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    Monday, January 25, 2021

    Fallout: New Vegas | Nope, never seen one in my whole life

    Fallout: New Vegas | Nope, never seen one in my whole life

    Nope, never seen one in my whole life

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 03:59 AM PST

    I think i've seen this one before..

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 03:13 AM PST

    2010 vs now, oh how far we've come

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:37 AM PST

    Ah, wisdom for the ages.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 01:00 PM PST

    Played FNV since Launch Day and this is the first I've seen the NCR Mercs shoot at the Lodge.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:12 AM PST

    Can a legionaire come up in yo crib?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 04:12 AM PST

    Fuck you man i'll see you at the raid

    Ah profligate dont hate me cause im beautifull profligate, maybe if you got rid of that ol' yee yee ass machete you got you'll get some slaves on your dick. Oh, beter yet, maybe your mongrel ass will get a letter from Siri if she ever stops fucking with that Praetorian or Vexillarius she fucking with, degeneraaaate.

    submitted by /u/DecanusFellatus
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    Found this gem in my brother’s old record collection. It’s in really bad shape but still pretty cool.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 02:08 PM PST

    Anyone else use the console to fix karma?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 10:55 PM PST

    The enclave doesn’t put up with thieves and thugs

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:00 AM PST

    That’s the best feeling ever

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:47 AM PST

    Go my minion, sting them in the name of all that is MOBIUS!!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 03:07 AM PST

    I've put almost 30 hours into The Frontier. Here's what I think about it.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:32 AM PST

    I have been following the development of this mod for quite some time. After being quite impressed by the trailers of the scripted set pieces, I was hoping this would be the experience New California tried to be if the development wasn't to unstable. Let me start off with the good, which is the technical side of things. This mods scripted set pieces honestly make Bethesda look like they aren't even trying. The multitude of cars in the mod actually drive much better than I would think is possible in this engine, it feels like a janky version of Saints Row which was a triple A franchise. The Vertibird sections are much more impressive than even Fallout 4, and the space station is more impressive than Mothership Zeta(but somehow less fun which is saying something.)

    Much like New California, the whole thing feels as if it will fall apart at any second, however unlike NC it actually did crash on me 6 or 7 times. I also had lots of small issues which I will attribute to using Project Nevada and Solid Project for my entire playthough. No matter what the devs say, I was able to do every quest I came across using both mods. I just used the day one patch to get rid of the pop ups. The frame rate was quite bad in lots of places, I don't have any ENBs or massive texture mods, but dips into the low teens was very common for me. I was able to play Cyberpunk 2077 at 60+fps high 1080p, but this mod brings my PC to its knees. Driving at high speeds at 25fps with lots of pop in is very jarring, however I can't help but be impressed at the same time. Overall I was able to complete everything I wanted to, so it is at the very least functional and playable.

    Where this mod falls apart is the writing. There are lots of side quests that are honestly better than lots of New Vegas quests. Without too much spoilers, you get duped into working with a slaver whos looking for his sister, help a Ghoul find his arms that were taken by rats, and help a teenage girl who had been abandoned by her parents feel useful to the group who took her in. This same teenage girl however has the option to enslave as your personal sex slave, and she turned 18 very close to you meeting her. I had her tag along with me for over 12 hours, and even though I found her cringey, I liked her as much as Arcade Ganon in the end. Since I was playing on HC mode, it was a real challenge to keep her alive with 188hp, but that just made me feel more attached since I had to save her dozens of times(she saved me too like all companions.) But every time I talked to her, this option to put a slave collar on here made me feel sick. I quicksaved just to see what would happen if you go down the route, and you literally manipulate and groom her.

    This alone made me want to stop playing the mod, however a few hours before I beat the mod, I head a dev log describing how they weren't going to let the player join the Enclave because it was a "Trump supporter power fantasy." You can join the Legion however, which is ACTUALLY A MISOGYNISTIC SLAVER FACTION btw, but since the Enclave doesn't like Mutants, they are too evil to play as. And you can enslave an 18 year old no problem, but joining the Enclave like you do in Fallout 76 is totally off the table. I don't like the Enclave, I would never join them, and I didn't even question why you couldn't join them, but hearing this as the justification is just absurd.

    And this is just where is starts. There is an unnatural amount of Ghoul hating characters in this mod. I somehow talked to an NCR officer that didn't like ghouls, followed by a sheriff that doesn't like ghouls, proceeded by an Enclave runway who also hates ghouls in a row in a span of about 45 minutes. Lots of the characters seem one sided, once a character reveals they are a bigot it is the only thing that defines that person. There's also a lot of Tumblr esque sexual content like senion citizen prostitutes, some girl who draws porn in a small town and gives them to her friend(who is so small I quicksaved and killed her to make sure it wasn't a child,) and a dominatrix who wears Leigon armor for some reason.

    Even if you ignore the weird side content, the main story needs work. The NCR quest line is incredibly impressive on a technical front, but completely deserves the reputation of "COD Campaign." One of the first quests is a COD 4 style shooting drill, which was still not fun in any way at all even with all my gameplay mods. The mission where you fly to Archimedes II was again very impressive, but for some reason the leader of the Enclave(who was controlling the station at the time) is Deathshead from Wolfenstein. I'm not kidding, there's a scene where you have to sacrifice your team mates like Wyatt from Wolfenstein and he talks in a generic German accent. And the ship was being controlled by a suspended brain in a giant vat of liquid just like at the end of FO3 Point Lookout. The main story doesn't have an original bone in its body, and the random Star Wars and Wolfenstein refrences just pull me out of the experience. After I got off that god awful space station, I joined the Crusaders and decided to kill the head of the NCR. I was assuming it was going to be like Caesar, but instead I was so surprised when I saw him go unconscious. I didn't even factor in that he could be essential, playing NV and not being able to kill whoever doesn't even feel like the same game. The main story in this game feels much more like Fallout 3 than New Vegas, and in the worst ways. There's quite a few essential NPCs as well, so make sure to quick save if you think shooting will solve your problem.

    I ended the game with quite mixed feelings. I had joined the Crusaders, while incredibly flawed, is probably the better choice over the NCR or Legeion IMO. Their quests are much less on rails and generic than the NCR, however there's also a lot less of them. I was ready for the game to be over, but I was expecting a bit more from them. They are very hard to stomach if you don't like Religion, so keep that in mind, but it was much more enjoyable working for them than the NCR. Is this mod worth playing? I would say so if you've played the game 5+ times and want some more content, its better than New California but not as good as Fallout 3. Its honestly better than some games that I've bought, and I put 30 hours into it so I don't completely hate it. But I will never play this mod again, the only thing I would want to keep is the vehicles and the energy weapons from the mod. Just try to do as much side content as possible, and avoid the NCR like the plague.

    submitted by /u/DWotSP4
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    So I just got out of the fort to find who but Malcolm Holmes jump scare me just as I get out of a loading-screen

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:13 AM PST

    The Frontier is what happens when you try to fix an RPG game with "just use more gun"

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:27 AM PST

    Putting aside the ridiculous lore breaking, fetish insertions and other wacky stuff the mod is ok. But it just seems very out of place, like some people said it's Call of Fallout : New Duty

    submitted by /u/Effective-Map-3658
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    Why the Independent/House Ending is canon, and proving it without philosophy

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:59 AM PST


    There has long been a discussion about which ending of the 4 were correct, for the uninitiated those four endings being the NCR, Legion, Mr. House, and an independent route.

    Now, most often when discussing this we find ourselves playing "Wasteland Philosopher" and talking about objective morality, or perhaps getting into our personal politics and allowing that to change our viewpoint of a nuclear apocalypse 200 years down the line. But I can prove that siding with Vegas, Courier 6 going his own way, is canon and the lore-friendly conclusion to this game going forward.

    However first we must look back in time to analyze these games.

    Fallout 1

    In Fallout 1, the Vault Dweller stops the Master and stops his brood, a group that could certainly convert or, if worst comes to worse, kill every wastelander that won't submit to their agenda. The Master is a powerful foe, a supreme legion of biochemically enhanced supersoldiers. The Vault Dweller, in stopping The Master, saves the west from near certain doom at the hands of the Green Menace.

    This ending allows all other games in the west to take place, allowing conflicts abound between ideologies. Now, when I say this I am not focusing on "ideologies", but rather "conflicts".

    Fallout 2

    In Fallout 2, the Chosen One saves the West from The Enclave, and saves many people who would later become influential people or create influential people. If The Enclave were allowed to persist the NCR could be severely weakened, or worse, destroyed. The Followers of the Apocalypse would be attacked and most likely destroyed, which means Caesar could never rise to power.

    Yet again, conflict persists.

    Fallout 3

    This is the oddball entry, and it is the strongest contradiction to my future points. In this game the Lone Wanderer saves the Capital Wasteland from the Enclave, however he replaces them with the Brotherhood of Steel, an occupying military order. This actually prevents a lot of chaos, and most likely brings order to the Capital Wasteland.

    However, it's not as if we had another choice, in the end we side with the Brotherhood in one way or another. The Enclave's leaders fall, and it's confirmed by Deacon the Brotherhood persists in the Wasteland. This brings (mostly) peace.

    Fallout 4

    Another Bethesda title, and here we can see a pattern. In the Interplay/Black Isle games the endings always allow for future development. They allow further expansion, but Fallout 4, like its predecessor, has a finality about it. Even if you side with the objectively weakest faction (The Railroad) they still occupy military checkpoints, they still have a hold on wasteland politics. This finality is something we don't see in Interplay/Black Isle games. So I will use this to prove my theory.

    Fallout: New Vegas

    For the unaware, Bethesda did not develop the series' prodigal son, New Vegas. It was developed by Obsidian, a company which had at that time and still does today a strong minority of staff that world in or with Interplay/Black Isle. And we can see this, because one (or two) ending(s) follow that studio's trend - a lack of finality.

    If you let Mr. House or Yes Man control Vegas and Hoover Dam the NCR and Legion still bicker and fight, the gangs of the wastes are left to their own devices, the wasteland does not yet have a master. My theory is not rooted in philosophy, or politics, but rather in patterns. The canonical endings for this studio have always lacked finality, and House/Yes Man lack finality.


    submitted by /u/Advertism
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    Making friends in the Mojave

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:41 AM PST

    NCR Military Police just shook me down for 400 caps

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 04:06 AM PST

    Hear me out - Dead Money is Genius

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 07:34 PM PST

    The DLC starts off with you getting a good view of your surroundings there's a few buildings here and there the sky is cloudy and there's something of interest around every corner in the Villa fountain a hologram with Father Elijah's face flickers to life and the old man begins talking to you

    Finding out all of your weapons and armor have been stripped of your person is infuriating because no matter what you do you can't get them back till the end of the DLC having to rely on just your S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats and attributes is great the only gun you have is a rifle that's nearly broken with a little bit of ammo for now you'll have to rely on the spear weapons that the Ghost People drop and the shitty little police pistols you find dotted around the map and if your lucky you'll find a BAR but your probably not going to find one untill you go to Salida De Sol South even then it's in some guys locker at about 40 CND with about 40 ammo so not gonna get much use out of it once you get into the casino all your companions are gone and depending on how you feel about them you can kill or keep them the best you'll find in the casino is a hunting shotgun with a bit of ammo

    After the casino it's into the vault a claustrophobic area with lots of area's to blow your collar and once the fight with Father Elijah is done you have to quickly escape fighting through hordes of Ghost People not having the time to chop them up to kill them so all you can do is run and try not to die

    Once out into the wasteland you find your way back to the Mojave never to return to the cursed husk of a pre-war paradise that is the Sierra Madre...if you can't already tell I fucking love Dead Money

    submitted by /u/Pridefull_Furry
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    It's pretty funny how you can nuke the NCR and Legion, kill a dude in a suit and they're like "ok we cool" and then walk up to one of their leaders, shoot them in the face and be like "wtf we weren't expecting that!!!! enemy for life!!!!!!!!!!"

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:37 AM PST

    like damn how gullible are you lot

    submitted by /u/Gigadweeb
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    I can't start boones companion wuest

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:35 AM PST

    I've already finished most of the quests and I've gotten 4 history points needed to start boones quest. I've finished all the objectives on fandom and need just one more point so is there anything I can do

    submitted by /u/Yuhdun_
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    Jack has never been so happy

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 05:53 PM PST

    Gannon family Tesla armour

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:22 AM PST

    Right so basically I wanted to know if there was a way to the Gannon family Tesla armour after you do the quest I asked Arcade to fight a hoover dam came outside and he was outside we talked and I missed my shot and didn't kill him and I checked the remnants bunker any suggestions and if there is anyone saying I should reload a save I'm to far gone I completed dead money and honest hearts already so mentally I just can't.

    submitted by /u/MojaveStanger
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    Kinda wish plasma weaponry were better in NV

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:00 AM PST

    Text stack inc:

    I know im not the only one who feels that plasma weaponry are generally underwhelming in New Vegas.

    Plasma weapons eat through your ammo, dont do much damage, have the velocity of a nerf dart and the accuracy of one.

    Plasma pistol - forget it. Even with a bunch of weapon mods it is still a peice of crap.

    Plasma rifles are the same sorta deal, alright damage I guess but its pretty tedious to hit anything with it. Later on in the game they are worthless scrap, even the Repconn unique variant sucks by the time you get your hands on it. If you can get a plasma rifle at the start of the game they might just be alright. I managed to find one in the Bison Steve hotel somehow.

    Multiplas rifles are a crappier Tri-Beam laser rifle pretty much. Worthless gun.

    Plasma Defender is a more viable plasma pistol. It actually does damage to what you shoot but still suffers the same problems as the other plasma weaponry that I never felt inclined to bother with it. Its also easily outclassed by 1800s revolvers by the time you get it. Serious bruh moment.

    Plasma Caster is possibly the only not-total-crap plasma weapon. They are very rare and the first one you can get your hands on is in such piss poor condition that your gonna have to spend thousands to get it repaired to a decent condition. It seems to have a higher velocity and RPM than other plasma guns but I swear you spend more time reloading than you do shooting it.

    I dont really get why they suck so much. Werent Plasma guns supposed to be peak engineering before the war? Iirc the BoS chapter of Fallout 3 are dissecting these things so they can produce their own. In that game they are advertized as a superior weapon to the Laser Rifle, yet in New Vegas its the other way around, where Laser weapons are honestly alot better.

    I feel like plasma guns ought to be the dogs bollocks. They are obviously not going to be as practical as ballistic weaponry, but cmon, every plasma weapon has a ballistic weapon that is better than it in every way pretty much. Whats the point of them?

    Also to mention: if you are playing hardcore, Microfusion and Energy cells weigh a ton.

    submitted by /u/PCPooPooRace_JK
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    Weird Mod Request

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:23 AM PST

    Does anyone know of a mod that fixes Courier Six's terrible posture? He/she is always arching and slouching over and idk why it bugs me so much but it does

    submitted by /u/Gunny_McCshoots
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