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    Fallout Lore | Why does the Enclave Radio play "Dixie"/"Dixie's Land"?

    Fallout Lore | Why does the Enclave Radio play "Dixie"/"Dixie's Land"?

    Why does the Enclave Radio play "Dixie"/"Dixie's Land"?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 12:26 PM PST

    The question is pretty straight forwards, why does the remnants of the US government (Enclave) choose to play the song of a secessionist movement which rebelled against the US government?

    submitted by /u/DeMaus39
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    Will the Cloud end up destroying the Mojave (and the rest of the world)?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 06:22 PM PST

    It is revealed throughout Dead Money that the Cloud is self-replicating in nature. Elijah even explicitly states it in a terminal entry.

    It seems to spread rather quickly too, filling up a jar in only 24 hours (in a high enough concentration to be lethal). It also spread completely throughout the Casino itself, even blocking out the Sun, in 200 years.

    So does this mean that the Cloud will keep spreading forever?

    submitted by /u/CybernieSandersMk1
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    Is there a reason why the NCR hasn't set up new infrastructure in the Mojave?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:37 PM PST

    We see the NCR out west in places like Shady Sands utilizing buildings made from the ground up out of materials like brick and sandcrete. However, in the Mojave, the NCR is mostly setting up in old abandoned buildings. Like in Mojave Outpost, where they've set up in an old border checkpoint, and the NCR Embassy, which is just an old office building.

    I figure the reason for this is that the NCR has only had (mostly) definitive control of the Mojave for about 10 years, but we see out west the NCR setting up new buildings relatively quickly. Obviously the out of lore reason is probably that Obsidian had to utilize some assets from FO3 to save on time, but could there be a lore reasoning for the NCR not constructing new buildings in place of the old abandoned ones?

    submitted by /u/Jakeola1
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    What technology has the Brotherhood created out of all the research they've done so far?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 08:15 PM PST

    Has the BoS created any useful technology? Or are they only able to protect other people's projects (i.e. Project Purity) and ransack Old World tech?

    submitted by /u/oSapoYCG
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    Red Lucy here, how many dogs (viscous, wild, trained, raider, muts, dogmeat, anything non-robodog) would it take to 5/10 a Super Mutant, Brute or otherwise? Trying to make it interesting

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 08:44 PM PST

    I'm sure there's more than just stats at play

    submitted by /u/eliteprephistory
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    Is it uncomfortable to wear armor in the Mojave?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 11:43 PM PST

    I know; insert over done patrolling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter joke.

    But in real life body armor is hot as hell and the Mojave is a desert. Is combat/ranger armour hot enough to wear it becomes uncomfortable or even impedes performance?

    submitted by /u/ashxxiv
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    What creature changes are considered retroactive, and which are considered variants?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 11:49 AM PST

    For example, are mirelurks in Fo3 considered the same as the ones in Fo4 or are they a subspecies? Are the sentry and the eye bots in the earlier games different versions? Do the spore plants in Fo2 belong to the same species in Fnv or did they develop independently?

    submitted by /u/Illustrious-Ad-375
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    Looking for a good location for a story

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 07:55 PM PST

    So, i'm not sure if this is the proper place to ask this, but figure i have nothing to lose. What would be an ideal location for a project of mine?

    I want a location that can show off a lot of Fallout's many mutant creatures as i can. I also want to feature the brotherhood of steel, maybe some small enclave presence... but don't want to feature the legion, NCR or Commonwealth characters... basically have some free-reign in how the setting is featured in politics.

    So what location do you think would fit? It's probably speculation, but i'd be happy to hear anything interesting.

    submitted by /u/Serpentking5
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    Do we know the relationship of the US and other Asian nations?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 02:49 AM PST

    So before the bombs the US was openly at war with China, but what about other countries such as Japan or Korea?

    submitted by /u/Ethan7Jones
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    Thoughts, commentary, and questions on NCR Salvaged Power Armor

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 02:20 PM PST

    So I originally wrote this up elsewhere in response to discussion about the Salvaged Power Armor, trying to figure out the logic of why the NCR stripped their suits' servos (as it's never discussed in-game beyond "it was done"). Synthesis of some thoughts on my own and some posts here.

    The salvaged power armor is a weird gameplay/lore interaction that never really made much sense. Without knowing the developers' actual intent, thoughts on the matter:

    It's a pretty clear concession to early-Gamebryo-Fallout "you have to be trained to use power armor safely". Taken at face value, this makes sense - I'm reminded of Iron Man 2's testing sequence, where the Hammer Industries copy of Iron Man's suit over-responds to the pilot's input and snaps his back. Fallout 76 undermines this, as 4 had the justification of "one of your two character choices is a military veteran with training, and we aren't going to arbitrarily nerf based on players wanting one gender over the other", while 76 does not. That said, Power Armor Training was new with 3; this just makes 3 and NV weird outliers. Taking PAT as intended & canon, then stripping the servos is an easy, if IMO pointless, way to get around the feedback issues. Can't have feedback going too strong if you don't have any feedback. Why would you then give someone already carrying 50+ pounds of steel unassisted on their body a minigun and ammo supply on top of that? Oliver is already established incompetent, reducing heavy troopers to living turrets instead of power armored breakthrough troops is about in line.

    But let's say PAT is just a gameplay conceit, especially since any NPC can wear it. Why give up the perfectly fine power armor servos? Well, one option is maintenance - unlikely that fledgling NCR manufacturing is going to have much in the way of replacing them, so you're recycling suits to make up for attrition. We know from Lonesome Road that there is some functional power armor in the NCR military, just very restricted. It's possible - and this is one of my two "this might explain it" theories - that the servos of spare, partially damaged suits are getting stripped as reserve parts for the functional power armor suits, and what remains of the frames and armor itself is cobbled together into usable salvage suits, sans fancy electronics. You'd inevitably end up with more salvage suits than working ones, and we already know that the "best of the best" of the NCR is not in the Mojave; reasonable to say that the working suits are elsewhere and the Mojave theater got Oliver's pet recycling project instead. Cue Col. Royez closer to home with a working suit.

    The other, more Fallout-y explanation and the one I mostly prefer is even simpler - look at the bulk of power armor compared to a human body. To motorize that, you have tiny and powerful motors, dozens at least per suit, all able to work in harmony and last hundreds of years unless battle damaged. You're an industrial power trying to get on your feet, and you've just been "handed" dozens or more of these suits (with corpses included), all kept in the best shape you'll find in the Wasteland pre-battle damage. What gets you more utility - a single company of power armored troops in your nation of hundreds of thousands to millions of people with a standing army to match? Or a few hundred to few thousand high-precision, powerful servo motors that can be repurposed to rebuild advanced machinery back home and boost your industrial abilities for everyone? Strip them all, bare suits go in storage, Oliver proposes his heavy trooper plan, and voila.

    So, do any of these theories actually make sense with the context we're given in-game? The salvaged power armor is something about NV that's always rubbed me the wrong way, and I'd like to at least arrive at a justification to have them make more sense than just "Oliver is a dumb asshole who makes no logical decisions anywhere ever".

    And seriously - what's with the miniguns, and for that matter all of their weapons? They're already saddled with 45 pounds of armor with no assistance, with no other way of carrying anything; ammo, supplies, anything whatsoever. The best we can do is "25 more pounds of minigun plus 4 pounds per drum, all supported by your hands alone that are already weighed down", "15 pounds of giant flamethrower, same", "a marginally lighter minigun alternative", "a pump-action shotgun that requires you to get very close while slowed down by the aforementioned armor", and "a sledgehammer that requires you to get into hand-to-hand combat range under the same conditions"? None of what the heavy troopers are equipped with makes sense for their doctrine - it feels like leftovers from originally giving the NCR functional T-45 suits in development.

    submitted by /u/SkyeAuroline
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    Could you drill or otherwise break into a closed vault?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 01:54 PM PST

    Would it be possible to drill through or blow up a vault door to get inside? I've always wondered this. We see closed vaults with people still in them 200+ years after the bombs, but why hasn't anyone broken into them? With all the weapons we see in the hands of post-war wastelanders, and especially the mini nukes, you'd think some of the sealed vaults would have been forcefully entered. I imagine the Vault door is made of steel? Steel can be drilled through and melted. Are there any cases in lore when a vault door has been breached forcefully?

    submitted by /u/pepperpeppington
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    Is there a lore reason why everything is still dirty?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:38 PM PST

    So I'm not a lore expert, but it seems very odd to me that in virtually all the games, everything still seems incredibly dirty hundreds of years after the bombs fell. I'm referring to houses that people have lived in for years or even decades. I don't doubt there is a lack of cleaning solutions, but why is everything still dirty? Is this just an aesthetic choice?

    submitted by /u/foryeve
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