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    Fallout | My Dream Fallout 5

    Fallout | My Dream Fallout 5

    My Dream Fallout 5

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:12 PM PST

    Prologue Mission: The game would start off in a bunker in St. Louis. You are a new recruit of a small sect of the Enclave(Much less radical than the traditional enclave) trying to get in contact with other groups due to declining resources in the St Louis area. The Chicago sect has gone dark but your sect soon picks up distant radio signals coming from the far south. With no viable future in St. Louis due to the scourge of super mutants, you and the 5 other members of sect fight your ways out of the bunker and eventually have to go through Vault 2(This is where your player would aquire a pip-boy) which tunnels underneath the river and has an exit leading to tunnels leading out to an airfield. In the airfield your sect would leave St. Louis on a faulty but working vertibird and start heading south towards the signal. Eventually after some time in the air, The vertibird would go down deep in the swamps which kills off the entire sect except your player who barely survives the incident. The first part of the main quest would be to find the location of the radio broadcasts before it turned into choosing a faction side.

    Location: New Orleans, Bayou Wasteland

    Main Factions: Enclave-No explanation needed other than because of reduced power, they are much less radical. Would eventually be found on an oil rig in Lake Ponchatrain and could grow in power depending on player path.

    Saints Federation-A former group of mercenaries who devouted their lives to protecting New Orleans due them percieiving it as holy ground. This conversion came after they met the Abbeys Of The Roads

    Jeffersons Revolt-A rebellion led by a former member of the Saints Federation who was disgusted at their lack of protection for the smaller communities and didn't like their new causes. Mainly made up of untrained NPCS from the smaller communites.

    Tribals-Found in the communities farthest away from New Orleans, Have no desire for civilization or decency. Would serve as more of Yes-Man than anything.

    Smaller Factions: Church Of Voodoo- Group who practices the voodoo religion within New Orleans but still agreed to not resist the Saints Federation as of now

    Abbeys Of The Road- Would be found within New Orleans religious buildings. Serve as a follower of the apocalypse type role

    Brotherhood Outcasts-Not the outcasts from Fallout 3. This Brotherhood group would be small remnants from the Texas BOS.

    Skill checks and Special Checks would both be present in dialogue and settlements would be empty spaces that could be linked to factions.

    submitted by /u/East_Day
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    The Institute Scientists really aren’t that smart

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:34 PM PST

    Today I spent time on my 6th or 7th play through of fo4. I've sided with all factions, some of them multiple times, but it had been a while since I played through the entire game. I ended up getting to the Institute via help from The Railroad, and I remember everything up to that point pretty well. From what I did remember after that point is that the Institute had a relatively decent argument as to why they have been doing what they have done, but I was surprised by the fact that neither Father or Justin Ayo (temporary head of the SRB) could comprehend the fact that the Gen 3 synths that they were creating were legitimately sentient. Father seems especially close-minded when it comes to this subject, and when commenting on the Institute, he remarks that they are sacrificing human lives for beings similar to "Nuka-Cola machines". You would expect the man who's indirectly responsible for the creation of the Gen 3's, who's own DNA is the basic template for every single one of those synths, to be more understanding of why they would like to escape. Additionally, in Father's personal terminal he remarks that Kellogg is "Older, certainly than any other human in the Commonwealth" which is completely untrue. Besides the MC and himself, who are both decades older than Kellogg, Jack Cabot (the real smartest man in the commonwealth) and his entire family have been around for 400+ years, which is something you would assume the Institute would be aware of. This terminal entry, along with Father's unwillingness to ever consider than the Gen 3s are sentient, even going so far as to compare them to Nuka-Cola machines, shows that his mind is too clouded with biases and close-mindedness to lead an organization that is truly best for the Commonwealth. Unfortunately, he is not the only thing wrong with the Institute as his peers follow firmly in his footsteps. Thanks for reading, I would love to hear some opinions.

    submitted by /u/fusionFW
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    If they ever remake New Vegas, the faction system should be improved.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:06 AM PST

    Might be some spoilers here.

    I've got two things in mind that could make a New Vegas remake even better than the original (and that's besides the benefits of making it on a brand new game engine):

    1) The factions themselves.

    Look, there's no denying that much of NV was cut for various reasons, and that the 'final' game ended up being very, VERY NCR biased. This was kind of unfair to those who, like me, don't see them as being the shining beacon of greatness that some other players might.

    Sure, none of the factions are perfect, but the NCR really gets whitewashed in many faction-debates. Anyway, a NV remake should give all the factions more quests and depth, for immersion. For example, the Legion should get far more named NPCs, dialogue, mainquests, and sidequests, etc., not to mention a faction companion.

    In the base game, Raul is probably the most Legion-friendly companion we get, and he's an old-school ghoul.In the base game, Raul is probably the most Legion-friendly companion we get, and he's an old-school ghoul.

    Whatever faction we join should be fleshed out to really make us feel as if we're part of them. This is one thing which I, a New Vegas lover, appreciated from Fallout 4. Sure, FO4 was a letdown in some areas, but it really gave us a good share of quests (never mind all the radial ones) across all its factions.

    With this in mind, New Vegas 2.0 (or redux or whatever) should give the Independent, Mr. House, Legion, and maybe the NCR line more quests across the Mojave. The Brotherhood too (even though they're a minority). It shouldn't be a rush from meeting the faction leader to getting to the finale (just playing a Legion character is depressing from the lack of content, as is a Mr. House one).

    Here are some examples of extra quests which would be appreciated:

    • Finding a way to save all those crucified victims, which could maybe get you fame with NCR or whoever. This could be dependent on your medicine and survival skills, etc.

    • Assassinating Colonel Moore, for either the Legion or the Brotherhood (Moore did survive four tours against the BoS in the west, so killing her would be great for revenge).

    • Retaking Helios One, for the Brotherhood.

    • Assassinating Chief Hanlon, for the Legion.

    • Basically, any late-game assassination quests would be cool.

    • Save Ranger Stella (was she the one captured from RS Charlie?) and get NCR fame.

    • Hell, just fortifying and protecting Ranger Station Charlie (or any weakened locations) itself would be cool. They could implement Fallout 4's settlement system here.

    • Going on Securitron patrols — for either yourself or House — and wiping out either dirty raiders, NCR, Legion, etc. in various locations, depending on the quest itself.

    • Having Ulysses as a companion, depending on your Lonesome Road choices, and actually integrating him into the main game (would be cool to see what Caesar would have to say).

    • This isn't strictly faction-related, but it would be nice to have a quest where you take Veronica to the Sierra Madre, especially if Christine was left alive.

    There are so many possibilities to really expand the Mojave Wasteland in a New Vegas remake, even more so since the game would be made on today's engines.

    2) The disguise system.

    Yeah, I know some of you will be thinking 'just ditch it', but there are ways to really improve upon this flawed mechanic. First of all, I know how NV works with the whole 'fake reputation' thing and all that. So, with that in mind:

    A remake should keep the disguise system but with a few changes. They should make it so that if you kill an opposing faction's members while wearing faction armour, you gain a tiny bit of fame with the faction you're representing.

    For example, you wear BoS armour and kill a few NCR troopers? A bit of BoS fame for you.

    I know it's unrealistic to expect them to know everything you're doing across the Mojave, so maybe make it that this only starts once you're 'accepted' (or just known in the first place) by that faction. They could even make it only a chance to get fame (based on your luck skill) per kill, so as to not make getting reputation too easy and exploitable.

    Another welcome change would be the whole disguise-detection thing. In NV, named NPCs, etc. will always break your cover no matter what (if you're an enemy). I know this is realistic in the sense that an on-site officer would know all their troopers (and that you're the imposter), but this is just a game anyway.

    They should make it so that having your cover broken is based on many factors, including Luck, how much your face is covered, etc. That would also make Luck more useful than it already is.

    That's just my two cents with regards to stuff that could benefit a remake of this classic.

    submitted by /u/Vg65
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    How functional would combat armor from ALL the games be irl?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:09 AM PST

    Food for your thoughts! Ah, combat armor! My favorite armor from all the games! Makes me feel like a soldier! Only, how functional would the game combat armor be irl? Would it be bullet resistant, or would it be torn to shreds? I don't know, I'm just a random on the net that's interested in military history and tech. If any soldiers would like to chime in, that would be perfect! (Also, in advance, thank you for your service!)

    submitted by /u/Ryanmaidenfan2001
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    Marlyn Voice Line Discovered

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:25 PM PST

    UPDATE/EDIT: the line said in the video is a part of the script apparently but not one of the originally recorded voice files as I first thought, she actually redid this line for the video, yet its still interesting to hear one of the potential lines Marilyn would have said.

    So Recently an acquaintance of mine discovered the channel to one of the voice actors of new Vegas, and on that channel was a video showing off the characters the actor "Miss Lora" as she calls herself Played, and one of them was Marlyn

    For those who don't know Marlyn was cut due to an issue with her voice files and seeing how there was no hope of ever hearing her it was thought that there was nothing worth while left in the game besides her model and 2 player Dialog choices.

    However this video actually shows off one of the lines recorded for her, here have a listen at around 1:06


    To this day this is probably the only public voice lines we have of her.

    submitted by /u/ClankerTGP
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    My ideal Fallout 5

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:41 PM PST

    Year :October 23 2307 about 20 years after F04

    Setting The Lone star Commonwealth or Texas Interior of Texas around Austin


    The Texas BOS : small group been in Texas for serve decades Loyal to west Branch of The BOS.

    The Lone-star Confederation: a rage group of settlement try to make a name from them selfs and be something Greater

    Legion Remnants: after the second battle for Hover-dam the Legion disintegrated. The Remnants of the Legion fled East into Texas Terrorizing the locals and causing chaos.

    The NCR : the bear speaks for themselves .they started moving in harassing the legion Remnants but started taking land pushing there weight around cause conflict to flare up with the Lone-Star Confederation.

    Enclave Remnant : descendants of the survivors of Original Enclave from the Oil rig . very isolated and very hermit like.

    Plot the Lone Star Confederation and NCR are locked in a power struggle In the region the NCR Over stretched and out of their conferred zone has to fight a enemy that know these lands and both a man short at winning this and the player could decide the Fate of this Region.

    A New Vegas like Experience that will never get ......

    Sorry for a Downer Ending note. :)

    submitted by /u/RNX7801
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    Yes or No: Bethesda should support the modders recreating New Vegas and 3 Within Fallout 4.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:17 PM PST

    OR... should they remake them on their own? Why or why not? What do you think the future holds for the wasteland?

    Also, take a look at the modders work so far!

    Fallout 4: The Capital Wasteland: https://youtu.be/sO052QLgzMw

    Fallout 4 New Vegas: https://youtu.be/997PAfxFiGE

    Edit: In my humble opinion, Bethesda lending a hand in the form of resources to these modders, then releasing the 2 remakes through their creation club on 4 for $40 worth of credits wouldn't be a bad idea at all! Again. Ranger armor in Fallout 4 graphics. Need I say more? And yes I know they have that in 76... but you need fallout 1st for that. It doesn't count lol

    submitted by /u/wopthaoppskino
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    I would like a returning space mission as a FO5 starting point.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:59 AM PST

    I would like a returning space mission approaching light speed things could have slowed down objectively for the crew. When they get back to earth they find things devastated. From there the ship either starts an autolanding sequence to old launch site (moon, Cape Canaveral etc) which goes pair shaped killing all other crew and starting character generation sequence. Or ship gets shot down by old defence satellite. Before crashing the ship receives a garbled message that the mission control survivors had moved to a new location (could be earth could be offplanet)when the fighting broke out and you go looking for your decendants when you find them you could help them with your superior technical skills.

    submitted by /u/cardinal_moriarty
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    Out of 3, new Vegas, and 4. Which has the hardest dlc quest?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:22 PM PST

    New fallout 4 playthrough

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PST

    Well friends its been a while but im fixing to head back into boston for a while. Need anything while im out? 😎

    submitted by /u/Lava_gator
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    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:57 AM PST

    So, I've goofed. I goofed real fucking bad. I downloaded a mod that allows me to fast travel to all the locations, without having previously discovered them. Fast forward WEEKS later. I'm boogying on down to Virgil's cave with Paladin Danse Danse revolution and start the quest to get a courser chip. THIS IS WHERE SHIT HITS THE FAN! Me, being the cool guy smart guy I am, decided "hey, I'll just skip a bunch of horrible quests by fast traveling to the Ole Institute and killing Papi Shaun. Long story short, im stuck on 'BANISHED FROM THE INSTITUTE'. No way of fast traveling back to the Commonwealth. No way of teleporting without the Network Scanner. Only save out of there is from DAYS ago. Already tried clipping out of every spot I could think of(I just spawn back in the Institute). No way to use CC (PS4 peasants rise up). Even tried a skip-quest holotape mod. NEWS FLASH! The quest I am stuck on, isn't on there. Somebody, please save me the headache of losing hours of progress because i was a curious dummy. Please! I beg of you!

    submitted by /u/LordBolton23
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    Bethesda removed the Mac tonight mask from the Xbox one mod page

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:55 AM PST

    My first thought as to why they did it was because of it's connections with racist type things but at the same time there's a really sick overhaul mod that's themed after wolfenstein that basically puts a swastika on everything in the game so idk. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/crackly_b0i
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    Does Fallout 3 work on Windows 10?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:03 PM PST

    I saw in Steam that is wasn't made for Windows 10 so if it doesn't work by itself is there any program or mod that can make it run on it?

    submitted by /u/ivan200520052005
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    Fallout New Vegas

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:55 PM PST

    Where can I get the most chems.I usually find some on the fiends but is there any place that sells chems

    submitted by /u/cfico05
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    Memories of Project Brazil's alpha.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:48 AM PST

    I just remembered this oldie but a goldie, from the time Project Brazil was in Alpha. https://youtu.be/VcoPDhBTSwE noise warning

    submitted by /u/Fukowski
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    I love FO3, yet I started with FO4

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:49 PM PST

    Late to the party, I did FO4 a year and a half ago, my first FO game, on the recommendation of my buddy and crazy positive reviews. I played it three times though. It was so so awesome.

    From content here and from my RL buddy, I was basically told to forget about FO3: it pales in comparison to FO4 so badly that it's unplayable. Try FO NV if wish, but still, inventory and interface problems in comparison to FO4 are so bad that you should forget about trying to play it if you've been ruined by FO4.

    But FO3 was on sale for like $6 two weeks ago, so I bought it, and -- it's amazing. It's like more FO4! Inventory is a tiny bit annoying, graphics are not as good, but I have to tell you all that it's enough like FO4 that I don't care at all. It's really great, assuming you're out of stuff to do in FO4. It also helps me understand stuff in FO4 and in Fallout Shelter, too. Like: why is Super Dooper Mart a location that everyone is funneled to in FO4?! It's nothing. But oh, in FO3 super duper Mart is amazing: scary, tense and balanced.

    Anyhoo, I say that even if you started on FO4, FO3 is still cool.

    submitted by /u/bleearch
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    Fellow wastelanders, what do you think about new fallout game in Arizona setting?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:34 PM PST

    I think it would be AWESOME to explore Arizona and see Caesar's civilisation, explore Flagstaff and etc. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/pie_addict35
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    Which faction did you side with in each part of FO4? (Main storyline, Nuka Wolrd, Far Harbor)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:10 PM PST

    In the main storyline, I actually kept the brotherhood, railroad, and Minutemen all around.

    I did the brotherhood quest line up until blind betrayal, I did the railroad quest line and killed father, which got me booted from the institute, BEFORE the battle of bunker hill, and made the Railroad ending not an option, then I destroyed the institute with the minutemen. All three were perfectly happy with me, so I'm all good. (To do this you have to be very careful not to do any of the missions that make it set in stone that you're enemies with the railroad or brotherhood. Ie: no battle of bunker hill, no getting the berillium agitator [forgive me if I spelled that wrong]).

    With Nuka World, I sided with the Pack and the Operators. I loved the aesthetic of the pack, as well as Mason, I play a stealth character, and I just all around hated the disciples.

    In far harbor, I made peace between the factions, because I liked some of the Children of Atom, but I wasn't about to just let Longfellow die.

    So, what did you do for these three questlines? I know I wasn't very in-depth, but it explains all of my reasoning behind the choices I made.

    submitted by /u/T1mek33per
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    Why is it that fallout 4 items look oversized, or wrongly scaled?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:42 AM PST

    Playing FO4 I noticed that a lot of stuff is bigger than it should

    (fallout 4 props right next to a wine bottle)

    Whats up with the scales?? I measured a real life wine I got and its 30 cm tall (of course some bottles are bigger/smaller), but thatd mean that a 10mm PISTOL would be around 25 cm longgg

    and since im 3d printing props, this is a problem for me aaa
    Is there any way I can get the correct proportions/dimensions?

    edit: do you guys recommend to print my stuff according to the image? or scale them down to a more realistic size?

    submitted by /u/chkd43
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    I'm tired of seeing x01 power armor in the commonwealth

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:32 AM PST

    It goes again lore much like the t60 power armor being used after the war for Alaska. The X01 power armor was developed exclusively for the Enclave after the bombs fell so only the west coast should have X01 power armor pieces. I hate Bethesda so much.....

    submitted by /u/vaultdweller501
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    Why does Steam's Fallout 3 require xlive.dll to run?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:44 PM PST

    I don't understand. It seems like everyone needs it for it to run, including myself. Why is this?

    submitted by /u/youngmaster0527
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    I need some help (New Vegas)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:46 PM PST

    My character is slow like they're overencumbered but they're not. When I jump and hit the ground I get a small amount of speed but then it goes back to slow

    submitted by /u/Mr_Milka
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    Help deciding between New Vegas and 3

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:48 PM PST

    Hello! I'm planning on purchasing either a copy of 3 of New Vegas, after I immensely enjoyed playing through 4. Which would you all recommend? Thank you!

    Edit: Bought New Vegas and an NCR flag, will make another post once it comes through Amazon

    submitted by /u/Timber2424
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    Which games do you think had the best DLCs?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:16 PM PST

    I personally like the fallout 4 dlcs but I blew past them in about two weeks

    submitted by /u/cheap_chickennugget
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