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    Saturday, May 9, 2020

    Fallout | Just caught a movie reference in Fallout 2 that nobody on the Fallout wiki must have noticed.

    Fallout | Just caught a movie reference in Fallout 2 that nobody on the Fallout wiki must have noticed.

    Just caught a movie reference in Fallout 2 that nobody on the Fallout wiki must have noticed.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    So there is a random encounter in Fallout 2 where you find the gravestone of a man named Lester Moore. Who's tombstone inscription reads

    "Here lies Lester Moore, four slugs from a .44, no less, no more."

    Well I was just watching my favorite western, the 1993 movie Tombstone. And when the main characters are entering the town of Tombstone Arizona they pass by a graveyard where one of the headstones reads the exact same thing.

    I added the note to the page as soon as I could.

    Edit. I'm wrong. Both the encounter and the movie was making reference to an actual gravestone in Tombstone Arizona.

    submitted by /u/TheGameMerchant
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    Fallout Spotify PlayList

    Posted: 08 May 2020 08:12 PM PDT


    Music from and inspired by Fallout NV, 3, and 4. It is a 43 hour long playlist of jazz, swing, rock, blues, and western. Be warned some songs are NSFW, but you should be able to tell by the titles.

    submitted by /u/GIJosephStalin
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    Was fallout 3 a bad game I personally loved it more than fallout 4 and almost as much as new Vegas

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:29 AM PDT

    I want to know what y'all think I'm extremely biased because it was the first game I ever played

    submitted by /u/Enmory
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    The Ancient Alien City Hidden Below The Mojave

    Posted: 09 May 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Does anyone else think the "ancient alien city" underneath the Mojave Desert (predicted by Lorenzo Cabot in Fallout 4) could be below The Divide (from the Lonesome Road DLC in New Vegas)? Could explain the alien/reptilian like nature of the Tunnelers who only fled to the surface after the multiple nuclear explosions which happened underground. I personally think this could also tie in with The Interloper (from fallout 76) and Ug-Qualtoth (from fallout 3) as well, considering they're inspired by HP Lovecraft and he often wrote of reptilian humanoids who live underground in his works.

    submitted by /u/KotaChurch
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    Not sure if this has been talked about before but I think elder Maxson can be found in fallout three at the citadel

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    Got bored so I decided to replay FO3 and I ran into a kid named squire maxson. Idk if this is just a coincidence or if this has been talked about before but I just thought it was neat

    submitted by /u/Quackdiddlysquap17
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    how many vaults are there?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:08 AM PDT

    i have heard theres 112 and 122 but how many are there

    submitted by /u/LemonadeGaming
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    Would any of you be interested in seeing previous Fallout protagonists in future games?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 11:11 PM PDT

    I know it would be hard for characters like the Chosen one seeing how they would probably be super old, but characters like the Lone Wanderer and specially The Courier (cybernetics and all, also a possible leader of a new Wasteland faction so more reasons to meet them) are fair game.

    The only protagonist that we "see" in a new game is the Vault Dweller, but we only see a statue of his. How willing would any of you be to see a protagonist alive (or being a character in some sense, audio logs, notes, etc...)? I'd have no qualms with it so long as it's done right and makes sense for that character.

    We know that our character isn't necessarily us as we can see some of their own personalities in the dialogue options in the games, specially with The Courier in Lonesome Road (And the Sole Survivor... I guess...)

    submitted by /u/Frangitus
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    I hate finding a random setter sleeping in my bed.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Is there a way to keep settlers out of specific rooms/areas without inhibiting my access as well and without mods? Edit: Decription: Its a 3 by 3 vault tec room on top of the red rocket with some stairs leading up to the top I cant really use any kind of electric door.

    submitted by /u/DeathHound406
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    Fallout 3 GOTY worth it after beating the standard game?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:04 AM PDT

    I'm almost finished with fallout 3 (please don't spoil me) and I'm wondering if I should buy the GOTY on steam since the save files are compatible. Is it even worth playing after beating the game? Should the DLCs be played before beating or after beating the game? I find that the base game is too short.

    submitted by /u/Nimphus
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    Please for the love of God.

    Posted: 09 May 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    Why is it missing creatures? Certain things don't spawn and certain quest go to's don't have the monster required to complete the quest. It's like leading me on a wild goose chase. For example the frogs for the tadpole badges for the beginning quests there are no spawns. It makes completing the quest for the backpack difficult, seeing as most of them don't spawn in ps4. Like knowing you can complete it but you cannot. Finding creatures is difficult in this game and it seems PC version and xbox if I'm not mistaken has it easier with a lot of these bug issues. I feel as if more patches are required. The fast travel bug has been patched but it still unexpectedly closes (blue screen) FO-76. I don't know.

    submitted by /u/NaturalJay
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    I'm writing a Fan Fiction on Wattpad set in the Fallout universe. I would appreciate any feed back in the blurb below or on the actual story!

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:46 PM PDT

    The Savior [A Fallout Fanfiction]

    In the year 2077, the sense of morality standing between mankind and armageddon had finally been corrupted. Atomic bombs rained down across the globe, forcing what remained of humanity to take refuge in underground bunkers known as Vaults.

    When the doors to these shelters finally began to open, people journeyed out into the wastelands in search of habitable land. However, as poor results called for further exploration, Vault inhabitants soon realized the destruction caused by the Great War had left pieces of land saturated in toxic radiation. But for some; this revelation came too late.

    The year is now 2366. Nestled in the mountains of central Pennsylvania, Vault 57 was nearly 100 years overdue for their return to the surface. As the only unopened Vault in an area otherwise densely packed with similar fallout shelters, the inhabitants of Vault 57 finally emerged from the safety of their home only to be met by a nightmare. High levels of radiation corroded the neighbouring Vault dwellers' minds; causing them to attack humans with feral aggression, forcing the residents of Vault 57 back into their dying home.

    Now, a lottery has been created, with the purpose of sending one unlucky soul into the wasteland in an attempt to find help in their time of need. However, the chosen Savior will soon realize the ghoulish monsters roaming outside Vault 57 are the least of their worries.

    Whether it be facing their fellow man in bloody combat, or the monsters that lurk around every corner. One thing is for certain:

    War. War never changes.

    submitted by /u/thanosology
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    Modern Games for Fallout fans?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    I'm curious which, if any, modern games Fallout fans are playing. Did my turn at 76, found it clunky, grindy, shallow, unfun and filled with bullet sponges with zero sense of self preservation that run at hyper speed. And Wastelanders really doesn't fix any of that.

    Considered Fallout 4, but I loathe the main quest. And this engine.

    So I'm wondering...whether its PC or otherwise...what modern games are Fallout fans playing?


    submitted by /u/NorthEasternNomad
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    Cannot install the mercenary pack

    Posted: 09 May 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    I'm on Xbox 1 trying to Install the mercenary pack. It said I needed to install armorsmith extended but I can't because it says it requires files that aren't there. I'm very frustrated and don't know what to do

    submitted by /u/jbcdyt
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    i made the power fist in 3D

    Posted: 09 May 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    I modeled it in fusion 360 and based it on the ingame file.


    submitted by /u/undeadmith
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    Controller Double Input Bug - No Steam

    Posted: 09 May 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I thought I'd give Fallout 4 another go but I'm running into a double input issue with my ps4 controller. I've googled this topic but no solutions are working for me, as most of them seem to fix it on the steam version. I normally use DS4 to play games on PC but this bug occurs when using DS4 and not using it at all. I've tried uninstalling the driver, DS4 hide controller option, all sorts, but nothing works.

    Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Many thanks

    submitted by /u/treeman_jf
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    Fallout and Skyrim

    Posted: 09 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    hey people what are your thoughts on the theory that Fallout and Skyrim are in the same universe

    (or that skyrim is fallout in the future)

    submitted by /u/LemonadeGaming
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    In the unlikely event of a NV remake, would people like to see the Kings actually play some Elvis?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    I get that obsidian didn't have the rights to use his name or music, but say hypothetically they could if they remade new vegas, I'd love to hear jailhouse rock being played by mister new vegas - it fits so well!

    submitted by /u/WheatAMinute
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    Is Creation Club worth it? (Fallout 4)

    Posted: 08 May 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    I'm a bit of a collector of Power Armor in Fallout 4 but I also don't want to spend 15$ on a few sets of a Power Armor. Is there a set of Power Armor that's exceptionally good or are they all just pretty mediocre? Is Creation Club worth it?

    submitted by /u/Ethilius
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    help wanted (fo4)

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:13 AM PDT

    so im looking for someone to make a music holotape for me beacuse i cant im on mac so i dont have acsess to the creation kit pm for details

    submitted by /u/bacchurtt
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    mod for removing ap drain on power armour stealth boy

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    i already have one to remove the glare on coming in/out of stealth, but i can't find one for what the title describes. additionally i'd like to do something about the annoying ass noise that happens when you move in/out of stealth

    submitted by /u/CheeryRosery
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    Would Fallout 4 make a good TV series?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    I've been playing the game and I sort of think that the pieces are there for a decent 4-5 season series. The opening plot is a great introduction to the game. There's plenty of interesting side quests in the game that would make for decent episodes. The companions are pretty interesting as well. The factions are decent. With more emphasis on writing in a TV series, they could improve the main plot and create a sort of war for the Commonwealth feel to it.

    submitted by /u/Spartanwildcats2018
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    The realife 10mm SMG counterpart?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    So I was browsing Youtube and stumbled upon a video from Forgotten Weapons. The video showcased an unnamed experimental H&K SMG that looks fairly similar to the Fallout universe 10mm SMG.

    Here's the link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7hX2jWw8cU

    There is one difference that sticks out the most and it is the experimental SMG's forward grip. Otherwise, it looks just like the 10mm SMG.

    Also, I would like to point out that in the Fallout lore, the 10mm SMG was made by H&K. So is it possible that the 10mm SMG was derived from this experimental H&K SMG? Or is it just coincidence?

    Link to Fallout universe H&K: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Heckler_%26_Koch

    submitted by /u/BerettaM93R
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    Psychedelic Rock Radio Station Mod?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    Eh, title? Lmao, like jimi Hendrix, the doors, that sorta thing

    submitted by /u/NUCLEAR_DETONATIONS3
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