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    Fallout 3 | Hubris Comics Publishing was incorporated this year

    Fallout 3 | Hubris Comics Publishing was incorporated this year

    Hubris Comics Publishing was incorporated this year

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 07:20 AM PDT

    YES! IVE DONE IT! I finally collected all the bobbleheads

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    Want to mod the hell out of Fallout 3. Any suggestions?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 02:23 AM PDT

    Since Broken Steel isn't going to "start" for me, even after loading an old save, I figured "why not mod the hell out of it?". I already have one that adds some green trees, a Buttercup Companion, some BoS Zeppelins, a new night sky and one that adds in some attack drones. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/TheCrowsNestTV
    [link] [comments]

    THE WASTELAND SETTLEMENT BUILDING GUIDE. (non modded way to "make" a settlement n fo3)(also this is a long ass post)

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    The Settlement Building Guide

    This is the full guide and through hours of playtesting at least 90% works, all of this has been verified and all things will work if followed correctly

    Table of contents



    3.How to get settlers


    5.List of Named Settlers

    6.list of Unnamed Settlers


    The absolute first thing you need to do is start a new character. Because if you start this guide you have most likely triggered most of the random encounters that you are going to need to make your settlement, or have killed some of the people you need or can use in your settlement. Another reason is if you completed the "Point Lookout" DLC then you might end up killing most of your settlers. Now onto the things you actually need. The first thing you need is a gun that has low damage, the BB gun or the chinese pistol should work just fine. The BB gun can be found in vault 101 during the quest "escape" next to 50 BB pellets, flak in rivet city and lucky harris (caravan merchant) should both sell BB pellets. The chinese pistol can be found on raiders, so if you're in need go up to the springvale elementary school as there are raiders in the school. The ammo for the chinese pistol is 10mm, which can be found by most merchants, the one of which is moira brown in megaton. The second thing you need is the mesmetron as it's important for some of the NPCs to break their scripting, and others to get them to your settlement. The mesmetron can be gotten in paradise falls , which grouse will give to you at the start of "strictly business" and along with the gun grouse will give you 50 MPCs(mesmetron power cells), and from then on 10 MPCs will cost 200 caps, which again are gotten from grouse.

    The MPCs since it's a steep price you will need lots of money, it took about 20,000 power cells to get 53 settlers(though may largely differ), but since they're hard to buy in bulk. Just make sure to have around 250-300 MPCs at all times. An easy way to get the money is get a stealth boy, and 22 scrap metal then go to fort independence. Trade the outcasts 22 scrap metal for anything you want, then use the stealth boy and pickpocket all the scrap metal back. Now sell him 20 scrap metal (KEEP TWO) for whatever you want, then wait 1 or 2 in game hours (using the wait button) for the stealth boy to wear off. Then pickpocket the scrap metal back (BUT GET CAUGHT STEALING IT) now you have infinite scrap metal (but not really) then go to walter in megaton and "sell" it all until you have a hefty amount of caps. If you ever want more go back to Walter and trade again. WARNING if you pick up ANY scrap metal going forward, then you will no longer have infinite metal and no longer be able to get caps, and it can't be repeated again. you also need stealth boys that can be found around the wasteland or the chinese stealth armor from "Operation Anchorage" .then the LAST thing you need is a good weapon, that deals tons of damage, like the gauss rifle from operation anchorage or the terrible shotgun that can be gotten from smiling jack at evergreen mills. This is used to kill any hostile enemies that are trying to kill you or your potential settler ( which sucks because they won't respawn if they die.).


    Note* outdoors will not count as rooms, but just so you know you can keep certain people outdoors.

    Old olney

    Rooms:0-1(olney paper works)

    Pros:lots of space for your settlers to roam, and walls so things don't come inside and kill your settlers.

    Cons:deathclaws that you'll have to kill before you can move in, 0 rooms (unless the paper works, can be used) the new republic of dave is here so if you do that unnamed quest you should kill him. As he will attack anyone who comes near him.

    Republic of dave

    Rooms:4(museum of dave)(school of dave)(Capital of dave)(sleeping quarters)

    Pros:4 usable rooms, many containers, 2 brahmin , 2 kids.

    Cons:you can't put "free roaming" (more on that later) settlers in the capitol building of sleeping quarters or else the residence will turn hostile to the settler, they will also turn hostile if the "free roaming" settler takes anying out of the containers, so take EVERYTHING that is in the settlement or else the people of dave will kill the person, i would recommend killing all the people of dave to not have this problem.

    Temple of the union

    Rooms:4(hannibal's home)(simones home)(Calebs home)(store)

    Pros:it has 4 rooms 5 if you include outdoors, it has a nice area with a gate so the monsters can't get in and the caravan merchants visit it, it also has a random encounter spawn point in it.

    Cons:high level monsters and an enclave base up the road, also need to finish a quest before you get to this area, and last you can't fast travel AWAY from there and have to walk a few feet away first.


    Rooms:4(benson house)(Gibson house)(Gillian house)(Zane house)

    Pros:there are 3 useables houses, Arkansas nest and the outside to put your settlers in.There are also 3 random encounter spots near minefield. Also it is a good location as it is near the center of the map, and good starter location.

    Cons:MINES THE MINES, also the gillian house doesn't work as it has respawning radroaches. Though this can be a good thing if you want to put the settlers that can't die in there (like harkness) and make a fighting ring of humans against the radroaches. Also the way to get the arkensaws nest is very important as you don't want any cars to explode and ruin the town. So fast travel to germantown police HQ and then go to the minefield water town (make sure to save before as there is a random encounter there and you will want to get a good encounter like ¨wasteland junkie¨) then go to the nest in stealth mode and kill or enslave arkansas so you can live there, also DO NOT LET ARKANSAS STAY, even if you use the mesmetron trick to make him passive he will still kill everyone else.

    Abandoned car fort/Five axles rest stop


    Pros:little to no mutant animals spawn outside, basically safe.

    Cons:only outdoors so your ¨large range (free) roamers¨ can't live there, also on a highway which makes getting to it a hassle, and the cars/trucks can explode.(FIVE AXLES ONLY) it has raiders inside that you would need to kill or enslave before you claim it.

    Canterbury commons

    Rooms:2(Dominic and Machete´s house)(Uncle roe's house)

    Pros:good area, player home near it, on route with the caravaners, comes with a kid.

    Cons:high level mutant animals spawn near it, people live there so no free roaming settlers can live there unless you kill all the people there.

    Rockbreaker's last gas

    Rooms:1 (rockbreaker's last gas)


    Cons:small, enclave nearby, not a good area


    Rooms:5(Abandoned residence) (Evan King's house)(Ewer residence)(Schenzy residence)(west residence)

    Pros:brahmin outside, safe area.

    Cons:people there that you may have to kill (unless you put all of your free roamers in the abandoned house)


    Rooms:4(Club house) (Common house) (reds clinic) (Town hall)

    Pros:nice houses, can have 2 robots there

    Cons:you need to kill everyone or have no free roamers, also if you want three Companions/settlers (they will follow you around if you tell them to), and it is in a super mutant infested area.


    Rooms:3-5(Garden shed)(Old man harris''s house)(Smith house)(Wilson house)(Smiths basement)

    Pros:two children live there so two free settlers, if you like mutilation then you'll like andale

    Cons:you'll have to kill old man harris, or any other person living there, the smiths house and basement rooms might not work.


    Rooms:2 (Ronald laurans home)(Sierra Petrovita home)

    Pros:if ya like nuka cola then you'll like this place,

    Cons:you'll have to kill the people or don't have free roamers in this settlement,you'll also have to do the quest before if you want the nuka grenade or the mississippi quantum pie


    Rooms:4(abandoned home)(recently build shack)(Wilks house)(Brandice's house)

    Pros:has 2 settlers to begin with(including a child), closed in and protected,quite large.

    Cons:the child is brian wilks, has to finish "those quest" to wipe out the fire ants before you move in, mildly bad area.

    Dukov's place

    Rooms:1 (Dukov's place)

    Pros:comes with three people (though you'll have to kill dukov) quite large, near enclave base (which you can farm)

    Cons:horrible area,enclave deathclaw outside so your settlers can't go outside,again horrible area.

    3.How to get settlers

    There are 3 different types of attack styles, which mean 3 different ways to get the settler back to your settlement. Some of them are harder than others. So let's go over the attack styles.

    WARNING:(make sure you save BEFORE you fire the mesmetron as it has as it has a 50% chance of mezzing (pacifying) the target, 30% to frenzy them (80% if it's an unmezzible target) and 20 percent to blow their brains out (kill them)

    First type is aggressive, which you can guess are aggressive and when you attack them they will attack you till you die even if their health is low, and you are level 30,wearing hellfire power armor, and have a nuka grenade or two. So as to get these guys to your settlement you'll need to shoot them with your low damage gun (BB gun, or chinese pistol) and they will follow you to the settlement without hassle, when you get their mezz them then talk (don't enslave them if you want original dialog) after you talk you can leave. Or you can pop a stealth boy and hide (once your hidden or caution leave the cell and come back they should be fine now.

    Second type is cowards, which run away when you shoot them. So you will need to use the mesmetron to frenzy them across the wastes. The frenzy lasts 25 seconds so frenzy them every 25 seconds, and they're then basically the same as aggressive. Also if you happen upon a friendly (caravan merchant or settler) wait for the frenzy to wear off and then push them away from the friendly's because friendly's will attack frenzied people. Once you get them back to your settlement just push them where you want them to be, if you want them inside a house then frenzy them then count to 24 then go inside the house the frenzy should wear off when they get inside.

    Third type is Cautionary, they are aggressive at first then if their heath gets too low they will run away. If they do run away use the mesmetron to frenzy them and then they may or may not continue to chase you after the frenzy wears off, if they run just frenzy them again.

    Fourth type, yes yes yes, i know that i said that there were only 3 attack types BUT there is one other way to bring them back to your settlement, which is this. The Fourth type is Respawning so to get these people first you need to make sure that they respawn (or they have invincibility like harkness or your dad). So kill them then drag their body back to your settlement and wait 5 days till they respawn then use one of the previous options to put them in a house (if you want them in a house).

    NOTE:i'd also like to mention that you can push them, if they don't have main dialog or they have stationary movement then you can but I wouldn't recommend it as it's already a pain for some of the ones you have to push

    Now there is one more thing you need to know about before you before you can successfully get your settlers to your town. Thresholds, these things exist so you can outrun enemies so once you go past a threshold the attacker attacking you runs back to their spawn point. So to fix this problem shoot them with your low damage gun whenever they try to turn around. Thresholds appear every minute or so.


    This is what format we will be using when we go over the list of settlers.

    Random Encounter:

    Encounter Type:

    Attack Type:






    So let's go over the criteria more carefully.

    Random Encounter

    This is what the encounter is named so you can look it up for yourself if you want more info on it. So this isn't much to talk about

    Encounter Type

    This is where your encounter will appear, type A encounters are yellow and will only appear in type A encounter spots, while type B encounters are red and only appear in type B encounter spots. The green dots are outcast patrols.

    Fallout 3 random encounters | Fallout Wiki | Fandom (where the map of encounters is)

    Attack Type I elaborated on this earlier so ill just give a quick debrief here. We have attacker who will attack you until you're dead, we have cautionary who will attack until their health gets lowered to a point in which they run away, then we have coward which will run away no matter the health they have.

    Movement, there are three movement types, stationary people who don't move unless you or something else attacks them. We have roaming people who move around your settlement and as you can guess, roam. Then we have free-roaming , these guys are one of the best and worst for your settlement, they roam like the roaming people but now they can sit down,sleep on beds, and steal your food from containers and around where they are at, so they are the most alive of the bunch, but don't leave out your food near them

    Respawning, can they respawn? Yes or no, it's pretty self explanatory.

    Outdoors, this is if they can live outdoors or not. All settlers can live outdoors but some may try to leave, so i put them in yes they can live outdoors and no they can't live outdoors. You can choose to not follow my warning but it will be at your own risk.

    Faction, this is what faction they are in for example, raiders are in the {Raider Faction} while wastlanders are in the {Wastelander Faction}, if they are an aggressive faction (and can't be placed with other factions) they will have (Aggressive) next to their faction criteria. You can put aggressive factions with their faction and they won't attack them, so raiders won't attack raiders. Luckily you can change almost all settlers factions by mezzing them and then enslaving them removing their collar then they will be a part of the {_______ of Freed Slaves Faction} faction, with previous faction before, so you can then have {Raider of Freed Slaves} with {Wastelander of Freed Slaves Faction} so they will be chummy but the raider will still attack other {Wastelander Faction} so make sure everyone in the same cell is a part of the same faction if someone in the house is {______} (Aggressive)

    Other, it's in case you need to do something special to get them

    5.List of Named Settlers

    So this is the main part you´ve been waiting for, and for those of you who don't want a sprawling settlement are still probably going to use this to bring them to their house or wherever they want to to make the tunnel snakes happen for real.

    Random Encounter:Amata's fate {For Amata*}

    Encounter Type: type A

    Attack Type:Coward(Amata)

    Movement:Roaming (Super Large)




    Other:to get amata you´ll need to SABOTAGE the vault on trouble on the homefront after waters of life or else you cannot get her. She will appear with 3 enclave soldiers, you´ll need to kill them and get amata alive, Amata cannot mezzed so you´ll need to reverse-pickpocket items into her inventory if you want her to change clothes or items. Also this encounter cannot be repeated.

    Random Encounter:N/A {For Harkness}

    Encounter Type:N/A

    Attack Type:Attacker{Harkness}




    Faction:{RCCityCouncilFaction,RCResidentFaction,RCSecurityFaction} (Passive)

    Other: Now technically this isn't an encounter but a handful of them aren't as well, This one requires some set up, First off you´ll need to finish ¨The Replicated Man¨ quest in the way that you get both prizes (look it up if you don't know how) however don't kill zimmer follow him to harkness and watch them talk SHOOT ZIMMER BEFORE HE CAN ACTIVATE THE CODE, or else you'll have a brain dead harkness. Also you´ll need to do this quest before you're done the main quest line and are onto the broken steel portion because harkness is outside before where you can push him away from the ship and safely get him. Otherwise if you have finished the main quest then you'll have to wait for zimmer to bring harkness out of the ship and then kill him. So if you want harkness with dialogue then do this before you activate the purifier. Also like amata he cannot be mezzed.

    Random Encounter:N/A (for Grouse)

    Encounter Type:N/A

    Attack Type:Attacker (but don't attack him)

    Movement:Stationary (Grouse)




    Other:yes you can get the person who gives you the mesmetron now unlike harkness this one isn't tricky at all, but way worse. If it doesn't work i recommend you enslave all the people from ¨strictly business¨ others from red, Buy around 200 mesmetron ammo from him and choose all the dialogue options for him. So here comes the part about what makes him the WORST settler to get. You cannot attack him, thereforth you have to push him to your destination. Because when you attack any slaves from the {SlaverFaction1} all of them become hostile forever which means if you make grouse hostile he will never be passive again (though he may become passive if you send him another slave, I haven't check that out yet), so you need to push grouse, which is a pain especially since he's rude to you.Also like Amata and harkness he cannot be mezzed. Now there is a one more problem with him, he cannot be around {FreedSlaveFaction} or else he will attack them, so if you want grouse DON'T PUT FREED SLAVES AROUND HIM.

    Random Encounter:Mel The wasteland mugger(Mel)

    Encounter Type:Type A

    Attack Type:Cautionary/Coward(Mel)



    Outdoors:Yes(wouldn't recommend it)


    Other:Converse mel in any way, for a while he will be cautionary and try to attack you but as soon as you land one shot on him he will run away, you'll need to frenzy him across the wastes but luckily for you he will still attack after the frenzy wears off. This is one of the only named NPCs in your settlement you can successfully mezz.

    Random Encounter:N/A(cherry,sticky,sydney,shorty, and red)

    Encounter Type:N/A

    Attack Type:Cautionary for all

    Movement:following/stationary(roaming for sticky)




    Other:these are all temporary companions so they'll follow you until they die or you tell them to wait.Shorty and red are found in the ¨germantown police center¨ during the

    ¨trouble in big town¨ quest, and you CAN'T EVER go to big town again if you want to keep them in your settlement, because that will complete the quest and they will spawn there (even if they are not with you) They act exactly like companions other from you can't give them tactics. So you can access their inventory and tell them to wait (however they crouch when they wait)

    Same thing with sticky except he moves around when he waits and wont spawn in big town unless you take him there. Also he is in little lamplight when you meet him and isn't related to a named quest.Sydney is found in the national archives and once you defeat the mutants is the ONLY time you can pickpocket her, so unless you plan on keeping her in combat armor I recommend you do it then. After that,just talk to her and she will follow you. Then cherry, she ALWAYS leaves after 5 in game days so i recommend you only get her when you're showing someone your settlement also again, like sydney she can only be reverse pickpocketed to have better armor before you get her from dukov's place.Also you can't mezz any of them except red,shorty and maybe sticky (but that doesn't matter since you can access their inventions through dialogue.)

    Random Encounter:N/A(sonora cruz)

    Encounter Type:N/A

    Attack Type:coward





    Other:You can get her to you settlement the same way as harkness.However you need the lawbringer perk for her to work, so once you get that go to the regulator HQ then shoot up the place she will run away where you can then use her.Also you can't mezz her.

    Random Encounter:N/A(Goalie ledoux)

    Encounter Type:N/A

    Attack Type:attacker





    Other:get the nuka cola clear formula from the nuka cola factory then go into the red racer factory and go out, he will be there then sell him the formula go back into the red racer factory then go back out, ledoux should still be there. Then you can take him back to your settlement like normal. He also can't be mezzed.

    Random Encounter:N/A(companions)

    Encounter Type:N/A

    Attack Type:attacker





    Other:get the companions like normal and just tell them to wait where you want them to stay.if you want more companions. Get a companion (not dogmeat) go to paradise falls tell the companion to go away, buy clover, reunite with your companion then talk to clover (now you have two companions plus dogmeat) then go to tinker joe outside the robco facility tell clover to shove off (not both just clover) then buy Rl-3 get clover back again, talk to RL-3 now you have three companions plus dogmeat, you can get a forth by going to where a companion is, killing dogmeat with a pickpocket grenade then get the next companion but dogmeat will die. You can also use the previous strategy with the perk puppies to get all the companions. I won't elaborate further so look it up yourself.

    That's all the Named people that I KNOW that can be used, here are some people who might work but i haven't tried it yet or they're dead in my game.

    Protector Henry Casdin(fort independence), Garys and drugged vault dwellers (vaults),Grandma Sparkles, uncle leo, Lazlo Radford, and the people near the docks in point lookout. So you can do them yourself but to my knowledge they could work.

    6.list of Unnamed Settlers

    Random Encounter:Slaver escort (slavers and slaves)

    Encounter Type:B

    Attack Type:Attacker (slavers) Slave(coward)

    Movement:stationary (slavers) Free-roaming short (slave)



    Faction:{SlaverFaction2}(passive) for slaver, {slaveFaction}(passive) for slave

    Other:You will find 1 to 4 slavers and 1 to 4 slaves so pickpocket the ammo from them and do the normal method to get the slavers to your settlement (leave the slaves there until you get the slavers to your settlement though.)Then go back to the slaves ,reload the save when you met the group before, because sometimes they disappear and this is the only way to get them back. Then reload your last slave and then lead the slaves one by one to their new area using the coward method. If you take the collar off the slave then leave the area for 2 days they will have a collar on them again however you cannot remove this one. There is one catch to this one though. You CANNOT put the slaves and the slavers in the same room or else they will resume their patrol scripting and walk away from your settlement also this encounter cannot be repeated.

    Random Encounter:Escaped slaves(slaves)

    Encounter Type:2

    Attack Type:cowards





    Other:not to be confused with slave escort, there are 2-3 slaves crouching with some slaves looking for them, kill the slavers and then use the coward method to bring them back to your settlement. These guys will ALWAYS crouch so if you want them to stand your out of luck.

    Random Encounter:Deathclaw chase(wastlanders)

    Encounter Type:A

    Attack Type:cautionary (male) coward (female)





    Other:you find three wastelanders getting attacked by a deathclaw, kill all of them then drag the wastelanders back to the area you want them. then wait 3 days and they will be good and new, also they are unique as they will ALWAYS have the same body type.

    Random Encounter:Water,Water,nowhere(escaped slaves)

    Encounter Type:A

    Attack Type:Attacker




    Faction:{EscapedSlavesFaction}(passive) not to be confused with ¨freedslaves¨

    Other:you'll find two slaves and two ghouls attacking each other over a fridge, talk to the slaves and say ¨it's none of my business, I'm just passing through¨ which will make them stationary. Then kill the ghouls. Go away for a couple days until the ghoul bodies disappear. Then use the attacker method to bring them back to your settlement (for some reason thresholds don't affect them) then once brought back to your settlement arm them with a RANGED WEAPON if you want them to stay outside or else they will run all the way back to their fridge when met with combat. Also if they're inside a house when you try to bring another settler in they will run outside so I recommend you wait until the house is almost full when you put them inside.

    Random Encounter:Wasteland Merchant(scavenger)

    Encounter Type:A/in different locations

    Attack Type:cautionary(for the random encounter scavenger) attacker(for the ones already in the game)

    Movement:free-roaming short range


    Outdoors:yes (wouldn't recommend it)


    Other:the random encounter has a scavenger, a brahmin ,and a dog or yao guai huddled around a barrel. You can get the scavenger with the normal cautionary method, however the brahmin needs to be pushed, the dog won't move from the burning barrel, but the yao guai can be pushed like the brahmin (it might work with the attacker method as well though). Then scavengers that can be found WITHOUT activating an encounter appear in these locations.

    - Lucky's Grocer, SW of Tenpenny Tower

    - Under the eastern end of the large bridge over the Potomac, E of the Citadel

    - Scavenger's island E of Arefu

    - Scavenger's bridge N of the Red Racer Factory

    - Shelled house N of the Charnel House

    - Underneath the fallen dish at SatCom NW 07c

    -E of reclining groves resort homes in a barn(get this one BEFORE WATERS OF LIFE)

    These will act the same way as the normal scavenger but are attackers.

    Random Encounter:Wasteland Junkie (Wasteland Junkie)

    Encounter Type:A

    Attack Type:Cautionary

    Movement:free-roaming Short-range




    Other:he is kind of like a scavenger but sells chems instead of odds and ends. You will find them near a burning barrel, However the bad thing about the junkie is that you'll need to enslave and free them which removes their dialogue to buy chems from them. If you want to keep their dialog you're mostly out of luck unless there is a random encounter directly in your settlement. So when you get the junkie, enslave and free them when you get to wear you want them to stay, if it doesn't work try again eventually they will stay there.

    Random Encounter:Mauled by mole rats(Wastlander)

    Encounter Type:A

    Attack Type:Cautionary





    Other:wastelander getting attacked by mole rats, not much to say here, deal with them like you'd deal with the rest of them.Also kill the mole rats.

    Random Encounter:Radscorpion v.s Wastelander (wastelander)

    Encounter Type:A

    Attack Type:Cautionary





    Other:same deal as the mole rat one except it's with scorpions this time.

    Random Encounter:Wastelander attacked by dogs

    Encounter Type:A

    Attack Type:Cautionary

    Movement:Free-roaming (long-ranger)




    Other:same at the last two, though the first time you get it, the person will have "John's key" and "Johns note" and will always have the same body type(male with dirty blonde beard). After it will be different people.Sometimes it's a raider body but will respawn as a wastelander. I would also like to note that if they go away from the spot you led them. Murder their ass on the spot and drag their torso to where you want them to be, then they will be fine and stay there.

    Random Encounter:The Human Bomb(Wastlander,raiders)

    Encounter Type:B

    Attack Type:Attacker




    Faction:{FreedSlaveFaction}(Hostile)you need to put them in the freed slave faction for it to work

    Other:this is a hard one. First a wastelander will run up to you, and you need to disarm their bomb(80 explosives skill) then you need to enslave and free the wastelander to out it in the freed slave faction,then 2-3 raider will come up and you will need to enslave and free them, so now their all chummy since their in the same faction. So what you need to do is kill the wastelander and the raiders will chase the wastelander so you can drag the body back to your settlement and the raiders will follow, also if you want them inside a house then enslave everyone in the house then free them all. Then get the Wastelander in the house and the raiders will follow.

    Random Encounter:N/A(Sentry bots)

    Encounter Type:N/a

    Attack Type:Attacker





    Other:Now this one needs some back thought. First you need to go to canterbury commons when you're a low level, then watch the fight between the mechanist and antagonizer kill the mechanists robots with the ants help. Then come back in three days and the robots should respawn. Then leave and then gain a bunch of levels, go back and the robots should now be sentrybots. Now since you can't lead then normally (they'll shoot you), So you need to push them to your settlement which sucks, but it's worth it for sentry bots (there awesome)

    Random Encounter:N/A(Mr.handy and Protechtron)

    Encounter Type:N/A(Robco Facility)

    Attack Type:attacker





    Other:like the previous one this requires more thought and pushing. So first you need to buy sergeant R-L3 or else you'll get locked out of having him. So what you need to do is push Mr.handy to your settlement and tinker joe and protectron will follow.(note they move so you need to continuously engage dialogue with the mr handy so he stays put.) Then when you get to your settlement frenzy tinker joe, which will cause the robots to attack him but now their owner is dead so they stay put and work for your settlement.

    Random Encounter:N/A(3 raiders)

    Encounter Type:N/A(Scrapyard)

    Attack Type:Cautionary





    Other:you need to go to the scrapyard and go to where dogmeat is, he will kill the raiders so comeback in 3 days for them to respawn. Then you need to catch and release them then bring them to your settlement.

    Random Encounter:A broken Robot(Mr.handy)

    Encounter Type:A

    Attack Type:Attacker



    Outdoors:Most likely


    Other:I'm not 100% sure if this one will work because the only time i got it was when I didn't have a high enough repair skill to test it. Now when you get this you need to repair the robot when you do the robot and scavenger go on a patrol SO if you frenzy the scavenger the robot should attack and kill him. Then push the robot back to your settlement. If this doesn't work then you can always try and get this to spawn in your settlement and then tell the scavenger the robot is gonna explode and he will run away giving you the robot.

    submitted by /u/N___THOR
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    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 12:10 AM PDT

    If you're playing a good karma character in Fallout 3 how much Karma do you lose for killing Greta in underworld,I have very good karma

    submitted by /u/mentalprolaspe
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 11:33 AM PDT


    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 11:27 AM PDT

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