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    Fallout Lore | Origins of diamond city?

    Fallout Lore | Origins of diamond city?

    Origins of diamond city?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 03:36 PM PST

    So I have question about how diamond city was made. The city clearly has been around for a long time, long enough to have a food processor (Takahashi,s) and water purifiers. The city was founded in 2130 but how? Valentine mentions that the city has a reactor (fission or fusion) and all that comes with a baseball stadium. Finally, nate mentions that a game is playing in the stadium on the 23rd and at the Boston bugle a writer mentions that the red Sox have a good chance of winning. And strangely enough there are no skeletons in the seats or dugout. So to restate the question how was it founded?

    submitted by /u/Ulysses698
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    Who are the Messengers of Atom in Far Harbor, and is there a secret code in the Mother's notes?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 10:42 PM PST

    The "Mother of the Fog" in Far Harbor has been discussed here before and there's been no real consensus on who or what she is. There is some evidence that she is a real person, a hermit living in Far Harbor, but that doesn't explain what our player character sees in his/her vision. Although she is the only one we interact with, it doesn't sound like she is alone on the island as a shadowy messenger of Atom. This is one of the biggest mysteries of Fallout 4. I'm also very interested in the notes that we find on the island that were likely written by her or other messengers (they are called MotherNotes in the editor). They are somewhat cryptic and have some strange peculiarities that have left me wondering if there is something about them that we have been missing. Has anybody looked into whether these notes might be some sort of secret code or riddle? These notes have specific words in all caps and each are written with three separate sentences. There's inconsistent capitalization of the first letter of certain words that struck me as bizarre. I'm hoping an experienced codebreaker or cryptographer is here that can tell whether there is a pattern or not because I am well prepared to look way too far into this.


    A refresher on the "Mother of the Fog":

    Link: Oxhorn's "Who is the Fog Mother" video


    The mother of the fog is essentially revered as a sort of prophet or messenger of Atom. When we ask Grand Zealot Richter about her he states:

    Most believe she's some sort of spirit, a creature of the wilds, though a few claim she's just an old hermit.

    We know that Confessor Martin, Tektus, and others were sent North by Confessor Cromwell to spread the religion beyond the Capitol Wasteland. They were successful in converting at least one person from Far Harbor, but were eventually chased out of the town. The Mother of the Fog appeared to them and guided them through the wilds to their current residence at the Nucleus, where D.I.M.A. had been living, but he welcomed them all.

    Grand Zealot Richter:

    Many years ago, when we were driven from Far Harbor, it was she who guided us through the wilds to this sanctuary.

    "The Mother" predates the arrival of the rest of the Children of the Atom on the island. The cult appears to have originated at Megaton, but Megaton was a trading hub for a long time so the Church of Atom could be really old before we discover it in 2277, so plenty of time could have passed for cultists to spread long before Martin and Tektus's party.

    Drinking from the spring apparently causes everyone to have a vision, but the Mother rarely appears. From Grand Zealot Richter:

    Seems Atom granted you a vision. Only those deemed worthy of joining the Children have them... and live. But for some rare souls, he sends... more.

    We are able to attempt dialogue with "Mother", but she only says a few notable things:

    Atom's realm. Children's land.


    Bring them peace.

    A home at war. With itself.

    His Kingdom consumes. Itself.

    Kingdom of fear. Consumes itself.

    Children of the veil. Family of Fog.

    The first note that we find is within the shrine that she guides us to. It directs us at finding the obvious password for the terminal nearby that unlocks nearby doors.




    We find a poster of the periodic table of elements nearby, and right nearby that is the password written in chalk, MoThEr, corresponding with nuclear elements (although strangely Mo - Molybdenum is incorrectly listed as element 99 while being listed as element 42 on the chart, with element 99 actually Es - Einsteinium. I don't know enough about chemistry to know if that might mean anything or if it is a simple mistake by Bethesda.

    Through the doors we find a wood carving meant to represent the Mother. We also find the next note:




    I think this message means that this shrine is a retreat to think about Atom? I think it is the only place we ever find a periodic table of elements. "knowHisSERVANTSwatch" could mean that either her or the Children of Atom are watching you. The Mother often refers to herself in the third person in these notes and in the plural form which might suggest she isn't the only messenger in the woods, it's very unclear.

    Throughout the vision quest, we encounter passive creatures that would normally be hostile to us (though we do encounter hostile feral ghouls at the shrine). If we try to attack the Mother we get no reaction as our attacks go straight through her. This is the reason that many speculate she is a true other-worldly creature rather than a flesh-and-blood human. But we find evidence to the contrary in a ruined house near Haddock Cove, along with the four remaining notes. This is presumably where she lives, or a former site she resided at. The first note reads as follows:




    The "Good Confessor" is clearly Confessor Martin, who abandons the Nucleus and likely his belief in Atom before we arrive in Far Harbor. We never encounter him or discover where he has gone. It has been suggested that the "vengeful creature" refers to DiMa, but we know that DiMa had little to do with Martin leaving the faith, and I'm not sure what he was vengeful about. It sounds like DiMa has always been amicable with the Children, and the only ever felt betrayed by him when he created the fog condensors for Far Harbor. Mother could be mistakenly blaming him, but it kind of makes more sense that she refers to High Confessor Tektus, although it would be strange for her to call him a "creature". But Mother seems to want peace for her people, and refers to Martin as the "good confessor" and we know that he was a strong advocate for peace. If anyone is to blame for Martin's crisis of faith, it is Sister Gwyneth, as referenced in Martin's diary:

    Sister Gwyneth came to me last night. Said she'd spent another night, thinking, as we'd discussed, but that she cannot unsee what she believes to be the truth - that Atom cannot be real.

    We talked for the better part of two hours, discussing back and forth. I reminded her of the gifts of the island, of Atom's blessing, of the messengers SEEN by her brothers and sisters. Of the family that Atom has granted her. That seemed to calm her finally and she returned to bed.

    But now dawn comes and her questions still linger. Raise doubts that I have ignored for some time now. And I'm left with my own question - is perhaps Gwyneth wiser than she knows?

    Note that Martin says "messengers" here, as in there may be more than one Mother, or a group of messengers of Atom on the island, like the notes appear to allude to. Tektus, however, became very vengeful once Brother Andrew was killed in Far Harbor. He had rallied the other children behind him in wanting vengeance on Far Harbor, and this is a major factor in Martin leaving. From Martin's note:

    Atom above. I've lost them.

    Tektus screams for blood and the Children cheer. I beg for civility and they whisper "traitor" behind my back. And I'm left to wonder what I might've done to deserve you taking them away from me.

    But in the back of my mind, I know.

    Waning faith is an untended fire. Fail to care for it and it cannot be rekindled. Thus here I sit, thinking on embers, trying to summon the courage to do what I know I have put off for too long.

    So I shall step out that door. And when I do, my life begins anew.

    But for the first time, O Radiant One, its path is out of your hands.

    Onto the next note:




    I think this is in reference to the change of leadership and wanting peace for the Children. Next note:




    Near to these notes are a couple of stealth boys, which takes a lot of the mystique away from her and brings into question the interpretation of seeing her as a shadowy figure during our character's vision of her. Note that here she also says "WE", indicating that she is not alone.

    In the final of the four notes we find at this ruined house:




    This probably refers to us, but could be a reference to Martin, Tektus, etc. arriving on the island. However, she only refers to a single stranger, so it's probably us. But what would make her think that we are a "new child"? Maybe she wrote this after we meet with Richter and agree to do the ritual, but she'd have to have hauled ass back to Haddock Cove to drop off this note and then make it to the spring at the same time that we do for the vision. It's also probably available at any time in the expansion. This is all I have at the moment.

    submitted by /u/Droid85
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    Is American football popular?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 09:06 PM PST

    Does it even exist? At most all I can think of is some supermutant helmets (the old leather ones) but that could be something else

    submitted by /u/negrote1000
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    Would the NCR be able to beat the east coast Bos

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:06 AM PST

    Could Boston itself eventually be cleared and settled as a city like New Vegas?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 06:41 PM PST

    So let's say hypothetical that the minutemen destroy the institute and destroy the brotherhood thus making them the dominate force of the commonwealth. Could there be a possibility that the minutemen eventually clear the mutants and raiders out of Boston and manage to turn it into a functioning city similar to Vegas?

    submitted by /u/Famous_Ground_4668
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    What was the Temple of Trials before the war?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 05:03 PM PST

    Nothing in the hame as far as I can tell answers this question and the wiki says it may have been a church or a museum despite it looking nothing like either imo. So really I'm just wondering if anyone has a good guess

    submitted by /u/Dragonborn1228
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    Where is the Sierra Madre casino and what is the Midwest like in the fallout universe?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 10:11 PM PST

    Where is the location of the Sierra Madre casino because the names of the locations and the buildings architecture hint towards New Mexico, Arizona, Texas and even perhaps Mexico itself, and i'm from Wisconsin so i was wondering what the midwest is like in the Fallout Universe.

    submitted by /u/G4b3_L31GH
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    The Stone Faces and Busts

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 06:43 PM PST

    This is a really random question, but what's the deal with all of those stone faces and busts featured all over FO1, FO2 and FO3? They feel surprisingly eerie, and with places such as the Necropolis having these faces all over it make me quite confused. Why are they there?

    submitted by /u/Snoo62143
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    How do the children of atom survive?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 07:08 PM PST

    In Fallout 4 while traveling in the Glowing Sea to find Virgil. You come across the Children of Atom. They aren't ghouls and they aren't irradiated but I think I remember them wearing something around their necks. I was just wondering what the Children of Atom are and how they survive constant radiation.

    submitted by /u/SpicyChickenSand
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