do that in FO5 even if there are no bullpup weapons in the base game.

    • Shrinking Ray mechanics. This one's a bit more esoteric, but it'd be hilarious if the game added in some kind of Shrinking Ray weapon and the proper mechanics for it to work. I have fond memories of shrinking and stomping enemies in Duke Nukem 3D, so it'd be great to add such mechanics to Fallout 5.

    That's what I can think of for now. Feel free to suggest your own ideas or to discuss the ones already here.

    submitted by /u/darkdill
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    Fallout New Orleans ideas

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    So I've seen a lot of people that would like the next Fallout to be set in NOLA and I would like to makes this post where we can share ideas and talk about what they would like to see in the game. A few ideas I have are...

    Boat combat. Upgrade your boat to fight off creatures and other boats. Build a crew so you have enough people to help fight. Maybe add a cannon to fight settlements that are on/near the water.

    I know theres a Marine base in NOLA so maybe Marine Corps remnants that have settled some areas in NOLA.

    Maybe a small appearance of the Texas BoS?

    A vault in the middle of Lake Pontchatrain (Punchatrain for low INT charcters/outsiders?) Haveing to dive to access it? Maybe the vault holds some Old World tech that would control the Greater New Orleans area?

    A nomadic survivalist group called Acadians. English/French speakers that keep to themselves but will trade with outsiders.

    submitted by /u/Sirrom_Wulfe-
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    I need help in fallout 4, im unable to get the home plate key in Diamond city

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    So I was in the mission where mayor McDonough was found out to be a synth and I went with the option to kill him, problem was every time I did geneva would attack me forcing me to kill her. I can't go back to that save since it wasn't a main save. Have I officially screwed myself or is there another way to get it besides mods? (Btw Geneva is the mayors assistant who sells you the key)

    submitted by /u/gravysheep
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    Just started playing Fallout 4

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Has anyone got any tips to help as I'm very bad at this whole survival thing

    submitted by /u/Gokoan
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    Are there any similar titles out there?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    So I'm going to be honest, I'm not much of a fan of fallout. I've played 3, new Vegas, and 4. I understand why people like them, the atmosphere is just a little too depressing for me and the gameplay to me feels a little rusty. But I really have an itch that fallout comes so incredibly close to scratching. I love the single player FPS survival thing. I like scavenging and looting and exploring and stuff and honestly the wasteland is starting to grow on me and not bother me as much. So my question is are there any other similar titles out there? Good single player, FPS rpg games preferably based on story and a scavenging thing?

    submitted by /u/captainhyrule1
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    Searching for fan content

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    A long time ago I found a post (either on archive of our own or tumblr) that was a collection of small stories where the lone wanderer comes to the commonwealth and interacts with fallout 4's companions and characters, and the sole survivor might've also been the focus of one. I don't remember enough to search for it on a search engine, does anyone know what I'm talking about?

    submitted by /u/spencrou
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    Fallout: New Vegas DLC Order

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    Does anyone know of a comprehensive guide as to what order I should complete the Fallout: New Vegas DLC in? By comprehensive I mean not only the order, but suggested level and individual skill levels. I know I am asking for a lot, but it's important to me that I do them correctly, and I have heard mostly that you should do them in order of release. If this is so, what level should I begin Dead Money, then so on and so forth. Even personal recommendations and anything you remember would be very useful.

    submitted by /u/Universalistic
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    What does the Atom Shop spell for future Fallout/BGS RPGs?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:43 PM PDT

    This post is all hypothetical, but Ive often wondered what Elder Scrolls 6, Fallout 5 and Starfield will be like when it comes to microtransactions. One of my favorite things about a BGS game is wondering what cool, new armor lies out there for me to get fitted out in, so I was a bit shaken when I couldn't loot a raider for their fit in 76. Now imagine if this bleeds into future games?

    You begin Fallout 5, leaving the vault and your family member is missing and you have to find them! Not in this dinky Vault suit though! You need something more stylish, so you find some hostile Wastelanders, only to find their wasteland outfits unavailable to loot and locked behind a paywall.

    Similar to how raider & settler NPCs wear armor that is Atom shop only. I totally get the use of it in F76 bc all DLC is free & the devs need to profit somewhere, but we do have the Creation Club in both F4 and Skyrim. I see no real reason why they wouldn't do something at least similar in future releases.


    Edit: save those Todd Tokens bc we are getting fucked with Todd Trinkets for the rest of our lives

    submitted by /u/sandempire
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    So how likely we'll see more characters with mechanical/cybernetic limbs and/or exoskeletons or Cyborgs in the Fallout Universe?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 02:25 AM PDT

    We've had The Master, which was basically a Centaur merged with a computer, Frank Horrigan, an augmented Supermutant Behemoth; Star Paladin Cross in Fallout 3, the Big MT inhabitants and Cyberdogs--and hell even the Courier and Proctor Ingram in 4.

    I mean it's not improbable right? I was expecting maybe some junker trope characters would have at least a mechanical prosthetic arm/limb or an exoskeleton, but not necessarily power armor. Maybe one or two battle-scarred veteran paladins having cybernetic eyes or visible metal implants.

    submitted by /u/UTKujo
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    Terrible Audio Glitch in FO4

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:30 PM PDT

    When I go to play FO4, the audio sounds like a horror movie. Extremely loud, scratchy, and horrible. I can make out that it is supposed to be playing the soundtrack for the main menu, but that's about it. All my drivers are up to date as far as I can tell. If anyone else has had this problem and fixed it, or anyone has something for me to try, I'd be really happy. I just wanna get back into the game!

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/frair3232
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    Should i buy Fallout 76 after completing Fallout 4? Or new Vegas???

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 01:54 AM PDT

    If i bought Fallout 76 after playing Fallout 4, i know i would get disapointed but isnt it Worth it anyway?

    So i have also thought about buying New Vegas, but i feel like i would get more disapointed if i bought that game?

    So, people who have and played all three games, what game should i buy? Or should i just buy a totally different game?

    submitted by /u/P0S31D0N_
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    Fallout 4 Multiple of same companion functionality

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    I want to have an army of a companion with varying gear to effectively have a makeshift immortal army at my settlement, will the game allow this?

    submitted by /u/Defineoutdoors
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