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    Tuesday, December 8, 2020

    Fallout | If the FBI could see my girlfriend’s Fallout choices, she’d be on some kind of watch list.

    Fallout | If the FBI could see my girlfriend’s Fallout choices, she’d be on some kind of watch list.

    If the FBI could see my girlfriend’s Fallout choices, she’d be on some kind of watch list.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 03:33 PM PST

    I get doing the non-cannon, messed up stuff to the settlements/character lines at some point in a future game save/build. But coming out the gate and being evil as fuck in your first fallout save is just...damn.

    Maybe I'm some benevolent, empathetic weenie, but her actions are making me shaky on her morals.

    Not really. But it's funny to watch her play.

    submitted by /u/spontaneouskitty
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    You can Sell Jet To Bobby at vault 81 for 75 caps Each.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 05:24 AM PST

    If you Interrupt the Drug deal In Diamond City With cooke, you can get 50 Jet, Head over to Vault 81, and to the reactor Room, sell that 50 jet for 75 caps each and boom. 2500 caps in your pocket

    submitted by /u/Muralcoffee69
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    Why BoS always gets wrecked

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:46 AM PST

    If you look at the BoS trackrecord one thing becomes clear, despite having arguably the best technology in the wasteland(apart from Enclave but they are not a factor anymore) BoS gets consistently curbstomped by factions with much lower tech, they were curbstomped by NCR in California, almost got curbstomped by Super Mutants and the Enclave in the Capital Wasteland, then curbstomped again by NCR at Helios 1, and while they have a decent presence in Boston their control of the area is tenuous at best.

    One has to ask why? and i think the problem is that they rely way too much on Power Armor. It sorta makes sense, with such comparatively small organization, to give everyone Power Armor, but therein lies another problem, BoS is a military unit without a nation, and as such they have nothing to fall back on if they suffer catastrophic defeat like the one at Helios 1. Instead of trying to build a nation they still mainly act as a military unit.

    But back to the over reliance on power armor. We can all agree that Power Armor is great, but as Helios 1 has proven, it's far from indestructible, anti material rifles and rocket launchers can pop a power armored soldiers like a can of tuna. That's because Power armor soldiers were never intended to be the backbone of the army, they were intended as shock troops. One big disadvantage of power armor is that there is no hiding in it, you can't exactly take cover in most situations, sure if there is a waist high wall you can use it as partial cover but that's incredibly limited, Power armor(at least the kind used by BoS) is heavy and cumbersome and precludes any sort of camouflage.

    Now if factions in Fallout had some kind of advanced combat tech that made cover and camouflage useless then fielding all PA army would make sense(though it would be pretty hard to maintain, since new PA can't be produced) but that's not the case.

    PA in Fallout universe is often called walking tank, and if it was treated more as such it would be much more useful, even in smaller numbers, in modern warfare it's usually considered that tanks are pretty much useless without infantry support, and the same goes for Power Armor, in essence PA troops are not well suited to holding the line, their main purpose should be to create a breach at which point regular infantry should take over and take advantage of it, to use PA troops as regular infantry is not only wasteful, but it pigeonholes your strategy so much that your enemy, power armor or no, will easily be able to adapt and counter you, as was shown once again at Helios 1. This is also why, i believe, NCR managed to push BoS out of California.

    And again, no amount of advanced technology will help you if you haven't enough hands to hold them, BoS standard modus-operandi tends to create enemies rather then friends, this is the second, but no less important reason why BoS always looses.

    submitted by /u/AdeptScholarship
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    The Brotherhood of Steel is neither good or bad. It's the Elder who is.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 05:27 PM PST

    Playing the Fallout games, I notice that the Brotherhood's morals are different depending on the Elder. Elder Lyons was good, so the Capital Wasteland BoS were good. Elder Macnamara was good, but he broke the code as he feared for his unit. Elder Maxson is just a douche. He also isn't smart. Examples would be taking food from farmers, when the better option would be to offer protection for food, treating all synths as if they're terrible, etc. He seems to be an idiot making more enemies and making the BoS look like a bunch of raiders in power armor. I still side with them because I just love the U.S. Army. EDIT: I learned that the food thing was not sanctioned by Edlder Maxson after making this post. So pretty much the only issue is that Maxson is too naive to understand that synths can be people too, but I still think BoS is the best faction

    submitted by /u/dirtysaint22
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    Anyone else watching the Fallout 4 YOLO run by ManyaTrueNerd?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:10 AM PST

    I haven't seen any discussion on it here. Maybe I missed it. Are others watching/ aware of this? If not check it out. My guy Jon is trying to beat the whole game and all DLC on Survival Difficulty with self imposed rules of no healing at all, and with mods to prevent healing from eating and drinking. It's going to be a great series, he's only 7 parts in so far.

    He also has completed this challenge on Fallout 3 and New Vegas already. Great viewing.

    If you are aware/ watching, are you all enjoying it so far? Has anyone ever personally done anything similar, like a permanent death run? I've tried permanent death on FO 4 twice and failed. Once at level 40 to a Boomer with a Fatman and another time to a grenade around level 20.

    submitted by /u/aworldalone1
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    Just decided to redownload fallout 4.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 04:39 PM PST

    How do you guys think I should start the game? Like builds and stuff like that. Also what's a good way to farm levels?

    submitted by /u/Gay-antisocial
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    What part of America should a future Fallout take place in, other than New Orleans?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 02:08 PM PST

    I'd like one set in Alaska around Anchorage because its were the resource wars took place, and I'd like to see a fallout completely set in winter, we've already seen barren brown deserts 3 times, and two destroyed cities that are very important to American history. I want to see Nuclear Winter, and see how snow animals have mutated, or I'd like to see a place that looks a lot like Chernobyl were nature has taken back control. but I guess could just play stalker for that.

    submitted by /u/IMMORTALMERC2281
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    Am I the only one who thinks the literacy rate is both a plot hole, and a source of untapped potential in the Fallout universe?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 11:16 AM PST

    This has always bugged me. Almost everyone can read. Even when education is clearly shown to be rare, and books are sometimes even unheard of by some remote factions, it seems like almost everyone you come across is perfectly literate.

    I'd imagine without a dedicated education system, literacy rates would plummet. To even have the time and ability to learn to read would likely become a luxury most couldn't even dream of, much less afford.

    I'm not saying everyone should be stupid, but imagine how interesting would it be if there items and equipment with little design touches specifically for people who couldn't read.

    Like traders could put blue marks on purified water, and red on dirty water, or just various other colors depending on the liquid. They could do the same for medicines and chems. Maybe have simple symbols for trading posts like a non copyrighted equivalent to the Red Cross for doctors, the balance scales for general traders, and a straight up simple painting of a gun for weapon traders.

    They could design entire towns that are easily navigated without a single letter or word in sight.

    Plus this could add so much more interesting dialogue. I could see powerful faction leaders bragging about their, or their children's ability to read. Plus your character could become sought after if they can read, especially for someone who's found some pre war artifact with writing on it they can't read. You could bargain and cheat your way to insane amounts of caps to go to their base just to read "Fragile" on their locked box.

    Plus they could expand on this. Those Chinese Commando books are clearly in Chinese, so what if there was a perk you could get that lets you read Chinese? They could have some underground Chinese spy base exclusively for this.

    Idk, this is just something I've been thinking about lately, and wanted to see what someone else thought.

    submitted by /u/Knightraiderdewd
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    Personal Opinion: After going through a second playthrough of Far Harbor (despite the absolute frame rate drop from the fog) not appreciating it the first time. I found that I enjoy Far Harbor and Maine in general more than the Commonwealth

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 08:34 AM PST

    Does anyone else feel like this? I felt as though the Commonwealth, although historically appealing, wasn't very culturally and just plain generic. It felt too much like exploring a more populated Capital Wasteland instead of exploring an area with it's own culture.

    submitted by /u/cccpfreak01
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    What do you think of red eye

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 05:25 PM PST

    Apparently alot of people don't like travis but what about red eye, the other fallout 4 radio host from the nuka world dlc.

    submitted by /u/mregg1549
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    What's your favourite thing about Cait

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 02:30 PM PST

    and why is it her accent?

    submitted by /u/Twiggerish
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    "What do people in Fallout 3 eat?"

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 03:38 PM PST

    They eat the wildlife, old food and rely on brahmin.

    This isnt speculation, the game outright tells you this but people just ignore this to bash on the game.

    I do think the fact that they relied on the wildlife itself for 200 years alone and the fact wildlife is there at all is a but unrealistic but the game accurately reflects the fact that people arent thriving because they only rely on these things.

    submitted by /u/yu0999
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    Fallout Las Vegas first time player.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 08:02 PM PST

    This is the best game I've ever played, and when I got to have sex with Fisto my depression melted away like butter. That is all.

    submitted by /u/KeepMeInCheck
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    I noticed something about the release dates for FNV and F4..... and a question.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:28 PM PST

    I have just worked out that it has been a longer period of time since Fallout 4 released than the wait was between Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4.

    We waited 5 years and 22 days from the release of FNV before we got our hands on F4, while it has been 5 years and 29 days since F4 came out.

    Considering we haven't yet got another Skyrim, Starfield, or Elder Scrolls 6, then we may have to be looking at another 5 years before we get another main title in the Fallout series.

    Please God tell me this Microsoft deal will speed things up!

    submitted by /u/No-Bookkeeper5936
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    I'm new to Fallout 3 and need some help.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:18 PM PST

    I just bought the goty edition of fallout 3 and I would like to get some tips/tricks that help through the early parts of the game. Thank you all in advance.

    submitted by /u/ImperfectCub283
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    (Fallout 4) Is there a mod that breaks all junk into its base components (e.g. lightbulb into glass and copper)? (PS4)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 05:33 PM PST

    So I pick up every piece of junk I come across, and it fills up my build limit quickly. Breaking junk down into its components reduces the build size, but it takes forever to drop every piece of junk, enter workshop mode, and scrap it individually.

    Is there a PS4 mod that automatically breaks junk down? I know there are mods that eliminate the build limit, but I prefer to have the individual components. Also, I know I can store junk in my workshop and it will use it automatically, but that takes up more of the build limit. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/soggypancake672
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    Does anyone have the video of the guy who keeps getting killed By Slag at the Ironworks pop his entire aid inventory, destroying everyone and walking in the fire?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 12:32 PM PST

    I think it was labeled on twitter, "Drugs Are Bad" and had goofy music. An absolute classic. Thanks to anyone who might dig this up.

    submitted by /u/kallaoish
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    When will the next part of steel dawn release

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 06:31 PM PST

    Would any areas of Fallout 3 be unsuitable for a character that isn't that high of a level?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 05:49 PM PST

    how do i fix the clear the nuka cola bottling plant interior i even cleared the plant pls help me!!!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:27 PM PST

    how do i fix the clear the nuka cola bottling plant interior i even cleared the plant pls help me!!

    submitted by /u/gta5help8877
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    What is the main reason you would side with and support a faction?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 01:16 PM PST

    Do you side with one based on morals on what is good or evil?

    Do you side with one based on practicality and technological advancement?

    Personally I wouldn't care about the faction's morals, as long as they plan on advancing the human race I would side with them. I sided with Mr house in New Vegas because he has a plan and the resources to help humanity advance.

    submitted by /u/I-Like-Being-Alone
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    I drew Vault Boy!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 04:17 AM PST

    I see there are a lot of questions how to earn caps in F4 - Here is the Solution

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 09:57 AM PST

    I've found this 2 days after release (I'm that old).

    Build A LOT of water purifiers in Senctuary, sell the water.


    Good night & good luck ;)

    submitted by /u/LordishXO
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