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    Saturday, May 23, 2020

    Fallout | Am I the only one who collects all the Nuka-Cola Quantum I see just because it is pretty?.

    Fallout | Am I the only one who collects all the Nuka-Cola Quantum I see just because it is pretty?.

    Am I the only one who collects all the Nuka-Cola Quantum I see just because it is pretty?.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Vault 22’s door says “92” very clearly. Just noticed it lol. Looks like they reused the door asset hoping no one would look close enough since the 9 is faded enough to be mistaken for a 2.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:02 PM PDT

    After several months, I finally got my hands on it: The Vault Dweller’s Official Cookbook

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    I love far harbor.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    I love far harbor it is one of the greatest DLCs in the fallout series. The creatures are amazing. The story is amazingI love the fact that their children of the atom are in fallout 4.but when they were in far harbor and they had the whole base I squealed with excitement. I enjoy the story with Nick Valentine and Acadia and the whole Nick Valentine has a brother named dima it's amazing. And don't get me started on far harbor itself the little town it's filled with life and intrigue far harbor is one of the greatest DLCs in fallout series I say it again far harbor is one of the greatest DLCs in the fallout series.

    Edit: okay there's one thing I need address about far harbor. it's dimas memories. The whole memory puzzle it's really annoying.

    submitted by /u/vaultsepticeye21
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    Should I play Survival Mode or Vanilla? (FO4) (PS4)

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:49 PM PDT

    So I haven't played Fallout 4 in a couple years and I wanted to try it again, but I'm not sure if I should play Survival Mode or stick to a normal difficulty, I like the aspect of it being like a survival game but I honestly hate the whole saving at a bed thing

    submitted by /u/Stormyku-
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    Maybe you shouldn't wait outside the Tops Yes-Man?!

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    The Yes Man's defining trait, what gives him his name, is the fact that he has to do whatever anybody tells him to do.

    So after you meet him, when he's waiting for you to kill Mr House so you can install him on the Lucky 38 mainframe, he waits outside the Tops where he sticks out like a sore thumb with a different facescreen than all the other Securitrons. And there's lots of foot traffic in and out of the popular casino.

    This is my favorite game, not just my favorite Fallout game, but my favorite game period of all time but this is one kind of dumb moment in the plot. Yes Man should find a better place to hide till you're ready for him so nobody else can come along and become his third boss and figure out whats going on. He's really forthcoming with information after all.

    submitted by /u/Umpteenth_Isekai
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    Fallout 4 was actually a vast improvement over Fallout 3, and there's an odd the double-standard concerning that

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    This is coming from a New Vegas fanboy nonetheless. I'll explain why 4 was vastly superior to 3. I don't know why (even before Fallout 76) Fallout 4 got shat on the most out of any of them. If you look at Fallout 3 & 4 objectively there is much more choice between factions that are grayer and require more thought in 4 than just about anything at all in 3. Fallout 3 is actually the most railroady. You're either part of goody two shoes reformed Brotherhood or Enclave who wants to wipe out the area.

    So in this aspect 3 was much, much more stupid. People act like 4 was shallow for a Fallout game, but 3 is just....stupidly so. Where is there this double-standard that for many people gives Fallout 3 a pass?

    At least 4 had some sort of texture to the factions, and you can see each one's side, and even grow close to members on each side that make you consider who you'd be hurting along the way. 3 was like, uh, here's a town. You can either defuse the bomb, or blow the whole town to fucking kingdom come.

    submitted by /u/sir_buttatoast
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    With so many poetic injustices and hardships in the real world, Fallout 76 just shows that even in a post apocalyptic world there are good people who pay it forward in spades... That is why I think Fallout 76 has so many redeeming qualities. That my friend, is something beautiful. Play Fallout 76

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    [Mod]Fallout 4 :TCW Point lookout announcement trailer.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Over the past month the main three team leads(including myself) have decided to recreate point lookout first as a smaller content drop. We cant give you a release date yet but its going to be well before the main game. Because of this it will take advantage of any assets in Fallout 4, mostly meaning Weapons and armor. Any content only from the Original Point Lookout DLC will be recreated entirely. Content from the Main Capital Wasteland will be absent from the First standalone release of TCW : Point Lookout. This allows us to explore the option of giving Xbox users some fallout 3 goodness as we know for a fact we cant get the full mod onto a console.

    So anyway check it out boys and girls : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G30hygWyJqE

    submitted by /u/nafnaf95
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    Is there a mod where your character holds their pistol with two hands in the front more..tactical-ish when idle? Instead of just holding it off to the side? (I’m on xb1)

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    Was Caesar and Caesars Legion inspired by the Conquests and life of Muhammad? (Not a political or religious post this is purely academic)

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    Islam and the life and accomplishments of Muhammad share a lot of similarities to Caesar and his Legion. Muhammad and Caesar are both men who were born into poverty in large cities (Mecca, Boneyard) who set out to conquer and "civilize" tribes in a wild untamed land, created religions based around venerating themselves, and then set about attempting to Conquer the lands they came from. Culturally they are both incredibly similar minus the technophobia of the Legion (although Islam rose to prominence in a time before advanced technology). The only real differences i see are that Muhammad had heirs while Caesar didn't. But everything from slavery to assimilation to the treatment of women seems virtually the same. Both Caesar and Muhammad also believed they were apart of a cosmic lineage (although for Caesar it could be argued he personally doesn't believe in any of it). What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/mancaveson
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    How to make fallout 1 look best?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    I don't know how to use the setting so please help.

    submitted by /u/SndMetothegulag
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    Why do you think Caesar's Legion is more hated than the Enclave?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    Partly inspired by this comment elsewhere:

    There was actually a humorous argument that many players were pissed you couldn't side with the Enclave in Fallout 3.

    So, the writers at Obsidian went, "Here ya go! You can side with the Legion."

    To which the response was basically, "Why the hell would I ever side with the Legion?"

    In my five years in the Fallout fandom, I have indeed seen far, far more visceral hatred or the Legion than I ever saw for the Enclave. In fact, the Enclave has a not totally insignificant number of fans in my experience.

    And the question is why? The Enclave are a pretty shallow group compared to the Legion. There's just a lot less writing there to make them a more fleshed out, coherent ideology and faction. They're also more evil given they desire to kill the vast majority of mankind.

    I wanna be snarky and say it's just the power armor that makes people like them more but I can't really see much else. The Enclave might just be "cooler" on some aesthetic level than the Legion and that's the reason. Similarly it's the same argument used for House - "sure they'r evil autocrats but they will bring us SCIENCE so it's okay."

    But I'd like to hear what you all have to say.

    submitted by /u/NikkolasKing
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    Fallout 4 nailed the begginning

    Posted: 22 May 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    The intro scene and the beginning of Fallout 4 will always be one of my favorites, and that includes both the Bombs and when you exit the vault; It just feels great. One thing I might add, a few extra green trees where you begin might have looked better, but I mean, it wouldn't be great. Also, playing when you have basically a free day, playing a new game in the morning, with a fresh character and a new build feels amazing. I honestly would love it if someone erased my Fallout 4 memories because the intro is amazing. Until the moment you meet up with Nick, those moments will forever be one of my favorite moments. Yeah, Fo4 is may not a great Fallout game, but heck yeah does it have great characters and beginning.

    submitted by /u/YouPieceOfShite
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    What order should I play TTW?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 01:29 AM PDT

    I've never played 3, but I've played tons of New Vegas. Should I just finish 3 and the dlc, and then go to the Mojave?

    submitted by /u/Droz_64
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    What Colours does Fallout Use the Most?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Trying to make a lighting profile for my setup, and Bar the Stand out Green/Brown/Orange-Yellow

    I know each game to a degree has its own Schema - but what's everyone's thoughts?

    Bonus points of you can link screenshot examples or #RGB Colours codes!

    submitted by /u/TreXeh
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    Is there a duel-wielding mod for FO4 xbox one?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 12:22 AM PDT

    Im looking for a good duel wielding mod. Id prefer getting to choose what weapons to duel wield, but any mods like that are fine. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/L0Pa1
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    Is there anyway to play any of the classic fallout games on mobile?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    ENB is not working

    Posted: 22 May 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    Hi all, I recently did a fresh install of Fallout 4 and I have tried to install an enb. For some reason the enb is not working. When I launch the game, the game launches as normal and the enb notification does show up on the top left of the screen. When I press SHIFT & ENTER the enb menu does not show. Does anyone know any workarounds for this issue.

    submitted by /u/LoneGiant
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    Need some help and advise regarding Endgame[Fallout 4]

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    Hello fellow Wastelanders and Couriers, i am playing since two weeks and having a blast playing the game. Already 200h in and just went to Virgil. I do have two questions right now. Please try to keep it as much spoiler free as you can.

    1) I plan to keep playing my save after ive seen the ending, as there is still some repeatable quests to do of what i know. I was hoping i could have a ending with BoS, MM and RR in peace, but it looks like every ending will turn 2 Factions hostile, wich means i will either have to fight BoS or RR (In my case i quite like the RR). I know theres a Youtube guide on how to keep all three in peace, however, i discovered it to late and its no longer possible for me i think, as i have done the first quests in different order. So this lets me come to my question, what consequences would i face regarding Endgame (As in repeatable quests, Vertibird, Companions, Faction Settlements ect) when in comes to killing either BoS or RR and wich of them would be the better choice regarding that? Additional, is there still a possibility for me to keep both BoS and RR? I dont know how strictly do you have to follow the Youtube Ending Guide mentioned before.

    2) I am using only a few mods, mostly for character customisation, to keep the core game as vanilla as possible. I changed a few companions faces with a console command for looksmenu and it worked just fine. However, doing that with Curie always ends up in errors, as her base model is a robot. I am wondering, would i be able to edit her through looksmenu when i download a mod that fully replaces her base human model?

    submitted by /u/Zenib-a
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    Does it bother anyone else that the Fallout 4 main menu video length isn't the same length as the music?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    Maybe I'm an idiot, but it's always bothered me.

    submitted by /u/pivot_ob
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    What should be my first fallout game?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    I've never played any fallout games ever. Really looking forward to try one out. But what should that game be? Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/CWOWEN
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