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    Monday, August 3, 2020

    Fallout | After replaying Fallout 4 during the quarantine i can safely say that, by far, the exploration is the strongest part of Fallout 4 and probably the best out of any Fallout game

    Fallout | After replaying Fallout 4 during the quarantine i can safely say that, by far, the exploration is the strongest part of Fallout 4 and probably the best out of any Fallout game

    After replaying Fallout 4 during the quarantine i can safely say that, by far, the exploration is the strongest part of Fallout 4 and probably the best out of any Fallout game

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    And i stand by that. The story and the quests are mediocre and decent at best but the exploration, the discovery of new places and finding out what happened to them, the collectables of games, comic books and bobbleheads, the openness of the map, the detail and the variety of the world itself all just invites you to explore it. Honestly when i usually play Fallout 4 i don't even get to Diamond city until i'm like 4 hours into the game, there's just so much stuff to see and do

    submitted by /u/prossnip42
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    There should have been a subtle way to deal with the Raiders at Nuka-World

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    The Fallout 4 DLC's are probably some of the better parts of the game, that helps me ignore a lot of the glaring problems the game has, but even then aside from Far Harbor (Which probably has the better story overall), Nuka-world also has a fair bit of problems.

    My main problem, however, is dealing with the 3 gangs at Nuka-world. Your really only given 2 ways at tackling the DLC's main story; Become a Raider, or don't. (Yes, I'm aware that you have to choose which group of raiders to go with, I'm lumping that in as more of a sub-choice within the DLC)

    idk about the lot of you, but I generally go for the Latter and do "Open season" because in all honesty, it doesn't really appeal to me. And while you can make the argument that the DLC is meant to be played by joining a faction, at the same time it shouldn't be a requirement to enjoy the DLC.

    And with the open season quest, while it gives you the opportunity to free the traders, and kill the raiders, it feels like it was hidden there on purpose, and as soon as you kill one of the leaders they all become hostile. Not to mention you better have a FUCKTON of stimpaks, and maybe some Power Armor (Or at least a DR of 1000), as well as every single bullet in your arsenal. It just seems unfair. And yes, I get the fact they aren't your typical power vacuum, the strongest is in charge of the group raiders (aside from maybe the pack), but that shouldn't make them STUPIDLY overpowered or railroad us into joining them.

    Tangential rant aside, if your gonna include an option to wipe out the gangs of nuka-world, it should be just as complex and interesting as if you were going through the main story of the DLC. Such as a more sneaky way to deal with them. When you become the overboss of the raiders, Gage tells you that the gangs are all at each other's throats and it's about ready to boil over and he wants you to quell that chaos. I think there should be an option to take the chaos and use it against the gangs.

    Turn them against each other.

    Perhaps if the player has joined the Railroad, after talking to the doctor at the market to accept the "Open season" questline, she asks you "By the way, do you have a Geiger counter?" The two of you then speak in code about how she was a tourist gathering Intel on the raiders, and she was caught and now wants out of this place, and sees a ripe opportunity. The two of you then discuss plans on how to possibly take out the gangs.

    I can see three possible options for taking care of the gangs. And maybe one peaceful option

    The first option is internal manipulation. You start off by talking to one of the gang's leaders first, and sow seeds of doubt that one of the members of their gang is planning to overthrow the current one. This could be their second in command, or perhaps just a random raider. You then convince them (the suspected raider to start a coup against their leader and have them kill each other. This would leave them in a weakened state for you to maybe slip in at night, Kill whoever won, and any remaining subordinates. Or maybe talk to one of the other factions, and tell them "Hey, these guys are pretty weak, can't have that, take 'em out."

    Which leads to the second option, External Manipulation. This one is similar to the first, however, you convince another faction like say, the operators, that one of other factions, say the Disciples, is planning to attack them. And that you overheard Nisha talking to Savoy, about going in and slitting Mag's throat. This would eventually lead to the Disciples and Operators coming to blows, and it would be up to the Overboss to determine the sway of the battle, which would gain favor with that side. Afterwards, you might be able to go to the pack (Or whatever the other remaining faction is) and say "Hey, you heard about how the Disciples wiped out the Operators? Well, they are coming for you too Mason. Heard that slobbering rabid Bitch Nisha say she's gonna enjoy gutting you. Why don't you go show her who the real Alpha is? Declare your Dominance over her?" Then you help which ever side you want again, leaving only one gang left. Which you can then use the internal manipulation to tear them apart even more, Or maybe at this point call in some Railroad Agents, or Heavies, and help mop up the remaining members of the gang.

    The third option is Wetworks and manipulation. You sneak into one of the factions bases at night, kill their leader, and pin it on one of the other factions. this could be acquiring a Disciples Knife and cutting Mason's or Mag's throat and leaving there. Using an operator, suppressed Sniper rifle and killing Nisha or Mason then leaning it up against your sniper's perch. Or taking a baseball bat with pack colors and watermelon Nisha or Mag's heads, leaving it at the scene of the crime. This could lead to discourse within the factions trying to weed out a traitor and getting paranoid to the point where it collapses in on itself and eventually to an all out war between the 3 factions. While you sit back and watch the chaos unfold sipping a Martini from Fizztop mountain. Only to then sweep up the remaining survivors.

    The Peaceful option is convincing the Raider gangs to work together, and maybe reforming them and actually helping out with rebuilding the commonwealth. It's a stretch I know, and would require a very hard speech check, but it should still be an option. Might not work all the time, but it would make the DLC a lot more interesting.

    Anyone else agree?

    submitted by /u/DexxToress
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    The Fallout Series and the Trouble with Speech [Video Essay]

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    Finished Fallout 4 (main story) for the first time. My thoughts.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    I am VERY late on this one. Over quarantine, I've completed every Fallout and Elder scrolls game (except 76 I'm not touching that one).

    I like the ending! I sided with the minutemen. Felt good to "save" Shaun and finally reunite.

    The gameplay felt solid. It felt like Fallout New Vegas and Bioshock Infinite had a beautiful love child.

    The settlement system is cool so far. I'm trying to make my settlements bigger at the moment. Finally, there's actually a real use for all those items scattered around the wasteland.

    I think the game is overhated. I wish I could do multiple faction quests like NV, but other than that, I really liked it!

    I'll probably play Far Harbor, I heard that's a good DLC.

    submitted by /u/Theethanlong
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    Anyone else get super anxious for anything new fallout randomly

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    I just want a location or something for a new fallout game

    submitted by /u/AssociateStriking204
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    Nuka world was really missing one thing

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    A nuke. There should have been an option to nuke nuka world. Just turn it into a crater. The park had all manner of things that they shouldn't have kept in stock. Considering how crazy businessmen were getting before the war it isn't that much of a stretch to suggest that they bought a real nuke for the park

    submitted by /u/knullandvoid
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    [Fallout 4] Lost My Robot

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 01:06 AM PDT

    I spent a long time collecting the resources to build my robot and I just lost him. I was starting the nukaworld DLC and I made Gage come with me instead of my robot and now I can't find him. Is there a way to find him on the map or something? I just want him back:(

    submitted by /u/ethanstehr
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    The BoS' decision to travel to the Commonwealth was a bad move

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    In a broad sense, Maxson's decision to go to Boston somewhat mirror's that of Caesar's expedition to Gaul. The historical Caesar aimed to defeat the Helvetti and Suebi in order to gain favor and hegemony over the Gauls. It is impossible to really know what he was thinking at the time, but I am sure he didn't expect a rolling wave of revolts in response to his army wintering in Gaul after "helping" them.

    The big difference that I notice between Caesar and Maxson, among other things, is that he has no stable supply line. Correct me if I'm wrong here - but there is no mention that the BoS has territory near the area. This means that they have to live off of the land, and by live off of the land, I mean extort the residents of the Commonwealth in order to survive. Even if the BoS is able to defeat the Institute they are sitting on a rebellion in the making.

    Maxson and a relatively few vanguard are in the middle of nowhere, too far away from their power base to receive help in case the Institute is too strong, the populace of the Commonwealth rises up, or if the Nukaworld raiders attack. Anyone with a brain and a map would have been able to figure this out. How are there no regular visits from boats coming up from the D.C Wasteland with reinforcements?

    This is not to mention that Maxson is relatively young, and hasn't chosen a designated heir. So, in the result of his death, the D.C Wasteland is thrown into chaos and is open to attack from The Pitt or whoever else.

    What was he thinking?

    submitted by /u/NewCenturyNarratives
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    New Playthrough - Flipping Corvega

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    Every time I've I've started a new play through on Fallout 4 and did the first Minutemen quest, The First Step, where you have to help Tenpines Bluff's settlers, I've always been told to go take out Corvega. I assumed it was scripted this way. Taking down Corvega on survival at like level 5-10 is not necessarily easy, so I've always put off the Minutemen quest line until I was a fair bit stronger.

    On another note, I also thought it was amazingly cruel to make the player take down such a massive raider target so early in the game. I cursed Bethesda under my breath every time I started this quest.

    Anyways, I started another play through recently, which is easily like my 15th play through. I started this quest and... they assigned me to freaking Walden Pond. All this time, all these years, all these play throughs, I've pulled the short straw and had to take out Corvega when it could have been some other measly raider base this whole time. What the hell.

    Anyways, that's my little tangent I felt like sharing. It's frustratingly hilarious to me. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/Ardent-Flame
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    Is it safe to expect an enhanced Fallout 4 for PS5?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    Personally, I'd love to see a better looking Fallout 4, will Dual-sense haptic functionality, Xbox-level modding (external assets) and maybe better (could it run Miami?) and some items from 76 ported over. It's unlikely, but I'd love to see some Creation Club items like Captain Cosmos and Tunnel snakes and some skins bundled in too, especially since CC is somewhat forgotten at this point.

    Thoughts on the potential for Fallout 4 enhanced for PS5, as well as the ideas above?

    submitted by /u/Heavyduty35
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    Adaptive difficulty in Fallout 4?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    I've just been killed by a mine and after quick loading the mine was gone. Is the game trying to be gentle with me or what?

    submitted by /u/Arjab
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    Multi-skill dialogue options in New Vegas? (spoilers)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    Is there a mod that adds multi skill dialogue options? Or is this cool idea so I can try to make one? An example in lannius. he's talked up so much and the last 'boss' of the game and can be talked thru with just 100 speech. I think a good idea would be to make it 100 speech plus like 8 strength because he's a huge killing machine and maybe a stronger carrier would be necessary to talk thru him. or barter checks could also involve a speech skill requirement because you can know money but you have to talk well to convince people. I'm sure there are other checks this could apply to to even out the speech skill a little.

    submitted by /u/1v1MeLittleBitch
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    FO4 Hardcore Survival Challenge

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    My idea for a new Fallout experience:

    Imagine yourself in the Fallout universe and create your character based off of your own attributes with a true S.P.E.C.I.A.L selection. Explain why your points are what they are? These will be your only special points and you cannot add to them any longer. If you're able to, add a mod that changes your starting location and place yourself a good ways from the early game.

    Keep your loadout extremely realistic. You can't carry an entire armory in your back pocket irl. So keep it limited to


    1x PISTOL



    10x MED/CHEMS

    100x AMMO for each weapon.

    Can't carry more than one weapon in inventory at anytime. Unless you have a backpack mod. And you think it '"fits" in the bag.

    AND to make things risky, each time you die or get "knocked out". DROP ONE GUN, ONE CHEM (ex. 11x bottle water, drop all of it.) AND 30 AMMO.

    And that's about it. Making the game riskier and a lot more enjoyable imo. Mods greatly enhance experience. My favorite would be DAMN APOCALYPSE by payl0ad - BabyBearington on NEXUS. A complete overhaul to FO4's looting and combat system.

    Hopefully y'all think this is cool and enjoy the concept. And I'm new to Reddit so here goes to the first post.

    If you'd like to see my go at this challenge check out my twitch @ twitch.tv/kneecapperslapper ! I'm going to be doing a modded run using only the pipboy app and VATS.

    submitted by /u/kneecapperslapper
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    An interesting Brahmin

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    Today when playing Fo4, I came across a caravan, but with no trader. I used vats to try and find him but he ease the there just the 2 guards and a Brahmin, but when I saw the Brahmin, he was named idiot. Is this normal?

    submitted by /u/apekala008
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    How to correctly install Fallout 3?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 04:06 AM PDT

    I've completely ran out of saves on Fallout: New Vegas and done everything in Fallout 4 many o' times. I have no idea on the small details and some big plot details of Fallout 3, and I'd like to get it on steam but I don't want to spend some cash on a game I wont be able to play. What should I install and to make it work or is there some other place I can buy it that isnt on steam?

    submitted by /u/goldegyptian7
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    Fallout 1 speedrun

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    What's ur fastest time beating fallout 1, all quests

    submitted by /u/rpgmole
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    Is fallout 1 overrated? Or am I somehow "playing it wrong"

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    I dont really mind the older style of the game, how it plays, etc.

    But some things really bother me. The graphics make some objects impossible to see. That hunting rifle in vault 15? I had to Google where it was, I found an image of its exact location, and yet i still couldn't find it. Maybe it just wasn't there. No idea. I also completely missed the rope in the shed because it blends in with the floor so much. On top of that, Ian just fucking shot me on accident. Does he learn from his mistake? Does he make any attempt to position better? Nope. He will fire at an enemy that's behind me and hit me instead. More or less I can position myself out of his way, but i don't see why he uses a gun on rats anyway. Oh and I can only fire one round in a turn, whereas i can swing a knife 3 times. Ok then.

    I'm not saying the game is bad, but im finding it to be a chore rather than a game, and that doesn't seem to be consistent with almost everyone I meet saying it is the holy grail of gaming, and I've seen threads full of people insulting anyone who thinks otherwise.

    submitted by /u/Elegron
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    Mods for Vault 88 (PS4)

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 03:36 AM PDT

    I am literally the worlds worst settlement builder and Vault 88 sounds appealing, but the sheer size of the place is way too overwhelming. Anyone know of any mods that pretty much builds the Vault rooms and just leaves decorating to do?

    submitted by /u/beanpole97
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    Future fallout 4 vault ideas?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    I'm in need of ideas for my vault 88 mega vault! I already have at least 5 armories and 1 gun store, 1 cafeteria, 1 classroom, my personal 3 rooms, etc.. Leave comments down below! I need ideas!

    submitted by /u/Disastrous_Yam_9832
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    What is the most underrated faction to end with in Fallout 4?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    9 out of my 10 runs ended with the Minutemen as I feel they are the best faction to control the Commonwealth and the most like the United States Government. I am aware that many people find the Minutemen bland and boring but with a few mods they are easily the most underrated in my book. My first run ended with the Institute which left a bad taste in my mouth, like I just handed over the commonwealth to the secret police.

    submitted by /u/Kommandant_Klink
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    [Spoilers]Every Trader/Named NPC in Nuka-World Market is naked?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 01:53 AM PDT

    I went back to Nuka world because it seems like the only place to get 7.62mm ammo. I nocticed chip when I walked in had his boxer on just chilling weilding a pipe. I thought it was odd. I look over and every trader or named npc is completely naked and it wasnt that way when I left. I killed all the raiders and did almost of the quests(restored power, star control, each theme parks quest line, the rocket ship thing, etc). I left and went to do far harbor. I completed it by killing all the children of atom then triggering the nuke after I convinced Dima to turn himself in saving Far Harbor and Arcaida. I finished about 5 quests or so in the base game( I completed the main story before going to Nuka-World) and came back after I wouls say 25ish ingame hours?

    Has anyone else had this happen?

    submitted by /u/thewookie34
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    Fallout 4: Power armor locational damage?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    So for armor and specifically power armor does your armor rating only apply to the slot it covers or your entire body? If I'm wearing a full suit of power armor is my DR for any spot of my body 1800 or so or is it like 270 for say the leg?

    submitted by /u/sueil
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