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    Sunday, July 12, 2020

    Fallout | If you had to choose a vault to live to the end of your life, what would it be?

    Fallout | If you had to choose a vault to live to the end of your life, what would it be?

    If you had to choose a vault to live to the end of your life, what would it be?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    Imagine that the world is over, and you can choose which Vault you will stay in, which one would it be?

    You could never leave the Vault.

    submitted by /u/waizubr
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    I think Ceaser's Legion fails to give you a valid reason to join them. (Spoilers for New Vegas, don't think I can avoid them)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    Ok so this is something I've been building up for a while. Now I understand that there is a point the philosophy of the Legion, and their conflict with the NCR. The idea is to make you question the values you likely were raised to hold. Chances are, you were raised in a democratic society, and if not, there was likely much talk about the benefit you would get if it was brought to you. The whole game then proceeds to showcase the greed and corruption in the NCR, a democratic society which bends heavily to corporate interest, and engages in wars of imperialism. You are then shown the Legion, an autocratic empire bent on conquest. But upon meeting Ceaser, he presents to you his thesis. This idea that his authoritarian system brings with him peace and stability you cannot find in the NCR. Their leader cannot be corrupted, and so there is no self interest in the Legion. Its an interesting concept, to sit down abd evaluate what you beleive. The problem is though, that's the only reason to join him. You don't really get to see this safety and security yourself, you just hear people mention it. You never get to see if the system is incorruptible, because you never see it get tested. And even worse then not being able to see the positives, you only see the really, really big negatives. Woman are cattle for breeding in the Legion. There is no equality, there is no niche role women can take up. They have less rights then they would in the actual Roman Empire. Hell, as a woman, when I did my Legion play through they still spent the whole game telling me im inferior, and one slave told me to watch out because some legionaires were plotting to rape me. They are unrepentant slavers, who not only enslave many people, they seemingly only exist to perpetuate their own slave economy, with slaves working to support the Legion, and the Legion only fighting to get more slaves. Quite frankly, the Legion is horrifying, and give no real incentive to join them. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    submitted by /u/azuresegugio
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    I like Bethesda's change to the ghouls design.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    I don't really care for feral ghouls, because having zombies seems a bit uninspired.

    That said, their design change for 4 is cool. Angry, Radioactive Mummies are much more intimidating looking than half-rotted creatures looking like they're coming from together.

    submitted by /u/MyFrellingUserName
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    Finally creates my build! I want to hear your opinions on it!???

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    I've gone female character due to never playing female and I've been told her sarcastic comment are spot on, and they are!

    Nora Clarke

    Shes is hurt and pissed off by the kidnapping of Shaun and the murder if her husband! So her personality is adjusted to them events making her: -Sacastic/cant be arsed with talking to people. -Gets angry easily due to her pain. -Often chooses the more good hearted route but pissed of!

    Her former self was a high up scientist who was working on development of energy weapons and would test them regularly being a giant advantage of the now wasteland America. Meaning: -Energy weapons only -High intelligence and Charisma and either agility or perception -Scientist type - Armor/weapon style -Scientist styled settlements and no more then 5 majors

    Even though she prett much plays a rude charismatic intellectual scientist she still has a soft heart and chooses the good options over the bad meaning: -Majorly help Minutemen -Highly interested in Railroad and BoS -Not sure what to do with the insitution

    Please tell me your thoughts and rate it out of 10 if it excites you!??

    submitted by /u/Conclarke1993
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    Is it me or does Fallout 3 and NV have better unique weapons than Fallout 4 and 76?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 02:13 AM PDT

    Can i get out now ?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Im stuck in this vault for months now, things started to get a little boring now smh.

    Anyway hows your sex vault life ?

    submitted by /u/im_inside_obama
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    My experience with Fallout

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    About a year ago, I played Fallout 4 for the first time. It immediately became my favorite game. The soundtrack, the lore, the locations, and characters gave off a unique vibe that no other game has given me. Since there was a 4 slapped at the end of the title I assumed there were more games. So after a quick google search, I discovered a large franchise that spanned over 20 years. I noticed that 2 of the games (Fallout 3 and New Vegas) were on Xbox. At the time I had gamepass so I installed both of them. Unfortunately, school started so I didn't find a lot of time to play them. Christmas rolls around and I get Fallout 76. I played about half of it before realizing it was a dumpster fire. Winter break ends and I go back to school. Then covid happened so I'm stuck at home. I turn on the xbox and see fallout 3, so I give it a try. The things that made fall in love with 4 were present in this game as well. The soundtrack, with the mysterious and ghostly sounding ambience following me around the Capital Wasteland. The plot, with the beautiful story of the Lone Wanderer following in his father's footsteps, sacrificing himself for the greater good. And the characters. James, Dr. Li, Three Dog, Coronal Autumn, and so many more making the corpse of the old world feel alive. After playing Fallout 3, I bought fallout new vegas, thinking I would like it. Turns out my gamble would pay off. First of all, the opening cutscene of New Vegas is my favorite intro of any video game, with Ron Perlman giving you a great introduction to the mojave wasteland. When it comes to the game itself I love how it is made to make you feel like your decisions have a long lasting impact on the Mojave. Whether you side with House, the NCR, the Legion, or yourself. And I love that before you do all of that, you get revenge on the man that got you into it, by hunting him down from the very start of the game.

    Well that's all she wrote. Sorry about that being really long, just wanted to get that out there. I'm thinking about playing the original games so if you want comment some advice because i have never played a 90s rpg. Or comment your experience with Fallout. Make it shorter than mine if you want.

    submitted by /u/banepunch11
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    Can we get a 'Muggy' user flair?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    Please and thank you.

    submitted by /u/OttoManSatire
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    Nate and Nora: Self inserts, or Unique Characters?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    So, I've been doing a lot of thinking as I pass my 900 hour mark in Fallout 4 with nearly 40+ different characters. Namely about the character you play as for your first, or nth time in your 10 maybe 20 hour campaign.

    Fallout 4 is the first fallout game to feature voiced PCs and complete customization of both spouses to be as horrible or pretty as you want them to be.

    Now being a writer, I tend to look at things much differently. What tone is the story going for, what information is conveyed to me or a player and what does it tell about the world. Is this particular set of dialogue, or encounter foreshadowing events of the future, etc.

    Today, I wanna take a look at the Characters of Nate and Nora (Though more specifically Nora as I play her a lot more then Nate) and see what they are all about. Now most of this will be based off some speculation and my interpretations of dialogue and events, so feel free to disagree with me. I will try to keep any major/minor plot spoilers to an absolute minimum.

    Let's start off with what exactly do we know about Nate and Nora?

    Well, for starters, they are probably both smokers, as when you interact with the cigarettes on the cabinet both Nate and Nora say "Now who left those there?"

    They both like to drink as evident by the wine and bourbon on top of the cabinet.

    I would say we can also reasonably assume they've been married for at least 10 years. Considering I put their ages at about late twenties if not early thirties. And since Nate is a decorated war hero (more on that later) I think it would make sense that they were married sometime before Sino-American war and not right after it.

    So let's talk early life.

    Now, there is no real big context to where they both originated from but I think it might be a safe assumption to think they both grew up in Massachusetts (again feel free to disagree as this is mostly speculation). So let's fast forward a little bit to when their both 18. Now, I think it's a reasonable that when they turned 18, they more or less knew what they wanted to do.

    Nate Joined the Army, and Nora went to College.

    From what it is implied when Nora looks at her law degree she says "it took a lot of late nights, and studying, but I finally got it." So we can assume she worked her ass off to get her law degree. Now since we don't really know what type of law degree it is, let's assume it's a bachelor's degree (If it isn't please feel free to correct me).

    So that put's Nora's age at roughly 22 at the time she got her law degree.

    For Nate, you can argue whether or not he went to college to at least get an associates degree, but he at least served in the army for a few years, but at some point, they met, probably sometime within the last year of Nora's College years.

    They dated for a while, when Nate popped the question and they got married. Shortly after getting married, Nate was deployed to fight in the Sino-American War, and was discharged sometime in either February or March of 2077. We can confirm this because it's reasonable to assume that since Shaun is a new born baby (If not maybe a month or two older) he must have been discharged around this time frame because it's unlikely, he met Nora, Married her, and then had a kid with her, nine months before the bombs fell.

    We know that he had to have been deployed at sometime between 2066 and 2077, because when you inspect the american flag next to her law degree, she says "I'm so proud of him." with emotion in her voice. Also, given the intro cutscene of Nate being deployed, and the photo he shows, they have to been married for at least some time before the Sino-American war. Not to mention, Nate was a part of the 108th infantry regiment that we can also probably assume had to deal with the liberation of Anchorage.

    So any way we look at it, Nate and Nora have been married for awhile and after he was discharged they decided to have a quiet, ideal nuclear family, in the sunny paradise cul-de-sac of Sanctuary Hills.

    Now on to the meat and potatoes of these characters; Their personality traits.

    We'll start off with Nora.

    Now, as we know, Nora is a Lawyer, and has been practicing law for at least as long as she's been married to Nate, if not a little longer. I also believe she is an accomplished Lawyer, as some of the Cut Content for the game, has a terminal in the home and in Nora's files, she mentions a number cases that's she's dealing with, and one of them she'd be willing to work for "Pro Bono." (Which means for free).

    By this alone, we can interpret she's likely a defense lawyer. Or the very least works defense cases.

    From the 900 hours I have in the game, and from one of the mods that I run, "Journal of the Sole Survivor" (Mod link --> https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13462 ) I would often sit down, and write out what exactly my character would be thinking, or at least how I would see/write Nora thinking at any given time. So given that, I think I have a pretty good understanding (or at least interpretation) of Nora's character.

    I see Nora as someone who holds justice, and fair trial above all else. When a law is broken, or someone has been wronged, she wants to see them brought to justice, or if someone is innocent, defend them and prove it. I see her as someone who would condemn killing someone of any kind (even when justified), and would rather everyone come out alive if all possible.

    However, at the same time, I also think she understands that sometimes motivations are not always black and white, and with her being a lawyer, I'd say she'd know that even if a client may have committed the crime there was a reason for it.

    Because of her Lawyer background, I think she'd Lean more heavy on Charisma, Intelligence, and Perception, preferring to talk her way out of a confrontation if she can. However, I do think she's not afraid of some underhanded tactics to sway things in her favor. Whether it's turning some raiders on themselves, or maybe setting up a logical trap to get someone on her side.

    When it comes to weapons, I think Nora would have a basic understanding of how to shoot, and handle firearms, part of her lawyer background (as well as good knowledge to have), and also perhaps some kind of basic shooting time at a range with Nate before he shipped off. Pistols, Knives, and hunting rifles would probably be her preferred weapons as she's no soldier, but at least knows how to hold her own. Though I think she'd resort primarily to stealth first, rather then an open gun battle.

    However, I also think she has a much more dangerous side that she revels in. She's a massive risk taker, and perhaps that comes part of her job as a Lawyer, but I think she enjoys risky situations, and maybe not as innocent as she may seem. When you reply sarcastically to Nate's comment about going to the park you say "The park? With you? Sounds great...so I can get pregnant again."

    Humorous, yes, and while she may be sarcastic I don't this comment was by accident. I mean just by that sentence alone, it tells quite a lot about Nora (and Nate perhaps) if it's true. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks having sex in park when no one is looking is super risky. And I also think that ties well into Nora's wild side.

    I would say in the much grander scheme of things, she's got a good moral compass, and is largely a good person, but she's not against undercutting the competition to get an edge. I think she'd also lean a bit towards mercenary work due to her lawyer background as she wouldn't do everything for free, but she wouldn't throw her morals away for a couple hundred caps.

    Companion wise, I think Nick, or Hancock would be the best suited ones for her character. Nick would be a near perfect copy as they share many similarities and ideas of justice, but also understand that things aren't always clear cut. Hancock, while she'd be a bit reluctant traveling with cuz he's a bit of a chem-head, ultimately he has a good heart and also shares a similar philosophy with Nora. Though I don't think she'd Romance Hancock if you do reach max affinity with him. I think it would be unlikely for Nora to romance any of the available companions, aside from maybe MacCready (Personal opinion mostly).

    Ultimately, I think she'd side with the Railroad, as that suits her character much more then The BOS, Minutemen, or Institute. In terms of the main story.

    Now for Nate.

    Nate I see as a good natured soldier, who did his best to serve his country in his time of need. Patriotic, Proud, and a bit of a goofball. He would likely be willing to help anyone he came across who needed it.

    He's a bit naive and I think he never really outgrew his childhood. He's definitely not the smartest person, but he is a damn good soldier. In a sense, I see him as almost two other people. When he's around other people, he smiles, maybe cracks a joke here and there, and has the best interests of people in mind, but in combat, he's deadly, cold, and is able to think on his feet rather well. He's not invincible, but I definitely see him favoring power armor whenever he's out and about.

    Now since we don't really know of his exploits in the army, aside from him be a decorated war hero, We can probably assume he served during the liberation of Anchorage. With him being a soldier He'd definitely know how to handle any firearm, and explosive, with perhaps a basic understanding of Energy Weapons. He's definitely a gun nut, and knows how to at least maintain his gear, unlike Nora.

    I can see him having a higher strength, and fairly competent with melee weapons. He'd have a decent perception, as he's likely an okay shot, but nothing spectacular. Charisma would be on the lower end, and his Endurance would likely be high. I can see him being either a melee tank, commando build, or semi-auto rifleman. Pretty much if it's combat related, Nate would excel at it.

    Nate I think ultimately would be distraught at his wife dying, taking it really hard, seeing as how he just got home from war, has a brand newborn son, only to have it all taken away before he even has the chance to enjoy it. But with time, I think he would eventually get better.

    For companions, I can definitely see Piper, and Curie being good choices for him. Piper shares many of his qualities with him. She ultimately wants to know the truth, and is a good person in the greater scheme of things. Curie would also be a great choice because she too is concerned with making the Commonwealth a better place for everyone, and also has a good head on her shoulders. I also think that it would be likely that Nate Romances either of them, especially Piper as she shares some aspects with Nora and kinda reminds him of her.

    I think in the end, Nate would likely Side with the Minutemen, or BOS, as both of them would likely peak his interest in the early game, and seem most suited for his soldier background. I think he'd primarily lean towards the Minutemen since they seem to be for the better of the commonwealth, But the case can be made for BOS if you think Nate would want much more order to the wasteland.

    So what do you think? Any of this stuff seem plausible about both of their characters? I'm sure there's some stuff I missed, and please feel free to correct me if so. Sorry for the long post.

    submitted by /u/DexxToress
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    What is the worst minor change any fallout game had

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    This is a bit of a weird one but I always see stuff about the absolute worst changes that these games had but I wanted to see what people thought the more minor changes. You know the changes that don't really matter but still kinda annoy you. Whether I'd be a change another fallout had but one didn't or maybe even a real world feature unfittingly not present. Mine would 100% be obsidians absolute butchering and nerfing of the Chinese stealth suit in new Vegas

    submitted by /u/Dieseldees73
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    Fallout 4, question about Mass Fusion quest, and Railroad?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    So I have been putting off Mass Fusion because I know it makes me hostile to the BoS. But I want to move on with it and continue at this point. My question is, will becoming hostile to the BoS make Danse hostile even if you've already done Blind Betrayal? I know destroying the Prydwen makes him no longer talk to you, is it the same if you do Mass Fusion?

    Also what is the point of no return for the Railroad? I haven't decided whether I'm with the Railroad or the Institute at this point and would like to continue being a double agent for as long as possible lol.

    submitted by /u/jessicat1396
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    Why are there mg42's in Appalachia, did the U.S go through with the T24 project?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    For some clarity the T24 project was the United States attempt to remake the mg42 in 30-06 for the military and thats what led to the m60. And if the U.S did go through with the project why are there not any others allover the United States?

    submitted by /u/thegamingkaiser
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    Preston's Castle Obsession: Not Able To Trade

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 10:55 PM PDT

    I'm seeing various flavours of this issue, but just to double-check.

    I did a mission with Preston and then sent him back to Sanctuary. Now I'm wanting to arm him up some more so we can roam free again. But the Accompany and Trade options just don't come up. He'll only talk about taking back the Castle. I'm guessing this is a bug, or else Preston is a major Castle fan.

    Any solutions? Any advice? Or do I need to take Preston to the beach to make sandcastles while Dogmeat runs around with his Mini-Nukes?

    submitted by /u/Messernacht
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    Lets debate: who started the Great War (could be spoilers but nothing huge)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    my bet is on either Vault Tec or China because China literally had a sub at one of the harbors in Fallout 4 or Vault Tec because they were power hungry (I can't recall the whole Vault Tec theory but still) It could also have something to do with the Enclave but there is a problem with the Vault Tec theory because they were making a shit load of money prewar

    submitted by /u/blufftonmyron
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    I finished The Lonesome Road DLC and had a few thoughts.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    The DLC was pretty damn good. Although it was weird how walking the "lonesome road" you were almost always next to ED-E.

    I really liked the Warhead mechanic, but I feel like some were too concentrated in the same general are, that just didn't really feel like it may be plausible.

    I think the highlight of the DLC however, is the world design. Holy Shit this place looks so cool. It gives off a real mad max vibe that the regular Mojave wasteland didn't. The going through fallen buildings in the divide was so cool, and it felt like what the big cities in fallout should've been. This place really reminded me of the boneyard from the original fallout game. The ruined and torn buildings especially when you first enter and look at the new area is so pleasing yet unsettling to look at.

    The storyline was cool, but I wasn't really too invested in it, it just didn't grab me as much as I expected it to.

    In summary, this was a really cool dlc, and I enjoyed the heck out of it. If theres ever a fallout nyc, I'd want it to look like how the buildings from the dlc looked.

    submitted by /u/RetroKev1
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    Perk cards doesn't work

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:23 AM PDT


    Can anybody explain to me why my "Grim Reapers Spirit" "Adrenaline" perk cards doesn't work? Maybe someone knows will Bethesda fix this any time soon?

    submitted by /u/Rawbah2501
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    A new Paladin Class has appeared

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    NCR Trooper overhaul mod problem, need help.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    I have a problem with the NCR Trooper overhaul mod for new vegas. everytime i go into camp McCarran terminal it crashes, have looked for a solution for at least 1 hour so far nothing.


    submitted by /u/matthew13_sba
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    if I kill a BoS knight and take the power armour, will they stay mad at me forever?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    I really want the BoS Power Armour and I think the only way I can get it at the point of the game I'm in is to kill a knight so if I do kill one of them will I still be able to finish the BoS story line or will they be mad at me forever?

    submitted by /u/shrek_sweat3354
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    A Fallout inspired dream I thought I would share

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    My dad and I were in the Commonwealth trying to get to Goodneighbor. Our journey led to encounters with a super mutant behemoth (who didn't die but did fall over and complain when I kept shooting him) and a hunt for scraps of paper that had bits of code on them. Anyway, we find a subway tunnel full raiders and went to clean up. It was creepy! A voice recited a scary story and several raiders were tougher than expected! Eventually we got to Goodneighbor btw

    submitted by /u/T00Bytoon
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    Some album art I made for some of the Fallout games when I was bored. They're not great, but I thought I'd share them with y'all.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    I'm not overly happy with how 4 and 76 turned out, but I really like how 3 and New Vegas look.


    submitted by /u/Razzula
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    Weird Large Texture floating over/through Diamond City.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    I've got a few mods downloaded but if theres any easy solutions to fix this lmk thank you!

    submitted by /u/ReasonedTwo
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    Best FO 1 & 2 Let’s Plays?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 02:28 AM PDT

    Preferably done by the same person.

    submitted by /u/AllCutUp1136
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