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    Tuesday, January 21, 2020

    Fallout: New Vegas | Fallout: New Vegas in the style of Fallout 2

    Fallout: New Vegas | Fallout: New Vegas in the style of Fallout 2

    Fallout: New Vegas in the style of Fallout 2

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:28 PM PST

    Behold my Pauline Wins cosplay, here in the Mojave, seriously rethinking this whole robbery thing ...

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 07:46 AM PST

    I love the game, but only after having read 4 guides on it

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:41 PM PST

    My unarmed build going well so far

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:41 AM PST


    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 01:29 AM PST

    Some crossover in r/reddeadfashion

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:42 PM PST

    I think my game is glitched. My character is nearly invincible, even at hard difficulty. I'm level 3 btw. Restarting didn't help.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 10:37 AM PST

    We all make choices

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 04:31 PM PST

    Zion Remastered 2020

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:15 PM PST

    My Work In progress T-51b power armor helmet

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:02 PM PST

    Just finished up a little video project that compares the Vanilla experience to what is possible with some mods installed. Hope you guys enjoy it!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 05:33 AM PST

    When you forget how you left your old save.....

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:25 PM PST

    Not only NV, but I think you might appreciate. Fallout collection so far.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:45 PM PST

    I'm replaying NV & already took care of the Nightkins that were killing the McBride's Brahmin but right next to the Hotel in Novac, I found a Nightkin just hanging out. I can't interact with it, is it another quest or just a glitch?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:02 PM PST

    Why is this here. No mods. On console.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:43 PM PST

    Issue with Elijah's Last Words

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:15 PM PST

    I'm playing New Vegas with the Polish translation, and ran into a problem after completing Dead Money. After making sure I do everything to get Elijah's Last Words for Veronica, the dialogue lines regarding Elijah's message don't show up. I'm guessing it's due to the RU version, but can't confirm this.

    Has anyone ran into that issue? If so, how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/gibberingone
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    Housing mods

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:49 AM PST

    Are there any housing mods that offer something similar to the megaton house in fallout 3? I'd like to be able to sink some caps into buying, building, upgrading and customizing a house rather than just having everything pre built for me. Is there even anything like this in the base game?

    submitted by /u/Monki_Coma
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    On The Courier's Merry Band Of Misfits

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 04:57 PM PST

    ED-E, Raul, Cass, Boone, Veronica, Arcade, Rex, Lily. Eight fun and well-written characters, all with various levels of background and gameplay use.

    I've got no problems with how any of these characters are written. I do, however, want to grumble a bit on areas where I think Obsidian missed the mark or didn't capitalize on some of the material they had available, gameplay-wise:


    First, I'll start off with something that might be controversial: I don't like how useful ED-E is.

    • He's got "Enhanced Sensors" for insane detection range
    • The ability to generate free energy ammo/flamer fuel/explosives once per day after getting properly upgraded
    • Functions as a workbench & reloading bench
    • Can repair your weapons by 25% once per day once upgraded
    • And even increases the Courier's DT when in the party once upgraded

    Some of these things, I wouldn't mind him having, and I'm not against companions being strong or having multiple benefits if you work to add them on. However, considering the comparatively lackluster advantages offered by the fellow "pet" companion (Rex), and how a fair number of these abilities actually overlap with other characters (Veronica also is meant to function as a workbench, while Raul covers maintenance). As such, unlike most of those to follow, I would actually cut back on his abilities.

    • First, I'd remove his "Enhanced Sensors" and give that to Rex (with a different name - "Security Sense" or something. He is a dog after all, able to sense things before we people can, and his current perk is very lackluster).
    • Second, I'd remove his ability to function as a workbench and reloading bench. Veronica serves as a good enough portable workbench, and I'd actually say Raul should be the portable reloading bench; plus, where the hell does he include all those tools (let alone why)?
    • I'd also say that ED-E should not have the ability to repair weapons; again, Raul already has the same ability essentially (albeit in the inverse, slowing degradation rather than being able to reverse degradation).
    • I also list what I'd prefer his Camarader-E perk ranks would grant down below.

    So, what would ED-E have at his disposal, since I basically nuked all his current abilities besides the built in laser and zapper:

    • New Companion Perk (Starting): "" -
    • Additional Companion Perk: "Light Step" - Just to make him slightly easier to keep from blowing himself up; floating dude won't set off mines or floor traps.
    • New Companion Perk (After Lonesome Road Is Completed): "Hack-Bot" - like his Divide counterpart, the Mojave ED-E can hack essentially any computer terminal. Either one could then be spoken to to upgrade this ability to apply to any terminal, not just those with a certain receiver (assuming the Courier's Science skill is high enough).
    • In addition, after Lonesome Road is completed, the Mojave ED-E will have the same responses and dialogue options as the Divide ED-E, those these changes could be turned on and off via dialogue by telling ED-E to either "take it easy" or "wake up".
    • Also, quest-wise, no more "5 day delay" between ED-E's memory triggers.

    Finally there are 2 upgrades you could add onto ED-E yourself, if you have a high enough repair/science skill:

    • (75 Repair - Frame Repair): Gives ED-E +10% DR
    • (75 Science - Laser Repair): Increases his laser's firing speed by 20%

    =Camarader-E Rank Bonuses:

    • Rank 1: Shielding; Gives ED-E +15% DR
    • Rank 2: Cell Recharge; ED-E can recharge any drained MFC, EC & ECP the player has in their inventory via dialogue (replaces the "daily energy cell production" option and its advancements)
    • Rank 3: ED-E Health Regen; +2 HP/s (replaces the +2 DT bonus)
    • Rank 4: +5 Laser Damage (unchanged from current in-game Rank)
    • Rank 5: Medic Beam; ED-E can heal you once every 3 minutes, restoring 25% of the player's health. He'll do this automatically if you are lacking HP out of combat or reach 50% or less health in combat (Replaces VATS boost; operates similar to Ulysses's medical eyebots)

    Craig Boone

    Now, Boone is already an amazing character, and I wouldn't change much about him himself outside of one of his tag skills.

    • Weightless Companion Armor: To my understanding, unlike the rest of our companions, Boone doesn't have any inherent weightless armor, just the generic merc armor in his inventory. I would change this to his merc armor being unique, weightless companion armor. Still the same armor essentially, but it is specific to Boone and doesn't add to his weight (like every other companion's weight).
    • Skills: I'd change his Melee Weapon Tag skill to Explosives. This is more in line with both his dialogue (which is that he isn't very good with melee combat) and his training (a 1st Recon sniper, who'd have more experience with traps and other options to supplement their long-rang options).

    However, his "quest items" are a bit different: the 1st Recon Survival Armor and 1st Recon Assault Armor. They are lackluster, to say the least, and unlike every other post-companion quest perk, Boone gets no real benefit (new or not) from sorting out his demons outside of changing his ending. Thus, a few changes I wish were there instead:

    • 1: Give Boone 20% inherent DR as a result of finishing his quest, regardless of outcome, as a way of showing he's moving on.
    • 2a: If Boone is convinced to make amends, he'd get the companion perk "Semper Paratus". In addition to granting the above 20% DR to Boone, it would increase his Max Carry Weight by 100 lbs and boost his health somewhat (via increasing his endurance by 2 points).
    • 2b: If Boone is convinced to take vengeance, he'd get the companion perk "Devil Dog". In addition to granting the above 20% DR to Boone, it'd also increase his damage with all weapons by 20%, showing how he is now letting himself become a much colder, merciless person.
    • 3: Regardless of how he is convinced, Boone will then have his companion armor upgraded to the the relevant choice's unique 15 DT armor (still weightless and only wearable by him if he has no better armor, like Raul with his upgraded outfits).

    Veronica Santangelo

    • New Perk - Vigilant Recycler: I would add this perk alongside Veronica's Scribe Assistant perk. This would grant the player more options when crafting ammunition with her in the party.
    • Elijah's Last Words: A simply change; have it boost her unarmed damage by 30% and give her unarmed attacks a 25% chance to knock down enemies, rather than boosting her melee weapon attacks (unarmed she has points in, Melee Weapons she does not. Plus, Elijah was a Scribe, and they study unarmed combat, not melee weapon combat, per Veronica).


    Rex is a good boy, but he is unfortunately prone to getting injured/killed and makes the use of explosives difficult; plus, his quest is a bit lackluster in terms of its rewards (an obvious best-ending with the Legion's mutt's brain along with the best buff, of +100 HP and +10 DT; a much worse ending with the Fiend's mutt's brain for a +25 damage boost with his limited attacks; or a decent ending with the mechanic's mutt's for the worst bonus of +50% movement speed).

    So, instead of limiting him to one brain, I'd have the quest changed so that the best aspects of the three brains you collect are incorporated together (with you picking only the main brain).

    In addition, I would take a note from Big MT and Rex's backstory and give him a sonic bark, like the military dogs found at Big MT, giving him a ranged attack. He is apparently a rare variant of cyberdog; why not capitalize on what that could really mean.

    Arcade Gannon

    Only two things I would add to Arcade:

    • A hidden 20% damage bonus with plasma weapons for him, reflecting his experience with Enclave weapons.
    • A dialogue option that is available once per day, where he will patch up crippled limbs, restore health and flush you of radiation, for free.

    Lily Bowen

    Only two additions to Lily:

    • +25% DR at all times for Lily (to help keep her alive; this should honestly be a super mutant-wide or at least nightkin-wide buff though).
    • Lily's DT & DR double when she suffers a psychotic break

    I'd also consider making her Guns skill a tag skill as well, but I'm not sure on that.

    Raul Tejada

    Nothing much I'd do with Raul; all of his current perks and items are good, his quest is good, he dialogue is good. There are still two basic things I would add however:

    • Along the rest of his dialogue options, I would an option to craft ammo with Raul (I doubt he wouldn't keep at least some tools on hand in order to craft some makeshift bullets in a pinch), essentially making him a portable reload bench.
    • I would also add the "Hand Loader" perk to Raul himself, granting us access to the perk's benefits so long as he in in the party.
    • Finally, I would have Raul act as a merchant when he is at his shack and not part of the party, selling a wide range of ammo, some basic weapons and armor, various crafting materials and various food & drink items. All in addition to his repair services. He did originally run a shop in the past before, and a man still has to make a living.

    Rose Cassidy

    Rose is a great character for multiple reasons; trove of information, references F2's John Cassidy, great with a shotgun, a comment for every occasion, a great companion perk, and an interesting quest. Still, there are a few additions/changes I'd make:

    =Pre-Quest Features:

    • New Perk - Cowboy: In addition to her already having Shotgun Surgeon, giving her this perk would help back her dialogue as well as give her a wider range of weapons the player could choose to give her if desired. A good thematic fit.
    • Tag Skills: Fine with these overall, but I would change out Sneak for Survival in her case), which would fit with her being a caravan master raised by John Cassidy and a tribal mother, as well as her blunt lack of subtlety.
    • Campfire/Bedroll: So, one thing missing from the game is a campfire companion. Sure, we get Ulysses in Lonesome Road, but he's Divide-only. Such is why I would give Cassidy two additional dialogue options whenever she's a companion: one which let's you cook while with her (essentially acting as a portable campfire to Veronica's workbench and Raul's reloading bench) and another which let's you rest once per day by talking to her (asking her to set up a tent, with different dialogue based on whether or not you've asked too recently, the time of day and the local area).
    • Whiskey Rose & Rose's Whiskey Drinking: Now, I don't know how true it is, but apparently Cass will drink whiskey left in her inventory. I don't know how true this is, nor what the conditions are for her to do so, but regardless I'd like it if this drinking benefited from the Whiskey Rose perk as well (which could also lead to her having some insane DT when the Courier reaches their higher levels).

    =Post-Quest Perks:

    • Calm Heart: Instead of simply giving a flat boost to Cass's health, I would change it to increase her Endurance by 4 (leading to even more health gained from the perk) as well as giving her Sneak as a tag skill.
    • Hand of Vengeance: On top of its already-good damage buff, I would have this perk also buff Cass's Whiskey Rose perk, granting herself and the courier health regen from drinking Whiskey (identical to the regen granted by Old World Gourmet when drinking scotch/vodka/wine).
    submitted by /u/Mr_Fire_N_Forget
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    Can anybody help me with getting last the gaurds in dead money to get to the sierra madre vault

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:40 PM PST

    I really need help and need past this i have gotten really frustrated getting past the holograms into the actual place to meet Father Elija.

    submitted by /u/Bruh69islikeuhdum69
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    Use lb and rb when trading!!!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:37 PM PST

    Which Anders is Boyd talking about?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:08 AM PST

    I took care of the Anders in the Vault with a doc's bag and trip down to see a man about some meth... and I also talked to and let Anders down from his cross to go back to the canyon.

    Boyd says talk to Hsu, but Hsu isn't talking.

    Did I miss a quest point and opportunity for more XP? Because I cleared out every quest with an Anders in it before this point in the game where Boyd is asking me to investigate everyone and their brother on the base.

    submitted by /u/forgotaltpwatwork
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