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    Sunday, April 26, 2020

    Fallout | Whatever happened to that Fallout theory of radio clicks signifying major events in the Fallout universe and them mirroring real life?

    Fallout | Whatever happened to that Fallout theory of radio clicks signifying major events in the Fallout universe and them mirroring real life?

    Whatever happened to that Fallout theory of radio clicks signifying major events in the Fallout universe and them mirroring real life?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    It's an older theory sort of that someone found way back in Fallout 3. It went something like this.

    They listened to the dead radio station I believe and would hear random clicks and found voice recordings in the game files or something that corresponded with the clicks somehow. Some of the recordings included stuff like the Queen has died, today we're all British and they were all dated as well.

    Some users found that the game had dated some irl events with corresponding recordings like JFK or something then splintered off into in game past the present date.

    Idk the thought just came into my head and I wanted to see if anyone knows about it

    Edit: I did a quick Google and found it lol it's the number stations creepy pasta. It's linked below if anyone is interested in reading it.


    submitted by /u/jgalaviz14
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    Fallout players who live where the games are set?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    What's it like seeing the States and landmarks that you see everyday in real life suddenly become a post apocalyptic wasteland? I'd imagine I'd get a real kick out of seeing my City and towns landmarks surrounded by super mutants and ghouls in game form.

    submitted by /u/drjimbillybob
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    Vault Idea. Explain the existence of the mysterious stranger.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    This might seem like a silly idea, but for anyone with the time to read this I appreciate your feedback.

    I'm going to assume the non-canonality of the female mysterious stranger in fallout 1 and 2, considering she's never brought up in future games.

    The player comes across an abandonded town with a warped landscaped and destroyed buildings. Possibly hearing rumors that everyone stays clear of the area because caravans and other travelers end up missing when they come near.

    The people who gave you those rumors could be threatened by the possibility of the warping coming towards their town.

    You walk through the town while being led by warped visions of the town before the war, and far after. From immaculte buildings to piles of ash. The only thing that remains through all the visions is a vault, calling you to come closer.

    Once you enter, the visions die down a little bit. Geometery makes no sense, junk seems to be floating mid air. Some of it pre-war, some not. No signs of residents at all. The player retains the ability to move through the vault and explore and loot as they wish.

    There is a clear theme of time here. Nothing is consistent in it's time period. It seems as if everything the player is experiencing has or will already happen.

    As you progress down, you reach a breaking point that returns you back to the levels seen inside the town. Noises again beckon you into what seems like a large chamber built within the vault.

    Once you enter, you're blown back by what's infront of you. It's likely the player hasn't seen a single person for 30 minutes, and right in front of them is one completely sorrounded and consumed in light. It doesn't seem like they're in control, or enjoying the power invested in them.

    They seem to be a proxy for which the vaults power is being distributed. So it's clear they're the reason the landscape has been warped, and they're the one that threatens nearby towns and people.

    You're given a choice, as presented either by a terminal or a quest marker - doesn't matter.

    1. Kill the one inside the field, destroying the energy once and for all (this completes the quest, increasing your reputation the most with the nearby threatened town)
    2. Risk leaking the energy outside even more and pull the person out.
    3. Overload the system, killing both the person and letting the energy expand out into the waste (completing the quest, and destroying the threatened town)

    If you do option 2, the person is completley hysterical. You notice some key things, a trench coat, a fadora, and a 44. magnum.

    They've just seen the deaths of thousands and thousands of people, from their own hands. From the end of the world to it's end again, destroying even the vault. (Playing into the themes of "war never changes," whatever, it sounds cool.)

    You have to talk this person down from killing you too, while also trying to assess why and how they found themselves in the vault.

    (Think of the Voerman dialouge puzzle from Vampire the Masquerades, if you will)

    You find out what happened within the vault. It was intended to test the ability to send residents into the future, after the apocolypse. But it was closed down before the bombs - due to Vault Tec's scientists failed attempts at time traveling. After a kid went missing in the town nearby, the whole place was shut down.

    The man in the room was an investigator trying to find the kid. Nobody was aware of the time traveling within, and simply thought the kid went missing for unrelated reasons. That day, the investigator was unlucky enough to be carrying a gun.

    By some series of events, the investigator found himself trapped in the machine, possibly trying to get really nosy with the machinery for signs of the kids presence, fingerprints - something like that.

    Upon being trapped in the machine, he was cast into every time after the machines construction imaginable, forced to kill anyone he saw. He was trapped in that machine for no time, and all of eternity, and somewhere inbetween. But the date he last remembers is over 200 years ago.

    He found himself across places he used to recognise in books, killing people he did not know, and seeing things he didn't want to remember. It was a everlasting blur of pain, suffering, and torment. Forever.

    In diamond city, Valentine calls the mysterious stranger "an amoral lunatic" or, in the worst case, a "prolific serial killer."

    By this observation it comes clear that the stranger is likely not doing his killing willingly.

    This might make fallout fans reflect on the use of the mysterious stranger. He isn't so much a mutual friend, but a resource to exploit.

    By the end of the dialouge 3 things can happen

    1. The stranger can be saved, understanding that his actions were not of his own doing, and that the reality he faces is truly his own.
    2. The stranger can attack the player, out of paranoia and pure insanity, and be killed in the process
    3. The stranger can forgive the player, understand the reality he faces is true, and kill himself out of guilt for the many he's killed.

    So in order to "win" the discussion, two things need to be established by the player.

    1. The reality the stranger faces is real, and in the present
    2. The stanger is not responsible, or is redeemable, for the many he has killed

    By the end of the discussion two outcome are possible for the quest

    1. The stranger survives, becoming a companion (redeemed) / reclusing into old age (not responsible) A sisable reward is given. If he recluses, he gives you his gun and fedora and leaves the game, or he can become a companion. But, less reputation is given from the town, due to the problem of the vault still technically being alive in the wastes.
    2. The stranger dies. His clothes and gun are clearly accesible and this is the second way to get them. If he died in the machine all of it would have evaporated in the energy, so this is how you kill him and get his inventory. However, less reputation is given from the town as just killing him outright in the machine, due to a sloppy handling of the situation.

    By this point, the quest ends.

    NOTE: This doesn't mean the stranger is gone from all other future games. His killing goes far beyond and before the time quest would come up in. So no matter what happens those deaths still occur as if nothing changed.

    TL;DR The stranger is someone accidentaly capured in a vault-tec time traveling device and he skips through time at a rapid pace, killing thousands with no control over what happens. You can either kill him in the machine or release him, to which the shellshock of the events either break him or are eased out by the player through dialouge.

    The events give a new perspective on the stranger as not a friend, but a man in constant torture not willing to kill those he kills.

    Edit: I understand that the mysterious stranger isn't intended to be explained. BUT, I thought it would be fun to share this idea and it was a fun thought experiment. This goes off the concept of what you would do if you already wanted to explain the mysterious stranger. What would their backstory be, how it would be presented.

    submitted by /u/Thucket
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    Playing Fallout 2 for the first time in my life. Best memories + advice you wish you knew before you played the game?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    Any big Fallout 2 fans here?

    I've been a real junkie for the Fallout universe since playing 3 as a child and the following releases throughout my life. I played Fallout 1 recently with all of my free time to see where the game started, and thought it was brilliant. Obviously hearing great things about 2, I was quick to give it a shot and wanted to share my experience after playing for a few hours.

    I love getting immersed into these games and the character I'm representing, and immediately knew Fallout 2 was going to be fantastic. The opening cinematic is so chilling when hearing about the reality of the post-nuclear wasteland, and was so satisfied to see a Fallout game that showed us being truly primitive as an effect. Starting the game with a spear at a temple, to begin my trial to represent my village as their champion is as tribal in nature as you can imagine. I thought the tutorial was perfect, was really immersed killing 20+ familiar radiated bugs to gain level 2 and the illusive vault suit, and enjoyed meeting my relatives in the village afterwards. I thought this was another amazing feature, when in perspective a group of nomads surviving this long in the apocalypse would likely be a closely knit family. I really can't wait to continue playing this game to see what other amazing details this wasteland has to offer.

    All of that being said, I'm level 2, have completed the tutorial missions, and am going to leave the village next time I play to begin my quest. If you're like me, and have played some games so many times you can barely remember what it was like when you first started, then hopefully you can get some nostalgia if this is one of those games for you.

    Without big spoilers, what are some of your favorite memories or interactions in this game that you remember the most looking back? What advice would you give to someone playing the first time you wish you had known?

    Tl;dr - Fallout 2 is awesome so far. Leaving Arroyo for the first time in my life next time I play. Above paragraph.

    submitted by /u/zakisapy
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    Best morally correct decision for The Pitt?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    I haven't played The Pitt yet but I know about the Slaves and Raiders but I've hurt that the Slaves are practically lunatics and even made you kidnap a baby and kill her parents I'm not asking if this is true I'm asking which faction should I side with for the best ending.

    submitted by /u/Serendipity1481
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    FO4 Vadim, Dimitri Diatchenko, has died

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:48 AM PDT

    After 4 play throughs I finally found all the nuka cola star cores and got the power armor

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    Has anyone made the Holotape games outside of Fallout? For example an app or something along those lines?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:58 PM PDT

    Just curious as this could be interesting.

    submitted by /u/Unlost_maniac
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    The Great War is 3000 weeks away!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    October 23rd, 2077 is only 3000 weeks away now. Prepare your Nuka-Colas and let Vault-Tec know you want to be ready for atomic war, because you've got a limited time to collect bottle caps before shit goes down!

    submitted by /u/fandomAlgamation
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    My cracked version of Fallout 3 surprisingly worked compared to the steam version

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Before buying the GOTY edition of fallout 3, I tried cracking the game to test if it does work on my pc cuz afaik it's not "fully optimized" for windows 10 according to bethesda. It worked perfectly so I immediately bought the game on steam.

    Surprise, the steam version is shite. Keeps quitting itself after numerous clicking of the start button on the title screen. I installed it three times and still gets the same problem, even with the essential Nexus mods installed. Quite a brilliant cashgrab by bethesda

    submitted by /u/mac-tavish
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    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    Most of the quest is bearable. ITS THE DARN TADPOLE CHALLENGES that make this unnecessarily long, complicated and annoying.

    submitted by /u/BakedBotato
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    Most powerful NPC in all of fallout?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    My vote goes to granade guy from Fallout 4.

    submitted by /u/trappedslider
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    Why is Fallout 3 and New Vegas $99.99 in the Playstation store?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    Am I seeing shit?

    I'm mainly a PC gamer but tonight I dusted off my PS4 and set it up to watch Netflix in my room. While i'm downloading all the streaming services I use I check out Fallout in the Playstation store and New Vegas and 3 are $99.99? What is Sony smoking?

    submitted by /u/Abtorias
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    This game really makes me angry

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    So I was just playing fallout 76 and had around 26 stimpaks on me which I ususlly don't carry that many but I did and it was all I had. I was killing scorcher's and my shotgun broke, I went to take a stimpak and they were all gone. I had just used one around 30 mins earlier and it said I had 26 left. Anyway, yep just like that. All gone. With no way to get them back. I cant believe they're spending time making new dlc with the core game still being so f**ked up. They should be spending that time and effort on fixing it first!!

    submitted by /u/jda_420us
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    Question about the lore

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    United States is destroyed in every fallout game, another country that is possibly destroyed is China, but how about the rest of the world? I mean, like Europe or Africa

    submitted by /u/ElextroRedditor
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    [FO4] Which workbenches I can use as storage ?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    I started new game recently and I realised that not every workbenches are capable to store items between. So, because I am in early stage of the game (and didn't accept minutemen) can I use workbenches in rocket gas station and Diamond city ? Will the workbenches delete my stored items after a while or my items will be transferable between these 2 ?

    Or, can I only use rocket gas station workbench without any concerns ?

    submitted by /u/tommyldo
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    I honestly get emotional when I hear this song with that picture in the background

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Replaying fallout 4 and Kellogg’s memories flat out tell you how old Shaun is. (Spoilers I guess)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Edit: got some information wrong, had to change it.

    The first segment of the memories is between Kellogg and his mom, the radio in the background is doing a speech on the NCR and how it will bring back the good old days.

    At least that's what I though until I listened to the speech (or the bits I could make out) it mentions how President Aradesh has set off on an expedition.

    Now if you've played the originals you'd have likely known that President Aradesh's expedition disappeared in 2196 as it's mentioned by President Tandi in fallout 2.

    Kellogg's father possibly being a Raider is also a very subtle hint, by the time of fallout 2 all the raider gangs in NCR territory had been forced to move north or had been wiped out completely as mentioned in NV.

    Earlier he also mentions wanting to outrun the NCR and it's rules, going to San Francisco wouldn't make sense. This is just me guessing so bear with me.

    During the NCR-Brotherhood war, the west coast brotherhood steel lost everything except for their bunkers. So I'm assuming based on their being no opposition on the west coast that San Francisco is either resisting the NCR or about to become one another state. (This is just a theory)

    Now in the original post I got the dates for Lyons arriving in DC wrong, it took him one year not ten. Thanks for the correction, so if the San Fran family scene took place in 2218 let's say it's most likely he would've arrived in Boston in 2220.

    Again the second part of the is mainly a theory given a solid foundation by the radio. Based on what I could find obsidian originally wanted San Francisco to be destroyed in New Vegas, however Bethesda asked them to take it out.

    So San Francisco is a complete unknown at this time and the years it took for Kellogg to actually get to commonwealth are hard to pinpoint.

    submitted by /u/buymeasnickers
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    Never played fallout 3

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    I have no idea why i didn't as played Fallout NV multiple times and fallout 4 and fallout 76 and enjoy them admittedly. What should i expect from this game

    submitted by /u/Tarkatan-Beefcake
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    HELP Pls Fallout 3 wont run

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:06 AM PDT

    I want to play Fallout 3 soo bad bit it keeps crashing to start up a black screen in the top left like a small window then the whole screen crashed this is what i did

    I bought the game on GOG and steam do the compatibility mode to windows xp services pack run as admin i have done everything someone pls help!

    submitted by /u/Disperfected
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    Mod problems in New Vegas

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    So I have a couple major problems I need help with. The first is my UI is all screwed up. I use Darnified UI and it worked great, but recently its all too big and squashed together, even the text boxes. Secondly the game wont let me loot clothing from enemies. The only thing I have done differently is move my mod organizer folder from one HDD to another. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/PillarOfWamuu
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    Just started point lookout, are tribals meant to be this hard?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Title says it all really. The A3-21 plasma rifle wipes deathclaws out no problem but i manage to die by tribals. How can It be that a human is harder to kill than whatever a deathclaw is

    submitted by /u/benharlow77
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    So you like Iguana bits?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    Just remember, Iguana bits are chunks of human meat. Yum

    submitted by /u/GreenPumps
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    Error code problems

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    am i the only one that gets Account linking failed. Please retry or contact Customer Support for assistance. even if nothing is linked to that steam

    submitted by /u/CrimsonDNA
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