• Breaking News

    Monday, January 27, 2020

    Fallout | I know I'm pretty late to the game (literally) but my son recently purchased fallout 4 for my birthday and I just need to take a moment to talk about how much I appreciate Ada for her support of my in-game hoarding tendencies. Always felt like codsworth was low-key shaming me

    Fallout | I know I'm pretty late to the game (literally) but my son recently purchased fallout 4 for my birthday and I just need to take a moment to talk about how much I appreciate Ada for her support of my in-game hoarding tendencies. Always felt like codsworth was low-key shaming me

    I know I'm pretty late to the game (literally) but my son recently purchased fallout 4 for my birthday and I just need to take a moment to talk about how much I appreciate Ada for her support of my in-game hoarding tendencies. Always felt like codsworth was low-key shaming me

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:24 AM PST

    I don't dislike the Minutemen radiant quests because they're repetitive. I dislike them because they undermine my efforts.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 05:34 AM PST

    Seriously. I don't for one second buy Abernathy Farm having troubles with flipping ferals. Why does the game not account the huge wall and millions of missile turrets you've made.

    And kidnappings are even worse. So you're telling me some raider dickhead avoided defenses that make Deathclaws cry and not only took someone hostage but had enough time to demand a ransom as well? No. No game. No.

    submitted by /u/zetabyte27
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    The Institute would have made a lot more sense if they were founded by Vault-Tec

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:17 AM PST

    So, I can't take credit for this, but a friend mentioned the idea last night when we were discussing random topics and Fallout 4 came up.

    I mentioned that the Institute is basically Aperture, they just sort of do whatever with no real goal (a common enough idea as a lot agree).

    He mentioned that the Vault-Tec is the same way, they sort of just do whatever because they didn't really care at the end of the day.

    Then he mentioned that it'd be cool to see Vault-Tec as the main villains of a Fallout game, because, well they're just insane. It'd have been an interesting mad science sort of thing.

    Which got me thinking, we could have already had that. The Institute could have just been Vault-Tec (rebranding the name or something) and we could have seen hints all over F4. I mean think about it the Vault-Tec rep would've been a great foreshadow at the beginning of the game, we could have found him again and he'd have mentioned something about not letting him back in (leading to him being ghoulified by those drugs that Hancock took), we could have seen the Institute symbol as some modification to the Vault-Tec symbol, X6-88 could have made some commentary about Vaults, We could see some mention of all the vaults at the Institute, and the Leader of the institute could've raised Shaun as like, an heir basically.

    I think it would've been a great reveal, and at least have made the insanity the Institute gets up to make sense in the face of a faction just... *not*. I mean when you make less sense than the Enclave (which they make sense they're just evil) you've got some problems.

    submitted by /u/The_New_Doctor
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    How long does it take for someone to ghoulify?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:44 PM PST

    Is there any documents or dialouge in the games that say how long it takes? Does it depend on how much radiation they are exposed to? Or what?

    Edit (for more detail as to why I'm wondering: Being feral or not is a choice (sometimes) and Jason Bright is an excellent example to prove that. I was wondering because there is a pilot in Novac (New Vegas) named Daisy and she resembles Daisy in Goodneighbor (Fallout 4) she's a pilot of a vertibird so she could get around the states fairly easily and there is plenty of vertibird crashes. Just wondering if there's any correlation between the two

    submitted by /u/carrot-parent
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    [FO4] (Spoilers) As bad of a story Fallout 4 has, Kellogg was one of the best Fallout character's

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 06:20 AM PST

    "The thing about happiness is that you only know you had it when it's gone."

    Yeah, Kellogg is a heartless mercenary, but you get to learn his backstory and what led him to the man he became. He was once a "good"-natured guy and we got to see him turn more evil through his memories and inner monologues. In fact, he isn't much different from the protagonist, who starts off "innocent" in the cryo pod then goes about killing other humans to achieve his/her goal of finding Shaun.

    Kellogg was the only villain in FO4 that I wanted to actually keep alive, somehow talk him down and surrender him, or just make him leave the Commonwealth. He has a great voice actor, good character development and the way he talks is somewhat more human than a lot of other characters who're comparatively one-dimensional.

    He needed more screen time.

    submitted by /u/emmathepony
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    Going into Caesar or ncr territory should of been a dlc for new Vegas

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:26 PM PST

    Wouldn't it be awesome to see places like shady sands (ncr), vault city, arroyo and new Reno or see what the legion did in the East and tribes that are now legion territory

    submitted by /u/Archneme5is
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    walking around in the woods with any fallout companion

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 05:27 PM PST

    radstag minding there own business just chillin in the woods. my compainion ready to go to war with anuthing that moves brutally attacking them.

    submitted by /u/SecretlySentient
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    Anyone else think a Fallout horror spin off would be amazing?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 09:29 AM PST

    Not talking another action RPG but a legitimate horror game that takes place within the universe. With pacing, suspense, music and the whole package. They already have great environmental story telling down pat.

    submitted by /u/DefiantLemur
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    Which companion from previous games would you most like to see in a future Fallout game?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 08:43 PM PST

    Assuming that it can be literally anyone, regardless of how unlikely they would be to reappear. I'd like to travel again with Arcade myself.

    submitted by /u/alakazamryn
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    Which game should i get on a gaming laptop

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 03:56 AM PST

    So i own a laptop and saw that all fallout games are under 10$ on steam, what game should i get -i already own fo4 on my ps4 but if it is a good experience on laptop I'll look into getting it

    submitted by /u/APB_69420
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    Completed some more large 9" Bottle Caps for the store soon

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 06:49 PM PST


    Nuka Cola, Sunset Sarsaparilla, and two Vim colors; all nuked and ready for another 200 years!

    submitted by /u/Ampersanders
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    What's your favourite weapon/apparel set up in New Vegas?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 06:28 PM PST

    Including armour, headgear, weapons and ammunition? Please limit yourself to 2 weapons and one ammunition per weapon.

    For me it is Joshua Grahams Armour, 1st Recon Beret, Lucky Shades, Christine's CoS with JSP rounds and ALiSD with super rounds.

    submitted by /u/CoffeeSlutt
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    Joshua Graham Dialogue (F:NV Honest Hearts)

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:54 PM PST

    Just re-played Honest Hearts and found this to be pretty powerful bit of dialogue:

    "I want to take from them what they took from me, from my family. In this life. I want them to suffer. I want all of them to die in fear and pain.

    I want to have my revenge. Against him. Against Caesar. I want to call it my own, to make my anger God's anger. To justify the things I've done.

    Sometimes I tell myself that these wild fires never stop burning. But I'm the one who starts them. Not God. Not them.

    I can always see it in my mind. The warmth and the heat. It will always be a part of me.

    But not today."

    submitted by /u/Eramir216
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    Blowing up Megaton was not that bad of an option

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:00 AM PST

    Back then I thought it was a silly option, but growing up I kinda changed my mind.

    Let's start with mr. Burke and Tenpenny. They tell you that they wanted the city to blow up because it ruins the scenery from Tenpenny's balcony. At first glance it seems like an evil display of decadence, until you notice that you cannot see Megaton from Tenpenny tower. In fact, if you go and blow it up, you'll have problems guessing where too look until the mushroom appears.

    So why did Tenpenny REALLY want to blow megaton? To lure traders to the tower? I don't think so. If tenpenny wanted the caravans to change their routes, he could simply ask. Tenpenny residents are rich, i doubt they scare off traders. So if the caravans do not go to the tower it's because tenpenny doesn't need or want them there. So megaton was not economic competion in any way.

    By speaking with tenpenny we hear that he has projects and that he is earnestly trying to rebuild over the wasteland. Maybe megaton got in the way. Why? Well, megaton is home to a genocidal cult that openly seeks to trigger an other nuclear apocalypse. You can see why a man that wishes to rebuild has beef with lunatics that want to destroy.

    Also, when allistair makes light of the situation, it's not an evil man gloating about his evil deed. What he is doing is coping. By his own admission, he is sore about the loss of life in megaton. He ordered Burke to suggest the citizens to vacate (mr. Burke most likely didn't obey, but you can warn Lucas simms yourself, and he takes you seriously, so there's that). After the bomb goes off, tenpenny orders a whole bottle of scotch. He express (with a cheer) that he wants to get drunk. He also tell the the character not to lose any sleep because megaton destruction had to come sooner than later. Again, this sounds like a man trying to cope with a hard decision he made.

    Allistair's attempt to stop the children of atom from spreading is more than justified, that cult is the second most dangerous threat to the wasteland after richardson's enclave.

    Also, is Megaton really worth saving? The superficial answer is, "yes they are innocent". But if you look around, they are not innocents. Retired slavers, retired raiders, whores, junkies, slave owners, regulators and pathetic opportunists. That's megaton. The nature of the town is best shown when you complete "Holy Water" in the broken steel dlc. After putting an end to the cultists that are stealing the water (cultists megaton itself sheltered, by the way), the bos sends an other shipment of aqua pura and the town tries to raid it. They say that the shipment won't last until the next one arrives, but they lived decades without aqua pura, surely they can go on for an extra 2 days? Also, they have no claim over that water. They didn't do anything to deserve it. The brotherhood is delivering it out of sheer charity, and they try to bite the hand that feeds them. The whole town supports stealing the water, including the guards. They don't care about big town at all, they just care for themselves. The only way to stop them is to convince them that they'll get killed if they try to raid the caravan.

    And what's the purpose of megaton? There are no farms. There are no scavengers (their water purifier is wasting off and walter needs you to scavenge for him, he pays 10 time the value of the scrap, yet nobody in town takes advantage of the offer and scavenge for him except you). It's not a trading hub (moira own the only real shop and she sells useless junk and little ammo). There is no school. No research center. Only a church that openly preaches about an other apocalypse.

    Mrbtongue lifted the argument "what do they eat", but it seems like bethesda designed the city like that on purpose. Megaton is supposed to be a useless, shitty settlement. A city made only to protect a bunch of opportunistic freeloaders. And it fails at that too, since there's a damn nuke right in the center of it.

    So yeah, tenpenny is kinda right and the wasteland doesn't lose anything if the town simply disappears.

    submitted by /u/zortugan
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    Streaming New Vegas

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 04:06 PM PST

    Hello, I am a very experienced player, doing a new character playthrough, hopefully we can just have a laugh and i can give you tips as well!

    submitted by /u/Tramaxan
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    What/Where is the best place to buy Fallout 1 & 2

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 05:04 PM PST

    I'm a long time fan, having played Fallout 3, 4 and NV many times, and I recently decided to try out the original two games.

    I've never seen them in stores and I prefer having a physical copy of the games.

    What are some safe and affordable ways to get a copy?

    submitted by /u/HadesRevenge8
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    When is Fallout 76 coming to steam?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 04:49 PM PST

    I heard Bethesda planned on bringing Fallout 76 and a few other games to steam back in 2019, but so far I haven't seen anything other than the articles back in March. Is there something I'm missing, have they made an announcement about when?

    submitted by /u/DesparsHope
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    Part 2 of the project

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 11:50 AM PST

    Another week of working on it, and it's shaping out pretty good


    submitted by /u/eccentricpunk
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    Why are there no mounts in Fallout?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:16 AM PST

    I'm fairly new to the series and also a big fan of Elder Scrolls. I enjoy just getting on a horse in Oblivion and Skyrim to have a ride somewhere, even it's just to go to point A and back. But in Fallout there is nothing, you must permanently travel on foot. Why is this?

    Is power armor supposed to fill the spot of the lack of proper mounts?

    submitted by /u/Requilibrium
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    We can't afford an agriculture budget; our defense budget is quadruple that of Diamond City, but our wall is still only 1/10 the height! I'm declaring a national emergency.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 03:31 PM PST

    Anybody else find an exploit with Fisto in New Vegas?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 10:42 AM PST

    I was trying to complete talent pool in new Vegas and I accidentally talked to fisto the sex robot. I said Nevermind and he gave me 10 caps. I tried it maybe 8 more times just initiating dialogue and then saying goodbye and every time he gave me 10 caps. Anybody else find this exploit?

    submitted by /u/LilPaycheck69
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    need help getting the nuka world dlc quantum x-01 power armor In mission comand

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 03:13 PM PST

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