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    Fallout | My concept for a new game, Fallout:Hawaii

    Fallout | My concept for a new game, Fallout:Hawaii

    My concept for a new game, Fallout:Hawaii

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:07 PM PDT

    Fallout: Hawaii

    You awaken in a cell, a gentle rocking is the first thing you notice. Across your cell you can see the choppy waves causing the rocking. A mirror is on the wall opposite your cot, you get up and go over to the mirror. This is where you will create your character. Many more options would be available compared to Fallout 4, with Tattoos and hair dye being available from the start. You would also be able to more customize your body, being able to be fat, skinny, muscular, tall, short, old, young etc.

    You look over to see the man who awoke you, a soldier with an NCR insignia on his shoulder knocking on your cell with his baton. He begins to make a conversation with you- "Someone has got to be a real sick fuck to do anything like what you've done, I hope you rot for what you did to that poor man" You're presented with a few options to respond a. "Yeah I killed him, I enjoyed it, and when I get out of this cell, I'm gonna skin you alive." b. "Please sir, I feel such guilt for what I've done, but I'm a changed person, can you please let me leave." c. "I didn't kill anybody, there's been a huge mistake!" d. "I'm telling you, jackass, I've done nothing wrong, now let me out of this cell and let me go home." The guard will respond according to what you said, then continues by telling you to fill out some information, of which he hands you a clipboard through your cell bars. This is where you can fill out your name, SPECIAL stats, and traits. The ship suddenly lists to the side, you and the guard stumble and the lights flicker. Another violent crash and a lamp falls from the ceiling, cracking the guard on the head. His keys drop and tumble just outside your cell. You reach for the keys and you are able to unlock your cell. You begin making your way to the top deck (movement tutorial). Once you reach the top deck you see other escaped prisoners and guards trying to flee onto the limited number of life boats. You hurry around the deck trying to make it to a life boat, but boats launch and crowds block your path. Just as you are about to reach one of the boats the boat lists all the way to the right and you slide along the deck, you look down, and fall to the dark, churning waters below. You black out and the title displays: Fallout:Hawaii

    You awake to the sound of birds chirping, and find yourself face down on a white sand beach. All around you lies the wreckage of the ship. To your right lies a box, half smashed, inside containing a Pip-Boy. You strap the device to your arm and stand up, making sure to grab a conveniently placed 10mm pistol on your way up. Several mutated crabs (think Skyrim mudcrabs) emerge from the wreckage around you, qué combat tutorial. You are now free to begin exploring.

    Fallout: Hawaii would take place on the Island of Oahu The hot, humid climate would be something not seen before in Fallout. Two major locations that come to mind would be the city of Honolulu, and the Pearl Harbor military base. The city of Honolulu would be a maze of skyscrapers with the street level flooded. You would be able to navigate the upper levels through bridges made by both people and caused by buildings falling together or walls that have fallen to create bridges, along with the freeways. The rooftops would be home to several towns and raider camps, while the flooded streets are infested with mutated sharks and snapping turtles.

    Pearl Harbor would be the main plot point of the game. It can be assumed that prior to the war, Pearl Harbor would have been a highly important military base as it would be one of the first places to see a Chinese invasion headed toward California. As such, many weapons and advanced technologies were stored away in the base-including the FEV. Unfortunately for the island of Oahu. Pearl Harbor was almost directly struck by a nuke in the opening minutes of the war. The nuke actually detonated high up and over the ocean, so damage to the base was minimal, except for two things: 1. The base and all it's occupants received a massive dose of radiation. 2. The power to the base was knocked out, blocking access to the weapons within, and it hasn't been turned on since. So the base is full of ghouls in powerful gear, and deep in the base is who knows what, abominations formed by the mixture of FEV and radiation, trapped for 200 years in the base. The factions on the island would, of course, be fighting over the base, along with fighting the 1000's of juiced up feral ghouls at the base. A few factions I've come up with: 1. NCR: The republic would have a reasonable presence on the island, including the prison you were going to be sent to before you were ship wrecked. They want the weapons so no one else can have them and so they can fight the BOS (the BOS will NOT be making an appearance) 2. Enclave remnant: The locals speak of a group of people who have been camped out in the jungle for several decades. Military types. You later learn it's an enclave remnant that fled the oil rig at the end of Fallout 2 and has been upholding tradition for years, believing themselves the last true Americans. They want the weapons because they believe themselves the rightful owners, them being what remains of the old US government 3. Tribals: Pearl Harbor isn't the only place with advanced tech. A tribe deep in the jungle was founded around a bunker full of pre-war military tech, including laser weapons, plasma weapons, and a few suits of power armor. The tribe believes that this technology is actually magic and considers all of it highly important to their religion, that is, worshipping the "old ones". They have the knowledge to maintain these weapons. They know of the cache and believe it is the ultimate challenge given by the "old ones," to defeat the ghouls and claim their ultimate bounty. 4. Waianae: Simply the people of the largest settlement, Waianae, located on the volcano. They can use the heat of the volcano to generate power. The volcano was made active again by a nearby nuclear detonation that caused a shift in the Earth's crust. They want the weapons so they can protect themselves from raiders and drive the NCR and enclave off their island, they also want to eradicate the tribals. 5. The Blood Sharks: The largest raider gang on the whole island, the blood sharks simply want those weapons so they can bring everyone under their control.

    Weapons and armor: Ditch the legendary weapon system, I'd rather have unique weapons and armor attained through quests/exploration. As for crafting, I think it can return. One change Id like, however, would be the removal of straight up upgrades. No more "advanced" receivers that can magically do more damage. I'd rather see weapon and armor mods that have trade offs, I.e. a receiver with a fast fire rate but low damage, or a fast fire rate, regular damage, but insane recoil. Or an armor mod that makes your armor more protective but less stealthy, makes you sprint slower, and slows your reload. Also being able to color your armor as you please to identify with your faction would be appreciated. Armor and weapon degradation would also return, allowing you to repair with components found around.

    Settlements would return, but I'd prefer to just have 5-6 really good locations, like the Castle or Sanctuary, rather than 30 Oberland Stations. Settlement would be tied more toward your faction, for example, if you're in deep with the Blood Sharks, establishing a settlement for them would mean setting up a new camp for them.

    I'll probably add more to this post tomorrow, but I'm tired. So there you've had my concept for a Fallout set in Hawaii.

    submitted by /u/BedHeadMarker_2
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    They should remake fallout 1 and 2 with a 3D engine

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    I guess they wouldn't be able to use the creation engine but perhaps they could use the gamebryo engine. It would be so cool to fight Frank Horrigan in 3D.

    submitted by /u/Mattpantser
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    Ima be real FO4 is one of the most addicting games I’ve ever played

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    I'm just getting back into it now after not playing since 2016 but my god. It has easily the worst side content in a Bethesda game, but I could play this shit for hours. HOURS. Unlimited level cap, constantly leveling up, legit fun gameplay, getting new perks in the massive chart, exploring the world, etc. If they could make a game with this structure and gameplay, just with way more and better quests, I'd be in Heaven. Please make it happen with the next entry.

    (Maybe I'll play the DLC for the first time, I heard Far Harbor is legit good?)

    submitted by /u/ultimablob
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    Fallout reference in Bojack Horseman

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    What Fallout New Orleans needs. Definitely irradiated alligators and maybe inbreeding cannibal hillbillies what else do you think should be added?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    Does the Institute even have Communications with the Enclave?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    Now here me out you might say why would the Institute even have Communications with the Enclave. Idk this is just a idea that was in my Head, It was Interesting to think about. What if the remnants of the Institute if even they Survive the Sole Survivor destroying the Institute, They relocate to several Enclave outposts in Chicago, The great lakes i think? With Some Synths when they teleported out of the Commonwealth to escape. (Remember your reading this form a Autistic 14 year old, Sorry if i miss spelled some words.)

    submitted by /u/Falloutrim
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    My son is finally old enough to play Fallout games.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:11 PM PDT

    It's nostalgic for me as I played Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 a few years ago on a deployment and I loved the games. Now I just sit back and watch, maybe help him on some tougher fights. He thinks I'm a genius but I just think it's great to watch him go at it.

    submitted by /u/NotAMangoButAnOrange
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    Looking for some clothing.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    I'm looking for some clothing along the lines of Metro Exodus suits or something that a SPARTAN from metro exodus or the metro series would wear. Something like this or this Or this

    submitted by /u/CombatWombatX
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    Why does my New Vegas crash whenever I'm in the Scavenger Platform?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    In my 1st playthrough (that's modded), I stumbled across that area and my game crashed while I was fighting the enemies there.

    It crashes every single time I try to clear the area of any enemies that I decided to start a new game that isn't modded because I blamed the mods for the crashes.

    I eventually stumble across that area again during my 2nd playthrough and, guess what, IT HAPPENS AGAIN. It's like that location is cursed or something.

    So I wonder if there's any reason that that happens and if there's a way I can fix it

    submitted by /u/SuperAlloyBerserker
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    Ghouls in fallout 3

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    Am i the only one that thinks the ghouls in fallout 3 looked way scarier than in fallout 4 or fallout 76

    submitted by /u/No-Emergency4159
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    Where do you guys think fallout 5 should take place?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    I'm thinking either somewhere in the South East, or perhaps the Great Lakes region

    submitted by /u/aquacrystal11
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    They should add horses to Fallout

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    There's never been any direct mention of the fact that Horses are extinct in Universe, and there's been one horse-riding NCR trooper already. They should add Horses to Fallout; Hell, to make them fit just give them two heads. But the world needs horses. They literally have no sustainable vehicles in the entire universe. They have cars, but one day, the microfusion cells will run out, and without horses or any means of transportation or beast of burden in the universe, humanity is screwed. Without horses, they can't have any chariots, fast communication, fast trade, beasts of burden, an entire tree of technology cut off forever. Just add horses.

    submitted by /u/Late-Print8646
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    Past choices influencing sequel storylines.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:05 AM PDT

    I was thinking that it would be interesting to see your choices in older FO games affecting the sequels. Basically if the endings can be used somehow to influence the next game, if that makes any sense? It could either be just minor story details or big picture changes. Wouldn't it be cool to somehow connect the past with the future? It could keep the lore consistent with your choices from one game to the next.

    submitted by /u/subzi
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    What kind of story would you want for the upcoming Amazon series?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Should I take Resouces From People in my Base?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    Got this nice and cozy base set up. Gettin more people every day.

    Question is tho, if I take their ammo or guns from them does that mean they'll have to defend the base w just their hands or does it somehow reset w them (sometimes games are weird like that)

    submitted by /u/HuluBot123
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    Modern music covers for future games

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:41 AM PDT

    I was watching the Post Modern Jukebox channel on YT and was wondering about the post-50s music that would have appeared in the Fallout universe.. obviously we never get to hear it as it doesn't exist.

    But would it be a viable alternative to have covers of real life post 50s songs but in the pre-60s style a la that channel?

    submitted by /u/welsh_dragon_roar
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    How many of you beat fo4 100% dlc and all. How long did it take?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    Just curious.

    submitted by /u/Corrupt_Application
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    Is it likely that we get a new FO from obsidian?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    So we all know Microsoft bought Zenimax and now Fallout is owned by Microsoft and obsidian is also owned by them. So what do you think

    submitted by /u/SHREKhaft
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    Need help: Bug in FO3 Wasteland Survival Guide

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    I've looted every food item and the first aid box in the Super Duper Mart, but there's no dialog option for giving it to Moira. All I can do is lie to her that it wasn't there or tell her I haven't done it yet.

    submitted by /u/renacido42
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    With 1369 hours and 13 minutes in Fallout 4, I've never actually finished the main quest.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    I'm going to be starting a brand new character and am wondering what you think I should do.

    Focus on the story, or build settlements and explore?

    submitted by /u/Neutral_Enby
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    How does Bethesda establish canon in FO regarding events that have multiple outcomes?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    For example, how would Bethesda move forward with using the NCR as a faction given the different possible outcomes of New Vegas. I feel like it would be very hard for them to just not elaborate on the details seeing that Kimble was potentially assassinated.

    Any idea how the clear the air on this issue?

    submitted by /u/noco97
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    Scale of the Commonwealth and East Coast BoS?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    So I'm trying to do some research and fact finding for a story concept I'm putting together, and I guess to sate my curiosity because I love thinking too much into fictional worlds. So, it's an obvious fact a game world can't be a 1:1 scale of a real place, not yet anyway. But in writing, it's far more doable.

    What I'm mainly trying to determine is a distance factor for the map. How far away are certain landmarks and locations in mileage and walking time? If anyone has any input or know any tools, that would be great.

    Second point might be more debate worthy: How big is the Brotherhood contingent that arrived in the Commonwealth? With all the outposts they establish over the course of the game, the number seems to be over a hundred bodies, not counting the recon team already in the region and any wastelanders that might join up to boost the numbers. But the Prywden has only around 20 beds by my count, and it only has mounts for 8 Vertibirds. Although I'm inclined to think the Brotherhood fleet of Vertibirds doesn't go into the double digits anyway.

    submitted by /u/Trainalf
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    Fallout: New Orleans, or Alternate Title; I Spent too Much Time Daydreaming

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    To preface this, I haven't completely come up with a concept for the entire game, just thought I'd put my two cents in during the Fallout content drought. Ideas were shot back and forth between myself and u/ac3rSaXon who is just as much to blame for this as I am. As always, feel free to give your own suggestions in comments, or even links to your posts if you drew up your own idea and it got lost in the sea of Reddit.

    Setting Backdrop

    • Date: 2237 - Taking place 76 years after the Vault Dweller begins their journey to recover a water chip, but 40 years before Fallout 3. This gives enough time for basic settlements and a few hubs to appear throughout the Bayou (my informal name for the location, much like "Capital Wasteland").
    • Location: New Orleans (duh) The south is an untapped goldmine for the Fallout series. We have ample information about the West and a good range for New England, but nothing has been touched in the deep south. This provides so much exploration in themes and motifs, as New Orleans is ripe with both French culture, and mainly African Voodoo. Bethesda loves putting bits and pieces of superstition here and there throughout the series, but this would put it at the forefront.

    Intro/Catalyst for Story Progression

    • You start as a vault dweller (My personal take is that being a vault dweller allows the proper sense of wonderment upon entering the Wasteland. For someone new to the series, being able to ask what a ghoul or mutant is happens to be very important. Someone who has lived in the Wastes would already know these things and it would take away from the feeling if every other NPC called you stupid for not knowing basic Wasteland knowledge.) preparing to take the GOAT test. Based on the results, the Protagonist and a few of the other members of the class are chosen for special assignments to "help sustain the Vault and the American Way of Life."
    • This, naturally, is just a front for the wacky experiments Vault Tec loves running. The idea for the vault is low dose FEV testing to try to unlock innate psychic abilities in American youth (think: Stargate Project mixed with MK Ultra).
    • It works to an extent, giving the Protagonist certain "enhancements" (VATS but not through the Pip Boy) and the vague idea that there's something they have to accomplish on the surface.
    • This objective is actually finding the failsafe switch to releasing a second, subvault with a fairly large detachment of Enclave politicians and soldiers (note: this is before the Poseiden Oil Platform has been destroyed) unto the Bayou.
    • Due to some unforseen problems, the player character is taken out of the situation for some months(through coma or some other debilitating factor), allowing this division of the Enclave to partially capture the city of New Orleans and surrounding area.

    Main Story

    • The Player character then awakens on a wooden cart surrounded by three other prisoners some weeks/months later to find the new state of the world, because of them. They have the option to either fight back against this destruction they unleashed, or embrace the "New America."
    • Of course there are more factions that are vying for control of the city, such as the Creoles that live out in the swamps, taming some of the beasts, or the Rivet City/Vault City/Diamond City replacement which has completely embraced Louisiana folklore.

    For the three people that took the time to read this, thank you for spending your time browsing the internet and not being productive.

    submitted by /u/Delta_PhD
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