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    Tuesday, June 9, 2020

    Fallout | The Rehabilitation of 76 (and why it's still not worth your time)

    Fallout | The Rehabilitation of 76 (and why it's still not worth your time)

    The Rehabilitation of 76 (and why it's still not worth your time)

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    Much has been made of Bethesda's ongoing support and development of Fallout 76 despite its terrible release. In more than one corner of Reddit, I've seen it compared to No Man's Sky, which, wherever you stood on it originally, has unarguably been tremendously improved from launch - and all for free.

    This is a very unfair comparison. No Man's Sky is now a functioning, fully-featured video game, and Fallout 76 is not.

    I finally bit the bullet and tried Fallout 76 when it had a free weekend on Steam, and bought the game to continue playing co-op with my girlfriend. It is her first excursion into the series, and we have each put in about 40 hours in three weeks. That's a lot of time; it's put me at level 26 with my co-op character and level 16 with my solo character. I feel justified in at least outlining my experience and defending my position on that basis.

    Fallout 76 is still, at best, the quality of an early beta from a not-quite-AAA studio. This is true of the infrastructure of the game, including its servers, performance and user experience, and it is also true of its design as a game. At this point (more than a year and a half after its release) we may feel safe concluding that it will never be a genuinely stable and user-friendly experience, and that the issues that I personally have with its in-game systems are unlikely to go away.

    First, a technical perspective on the game:

    • Server performance ranges from irritating to unacceptable. I have only seen two full server crashes in forty hours, but I have been forced to log out and log back in dozens of times to address a whole range of bugs that locked me out of playing the game. These included being stuck at workbenches, quests failing to progress, CAMP blueprints failing to place, and other issues of sufficient severity to compel me to stop playing.

    • Framerate and in-game fidelity ranges from acceptable to appalling, and often with no clear indicators why. I have tried a variety of settings and concluded that, at some level, the engine is definitely responsible. It is bewildering that my performance in downtown Charleston, in one of the exterior-cell building interiors (an accomplishment of some magnitude in this engine, I won't dispute), is better and more consistent than my performance in many of the game's interior cells, which regularly crash below 15fps in the strangest places (looking into the corner of a dead-end hallway, for example) and border on unplayable in combat situations.

    • Hit detection is miserable and server lag is obvious. Players nearby will stutter around you ominously. Engaging targets at a distance works either not at all, especially after you first join a server, or semi-competently if they are stationary or moving slowly - deeply problematic in a game that revolves around ranged combat. I am on a stable near-gigabit connection in the American Midwest, so claims of geographic or internet issues are non-starters.

    • In a similar vein, quests regularly break, fail to advance, or lose progress after logging out. I have had to redo stages on at least ten different quests after logging back in from a crash or just logging in the next day to resume playing. Given that the game in large part revolves around these quests to drive you to new locations and level up your character, this is deeply frustrating and should have been addressed within days of release.

    • The CAMP system is unacceptably glitchy and opaque to users. Many seemingly obvious snap points are either not defined or so selective that you will stand for minutes trying to place a single wall. Applying a "wallpaper" overlay to a wall moves everything previously hanging on the wall to storage, power distribution is still as frustratingly vague as it was in Fallout 4, foundation supports regularly end up hovering on anything other than perfectly flat terrain (in a game set entirely in the Appalachians), and far more besides. Building anything in a friend's CAMP runs the risk of locking them out of replacing that blueprint, forcing them to break it down and re-place each individual component -in a game that repeatedly encourages you to, and even relies on/forces you to, move your CAMP frequently.

    • Perhaps most damningly in a purportedly co-operative game, there is no way to complete a quest in an instanced location as a group. You are forced to either each enter a solo instance and complete it alone, or take turns as "team leader" completing the quest. I can barely find the words for how backwards and nonsensical this non-approach to team quest completion is, and it constitutes one of the biggest turn-offs for cooperative play.

    There are other, smaller technical issues that I will set aside for now in the interest of brevity, because there are a number of elements of the game's design that bear discussion.

    • They have committed wholeheartedly to the Fallout 4 core gameplay loop - shoot, loot, craft, repeat. This was a good choice for a multiplayer survival game and is the main thing that kept me playing the game. It is fun to feel your character getting stronger by dint of building better weapons and armor and to see your CAMP expand.

    • Narrative continues to be a weak point for Bethesda. Voice acting (particularly in elements that I suspect existed prior to the Wastelanders update) is anywhere from competent to abysmal, and the story threads in the main and side quests range from vaguely interesting to absolute tripe. Characters you meet have no arc - they are fixed, static points. You yourself have minimal agency to change anything about the narrative pieces you find. As with Fallout 4, the extent of your roleplaying expression in this game will be how you kill the things with red health bars. Do not go into this game expecting a meaningful RP in your G.

    • Weapon crafting as a system props up the early hours of the game, but begins to fall flat as issues crop up with the system. Min-maxers especially will find little to like here. Weapon mods are discovered primarily by breaking down weapons at a workbench - one per disassembly, randomly rolled from a table of, in some cases, more than fifty. This means you can spend hours picking up hunting rifles from dead enemies before finally unlocking the mod that you were after. Armor crafting is similarly frustrating. Durability on both weapons and armor that forces regular repairs feels distinctly like a grinding mechanic meant to siphon away your junk (there are never enough screws, never) and provides no sense of benefit or accomplishment in return.

    • The gameplay loop runs into a jarring brick wall known as the Stash Box. It has an 800-lb limit on contents that doesn't matter right up until it does, around level 20 in my case. That's as a veteran of Fallout 4, who knows exactly what kind of scrap is worth its weight and what is not; who immediately grasped both the necessity and the irony of the "bulk" item crafting category at the tinker's bench; who breaks down every spare weapon immediately, carries only what he needs to get by, and sizes up every loot drop with an eye towards maximizing value and minimizing wasted time in storing and sorting items. I'm getting sick of using this word, but lay it at Bethesda's feet yet again: it is totally unacceptable to build a game around looting items that are required in large quantities to maintain and expand your character's capabilities and CAMP, and then trip players from behind with a pointless, arbitrary, deeply cynical (as Fallout 1st has revealed) limit on what they can store. The entire rhythm of the game screeches to a halt as storage Tetris begins to constantly loom in the back of your mind every time you consider picking up something useful.

    • The survival mechanics in the game add nothing beyond a bit of flavor (ha ha) and a lot of annoyance. You are never in serious danger of running out of food, water, stimpaks or disease cures if you are even mildly competent at noticing these things in the environment or on dead enemies, and so it becomes an exercise in pressing a long sequence of buttons when the game nags you with a thirst or hunger icon. Open your inventory, tab over to aid, tap Q three times to sort by spoilage, eat from the top down, scroll halfway down a long list to find purified water, done. Some folks may derive particular pleasure from hunting down ingredients for niche recipes, but I'm not sure why as they provide no benefits that could possibly compare to the expenditure of resources required.

    • Individual locations are often very interesting and have neat self-contained stories. The Hornwright building in Charleston is a sparkling example, and even getting one of the game's power plants back online, while somewhat tedious and repetitive, feels like a neat experience the first time you go through it. While they have once again, and even less excusably, committed the sin of including an amusement park in the game while not letting you ride ANY of the rides, I can overlook that because of the diversity and interest of the other locations they have added to the game. It is consequently that much more of a shame that there are so few compelling narrative beats or characters to tie them together.

    This, then, is the burden of my experience with Fallout 76: the core gameplay loop, environment, and location design are all quite good, and prop up a game that would have died a rightful death in oblivion if it had not been so widely promoted and borne up by the juggernaut of a franchise that it purportedly belongs to. I cannot emphasize this enough: it is an unacceptable mess from a technical perspective. Attitudes towards this among the existing community seem to range from a sort of Stockholm Syndrome (it doesn't crash every hour any more!) to a weary resignation to Bethesda's incompetence. Even were it not for the odious business practices that this game has been swathed in from the very get-go, this would not be a game that anybody could advocate paying full price for. Yes, I stand by this statement entirely: 18+ months of continuous development after release, one of the most talked-about AAA publisher releases, in one of the gaming world's most successful franchises, is still not worth its asking price at launch.

    Fallout 76 has rightly tarnished Bethesda's reputation and shown exactly how low they will go in pursuit of profit. And that's a damn shame, because there is, and was, a lot of passion put into this game by its designers. But deeper than that, it represents the final abandonment of Fallout as anything more than a shell for Skinner-box gameplay mechanics. Much like in Fallout 4, the world of Fallout is barely a veneer over the surface of this mess; old, familiar, tired enemies are shoehorned in as part of a rote performance. Super Mutants are pulled onstage with a cane for you to shoot at; two-headed radstags beg you with bloodshot, glowing eyes to once again put them out of their horrifically drawn-out misery; hostile robots are hostile because they are something slightly different to shoot at. Deathclaws are here because of course they are. So lacking in confidence in their own creativity, Bethesda continues to trot out the galvanized corpse of the series and ignore the opportunity to create something new, even as they retreat further and further from the meaningful decision-making and deep explorations of the human condition that had previously defined the series.

    Fallout 76, in my eyes, remains a failure. It fails as a competent video game and it fails as an entry in the Fallout series. I fully expect someday to return to Fallout 4 or Skyrim yet again as the competent technical platform and pre-built world for modding that they primarily are, and 76 has even failed to rise to that level. We know why: because the open-platform, free-enterprise attitude had to die to make way for microtransactions and season passes. It's been said before, but Bethesda's most meaningful contribution to the lore and philosophy of Fallout may be how they have obliviously become what it was always intended to mock and expose.

    I have deliberately avoided certain discussions that are best presented in Joseph Anderson's excellent review of the game. I strongly recommend watching it to get a better feel for why even folks that joined around Fallout 3 are feeling very hard done by with this latest backwards step in the franchise.

    submitted by /u/sqrlaway
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    I made a Vault Boy Avatar Maker

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Hello guys!

    After one entire week of work, I wanted to present you my first Picrew, which is... A VAULT BOY MAKER!

    I know that many people wanted one, so here it is!

    Tell me if you have any requests. Enjoy! :D

    And also feel free to use it as a profile picture, it will makes me so happy!


    And my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/renardoniro/

    submitted by /u/Renardo0o
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    BOS themed motorcycle I made

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    I had the opportunity to play through and finish Fallout 4 during this quarantine and I gotta say, it was way better than I thought it'd be

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    Keep in mind I have played every single Fallout game out there, from 1 to New Vegas, even Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel. I didn't get to play Fallout 4 because I didn't have enough money when it first came out and even when I got enough money, so many people told me to avoid it, that it's so much inferior to the previous entries. Well, they were right about the inferior part for sure, but in my opinion, as a man who has played through and finished all the Fallouts, I though Fallout 4 was pretty good. Of course, the problems that other people had with it I have as well: The dialogue system is horrendous, the story and decisions are nothing to write home about, and the way they butchered the perk and skill system legit pissed me off. But on the other hand there were some major improvements over the previous entries. I really loved how Power Armor was handled, making it like an actual suit that you need to power up which makes choosing the power armor more of a playstyle than previous entries where it was just a stronger piece of armor. The weapon/armor modding system is ridiculously addictive and i hope to God they keep it in Fallout 5, Survival mode is a great improvement over New Vegas's hardcore mode, the exploration and discovery is the best out of any Fallout and while the main story was nothing special, some of the sidequests were actually really interesting and well-told (the toymaker being my favorite). So, there you go. I went into this game thinking i'd hate it but i actually quite enjoyed it. Nothing's gonna top New Vegas or 3 in my eyes but, again, way better than i thought it was gonna be

    submitted by /u/prossnip42
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    I never played Fallout 3 until now and it was amazing!

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 02:54 AM PDT

    So I first bought Fallout 3 when I was 8 years old, and at that age I had never seen such a difficult game, I got stuck right after exploding megaton (I'm a bad boy 😎), but when I fount the group of ghouls hidden underground and I wanted to help them, I just didn't know what to do, I got stuck for a long time and just gave up... Until now.

    So at the start of the lockdown I wanted to play it again and oh boy did I regret not playing it earlier, it was such a good experience! It was lots of fun! I think I got the bad ending because at the end they talked about what a bad person I was and my karma level wasn't very high but that's the cost of killing everyone in your way!

    I want to play it again because I missed lots of stuff, and do you recommend me playing new Vegas? I heard it is very good.

    submitted by /u/Mooxier
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    What is the first thing you think of when someone says Fallout?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    What's your favorite version of the Pip-Boy?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:46 AM PDT

    My personal favorite is the Pip-Boy 3000 Mk. IV, from Fallout 4. I like the light brown plastic look over the Pip-Boy 3000s (NV and 3) drab grey design. I also like the Animations of putting a Holotape inside of it, and also plugging that little vault opener sucker into the vault doors control pannel. They're both really satisfying for some reason.

    Every version has their own flair and unique design, so I'd like to hear your favorites.

    submitted by /u/goldegyptian7
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    Is there any way to play br*therhood of steel?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    I know it's a bad game, but I wanted to experience firsthand how bad it really is. Is there anywhere I can play it without a ps2 or xbox?

    submitted by /u/dex_alt
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    The story of all my Fallout 4 characters.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    1.My Minutemen character:A honest,pure hearted,hard working soul,Revy is the pure embodiment of the Minutemen way.She became the General of the Minutemen after saving Preston Garvey and a small group of settlers form raiders and eventually her and Preston became a couple.She quickly became know across the Commonwealth for rescuing and repairing settlements,Defending the innocent of goodneighbor from Sinjin's raider gang and assassinating Drug Dealers selling to children and Murderers,Single-Handedly Killing almost all raider leaders in the Commonwealth,Liberating Quincy from Gunners and Nuka-World from raiders,Defeating and destroying The Institute,Driving the Botherhood out of the Commonwealth,and wiping out the Railroad.Her main weapon is a AS VIKTOR and her sidearm is The Jackel(The one from Hellsing).She currently resides in her home in the castle and is a major pro-ghoul and pro-synth person.

    2.My BOS character:Joseph is the Elder of the Eastern chapter of the Brotherhood and is known Eradicating the Institute and railroad.He joined the Brotherhood as a hope for finding his son and quickly became a prominent figure among the Brotherhood.He refuses to believe that father is his son and as a result killed him.His only friends are his Power Armor,His gatling laser,and Danse.He with the help of Danse overthrew Maxon and took over the BOS for himself becoming the most powerful figure of the commonwealth.He ordered Brotherhood forces to invade the island and to kill any COA members or synths they come across.He is only friends with Danse out of Respect and is a anti-ghoul,synth,and super mutant man.He resides in his private home in Sanctuary Hills with his robot Codsworth.

    3.My Institute character:Jonathan is a broken but intelligent man who only joined the Institute to be around his son.After defeating the Brotherhood and Railroad he became the leader of the Institute.He became majorly depressed after shawn died and had no desire to see the Commonwealth again.He has a close bond with Dogmeat and with other members of the Institute.He is feared across the Commonwealth as he has been know to replace people he see's as a threat.He has continued the FEV program and is responsible for bringing centaurs to the commonwealth and has introduced specially crafted power armor to selected coursers.He rules the Institute with a tight fist and does not tolerate any obedience against him and the Institute and will sentance traitors to death.He is a drunken mess who currently resides in his quarters in the Institute.His main weapon is a Upgraded Institute Rifle.

    4.My Railroad character:Often described as a sarcastic b*tch with a extensive knowledge of synths,Historia is a high ranking member of the Railroad and has dedicated her life to saving synths.She is currently a couple with Deacon and close friends with tinker tom and Desdamona.Together with Deacon they raise synth shawn in their private home located in Spectacle Island.Her main weapon is a guass rifle and wares a rusty suit of T-45 power armor.

    If you like all my Fallout 4 characters wait until my Fallout NV characters.

    submitted by /u/Mrminutemansupreme
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    Improved movement in future Fallout games.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 02:13 AM PDT

    Even as of Fallout 4 and 76, the movement in the FPS/Third Person Fallout games is still fairly clunky, with no clambering, climbing, or sliding mechanics.

    I'm not talking about something as parkoury or speedy as Titanfall, but more along the lines of Far Cry or Battlefield, which gives players very smooth, realistic movement, that makes exploration and combat a lot smoother and more interesting.

    I know of course that it's very engine dependant, but if a new engine is used for the next game, improved movement would be one of my major wishes for it.

    submitted by /u/AlteredByron
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    [Story Spoiler] The whole story with Shaun makes no goddamn sense

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    Okay, I'm sure this kind of story rambling post had been made before, but my god I have to vent it.

    The whole "Surprise, surprise! Your son, Shaun, is actually a grey-haired old man who became the leader of the institute" makes no goddamn sense.

    1. When you first learn of the name "Kellog" in Valentine's detective agency, Nick and Ellie clearly remember Kellog being with a 10-year-old boy like it were a recent event. This boy could not have been Shaun, since it must have been at least 40 years since Kellog handed Shaun over to the institute, unless Nick and Ellie are at least as old as Father(Shaun the Institute leader) and have a very long memory.
    2. In the memory sequence, when the player gets to the last scene in Kellog's house where Shaun is handed over to the courser, in the background is a radio broadcast of Diamond City radio. From the radio, comes out Travis's voice and his comments on Piper. If both Travis and Piper lived in Diamond City when Shaun was handed over to the institute and Travis was already DJing Diamond City radio, they must also be at least as old as Father.
    3. The mission to eliminate Virgil was given to Kellog at the moment when Shaun was handed over to the Institute. If the game is telling me Kellog had not been able to reach Virgil across Glowing Sea for 40 years and Virgil had been in hiding for that period, then Kellog was not very good at his job, was he? How uncharacteristic of his ruthless mercenary reputation who gets the job done no matter what. Get a hazmat suit, lead a team of gen 1 synths and a courser, which are immune to the radiation, get off your lazy ass and Giwnett Stout, and get on with the mission already. You've sat on it since Shaun was 10 years old until his hairs have become grey and he has become the goddamn leader of the organization that ordered you to abduct him.

    One may argue that Kellog's memories had been tempered with by Father to make Sole Survivor to believe his son is still a boy and lead him/her to the Institute. The scene at Kellog's house with Travis's voice on the radio and the Virgil mission briefing could have been manufactured. If the whole memory sequence was part of Father's big plan to lure Sole Survivor, then he must be very bad at calculating probabilities. The idea to use Kellog's brain to obtain any information on the Institute was 'out there' even by Nick, who suggested it. Was Father seriously betting on the friendly prototype synth detective to come up with this ridiculous idea to lead his biological parent to the Institute? Was Father seriously betting on Sole Survivor not turning Kellog into a hot pile of ash or a plasma goo with no brain matter left to analyze? What if the brain was damaged by the bullet that I put in Kellog's head?

    Even if Father was only "laying the bread crumbs to see what happen" rather than "manipulating every possible event so that Sole Survivor must always successfully end up finding and reaching the Institute ", then what was he gonna do with his succession? The whole point of leading Sole Survivor to the Institute was to secure a successor to the position of directorship. What was he going to do if the breadcrumbs he laid didn't lead Sole Survivor to the Institute?

    The only explanation that can tie all three inconsistencies and still lead me to the conclusion that Father is the biological son of Sole Survivor is this: Kellog's memories have been tempered with. Travis on the radio and Virgil mission briefing did not happen when Shaun was transferred to the Institute. Nick is secretly under the control of the Institute and is directed to suggest the idea to use Kellog's brain once Sole Survivor returns after killing Kellog. The boy that was with Kellog Nick and Ellie saw was not Shaun, but another 10-year-old boy abducted by Kellog either as a decoy or as another subject of experimentation, or even the newest recruit.

    Even if the above were the truth behind "the big surprise of Fallout 4 plot", the game did a very poor job, or at least Father did a very poor job, to convince me, the player behind Sole Survivor, that Father is truly my character's son. If Father or the game wanted me or my character to believe that Father is indeed Shaun, either of the two somehow should have explained to me the logical inconsistencies are actually consistent. Father should have said Kellog's memories Sole Survivor saw were manufactured. Father should have said Nick was directed to lead Sole Survivor to the memory den.

    Who wrote this? Who proofread it? Who approved it? I know story is not the primary focus of an interactive medium, but if you are gonna have plot twist in a game(in a Fallout game, nonetheless) at least put the effort in to convince your player of the plot twist! Or is this some roundabout, meta-narrative way from Bethesda Studios to suggest the incompetency of the Institute and Father?

    Plot twists are cool only if it makes sense and you sell your audience on why that twist was logically inevitable.

    submitted by /u/lSeraphiml
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    I can't find paladin dance

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    I sent paladin dance to the airport on fallout 4 and I can't find him because I did the Piper side mission to get xp by lissening to her can someone tell me where I can find him exactly I looked everywhere I can't find I'm I checked all the place from sanctuary and red rocket to prydwin and airport someone link a post so of you finding him please

    submitted by /u/lrobo04
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    Does playing fallout ever make you think about your own mortality?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    I was drunk the other day and running around some building in FO4 and found one of those goofy skeleton set-ups you sometimes run into. When i was staring at it (remember i was drunk...) I kinda realized "oh shit, that's me without the skin attached." Guess it made me remember someday we'll all just be some skeleton a vault dweller will come across in a couple centuries... anyone else ever find fallout has a weird way of making you thing about shit?

    submitted by /u/PleaseSendtheMath
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    Would it be a bad idea to start Fallout 1 and 2 when I'm already deep into a Fallout New Vegas playthrough?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    Why I think NV factions worked, and the one thing the Railroad did right

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    The one thing I love about the main factions in NV is that you never become their leader. For NCR you are basically a mercenary/volunteer citizen. For House you are just his assistant, and for Independence you don't fight for power for yourself but for the people. I haven't played with legion but I assume you don't become the Legate or the successor to Caesar

    It absolutely annoys me how easy it is to become the leader of everything in FO4. You help Preston like twice and suddenly you are the general and leader of the minutemen...despite him running the show from the Castle and still giving you order. Father chooses you to run the institute because nepotism I guess? I suppose you could be a board member due to your topside experience, but why the fuck would you be the leader in place of say, Madison? With the Brotherhood you don't become Elder, thankfully, but you still rise through the ranks way too fast, whereas in FO3 you are basically just an honorary member for the Lyons Pride. At least the Railroad just asked you to help as a field agent, instead of Desdemona naming you the very reincarnation of Harriet Tubman and their leader after you help them once

    submitted by /u/SuspiciousElderberry
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    Why BoS always gets wrecked

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    If you look at the BoS trackrecord one thing becomes clear, despite having arguably the best technology in the wasteland(apart from Enclave but they are not a factor anymore) BoS gets consistently curbstomped by factions with much lower tech, they were curbstomped by NCR in California, almost got curbstomped by Super Mutants and the Enclave in the Capital Wasteland, then curbstomped again by NCR at Helios 1, and while they have a decent presence in Boston their control of the area is tenuous at best.

    One has to ask why? and i think the problem is that they rely way too much on Power Armor. It sorta makes sense, with such comparatively small organization, to give everyone Power Armor, but therein lies another problem, BoS is a military unit without a nation, and as such they have nothing to fall back on if they suffer catastrophic defeat like the one at Helios 1. Instead of trying to build a nation they still mainly act as a military unit.

    But back to the over reliance on power armor. We can all agree that Power Armor is great, but as Helios 1 has proven, it's far from indestructible, anti material rifles and rocket launchers can pop a power armored soldiers like a can of tuna. That's because Power armor soldiers were never intended to be the backbone of the army, they were intended as shock troops. One big disadvantage of power armor is that there is no hiding in it, you can't exactly take cover in most situations, sure if there is a waist high wall you can use it as partial cover but that's incredibly limited, Power armor(at least the kind used by BoS) is heavy and cumbersome and precludes any sort of camouflage.

    Now if factions in Fallout had some kind of advanced combat tech that made cover and camouflage useless then fielding all PA army would make sense(though it would be pretty hard to maintain, since new PA can't be produced) but that's not the case.

    PA in Fallout universe is often called walking tank, and if it was treated more as such it would be much more useful, even in smaller numbers, in modern warfare it's usually considered that tanks are pretty much useless without infantry support, and the same goes for Power Armor, in essence PA troops are not well suited to holding the line, their main purpose should be to create a breach at which point regular infantry should take over and take advantage of it, to use PA troops as regular infantry is not only wasteful, but it pigeonholes your strategy so much that your enemy, power armor or no, will easily be able to adapt and counter you, as was shown once again at Helios 1. This is also why, i believe, NCR managed to push BoS out of California.

    And again, no amount of advanced technology will help you if you haven't enough hands to hold them, BoS standard modus-operandi tends to create enemies rather then friends, this is the second, but no less important reason why BoS always looses.

    submitted by /u/samoja1
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    Fallout 4 console faceplate for Xbox One. Anyone want it?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    Hello Vault Dwellers.

    Was cleaning out my stuff before moving and came across a Fallout 4 faceplate that I have never used on my Xbox One. Does anybody want it? Happy to give away to anyone who'll pick up locally (Denver, CO), or if someone will pay for shipping, that's cool too. Tell me your favorite Fallout moment you have experienced in game or irl and I'll pick someone to receive this.


    submitted by /u/Dephenestr8
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    Does anyone know where French tomahawk is?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    Hello,I know this question has been posted a few months ago,but does anyone know where French tomahawk is?and is he coming back to YouTube?I know this is an old question,but I still don't know if he is coming back or not.

    submitted by /u/garfields-pasta
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    Fallout London Radio

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    Okay, I just had a great thought. So I know the prospect of a Fallout based in Europe, or in this case in the UK is very low. I know there is an on going mod someone is designing for Fallout 4. I was just wondering, if there was ever a radio station what would the tracks be. The 50s were a great era for music, but the UK produced little to no massive hits or bands until the 60s, so what would the tracks be. Me being from the UK, I could imagine some Britpop stuff like Blur or Oasis or something like that. If you could make a radio station for a Fallout London, what would your ideal 10 or so songs would be? Just a fun topic/idea don't attack me please hahahahaha.

    submitted by /u/oi1233
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    AIs from AI Dungeon 2 to sexy to funny and one based wholly on Reddit!

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    [ANN] VAST improvement - AI Dungeon 2! It's a frighteningly dark infinite text adventure game. It learns how to get under your skin and test your paradigms. Seriously, there are YouTubes upon youtubes on this. OG dev llives at github, in a user called aidungeon and repo of the same. http://jare.cloud/ai-dungeon-2/ Android AI Chat Apps! (I guess the android apps were using an old URL to chat with the AI, so if you download now you can just wait for the Play Store to update the app... submitting a fixed version as we speak) A streamlined, less resource intensive version of the banned books bot lives here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dcss.bannedbooks and another way to see how kinky the computer can be lives here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dcss.flirtbot

    I made a bunch of different AIs, but today I improved my strategy and built AIs that have context from your existing conversation and tries to communicate conversationally rather than as a question-asnwering type chat.

    The best news?

    I built this particular one on The Ricky Gervais Show featuring Steve Merchant and Karl Pilkington - all the transcripts I could find ;)


    I built this one to flirt with you regardless of the time of day, or such stresses common folk have like headaches or being toooo tired...


    I built this one to reference only banned books by the likes of Chomsky or dozens of banned books on the occult or current situations....


    (note that the last 2 are being re-trained from acting as question-answering bots to being more conversational bots that have context from the last messages as we speak :) be about 5 more hours before they're live-worthy....)

    This one simply draws it's wealth of knowledge from a subsection of reddit posts, and is probably the most likely to beat the Turing test of all of them:


    Ignore the ads, or enjoy them if you want - PS what are you doing on the internet still viewing ads? Get a browser that protects you and your privacy, and has a built-in adblocker!: https://brave.com/jar850

    Note that I'm pending some android apps with a fuller, more in-depth experience :)

    • 31797-32608
    submitted by /u/h3xadecimal138
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    Are the New Vegas DLCs worth it?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    I wanna buy New Vegas but I am not sure if I wanna buy standard version now or wait for Steam Discounts so I can get Ultimate Edition

    submitted by /u/adam_dont_ask
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    Has a modder ever made a mod for Fallout 3, New Vegas or Fallout 4 that adds Beware the Friendly Stranger as a radio song?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    If anyone is unaware, Beware the Friendly Stranger is an eerie ambient song made by Boards of Canada in 2002. The song could be seen as both unsettling and peaceful, depending on who you are, this is what I think would make it fit in perfectly as a Fallout mod. If you find it unsettling, it matches the untamed horrors and the fear of the unknown in the wasteland. If you think of it as peaceful, it would be excellent to listen to while exploring the remains of DC or Boston or trekking through the expanses of the Mojave.

    EDIT: I know the song is really short, but it could loop a handful of times.

    submitted by /u/Toxinz1181
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    Just A Place You Can Check Out Fallout Art If Your Interested

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    Just Mainly Bethesda Games For Daily Art If Your Into Game Art

    Fallout Daily Art

    submitted by /u/Gaming-Cult-Posters
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    The perfect perk system in a fallout game

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 02:44 AM PDT

    Hello dear person reading this. I have been thinking that the perk system of fallout 76 is bad and i think the special points and the perk points should be different like in a classic rpg, you do not tie the skills to the perks in an rpg this completely ruins character builds and so on. The special and perks should be different perks could serve as a bonus to gameplay and special should be a mandatory system . Anyway let me what you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Quasarblazar333
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    Do the minutemen every mention their opinion on synths? The rail road is my favorite faction but I would like to do the minutemen quests too. But I was just wondering if they have a stance on synths or if they are indifferent

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Refer to title

    I don't care about spoilers btw I have beat the game and know most of the lore

    Only spoilers I really care about are the BOS and Institute storylines

    submitted by /u/WOSH9182838483
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