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    Fallout | Fallout: The History of VATS by ManyATrueNerd

    Fallout | Fallout: The History of VATS by ManyATrueNerd

    Fallout: The History of VATS by ManyATrueNerd

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 01:37 PM PDT

    First time playing a fallout game and ..wow.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 05:32 AM PDT

    I've just started playing New Vegas with Gamepass and I'm having so much fun. It's fun, deep, and very engaging. The quests are all so varied and fleshed out I feel. I'm only 7 hours in and loving it.

    I just want to talk to someone about this new excitement of mine.

    Thats all, internet :)

    submitted by /u/iRustic
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    what made me love fallout 3?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 02:28 AM PDT

    I was a highschool freshman bored and desperate for entertainment from a new franchise.

    I would usually play games like Halo 3 ODST and.. huh.. I don't remember playing any other game after getting halo 3 odst well anyways I was hungry for a weird game that stuck out.

    and there it was. it had no cover art and no instruction manual it was just a plain disc. I bought it not knowing what a RPG was, not knowing character creation was possible, and not knowing it was open would like gta.

    the intro came up. the world was nuked and every human that left the vault died except ours was smart enough to leave the doors closed... forever.

    mom died and Dad spent time raising you in the vault. I was introduced to Amata and Butch knowing from cliche Anime experience Butch will have a change of heart and can be romancible for my female character while Amata looks like a lesbian until the final minute when the game remembers what sex I am.

    time skipped forward and dad left the vault. "THERE IT IS" I thought "The story and the entire game is about leaving the vault. it'll end just like Whiplash did seeing the outside world after destroying the evil underground lair, with the Help of Butch and Amata.... wait what???? I'm.. um outside.. well that was fucking short I paid for this um... wait there's no walls? no invisible walls???? huh...

    I read my pip boy "uhoh disaster at lv 2 the air out here is more toxic then I thought" I use a stimpack "IT'S NOT WORKING!!!" (yes it was character level) I walk some more waiting for the plot to come up...

    this scared the living shit out of me. I never saw it coming (play persona 5 music) I thought every human outside the vaults were dead D-E-A-D DEAD as in extinct but "THOSE MONSTERS THEY'RE GOING TO GET ME!"

    "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. it's a fucking boy and he's alive a breathing human the intro said all humans "only had the hell of the wastes to great them" that means death! extinction! what is this game!!!???

    and finally I started the "Those" quest.

    it took me several and I mean several tries to complete it and before you say it I didn't know that there was a mini map in the game I was walking blind.

    after putting the quest on hold I started listening to three dog static on radio while I scavenge the locations for equipment to fight those fucking ants but something happened. a quest got updated.

    "following in his footsteps" huh?? but don't I need to save the kid before I do anything else (remember I played games like halo, quests was alien to me and I thought of these as missions) curious I opened up my pip boy and saw that the rectangular triangle thingy moved. "Wait I'm supposed to follow that?"

    after some exploring I ran into raiders for the first time but I handled them pretty good. but then I made it to rivet city and good lord I got lost.

    some events happened and I got hit bad my head was crippled and I was close to vault 112 not knowing what beds do and what stimpacks can do I quickly made my way and finished tranquility lane.

    sadly this was when I started to die. alot (forgot to mention but I think I went to megaton before rivet city but never spoke to Moriarty) a bunch of raiders kept killing me while I was traveling with dad and the game kept saying "you're over ecombered" YES GAME I KNOW BECAUSE MY HEAD IS CRIPPLED (I didn't know it meant I was overweight.... I don't know what happened after that but I later found out I couldn't fast travel cause I was carrying too many goods) I finally fast traveled to rivet city and chose the time to relax.

    things happened I did things at the Jefferson memorial and these guys in bird like power armor appeared. killed my dad and I escaped with Madison Li.

    then I shat a brick. those guys that were on the intro whenever I started the game. they existed in game. hollly shitt they look sooo awesome and what's this they're the good guys? yyyyaaaayyy.

    after that I went to little lamplight in my Enclave gear and started talking to sailor mouth McGee and he told me to go to paradise falls.

    I got in but big mistake. throughout the whole game I never placed my pistol in it's holster. I didn't know it was even possible. this whole time I was talking to NPCs like Han solo in that bar. the first thing I saw was a gun and a red slash right through it and every. last. one. of. them. was. hostile.


    rocket launchers to the left katanas to the right here I am stuck in the middle of crouching and endlessly saving and reloading.

    it took me three irl days to clear the blood bath out and save the slaves (I accidentally saved at a near death rocket experience... yeah it was a tough one to escape)

    later on I beat the game and got a movie ending conclusion wasn't until I googled fallout 3 that I heard of an alien pistol. "HOLLY SHIT AN ALIEN PISTOL!" Then I met three dog drool but then I learned of the DLC and buying them continues the game after death.


    then I bought new Vegas long after and to prepare myself I bought the book prima guide book and... I fucked up.. I hear people say how better new Vegas was to three but because I bought the prima guide the game felt empty and unfulfilling and none of the dlc can get you passed the end credits.

    buying a guide book has to be the biggest mistake I've done cause there was no surprises in new Vegas it was just fallout 3 again but empty.

    submitted by /u/TayAyase
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    Is it bad that I keep if thinking of Caesar and the Legion when i’m learning about Rome?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 09:05 PM PDT

    We were literally just covering Julius Caesar and I only imagined him as Caesar from FNV, I'm addicted to Fallout and proud.

    submitted by /u/patman75
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    Fo4 MacCready was kinda disappointing

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 05:25 AM PDT

    So I've done a few companions so far.

    Piper was fine. Her motivations were very black and white. She's a nosey af reporter that is perceptive enough to gauge the importance if the Sole Survivor and their connections to the Institute, her white whale. Her dialogue getting closer to the SS was also alright. She's greatful that someone is content to keep her around, even if she is a pain sometimes.

    Valentine makes perfect sense. He's a detective and he helps you in the main plot. Returning the favor by hunting down Winters and doing some casework all works great. He wants to stick around because he considers you a friend, and he's just beginning his new life post Winters.

    Deacon is great as well. He's a mentor type, teaching you to be a cynical and suspicious SOB. Hell, even his "true" revelation of his past is left in debate. It's great. He's everyone and no one. He's well informed and connected and your in with the Railroad. Not to mention the fact he's been watching your every step from afar, planning to have you become the Railroad's secret weapon, which works perfectly with also joining the BoS.

    Danse. Ah yes. The born soldier. Dude is actually really well written and acted. He's a stoic and commanding individual that puts duty above all else. He's your in with the Brotherhood and Maxson's way to keep eyes on you. It all makes sense.

    Now onto MacCready... His story, I'm sorry to say, was an absolute let down. I expected the Gunners to hunt me and MacCready down relentlessly after killing Barnes and Winlock. Sadly not. Out of no where he's asking for help with getting the cure for his sons bizarre disease.

    Here's where it went downhill fast for me. Just what the actual fuck is he talking about? Blue boils lol? Then it hit me. He's a merc. He's lying. He's using me to get a job done for another client. That's genius writing and totally what a merc would do!

    Wait... He's not? The blue boils thing, something unheard of in any in any other Fallout game and never mentioned again, is legit? Right... And he's not going to deliver it himself and then bring Duncan to the Commonwealth? Right... He's going to keep working with you because he's indebted to you. Fine, but go and help your kid first, you fucking mongloid.

    All of his "getting closer" dialogue was also pretty weak. He's happy he has someone watching his back whilst he watches yours. Makes sense until I realised the Gunners weren't ever going to retaliate, making his eagerness to stick with someone redundant.

    He's a merc. Mercs tend to play it solo and not get attached. He's also lamenting killing people. He's a merc. Make up your damn mind.

    Which leads me to another point. Why is he going on and on about caps and how important they are. Caps don't help his son. Only the cure can do that. He can't BUY it. He needs someone badass to smash Med-Tek for him. He doesn't PAY you to do it. It doesn't make sense.

    When it turned out MacCready wasn't playing you all along to sell the Prevent to someone for a heap of caps, I was so disappointed. Especially since he doesn't even go back to the Capitol Wasteland to give him the bloody thing.

    Hell, if he had just simply said that he can't leave the Commonwealth because he has a bounty in the Capitol Wastes that would've made a little sense. Or that he feels so indebted to you, he doesn't want to leave your side and he'll rely on Daisy to bring Duncan nack to the Commonwealth.

    There's so much that just doesn't make any logical sense.

    Am I alone with this? Please share your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/iAxc13
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    Cant use dlc for my new vegas goty disk?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 10:58 PM PDT

    The game came out on the game pass and it made me want to play it again so i tried and it doesnt say i have the dlc even though i have disk 2 in. Is there a way to play it using the disk instead of the game pass?

    submitted by /u/Sawpit
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    Where is the guy who used a VR lounger for porn

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 12:27 PM PDT

    OK so here's the thing I have memories of there being a guy in either fallout 3 or new vegas who used one of those VR loungers to have sex with an obscene number of people my problem is: I can't find any mention of him anywhere. So I decided to turn to the wiki where I couldn't find mention of him or his pod anywhere. So now I turn to you the people of r/Fallout, I need your help this has been plaguing me for months PLEASE HELP!

    submitted by /u/PDalberg
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    NV Old world blues scientist question

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 02:08 PM PDT

    Okay, so I know the scientists in the Big Mt were once humans, but since that's the case, why were they so confused with basic human anatomy? Klein thought toes were penises! Did their memory of their human life just degrade over the years? Do they have little memory of what their life was like? I understand that memories may fade, but the knowledge of basic human anatomy to go with it? Especially while they see lobotomites quite often, you'd think they serve as a mind refresher to them. It seems only Dala knows anatomy (however creepy she may be towards the matter lol). Anyways, I may have just missed this answer in the lore, but I can't find anything about it online. Maybe I'm just stupid, which could be a solid explanation in itself as well. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Nikki_Lastname
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    I really expected an intelligent deathclaw in New Vegas.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 06:17 AM PDT

    Like working with the followers in secret, or the super mutants in jacobstown.

    Or a hooded deathclaw hiding in a cave, idk.

    Cant have everything, though.

    submitted by /u/J0NICS
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    Does anyone know a decent mod to make Curie look good on Xbox One? [SPOILER]

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 05:41 AM PDT

    Nobody says it and I know it's blasphemy to say this but... Curie is ugly. Yep I said it, but that's my opinion i was sooooo disappointed when I first seen her synth body. I just don't understand why not give her a good looking synth body? But anyway I'm just wondering if there is a mod that makes her actually look as cute as everyone says she is.

    submitted by /u/mcmonkey14
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    What happened to Icestorm?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 05:10 PM PDT

    I read about him taking his mp5 off nexus because of the whole mod pack thing but all his mods seem to be gone off both Nexus and Bethesda so did something bigger happen? I only realized this when looking for his night vision and plate carrier mod

    submitted by /u/IronIegacy
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    How about a more country styled theme for Fallout 5?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    I don't know about you, but I would love to shoot raiders in a place like Tennessee or Louisiana, using an old Lever action rifle, blaring Hank Williams or Patsy Cline from my pip boy.

    submitted by /u/Meatloaf_Hitler
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    Brief Video about GoodSprings

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 10:36 PM PDT

    Massive Green Glow in Mothership Zeta.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 10:46 AM PDT

    I've seen this asked around before- but, I've found no good answer. In Mothership Zeta, after you teleport everyone to the second level of the ship, you can look down at Earth, and there's this massive glowing green area. Some people said it was the Glow, or the Glowing Sea, or the Far Beyond, but, it looks way to big too be any of those (except maybe the far beyond) any ideas?

    submitted by /u/YKITheReddit
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    Inspired by some one in r/elderScrolls , I've made my own pillow. I hope you don't mind a Fallout NV x Skyrim Crossover

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 03:37 PM PDT

    Third-person eyebot

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 01:31 PM PDT

    Even before F4 arrived, I had this little idea for a mod, but before this evening totally forgot it. Third-person perspective is great for travelling, not combat, yet it's still immersion breaking - to me. To approach this to keep within the feel of the game someone needs to bash a mod together where when switching to 3rd you go first person from the inside of an eyebot - robotic sounds possibly optional - where its vision matrix is your statistics. For even deeper immersion you could have it so the eyebot could take damage/get destroyed in combat - which would switch you back to first-person view - and require a robot repair kit to fix. Even have the option to use a laser or such as a weapon while in eyebot mode with a key/button command mapped - I'm no modder - I'm on xbox - this might be a tonne of work or even impossible, but it sounds fun to me. (first ever Redit post go easy)

    submitted by /u/Tipiyurtdweller
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    How great would it be to have a fallout RTS game where we re-take the wasteland with a faction of our choosing

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 11:26 AM PDT

    Did Arroyo join NCR?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 03:42 PM PDT

    What would the Legion do with New Vegas if they won the Battle of Hoover Dam?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 03:40 PM PDT

    They take a pretty hard stance against drugs, drinking, and gambling but Vegas is a great source of revenue so would they tear it all down or would they keep it running under their rule?

    submitted by /u/Demacia7
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    Fallout 4 this synth keeps coming up to me and just says time is of the essence

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 03:38 PM PDT

    I can't even complete the underground undercover quest no hacks in the cheat terminal will work (xb1) can anyone help

    submitted by /u/depressed-onion7567
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    The classic Fallout games are not isometric, they're actually a skewed trimetric perspective.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 01:20 AM PDT

    This image helps showcase the different kinds of perspectives used. The classic Fallout games fall under trimetric projection. Another example of a game that uses this perspective is SimCity 4. This perspective tends to be a bit more stylized.

    Here are a couple neat articles that go over different types of graphical projections used in video games.



    submitted by /u/StealthSuitMkII
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    Fallout D&D Lore. Gen 2 Synth Mental Testing

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 12:57 AM PDT

    I'm running a fallout D&D campaign set in pre new vegas Arizona. The reoccurring enemy is an escaped gen 2 synth known as 'Sticks'. The idea is he was part of an Institute program known as METI (Multi Enrichment Testing Initiative). Basically throwing multiple mental and emotional tests at the wall and seeing what stuck. Sticks was the Omega for METI, every test introduced into a single mind(Roaming Initiative, Simulated Serotonin, Manipulation & Infiltration, ect). As the Institute introduced more and more programs into Sticks' brain, his stability waned. Eventually he was so far gone (basically a homicidal schizophrenic ) That his overseer ordered an mental Inhibitor, a device inside his skull that would allow only a select combination of programs to run at a time, reducing the amount of violent outburst (150 per day to 20). As of now, he's escaped to central Arizona and brought a suppressed war path with him (Town water supply tainted, scrap mine collapse, local doctor found with 28 stab wounds, ect). He's met up with the players on several occasions, and always escaped, due to low dexterity checks ("As you reach for his ankle, you grip too slowly, and you Sticks vanishes from view, into the twisted metal of the Collapsed Spire"). My Question: What event could cause Stick's mental inhibitor to be disabled and bring about his unbridled self?

    submitted by /u/protectorofjam
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