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    Thursday, January 23, 2020

    Fallout | Man, i wish i drugged up Mama Murphy till she died

    Fallout | Man, i wish i drugged up Mama Murphy till she died

    Man, i wish i drugged up Mama Murphy till she died

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:47 AM PST

    She fuckin glitched on me. Cant assign her to do jack shit.

    Cant use console commands. Really blows.

    submitted by /u/J0NICS
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    MODS: Can we sticky a "Why Fallout 4 no like" post

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:44 AM PST

    I realize these posts are going to happen, but it's fucking relentless. There are multiple daily posts about why don't people like Fallout 4 as much as the others, all containing the exact same information. Could we at least try mitigating that with a sticky?

    submitted by /u/CheckYourZero
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    Fallout 4's Survival Difficulty Is The Best 'Hard' Mode I've Played

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 01:21 PM PST

    I've played a lot of games ranging from witcher to baulders gate to games like diablo borderlands ect. But none top the fun i had in terms of beating fallout 4 on survival. Unlike almost every game where the 'difficulty' is just ramping enemy health and damage fallout 4's is actually unique.

    It has a well balanced iron man esq feel that creates a looming sense of stress and fear purely for being alive. It also balances the player, not allowing you to save scum through an area.

    It does have flaws like making characters based around speech checks and pickpocketing have a hard time because a failed attempt sometimes means loading backwards 30 minutes. Eating and drinking have downsides but personally i like the challenge of not bringing enough food and water and being punished for not preparing well enough. Finding a map with every bed on the entire map is also pretty tedious, but these are pretty minor flaws in my opinion.

    Being forced to not fast travel is also a great feature and allows for a more unique playthrough, where perks like aquaboy are way stronger because you can use rivers almost as a safe house highway to traverse the wasteland.

    Being forced to make a long and scary quest across something like the glowing sea feels so much more rewarding and immersive when you complete it you feel actually acomplished, and this is coming from someone the completed survival unarmed and naked.

    The survival mode creates a really good atmosphere i think more games should have, if you havent given it a real shot, i highly recommend it.

    submitted by /u/Cerulliii
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    Fallout 4 Raider Cosplay + Pew Pew Plasma Rifle

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:28 PM PST

    Had a quick shoot last week with JupiterLightning in their awesome Raider costume at a lovely abandoned warehouse.
    Raider - Jupiterlightning (instagram.com/jupiterlightning/
    My stuff - So Say We All (instagram.com/sosayweall_photography/)

    submitted by /u/faramon
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    Could a Post-Institute Commonwealth Form an East Coast NCR Equivelant?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:58 PM PST

    You have several cities of note, but they'd need work, like Bunker Hill, Good Neighbor, Diamond City, and due to PC a good chunk of lower end to prosperous settlements nearby (such as Sanctuary Hills)

    Maybe even that Vault if they open more to the outside than they already do. Nuka World is outside the immediate area but not too far, and Far Harbor is a longer term goal.

    With the Institute gone from interring and Minutemen there to help, could the east coast form a government headed micro nation like the NCR?

    I think it's said somewhere that The Institute sabataoged a precursor before they could get their legs called something like "Tbe Commonwealth Provisional Government"

    What hurtles would they need to go over? What would keep them together and what would keep them apart? What would need to happen to get them there? How advanced could they get, currency past bottle caps?

    submitted by /u/King-Of-The-Raves
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    How reasonable would it be to have a clone army in the world of Fallout?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:35 PM PST

    OK, dumb silly question but I've been messing with mods in New Vegas and got a mod that lets me spawn infinite generic followers. They only have 4 or so race presets so no matter what you'll get duplicate NPCs. I figured why not go full Star Wars and make an army of followers who all look the same? So now I've got them kitted out in uniforms and essentially have a strike team following me at all times so I've made up some BS lore that it's an experiment from Big MT.

    Now it's got me wondering if it would actually be feasible. In FO3 there's the infamous Gary vault so clearly cloning is possible in this world, albeit risky considering all of the Gary's turned psychotic. Say you worked out that little kink, would it be too fan-fictiony to have the Courier make an army of clones to back up the securitrons?

    Just a fun little idea I've been playing with, I like to imagine these clones would make up either strike teams or a "human" police force considering robots don't make good cops. Interested in other people's opinions. I think it sort of fits the world of Fallout with the science fiction angle but some may think it goes too far

    submitted by /u/IDontCareAtThisPoint
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    Anyone played Fallout: New California?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 04:03 AM PST

    I installed the mod for Fallout NV and feel like its not getting much attention from the fallout community. Like for reference; the fallout mod "old world blues" for hearts of iron IV has a much bigger aktiv community than the new california mod for fallout it self.

    I stumbeld apon this, while reading the outdated wiki for new california (this wiki leaks massive Information and i thought, when the mod gets more attantion, more people are willing to add something to the wiki?)

    submitted by /u/Gnillek
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    Do you need power armor to walk around Far Harbor?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:58 PM PST

    I hate wearing it but I want to know if it need to bring it with me since the fog is radioactive.

    submitted by /u/TruthOrTroll42
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    Fallout 4 - Is it just me or does combat rifle/shotgun look similar, and also weird?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 03:16 PM PST

    Idk if it is just me, but I really dont like the combat rifle design, and feel like it looks way too similar to combat shotgun, what do you think?

    submitted by /u/TheProcureroftheOdd
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    Is it worth getting fallout New Vegas on PC just for mods?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:27 AM PST

    I can play it on my Xbox one if I want to, but is it worth getting it again on computer at 14.95 just so I can play with mods? Or are the mods not worth it?

    Also which DLC is worth it, if any?

    submitted by /u/helpimdumby
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    Fallout:nv I’m doing a cowboy build

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:57 PM PST

    I've got everything basically to need lever action rifle I went wit a 9mm pistol because I just like the model 1911 irl plus that is my actual ranch gun irl what else do I need?

    submitted by /u/depressed-onion7567
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    Will my computer 'comfortably' run Fallout 4?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:00 AM PST

    I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but I'm going to try it. I'm looking to get fallout 4 on pc, but unsure if my computer can handle it. It's an Asus laptop I7@ 2.5Ghz 8GB ddr3 ram Nividia geforce 850m 256gb ssd I dont know much about PC's except how to add more ram lol. I've read 3 different things saying the graphics card in my laptop is either 2GB, 4gb, or 6GB. Maybe some of you will know exactly what the graphics card memory actually is, and if the laptop could comfortably run it. I'm not looking to run it at the highest graphics setting, but mid range with decent fps would be cool. Thanks in advance for the help!

    submitted by /u/Basic_Dan
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    Is there a mod for the castle door to be functional again? On the PS4

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 11:42 PM PST

    I’ve turned off Ambient Music in Fallout 4

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:07 AM PST

    Do you play with it on, or off?

    Obviously in all the years I've played fallout, I've come to really love the scoring and the extra layer it brings to the gaming experience.

    But right now I'm playing a survival play through of FO4 and I thought to try and turn the music all the way down so now the only sounds I hear are FX sounds and if I have the radio on, and I feel like that's made it actually more immersive than it was before.

    Still love and support the time and effort put into the scoring but I think I'll probably play it like this from now on.

    submitted by /u/JormungandrVoV
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    Something i think fallout 3 should get credit for

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:05 PM PST

    So i recently started playing tes 4 oblivion and doing my thing playing the quest when i noticed a big difference between the quests in oblivion, skyrim and in fallout 3.

    Fallout 3 genuinely has more quest freedom, not just in the order you complete quests but in the way you complete them as well. In oblivion, great RPG i must stress, only would have 2 ways you can complete a quest. But fallout 3, despite what older fans might say, allows you to finish quests in more different ways.

    Take the very start of the game where you have to find info on your dad, you can either pay money to Moriarty directly, steal the terminal password from his cabinet, hack the terminal or complete his arrand which you can complete in different ways as well. Or take the superhuman gambit where you can kill both parties, convince them both to leave or only one or the other. Or you gotta shootem in the head where you can kill all the targets and give them to crowley, convince them to get their keys, pay them, pickpocket them or backstab crowley and kill him for tenpenny and get all the keys yourself.

    It feels like Bethesda made an effort to give the player more character expression when it came to quests like the original fallout games, and so they deviated from the elder scrolls style in that way.

    submitted by /u/NathanEthenBradbury
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    Someone has a voice that really sounds like Piper's voice actress

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:27 PM PST

    she made a video where she says her co-workers say that she sounds like Piper from Fallout 4. I closed my eyes and yes, can confirm that she does sound like Piper.

    submitted by /u/WeTheSummerKid
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    If you were to add any weapon and or armor to the next Fallout game, what would it be?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:49 PM PST

    Which game should I play first fo76 or fo4?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:11 AM PST

    I'm a big fan of the series. I've platinumed 3 and I'm working on new vegas. Would anyone recommend playing 76 first over 4?

    submitted by /u/bigstef71
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    Only 12 years too late, I've finished my review of Fallout 3.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:02 PM PST

    I don't make any money from this blog so I figured it'd be okay.


    Final Verdict: 8.3/10 — Pip-Boy is dead. Now, I am Pip-Man.

    Fallout 3 is a wonderful and depressing trip into post apocalyptic America. Go literally anywhere and do literally anything you please. If that's scary to you, the main quest will take you all over the map. But I encourage you to stick to the road less traveled- that is to say, don't follow the roads. Fight for good or evil, for the Brotherhood or the Enclave, for justice or chaos. Just make sure to allow yourself to feel that freedom. They keep telling you that war never changes, but more importantly you'll find that in some terrifying ways America never changes, either.

    submitted by /u/DynamaxGarbodor
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    Time I learned that you can build up to and even on the overpass that runs through Graygarden

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 01:43 PM PST

    Sorry if this is old news but I don't know why I never tried until today. I'm running a mod that disables build limit so I'm turning big spots into little cities and while I was at Graygarden I looked up and thought "I wonder..."

    You can build an elevator or stairs up to the first and second level of the overpass and build on the concrete on both levels. Building little walkways and stairs over the guard rail in the middle is a nice little immersive touch as well, and my personal bedroom is going to be in the broken down bus on the first level lol.

    submitted by /u/JormungandrVoV
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    FNV Can I join the Legion but be a good guy?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:47 AM PST

    So I have done all the routes by now except siding with Legion. I cant force myself in being a bad guy in-game, so if I join the Legion will the quests destroy my Karma or I can kick NCR ass and still be a "good character"?

    submitted by /u/bunnywithahammer
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    FALLOUT4: Spectacle Island population dont grow

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:43 PM PST

    I decided to play Fallout4 again and i've run through some issues i never had before. One of them is regarding Spectacle island.

    I will go straight to the point: my population is stuck at 22.

    Im used to do my main base here and from my memories i never had any problem to raise my population over 30.

    Here what you need to know.

    1-I cannot send settlers from another settlement to Spectacle Island. Again, its STUCK at 22.

    2-Its been stuck for a while. Ive done the mecanic, vault and Nuka World expansion and nothing have change. It even been stuck since longer than that so i dont think waiting longer will change anything.

    3-My radiostation is fully alimented and I dont think adding another one will change anything. Again, i cannot even send new settlers there.

    4-My population is 22 but all my companions are there so the real population is around 15.

    5-My charisma is 10+1(bobblehead)

    6-All my villagers needs are satisfied and they even got more than what they need.

    Ive done some research but nothing that I found really helped me... can anybody here can??

    Thx everybody

    EDIT: I'm on PC

    submitted by /u/Le_Renegat
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    What makes the vaults so fascinating?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:07 PM PST

    Hey y'all!

    So I've been working on a Fallout inspired audio drama that takes heavy inspiration from the Vaul-tec vaults. It's gotten me thinking about what makes the vaults in Fallout so interesting.

    I've been with the franchise for ages and it's always the vaults that have me coming back. What is it that makes them so fascinating? Are we just obsessed with wanting to see humanity in confined spaces? Is the nature of the different experiments that pulls us in? Is there something more mechanical behind it?

    Anywho, figured I would ask a group of like-minded people. Whatcha like about the vaults?

    submitted by /u/MikeJesus
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    Fallout Cinco, a story by Absent_Daddy.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:41 PM PST

    I'm not a writer, so I'm just going to try and help you picture the opening, Ron Pearlman narration and general setting with my writing skill... Here it goes.

    (Cien Años by Pedro Infante starts playing) We see a beautiful blue sky and the dome of the "monumento a la revolución" as the picture zooms out, we read in fancy golden letters "¡Visita México!" and the scene is revealed to be a picture on a post card taped to a desert ranger's helmet sitting in the grass. The ground starts rumbling and the treads of a tank shatter the helmet as the scene keeps zooming away to reveal a tank with a brahmin skull on the lid adorned with feathers and a big blue five point star on the side. A bunch of men with gray combat armor and blue stars on their shoulder plates walk behind it and break formation to fire at a troop of Legion centurions. The scene opens up and we see chained super mutants with orange jumpsuits and their mouths sewn shut helping the blue star soldiers cover the tank. The song fades out and the Fallout theme starts fading in, in the distance we see oil pumps with the Petro-Chico logo and a stampede of brahmin running from a camouflaged bat/axolotl creature. We see a stablishing shot where the San Antonio Alamo Mission is being raided by BoS Outcasts and a gate is destroyed by a corvega truck hauling ass out of there that reads "Centro de Rehabilitación Social Santa Úrsula" on the side. As the truck rides into the sunset, the license plate falls off and the camera zooms in on it. It has a picture of an eagle eating a snake with the stars of the old world flag sorrounding it, the top reads "Ciudad Capital" and the plate reads "F4L - 0U7" and it centers and fades into the Fallout Cinco art deco logo. We see a slide show with pictures of the Mexican-American war, the Mexican Revolution, Cowboys raiding trains and such... Hellboy starts narrating: "War, war never changes. The struggle for freedom and progress has claimed countless lives since the dawn of man kind. Other than the extinction of enemies and mutated abominations in the wasteland, war has been the quintessential tool of social restructuring. Some interpreted the nuclear holocaust as an opportunity for a new beginning, and such is the case of Ciudad Capital. The heart of progress, exclusivity and blissful old world commodities. Of course, this came with a very high cost that only a handful were willing to pay. Can any good come from brutality and bloodshed? What is progress in reality? Who gets to judge? It's up to you to find out, as you will be regifted with freedom. A benefit you lost 5 years ago through a series of unfortunate decisions and questionable relationships. Will you redeem yourself through sacrifice? Or will you take on a path of vengeance against those who wronged you? This is the only true power anyone has bestowed upon you, use it wisely." We then cut to the interior of the truck, it's one of those used to transport prisoners. We see through a small grid the back of someone's head covered in a green bandana. And we listen to the voice of a ghoul with a heavy hispanic accent: "Ah shit, you woke up eh? Is it comfy back there? Haha. Quite the ride, huh? Listen, we don't know each other and I don't care what you did to get locked up, but now we are together. Compadres! Now take off that bag on your head so I can see what I'm talking to" (this is where you pick your sex) "Vaya, vaya! You look like a sweaty pig rat smoothskin!" "Tell me something, we are still 4 hours away from the ranch. How about you tell me what got your sweaty ass into the big house? You know, build up confidence between us" (this is where you answer questions to set up your skills and s.p.e.c.i.a.l) "Shit , that's not so bad. I've done worse but I guess I've never been caught. What was your name again?" (Enter your name). "Nice, my name is Oscar Gabriel Archundia Villanueva, para servir a Dios y a usted, but you can call me Oscar. I'm a handsome bag of rotten flesh who fights for what's right! At least that's what I tell myself when I crack open the skull of some raider scum. They're evil you know? How long were you locked up? I got to get you up to date!" The truck is crashed into by an armored school bus, as your character wakes up you see the golden tip of some gecko skin boots and a fat moustached man grabs your face. "Well, shit, that's not him. I guess we'll have to keep moving north then. Kill these pendejos, already!" Right as the thugs are about to shoot you and Oscar, a band of vaquero ghouls fire back, the fat man flees in the bus and the vaqueros rescue Oscar from the wrecked truck and take you as well. Your character wakes up at a classic hacienda (Sierra Madre style). There's a TV close by, turned on, different from the American TV's, this one's display is colored. The newscast is on and the woman on the screen stars commenting on Ciudad Capital's new Metro station. The arrival of vertibirds into the UNAM's campus with Brotherhood of Steel's Elder Carson to receive a special medal from the head of research Dr. Vásquez for his continued support to the University. We see a completely Pre-War plaza with lots of people reunited as they announce a message from the President. The president is guarded by two Mr.Gutsys and speaks into the microphone. "My dearest co-nationals, fellow men and women of the United Mexican Republic. I present to you, the latest Metro station that should bring us closer together as citizens of this great INDEPENDENT nation. I declare inaugurated, the new J.H Eden memorial station!" Another Ghoul walks by and turns it off, asking your character not to listen to that bullshit. Oscar is in a bunk bed by your character and while wounded, explains that Ciudad Capital has massive walls to keep non-citizens, ghouls, creatures and tribals away. The outskirts of Ciudad Capital are crowded with social living projects packed with the downtrodden. He explains that most of the people left outside were once employed to fix, rebuild and tidy up the city but were left outside systematically through time as the city shaped up and the Mr Handys were more than enough to fulfill their needs. Oscar then reveals that you are in the Tejada ranch, home of the Vaqueros. Vaqueros are a group of gun-slinging law makers that have kept most of the area raider free for the past 220 years, they scavenge their weapons and tech from raiders and drug lords. He points at a crate with the RobCo logo on it and tells you to find something to get your handcuffs off. With the chainsaw accessory of a broken Mr Handy, your character cuts free and in the bottom of the crate you find a pip-boy 5000. Oscar tells you you can keep it and gives you a holotape from under his pillow and says, "Here, play this on it, it's my favorite movie! Pasión de Zopilotes! Don't tell anyone though, I'll cut you! It comes with two audio tracks so you can switch between English and Spanish, I used to play with it and that's how I learned English. Soy chingón o qué?" (The movie's settings help change the pip-boy's interface's language). Once you got that, you are given clothes and kicked into the world with the option to scout along the vaqueros, track down the fat guy in the fancy suit or roam around. While exiting the ranch you notice an appalling amount of political propaganda from different parties. The most abundant feature the fat man and read "Horacio Peña, Presidente. Vota por el progreso". Several others feature the NCR's two-headed bear and the rest the Blue Star from the soldiers in the intro. Walking out of the Tejada ranch, down the road there's a man made river side where colorful boats pass by manned by tribals armored with gold, jade and obsidian garments. Some have large wooden sticks with obsidian spikes embedded and others carry solar powered energy weapons with lots of crystal and gold. They seem to ignore everyone as they traverse the river and don't speak Spanish or English.

    Well... That's my "first contact setting" for you. The first 15 minutes of gameplay maybe. I already elaborated on the world in my previous post and comments. Again, I'm not a writer and I even added some placeholder dialogue, lol. If you made it this far, congratulations! It's a painfully long post to read. The Blue Star people are the soldiers of the Independent Lone Star Republic, formerly known as Texas. In this game, Texas is wealthy AF and has a very thorough commercial relationship with Ciudad Capital. They keep everyone else away from their land and have lobotomized and enslaved lots of mutants for their service. The BoS in there is not too happy with the whole thing, but they seem tolerant and also exchange technology with Ciudad Capital's UNAM and IPN scholars. The road from Texas to Mexico City is full of dangerous shit, that's why they reinstated vehicles and other means of transportation. Even an underground train built from old drug lord trade tunnels. The NCR is unable to move forward because of the Legion and they rarely move further south-east. Both because of fear of the Lone Star and mutual conflict. Few NCR squads have made it to Ciudad Capital attempting to gain recognition and have a strategic stand but are still too weakened from the Hoover Dam fiasco. And before you pull your torches and pitchforks, for this to shape up nicely, the House ending of NV is canon.

    submitted by /u/Absent_Daddy
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