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    Fallout: New Vegas | Fallout New Vegas Minimalist Poster (OC)

    Fallout: New Vegas | Fallout New Vegas Minimalist Poster (OC)

    Fallout New Vegas Minimalist Poster (OC)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:12 PM PST


    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:02 AM PST

    I'm a little disappointed that there's no option to side with Benny.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:47 PM PST

    I love the Wild Card route. Everybody loves it. Speedrunners love it because it allows you to bypass most of the game, Roleplayers love it because it lets them make peace with everybody, and Completionists love it because the absolute madmen at Obsidian managed to make entirely recycled content feel new and refreshing by slapping a wacky mascot on it.

    That said, I feel as though it still suffers from a lack of further fleshing out. You get to make a whole five important choices, and those choices are best summed up as "Evil, Neutral, or Good Karma". None of the choices feel all too weighty compared to killing Mr. House, something you may end up doing in any other run anyways. There's no moment where you defy orders to make peace with the Khans or BoS, because you aren't on orders to destroy this group. You were simply told they exist. It's hard to make something like this, too, unless you consider one possibility. Benny Gecko.

    When Benny offers you an alliance in the Tops, it's a trap he uses to make an attempt on your life and run. There are many ways to go about killing him, including conspiracy, killing him mid-coitus, and crucifixion, but what if there was an option to let him live, and not that "give him a Stealth Boy" fiasco.

    I'd like to propose an alternate version of Wild Card where instead of Yes Man, you're the Wild Card. Benny uses the fact that you were let into the Lucky 38 as an opportunity to take out House, and then you get the standard Wild Card quests with Benny giving them to you and Yes Man playing a somewhat secondary role. The Basement, Fort, and Substation would be replaced by Yes Man, and all other times, you'd talk to Benny about your decisions. You could still kill him and do Wild Card, of course, but you could also work with him. If you were to do so, Benny would take over New Vegas, and the Courier would continue walking the wasteland.

    submitted by /u/Toe_Sucker_416
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    Behold my Caesar cosplay - on location again, this time on Willow Beach. I hope you enjoy!

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:43 AM PST

    Obsidian predict the downfall of Miley Cyrus?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:39 PM PST

    I’ve just realised something super simple but brilliant

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:49 PM PST

    Because we never hear the Courier's voice, it's completely up to us how he says Caesar's name. We don't have to choose it in an option dialogue or have it be said the way we don't want: we decide.

    I know it's a small thing, but it's pretty neat, and it never even occurred to me.

    submitted by /u/sebbiter
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