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    Fallout | Size of NCR Military

    Fallout | Size of NCR Military

    Size of NCR Military

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 08:25 PM PDT

    The size of the NCR's presence in the Mojave has been a pretty big question. I may have an answer that gets us close.

    The lore concludes that the NCR suffers 1,000 deaths in action or by attrition every year (Chief Hanlon's dialogue). In most modern attritious wars (of similar conditions) such as Vietnam or the American Civil War, the KIA:Injury ratio is roughly 1:3, putting the NCR's total casualties around 4,000 a year, or 16,000 from 2277 to 2281.

    In tactical terms, the highest viable casualty ratio that any army is expected to handle is 20%. Since this is an army in a world much harsher than ours, the 20% ratio is probably around the mark for the NCR forces. 16,000 * 5 = 80,000 deployed over four years.

    We learn from Sgt. McGee of Primm that most NCOs are on their second tour in the Mojave, implying that a deployment cycle has passed since the first battle of Hoover Dam. Taking into account the high rate of casualties in the field,

    (80,000 (total) - 16,000 (casualties)) / 2 (deployment cycles) = 32,000 Troopers in the Mojave at any given time.

    This is also supported by the presence of two Colonels (traditionally leading regiments/divisions of 10,000) plus auxiliaries and a General that also commands his own force, likely a division-size as well. (adding up to around 30-35,000).

    thank you for watching my ted talk

    Edit: I would also like to add that this is NOT my estimate for the total size of the NCR Military. I'd put my guess for that around 2-3 times that in the Mojave alone. This was brought up by /u/Swankyfranky_650, with whom I agreed on 90,000 being a viable total size.

    submitted by /u/Cynic_Nerd
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    Why the Legion is winning

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 09:46 PM PDT

    I hear a lot of people on this sub say that the NCR should have no problems with the legion, because the NCR has a modern army while the legion is just a bunch of tribals with pointy sticks. Respectfully, I disagree.

    To begin with, the NCR is nowhere near as strong as everyone thinks it is. They do have some advantages; such as there equipment, Special Forces units, and their manpower. While the AR-15 does have reliability issues, and thus wouldn't be my first choice for a fight in the desert, it's accuracy is a boon in such an open environment and its leaps and bounds above what other factions can wield. Likewise, the leather vest they wear is actually pretty good. I dont think it would fare that well against bullets but against a machete it's a pretty good match. NCR Rangers are easily the best fighters in the wastes, and the NCR is one of, if not the largest nation in North America.

    In spite of these advantages, the NCR has a lot holding it back. Lets start with their officer core. The highest ranking officer, Lee is abysmal. He sidelines his best troops out of sheer avarice for glory, prioritizes the defense of the damn to the detriment of everything else, and his leadership is quite detrimental to morale (I think the nickname "Wait and See" speaks for itself). You can literally use a speech check to convince Lanius that he couldn't be that stupid and its really a trap. Spoiler alert; it isn't. He's really that dumb. Hsu is probably the best of them, but I don't have that high opinion of his record. He's unable to locate the spy, and I don't think losing McCarran to the Fiends reflects well on him. All that being said, he's the best of the lot at diplomacy and his troops do think highly of him.

    Next we arrive at Moore. No other way to put it; she's a bitch. Aside from being rude, her vindictiveness prevents the NCR from gaining valuable allies and she often bungles how to divert resources because of her temper. All that being said, she is a decent tactician. We see very little of Major Polanski, but the state of Forlorn Hope can not reflect well on him. Finally we get to the ranger commander; Hanlon. Hes a good man and a good solider, but this old dog has seen too much war. His plan to spread misinformation works directly in the interest of the legion; and his messages are far too blatant to not attract attention. I think hes seen too much and this is his way of coping.

    Aside from their officers, the NCR has several other factors holding them back. The size of the Mojave stretches their forces thin, and their supply lines are on the verge of collapse. Additionally, their training is quite poor and morale is quite low. Put a man with an AR-15 against someone with a bolt action M-40 and the person with the assault rifle has a clear advantage. If the person with an M-40 is a seasoned veteran with more ammunition and is highly motivated; then odds swing in favor of the man with a bolt action, and that's not even mentioning superior numbers, and that the NCR trooper can be easily routed. With that entire mind, the one time the legion and the republic met in an open battle the NCR won. So why is the legion kicking the NCR`s ass this time around? Lets take a look of what has happened so far and what will happen if the Courier never wakes up.

    If Benny puts in a third shot:

    1) McCarran is overrun by Fiends.

    2) The misfits bolt and Golf falls.

    3) The strip is bombed and machine gunned by the Omeratas.

    4) Forlorn hope is on the verge of collapse as it is; one kick and the whole rotten structure collapses.

    5) Searchlight is abandoned with heavy casualties because of WMDS.

    6) Helios One is taken by the BOS.

    7) Kimball pulls a Kennedy; the legion launches a frontal assault but ambushes the NCR from the tunnels. The bull goes over the damn.

    8) The garrison at Nelson is routed by a legion charge.

    If we examine all of these; a few common patterns emerge (there will be a great deal of overlap). One is that the legion is far better at dealing with the smaller factions than the NCR. The following factions are either directly allied with the legion or working in their interests: the Omeratas, BOS, Fiends, Great Khans, Kings, and Powder Gangers. In comparison, the NCR has the lukewarm support of the Followers and several small settlements (Goodsprings for example). They also have the Van Graffs but none of the NCRs allies help that much. There are several reasons for this. One is the legions insistence of cultural assimilation; but I think their draconian methods play a larger part. Few factions are willing to tangle with the legion and risk being put on a cross, and anyone the legion conquers wont be getting up to cause trouble anytime soon.

    If the legion conquered the powder gangers for example, theyd brutally kill the leaders and anyone deemed to be a threat and put the rest in collars so they would have no choice but to work. Its brutal and morally repugnant, but it works. The same goes for the Great Khans and the Brotherhood; if they had opposed the legion they wouldnt be around to help in the second battle.

    This is also amplified by both belligerents Special Forces units. The frumentarii are excellent at and free to recruit auxiliaries; in comparison rangers are combat focused and sidelined because of managerial incompetence.

    The second reason is supply lines. One need only to visit Forlorn Hope to see how adversely this has affected the NCR. Some of this is attributable to luck; such as the Death Claws at Sloan, some is attributable to the NCRs tenuous control on their territory (the aforementioned faction issue exacerbates this) and some of this is attributable to the sheer distance between California and New Vegas. In any case; it has several deleterious impacts on the NCR army. Morale is low enough as it is; I dont think less food is likely to help this. Contrary to public opinion; the legion does use firearms but they are trained to fight without them. The NCR cant. This is also exacerbated by several interna factors. For example; the Rangers could be used to guard caravans but Lee doesnt allow it just as corruption prevents the Heavy Troopers from doing the same task. I also think Hanlon`s radio message divert resources and worsen this issue.

    A third reason is morale; the best example of this is Nelson; where a legion force took a town from a garrison that outnumbered it to one by running in kicking and screaming; the NCR was routed instantly. This is a brilliant instance of what must be a common problem, as soldiers choosing to engage in melee charges often routies their opponents. Legionaries are as fanatical as the armies of imperial Japan, troopers are ill disciplined conscripts. Poor training, supply lines, equipment shortages, and incompetent commanders all aggravate this issue along with my fourth reason; terror tactics.

    The legion routinely engages in several tactics designed to lower their opponents will to fight (this would be placed under morale if not for the impact on Searchlight). They routinely use weapons of mass destruction, use child soldiers, assassinate NCR VIPs and brutally crucify or otherwise mutilate pows.

    Reason five is the legions excellent intelligence network. They actually had a mole in the NCR before the republic even knew they existed. This also helps with the terror tactics; it probably took a great deal of intelligence to assassinate Kimball.

    Put it all together and you get the NCR defending strongpoint at the outer edges of their supply lines through territory they no longer fully control (and they`d struggle to reach even if they did).

    Virtually every faction with warriors attacks the NCR or supports the legion; either by raiding their already outstretched supplies, joining the assault on the damn, or by attacking the NCR for their own reasons. This creates several quagmires which tie the ncr down; meanwhile the legion creates strongpoints on the west side of the Colorado and wipe out isolated positions such as searchlight or station Charlie. As the NCR diverts resources, it makes several other problems a powder keg such as the powder gangers or forlorn hope. Rather than seek allies, push back the legion strongholds, try and secure their supply lines or even train their troops Oliver Lee waits and sees. Because of corruption and inter service rivalries the NCRs best soldiers are sent to where its politically viable; such as Rangers in Baja; or power armored soliders protecting brahim. Eventually; the legion kills Kimball and takes both the damn and the Mojave in a coordinated assault.

    So without the Courier is the Legions victory inevitable? No; but from a military standpoint I think the best option might be to withdraw from the Mojave and fight from positions closer to their supply lines. As this option is not politically viable (the NCR is too dependent on Hoover Dam and Lake Meade) we will focus on how to defend the Mojave. First we will focus on foreign policy. The obvious first step is to reassign Moore; she is far to aggressive to be trusted to deal with other factions. She should be assigned to deal with the Fiends or defend forlorn hope; but she should be kept on a tight leash. House is a lost cause; but he probably cant be killed without the courier so he will be left alone; although he should be informed about the Omeratas. I think he and the NCR can agree to settle that problem. Minor settlements such as Primm will be largely be left alone; as I think the cost to annex them outweighs the tax benefit but it might be worth spreading propaganda to encourage both recruits and for them to buff their defenses. As I dont think the boomers can be recruited without the couriter; they too will be left alone. The brotherhood should be contacted; given the state of their forces I think they could be given minor concessions for a non aggression pact; although getting them to fight the legion might be difficult. Fuck the fiends; they`re a lost cause. The followers should be given incentives to support the NCR; even if their help is miniscule. They could be used to tell the Khans the truth about the legion; although getting them to ally with the NCR is probably too hard without the courier. If resources permit first recon could be deployed to kill papa covertly. I think the Kings can be persuaded or bribed to protect the NCR settlers. The most important faction to convert is the Van Graffs; as they are the most powerful faction to lend support against Casear. It shouldn't be too hard to get them to do more.

    Secondly; the NCR should divert resources away from barons and recall the rangers from the stations (the second part is obvious; if the first option was easy they would have already done so). Ideally; the rangers should be used to clear obstructions (such as the NCR prison). They could also be used to kill fiend leaders, train troops, or prevent legion crossings; but they should focus on clearing the supply lines first. On that note; extreme measures should be taken against raiders; such as the death penalty.

    Third; the NCR really needs to upgrade their intelligence network. This could help with the Omeratas and the mole. Id divert some resources to this, but not much because I cant think of an officer to lead this to who can compete with Vulpes.

    Fourth is; with the exception of Helios One (shoot Fantastic for incompetence and the guy who hired him) cancel small projects such as the Vault 22 expedition. The tools the ncr has should be up to the job; and the legion will probably arrive before the ncr has a food shortage.

    Fifth: The damn itself should have its defenses beefed up. There is no excuse for the legion infilitrating the tunnels; the ncr should know the damn better than that. It also might be worth it to set up some machine gun nests. And for gods sakes cancel Kimballs speech.

    Six: Use time waiting for the assult to clear Legion strongpoints. If you`re waiting for the guys on the other hands to clear the supply lines; then at least train your soliders. Clear out the legion strongholds on this side of the Colorado, moniter the river and maybe launch raids into their territory.

    submitted by /u/cinisxiii
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    I made the pilgrimage to Goodsprings!

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 10:52 AM PDT

    It was a very cool place. I've been there in the game so so many times, it was actually a little surreal.


    submitted by /u/NewVegasGod
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    Has anyone made a Fallout Calendar? If so any ideas how to do the peel off calendar?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 10:48 PM PDT

    Is this rumor true?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 12:22 AM PDT

    I've heard that the iconic vault dwellers "thumbs up" is actually a scaling method, in which one would hold up their thumb and compare it to the size(in height) of the mushroom cloud created by an explosion... nuclear or otherwise I guess.

    Would be neat if this is true, I could Google it but it's more satisfying asking here tbh

    Oh duh, edit- This method was used to determine if you were at a safe distance, if the height of the cloud exceeded your thumb, you were in danger. Vise versa, if it was smaller than your thumb you were fine. Fine-ish?

    submitted by /u/CheapAddictol
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    Owning a fallout weapon

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 01:14 AM PDT

    If you could own any weapon from fallout, what would you have.

    submitted by /u/SeanWoltz
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    Fallout 4 weapons for companions

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 03:39 AM PDT

    I'd like to give semi automatic rifles to companions. That means Combat Rifle in the first place, Assault Rifle or .45 Pipe Rifle maybe.

    I am not sure if I should go for higher damage or higher rate of fire. Higher damage saves ammo, and, well, deals more damage if the target actually gets hit. Higher rate of fire (like Hair Trigger) is less effective in terms of damage, but there is more chance that some of the bullets fired might actually land on target.

    As we know, companions are not notorious for accuracy. And, they seem to be eating ammo for breakfast.

    With energy weapons there are no such options, so lets leave them out of discussion.

    submitted by /u/taskdone
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    What real world location most reminds you of a Fallout location or settlement?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 03:43 PM PDT

    My vote is for the Great Depression-era settlement known as Pipe City, in which groups of people lived in disassembled concrete drainage pipes.

    submitted by /u/Gunner525
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    Can someone link me a video of a Scorch Beast infecting something. I heard that in the wild it can happen?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 02:36 PM PDT

    Fallout's cut brahmin companion!

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 02:36 PM PDT

    Has anyone ever done or tried to create a fanmade Fallout game.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 10:21 PM PDT

    With such a big and talented modding community I've been wondering lately if anyone has tried to make their own fanmade fallout game.

    submitted by /u/Hawkneer
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    I'm guessing Bethesda will just keep using east coast as their primary FO setting?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 10:19 PM PDT

    Not complaining or anything, as we still have plenty of interesting settings in east coast like New York/Jersey region, which is barely mentioned in the entire FO lore.

    submitted by /u/MiserableEquivalent
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    Fallout 4: Nuke World - The Minutemen should've been able to wipe out the Raiders, at least at the end.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 07:44 AM PDT

    Seriously, they had something similar in Far Harbor, the BoS and Institute could invade Acadia. The Railroad could even send an ambassador. This could've been a chance to flesh out the Minutemen and do something awesome with them.

    When the Sole Survivor makes it to Nuke World they should have had an option to warn the Minutemen if the player is the General. Go to the castle and warn Ronnie Shaw. Instruct her to march a company of soldiers across the wastes and have a base appear when you control half the parks in Nuka World, explain a plan to purposefully get one of the gangs to betray the rest, weakening them as a whole. Then the Sole Survivor wipes out one of the three Raider factions, like you do normally, and then lead the Minutemen into a final battle against the Raiders. Maybe even have the Minuteman base have artillery so you could use them throughout the parks.

    I know there is a mod for this, but it could've been awesome. It just seems such a better way for a good karma player to end Nuka World other than god killing ALL the raiders. Missed opportunity.

    submitted by /u/Drag0Knight
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    Discussion please, what do u guys think?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 08:11 PM PDT

    Solo play server cost Fallout 76. Any ideas on costs yet?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 03:39 AM PDT

    The media are being click baity about cost. Any ideas on the damage to our bank accounts yet?

    submitted by /u/Tipiyurtdweller
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    Constant Stutter while walking in Fallout 4 on PS4

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 03:31 AM PDT

    I recently reinstalled Fallout 4 (digital edition) and I'm getting a constant stutter while walking. Running seems to be fine, it's only walking. I played hundreds of hours of this game in the past and never had this issue previously. Doesn't matter if I'm indoors or outdoors, open areas with zero enemies or items, makes no difference. I have a few mods installed but nothing that should cause this (unofficial patch, clean sanctuary, ocd decorator and universal armor and weapons keywords are it). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I'd really like to play again but the constant stutter makes it nearly unplayable unless I perma sprint.

    submitted by /u/DDmD2K
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    Strange, story breaking thing happened before I could exit the institute.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 04:16 PM PDT


    Right, bit of backstory behind this, its a good story:

    So I'd just completed the molecular relay quest with the minutemen, and all was going well. In the playthrough im doing, im rocking a stealth build. Deliverer pistol with a load of ammo, and a ghillie suit from a mod (jump to lvl 120 too). All is going well, and i arrive in the institute. I talk to father, i answer all bad things, until he asks me to join with which i say "Maybe" and that goes on. So being the perk filled level 120 that i am, i decided to kill everyone in the institute one by one. I clear the top tunnels, bam. They see a dead body and they move on. They see their friends die right in front of their faces and they carry on. Did this for a while, but around halfway through it gets really strange because there was a guy talking to a synth, i shot him mid-dialogue, and he kept talking. I cleared the whole place and got in the elevator to the top floor. I walked past the room and to the relay hall and, OH GOD. Around 50 synth exterminators (i think thats what theyre called, the highest level ones). I manage to kill half of them (stealthly with my pistol, but i walked up to them before and they didnt attack me, killed the ones left side of first photo) , i walk over to them to check their loot, and the right side becomes hostile. I RUN to the elevator (forgot to put network scanner in and theres no way im getting in that terminal) and im free. I'm safe in the elevator. I make it to the bottom floor and boom, second picture (end of the corridor, LOADS of em). I walk over to em, they become hostile, but not before i see that between me and the elevator, the room was square formation packed with synths. I'm panicking. I'm scared. I'm gonna have to reload a save from ages ago. I manage to dart through the remaining synths on the top floor and to the terminal just about, plop the scanner in and leave, 30 stims, and about 1000 bullets lighter. This would break my mind if i was on vanilla, but i don't even know if it was the stealth killing or the mods.

    Mods i had installed:

    Cheat Terminal (for pistol, ammo, little jump boost, and lvl 120)

    Greens Ghillies (for ghillie armour, but i dont think that would do anything to the institute. I mean, why would it?)

    Snow Graphics Mod (for visuals, don't see how it could affect anything in the institute)

    TL;DR: I stealth kill everyone in the institute and get trapped by 100+ synths.

    submitted by /u/Fudgeyplays2
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    Fallout 4 vs Fallout: New Vegas

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 01:54 PM PDT

    I wanna start out by saying that Fallout is one of my favorite series of games. Everything about the open world rpg aspects of Fallout are so alluring to me, I can't get enough of it. Now that that's out of the way....

    My very first Fallout game was Fallout 4. I know, I know, probably not the best one to start out on but it was the only one I owned. I read a lot of reviews saying that Fallout 4 was horrible and that it paled in comparison to the other entries in the series. I ignored these reviews and decided to try it out for myself. Despite what some reviewers said, I thoroughly enjoyed Fallout 4. The graphics were amazing and it just felt so smooth. I fell in love with it as soon as I started playing. It felt like what a open world shooter should feel like. Now I do admit that the story was a bit lacking but everything else in the game made it up for me. After I poured in about 400 hours, I decided it was time to try another Fallout game so I decided to give Fallout: New Vegas a go. Boy I was in for a treat. New Vegas is everything Fallout 4 was but times 100. Getting past the graphics and playability took a bit but after I got over it, I started to really enjoy the game. It's story has so much more depth to it, it's not some cliche storyline you see in a hundred other games these days. The side quests were actually interesting and weren't just mindless tasks you had to complete. The characters had personality and amazing dialogues that Fallout 4 just couldn't compare to. What I came here to say was that Fallout: New Vegas is a masterpiece. Fallout 4 is fun and more modern but it doesn't really hold a candle to New Vegas. I wish I had started out with New Vegas instead; Fallout 4 still holds a special place in my heart though. It introduced me to the series and is still a very good game.

    Thank you Bethesda for gifting the world with your amazing series. I hope the people reading my post have gained as much from Fallout as I have. After all, a nuclear winter is a preferable alternative to a world without Fallout...

    submitted by /u/PyRoCyTe
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    I got accused of murder.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 08:41 AM PDT

    So i went into diomond cities bar where the two guys throw hands except paul just ended up fucking dieing and his wife just sat there staring at his corpse and asked for a drink. 2 damn days later pauls wife has the nerve to ask where her husband is like she wasnt there and she blamed my ass. Just thought this might me a little comedic later lads.

    submitted by /u/Father_Fast
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    What version of power armor do you prefer? Older style or new vehicle like style from Fallout 4?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 08:05 AM PDT

    Fallout 3 crashes when loading a save

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 08:20 PM PDT

    I am running a retail CD copy of Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition on Windows 10. After installing the game, I had the "The ordinal 42 could not be located" bug, but I fixed it via the games for windows live disabler. The game started up fine and I was able to play until I quit. Next time I opened the game and tried to load any save, it starts loading then freezes. New game still works just fine though. I tried the multicore ini tweak but to no avail. All the solutions I find suggest either the GFWL fix or the ini edit, but nothing about an otherwise fine installation crashing only when trying to load a save. Could it possibly be a problem with how the game reads saves? Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Skarmory943
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    Guys help I’m addicted to fallout 4

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 10:08 AM PDT

    So I wanted to beat all the games again in anticipation for wastelanders since ncps wooo, and after I beat 3 and 2 since they are my favorites I started new Vegas again and it is such a lovely game as usual and then I started 4 again for some reason and know I literally can't play anything else without being bored, help.

    submitted by /u/nibbamcgee
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