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    Sunday, August 16, 2020

    Fallout: New Vegas | Sounds familiar

    Fallout: New Vegas | Sounds familiar

    Sounds familiar

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:29 AM PDT


    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    I should probably keep an eye on this place, right?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Replayed Dead Money and i never noticed this bit of Graffiti

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Black Widow playthrough be like

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:10 AM PDT

    The other reason why he's called the Burned Man. He's packing alot of heat.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 03:08 AM PDT

    One of the saddest dlc’s I’ve ever played

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    Perfect V.A.T.S Moment with Veronica

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    Tried to draw Ede. All tips are appreciated.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    What's up smoothskin?? Never seen a ghoul before?!

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Truth is... The Game Was Rigged From The Start, General.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    We can only wish that's real

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    My skate tool...

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Just went to the Goodsprings Saloon, it’s a nice little ghost town. It’s a bit run down but locations like the saloon, the cafe (general store), and elementary school are still available

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    I really wish I've got rid of the HUD elements before taking this screenshot but here ya go anyway

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    Degenerates like you belong on a cross

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    Yeah, I noticed.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    That final farewell when you can truly appreciate the Madre’s beauty

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    Fancy way to wear glasses

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 10:25 PM PDT

    Funny AI Dungeon generated intro

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Artwork of my Courier at the last step of the Lonesome Road.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    How my Courier Six assists the NCR

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    OK, so I've heard many arguments as to why the Republic is so much better than going Independent or with House (I'm not even going to mention the Legion), so here's how I've taken to playing and roleplaying my NCR Courier on my latest pro-NCR playthrough:

    My Courier fools neither themselves nor the general public by trying to do things the 'peaceful' way. No, the true NCR way is by doing things how Colonel Moore would prefer.

    They slaughter The Kings, destroy the Great Khans, etc. in order to get the best of both worlds. The NCR loves them, while rumours will spread throughout the wasteland and beyond regarding the brutality of the NCR. Because the honest fact is that the NCR hardly gives a damn about the average person.

    Remember that The Kings meant a lot to the average person in Freeside, and when word gets out about how the courier was ordered by the NCR to destabilise Freeside, people will hate both of them.

    But don't worry, my courier will take a step back when this is all done, and let the NCR face the brunt of the public's hate. No propaganda will save them in the decades or more to come.

    Many people know that the NCR is all about getting territories and resources for their own greed, and to sustain their human war-machine.

    Helios One? My courier sends the power to The Strip and McCarran, which has the benefit of getting plus points with the NCR as well as showing the public how the NCR doesn't give a sh*t about them and their needs.

    Retaking the NCRCF? My courier tries to let as many troopers die in the process as possible before stepping in to take down Eddie and the rest of the Gangers. That's a nice way of showing people how incompetent the Republic really is.

    Remember that the NCR is a democracy, and that every one of those troopers is someone's child, sibling, parent, or whatever have you.

    The more troopers that perish in the NCR's bid to take the Mojave, the more public dissent and anti-war opinions start to slowly build up within the already-bled homelands of the NCR. Let the NCR suffer infighting starting back west, yes.

    Remember what Benny said about how the game was always rigged? Well, that's what my courier does in their own way. They're playing the NCR while also rigging the future as much as possible against them.

    No peaceful negotiations and false charades, my courier does things in order to have stories and dissent spread throughout the wasteland, and remember that stories can often turn to legends or get exaggerated.

    Wherever possible, my courier tries to give the NCR pyrrhic victories in their battles, so as to both make the NCR think that my courier is helping, and to bleed the Republic dry bit by bit.

    I'm sorry, Mr House, but my courier also makes the toughest decision of their life by taking you out of the picture.

    However, to ensure that some NCR/OSI wiseguy doesn't try to steal House's tech for the Republic, my courier goes and blows up the Securitron vault, and even though you can't do it in the game, my headcanon is that my courier also destroys as much of House's life-extension tech as possible beyond any means of salvage. The NCR can have the cheap, MKI crappy group in and around The Strip, and nothing more.

    Meanwhile, my courier also delivers Vault 22's data to Dr Hildern, which would have two potential benefits in the future:

    • Should it actually work flawlessly, well, I'm sure that the NCR would be willing to give a discount to their ally in terms of the vast stores of food.

    • Should it backfire, the Republic will be faced with an outbreak of spore-disease in their territories. My Courier Six couldn't care less.

    Alternatively, the data is destroyed in order to deny the OSI the chance to do some good in terms of food and crops.

    When it comes to the Brotherhood, my courier will don full-on NCR armour and gun 'em all down. Perhaps rumours will spread throughout the wasteland again, and maybe it'll reach the Brotherhood out east at some point.

    Alternatively, my courier organises a peace treaty for strategic reasons. However, there will always be resentment within the Brotherhood's ranks, due to the wars with the NCR, so that'll give two potential outcomes:

    • They leave the Mojave and rejoin another chapter elsewhere.

    • They wait for the chance to strike when the NCR's weak, and take it.

    Either way, the 'peace' treaty is more of a ceasefire than anything else. And at some point, the Brotherhood will be strengthening themselves for the inevitable chance that the NCR decides to betray them anyway. Because you just can't trust the Republic, especially due to their want for resources and their paranoia over any potential threats.

    The Republic must be the biggest bully in the playground. That's very likely their mindset in the world.

    Perhaps the Republic can play on the peace treaty to convince the public that they aren't evil, but it won't work. The average wastelander is already wary of the NCR and their leeching ways anyway. And not even the Thaler Act, which brings farming employment, can save their public image.

    People hate the idea of being forced to become NCR citizens and pay high taxes. That's enough to keep the hate flowing over the decades and beyond. The Fallout world, or at least the US, isn't ready for high taxes and forced annexation yet, if ever. The NCR can barely defend themselves as is, and yet their greed just keeps on coming.

    So in the short run, Moore and her gang of bullies will love my courier for their assistance, while in the long run, there's an even better chance of public dissent and possible retaliation against the NCR one way or another.

    Remember what Marcus from Jacobstown says about how the NCR's way of rolling over people runs the risk of sparking a revolution in the future? That's what my courier tries to do as much as possible while smiling at the NCR all the way.

    Wherever possible, my courier tries to help the NCR but in a violent, resource-grabbing way to show people the truth about the Two-Headed Bear: that it's surprisingly similar to Caesar's Legion in the end.

    And once everything's said and done in the Mojave, the NCR gifts my courier with that golden-branch thing — which basically confirms to the general public that the NCR does approve of all the bad things and how violent/selfish they and the courier have taken Vegas for themselves.

    Years later, my courier goes back to Big MT and preps the place for the inevitable NCR betrayal for resources. Because let's face it, they'll totally demand to seize Big MT at some point, even from their own ally.

    When that day comes, and should the NCR somehow muster up the strength to launch a massive assault, my courier and Big MT will be waiting to gun 'em all down. The Republic will make the first move, which will be one of their last mistakes before their own citizens decide that enough is enough with all the war.

    So, yeah. If not going Independent or, preferably, with House, my courier lets the NCR have their fool's paradise of New Vegas but in a very eye-opening way to the general public.

    At least now Cass won't complain in the ending slides about how House is sooo bad and going full-steam backwards and all. So perhaps my courier gets the added bonus of getting laid by Cass for helping the NCR, or something.

    Oh, and Boone will be convinced to go full-on assault instead of peaceful. Perhaps that'll make him kill the officer who ordered the Bitter Springs thing. And by having killed the Great Khans for good, my courier has also proven to the general public that the NCR really is at fault for killing that tribe.

    When it comes to the Enclave Remnants, my courier will have them assist the NCR if only to show the public how the mighty Republic always needs help. And in my headcanon, Orion Moreno, despite fighting for the people he hates, at least walks away with respect for my courier's snake-like actions against the NCR.

    Post-game, my courier gets the benefits of being a V.I.P. in NCR territory and having all those idiots laud and smile at them. And even should the Republic do an OK job of managing their conquered land, at least my courier gets to enjoy the perks.

    But this isn't the real world where annexation and all that can create a superpower country. The Fallout world is much different, which means that the more the NCR marches and grabs land, the more stretched they become over time.

    There's only so much they can take for themselves before the wasteland inevitably turns against them to the point of bleeding them dry. Or to the point where their own democratic processes and citizens work against them.

    At some point, my courier will be smiling in Big MT while something, one way or another, happens to spark the end of what is basically Kimball's Legion in a way.

    And even should the Old-World-Blues-suffering Republic try to use propaganda in the future to pin the blame on the courier, their golden-branch ceremony had already confirmed their pride and approval of those actions.

    On another note, yes, their engineers did good by fixing up Hoover Dam and all, but should the NCR gain full control of it, the bulk of the resources will be sent west at the expense of the average person elsewhere.

    That plus Helios One's delivery of power only to The Strip and McCarran (which will never change so long as the Republic is in control) will keep the public seething nicely against them in the years to come.

    The NCR isn't as great as they say, and they will burn themselves out at some point. My 'pro-NCR' courier is just doing their bit to try and speed up that process as much as possible. Because to hell with the 'Republic'.

    Who said you need to fight them as upfront and foolishly as, say, Samuel Cooke, etc.? My courier is as much a sly snake to the NCR as they were to House, and are to the wasteland in general.

    So while the Republic is busy annexing and stealing everything for themselves, and making their share of enemies, my courier will be busy in Big MT. They'll be trying to continue some of Mr House's plans for humanity, even if only creating some form of education for the wasteland, using Big MT's resources.

    For the Republic! (While slowly positioning that dagger behind their back.)

    Alternatively, I'll just go back to going Independent or with House on another save. But that NCR way is really how I like to view as being the true, honest, no-fooling-the-public-way of siding with them.

    Peace is a lie, there is only NCR-resource-grabbing passion.

    submitted by /u/Vg65
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