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    Fallout | what is the worst weapon in fallout 4,

    Fallout | what is the worst weapon in fallout 4,

    what is the worst weapon in fallout 4,

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 05:42 AM PST

    and why is it a minigun?

    submitted by /u/Twiggerish
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    Andale: The scariest quest in Fallout 3.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:16 AM PST

    Long ago, I remember watching a video by Jordan Underneath (prior to him becoming an artistic puppet horror short film maker) where he listed his favourite creepy towns in videogames. On this list was a place called "Andale".

    Now, as I began playing Fallout 3, I remembered that you could visit "the best town in the USA". Upon looking it up on Nuka-Pedia, I saw "Andale". And I had to visit it for myself.

    Basically, Andale, at first glance, is a place that means no ill-will, yet suffers a strange syndrome. The people appear relatively friendly, but they seem to... ...apparently be suffering from radiation sickness in the brain (if you catch my drift): They keep on talking about how "They were voted the best town in Virginia" and how they even voted for a mayor (if my memory serves me well).

    You visit the two main houses, and then you visit the house next to the one on the right: Old Man Harris' house. You enter it, and Harris immediately orders you to get out of the town, saying that the inhabitants are 'murderers'. "Don't believe me, take a look in their basement, or look in their shed!"

    So, the player takes it upon themselves to unravel the mystery of Andale. You have to steal the key to the basement, or the key to the shed. So I tried stealing the shed key, but one of the Wilsons took it away from me. I try stealing the key to the Smiths' basement, and end up managing to get into the Smiths' basement safely. And then... I discovered the secret of Andale, and my mind immediately shifted from "What's going on here? What are the people of this town hiding?" to the sound of Jordan Reyne singing a Resident Evil'd up version of "Go Tell Aunt Rhody"!

    Yeah, Harris was right, these people are both serial killers, and CANNIBALS. I run out, and the inhabitants of the town appear, armed with firearms, ready to make me their next meal. And so, after talking with Jack Smith, their apparent leader, I grabbed my laser rifle, and fought for my life, managing to kill each of these cannibalistic bastards who have feasted on the innocent. Jordan Reyne's voice exits my mind after the carnage, and with Harris and the children of Andale safe, I thought to myself: "THAT WAS AWESOME!!!"

    This might be my personal favourite quest in Fallout 3. The Post Nuclear Role Playing Game suddenly turns into a Horror game, with a sinister, brooding atmosphere, and it is GLORIOUS. I hope to god there are people on this sub who agree with me, because the build-up to the reveal of this quest was perfect, and the pay-off was GLORIOUS.

    submitted by /u/BennytehBeaver
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    Distrust Towards Ghouls is (Somewhat) Justified

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 08:16 AM PST

    I think people tend to forgot that there is a legitimate reason behind why people in the Fallout games distrust or don't like ghouls, and it's not always "they look scary and gross." You have to remember most wastelanders probably have direct experience with ferals. You can obviously see how this gives non-feral ghouls a bad rap. This alone wouldn't be enough to justify it though. The key factor I never see mentioned here is that, as far as we know, all ghouls will go feral. They're like living, ticking time bombs... that might rip you apart. This doesn't really make it okay to outright discriminate against ghouls, but you can't say it's not dangerous to live amongst them.

    submitted by /u/eat-KFC-all-day
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    Does anybody else never use power armour?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 02:42 PM PST

    I mean for one, I really don't care about DT. I never have. My level 50 guy in New Vegas has Raider Badlands armour that has 2DT. I just pick whatever I think looks coolest.

    It's hard to die in Fallout. Most of my deaths are by fall damage. Also I don't like how slow you move in Power Armour. It makes no sense to use power armour as a sniper when you need to be mobile and stealthy. My playstyle is to snipe from afar and keep a sidearm on me, usually a 10mm or .45

    Anyone else never use it? How doesn't it fit into your playstyle?

    submitted by /u/CoffeeSlutt
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    Paralyzed by choice, a New Vegas Experience

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:23 AM PST

    I have enjoyed every Fallout game I've played. I'm not in Obsidian's or Bethesda's camp. I cut my teeth on FO3, wet my pants as I fled from cazadores in NV, and can't seem to stop playing with blocks in FO3. I don't pay for PS Plus, so F76 hasn't happened. Reflecting on my three game experiences, the one that I've engaged with the main story the least is NV. I felt overwhelmed by choice in the game. I even remembering diverting from the main storyline to go play all the DLC so I wouldn't have to reengage with the main story. I don't know if I'm alone in that sentiment. Maybe it was because I really just wanted to side with the Kahns and that wasn't an exclusive option. Maybe it was the traumatic string of quest failures after taking a decisive action. Maybe I just really didn't feel like there was a compelling 'good guy' that I wanted to back. Maybe my playing of NV was timed with the wide availability of free online guides to tell you the implications of your choices. Whatever the reason, I had the greatest difficulty feeling like my character was making natural choices in NV and felt more like a player trying to make optimal/playthrough specific choices in the game. Did anyone else have a similar experience?

    submitted by /u/Thomas_Creed
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    Fallout: New Vegas vs Fallout 4 as an entry point for someone familiar with RPGs but not the Fallout series?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 04:46 AM PST

    I have played multiple RPGs like Skyrim. Witcher 3 etc. but have been thinking of getting into a fallout game for a while. I understand that NV is more of a fan favorite but is it worth picking over Fallout 4 without the graphics and mechanics being a deterrent. If so, then are there mods which can workaround the issues that might exist due to the game's age.

    I care most about the storyline and freedom to explore.

    submitted by /u/ForsakenLad
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    What are some OP mods for Fallout 4?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:43 AM PST

    I'm going to be playing a game on survival, I've got a load order that sets up the game, fixes bugs, and adds some features but largely leaves it as balanced as it's meant to be.

    However, I'm wanting to play an OP character. Not make the actual game world itself easier, but my character to be a serious hardass put into a hazardous world. I'm taking inspiration from Warhammer 40K's space marines, a guy who really lives up to his war hero title and not someone who is about as capable out of the vault as a teenager from Vault 101. Murderously capable on his own but wears power armor anyway (thinking the Skyrim PA mod for that Space Wolves aesthetic!)

    So I'm not looking specifically for cheat mods like cheat room etc, but mods that just make your character stronger, maybe level up faster, maybe some mildly OP gear etc.

    submitted by /u/dingleheart
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    The premise of Lonesome Road is quite perplexing(spoilers)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:02 AM PST

    Allow me to preface this by saying that this dlc is overall good: impressive worldspace( especially the high road), ED-E 2 was charming, fun enemies, great loot( the smmg is my new favorite weapon) and the ability to come and go from the Divide is a definite plus in my book, it can make builds quite interesting in terms of gear. I'd give a 7 or 8.

    I must admit however, that I don't get what Obsidian was going for with this story. Not the whole "renuke the world" necessarily, I know that Fallout 2 fans do not like that topic AT ALL, but the narrative concept behind the dlc. I'll try to make sense of what I mean here.

    Ever since the beginning, this series was about choices and consequences. Some immediate, some less immediate, but the player had an impact in all of them, and our character was an empty avatar. Vault 13 Dweller, Lone Wanderer, Chosen One,.....these people are pretty much blank without us. Before we took control, they never did anything of note. But there are two Fallout protagonist who do have a background: the Vault 111 survivor, who was either a soldier or a lawyer, on top of being a mother/father, and your boy/girl Courier 6, who does seem blank for 90% of the game.....until Ulysses releases the exposition barrage. Suddenly, Courier 6 has the most impactful and important backstory, and they're responsible for nuking an innocent settlement,which fucked Ulysses in the head something fierce.

    I don't know about you, but this has been confusing me to no end. What was Obsidian's angle with Ulysses and the Courier 's past ? He keeps talking about what we did to the Divide( and about Bulls....and bears..... And the old world...... And more bears.... And more bulls) as if we as players could have done something about it, as if it was the end game choice of a previous title, Mass Effect style. This whole thing is the opposite of " show, don't tell": Ulysses talks a lot, but I'm shown nothing. The Divide could have been greater than these fucking bulls and bears huh? Well I'm just going to have to take your word for it, because I wasn't there, I never saw it and I don't remember carrying no package there. As a results, the emotional connection is nonexistent, and Ulysses comes across as a complete lunatic. Such a bizzarre choice for a final dlc

    I repeat, other than this, I believe the dlc is good. It just that the premise kills the roleplay quite a bit and is confusing as a narrative frame, especially in a game such as this one. What are your thoughts on LR?

    submitted by /u/1wp1
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    Is that a perfectly preserved �� you have?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 08:37 AM PST

    Good afternoon I am fairly new to reddit but I am absolutely in Love with all things Fall Out and Skyrim. I just wanted to share with you guys that recently on Twitter I had shared a picture of my and my wife's perfectly preserved piece of pie model and fallout retweeted it! I have absolutely no idea why I can't post the picture here but I also am visually impaired so I probably am missing something here but if you guys would like to see the post and the pie please have a look at it @corabellwitch on Twitter or @fallout on Twitter.

    What is your favorite part of your gaming collection?

    submitted by /u/witchcorabell
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    Fallout 1 and 2 Linux

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:08 AM PST

    Hey all. I wanted to know if theres anyway to get the first two fallout games on Linux? My desktop runs Mint and I can't afford a fresh license of Windows 10. Also, has anyone thought about getting the games running on a raspberry pi? Could be interesting.

    submitted by /u/HorrorShow13666
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    Are the nonsuper mutants

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:55 AM PST

    Other than supermutants and ghouls, are there any other type of human mutants?

    submitted by /u/CactusBandit95
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    Orders to play fallouts in

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 08:12 AM PST

    Hello everyone first time commenter. I recently built my first PC and what better way to bring it in then to play through the fallout series. I will start this by saying that I have already played and beaten 3,NV, and 4 but it has been some time since I've played any of them. I was wondering is there a certain order I should be playing them? I've never played the original computer ones. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/thegreatescape1225
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    If a Courser went rogue, would they side with the Brotherhood or Railroad or a different faction entirely?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:29 AM PST

    Thoughts on New California?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:42 AM PST

    Warning that spoilers lie ahead for those of you who haven't played New California.

    I recently finished my first play through of the New Vegas mod and was wondering what the general opinion of the mod was.

    I would have to say that the first ~4 hours of the game was the most enjoyable time I've had in any Fallout game. It was a great balance between the classic games and the newer ones, and incorporated the best parts about both of them. The part in the vault at the beginning was a bit skill-check heavy, but it played as a good intro to the game. Each of the companions are diverse and genuinely interesting, and the starting dilemma is intriguing, even if it does slightly force you into an under-informed decision that will affect the rest of the game.

    I chose to play through the game as a good karma NCR agent, as part of the warrior track. Interacting with the other vault dwellers and recruiting an army of companions was immensely fun. Being dropped into the wasteland with a ragtag team of woefully inadequate teammates created such an interesting dynamic that you don't really see in another Fallout game. Finding refuge after the destruction of the vault really helped to set a new mood. Additionally, the interactions that the companions have with each other allows for a different level of immersion. The conversations and arguments they have with each other make them seem like actual characters.

    In my play through, we were captured by the raiders, I earned my freedom by selling my companions into slavery, and headed out to the fight with the NCR. Once we landed, I immediately booked it towards Ranger Vargas, and launched a counter-attack against the raiders. We headed back to Union City and defended the gates from incoming raiders. Up to this part of the game it was the most entertaining experience I had in the Fallout universe.

    Then I decided to go rescue my companions from the slave ranch. Immediately it felt very off. The companions felt disconnected and the only ones who had any meaningful dialogue about the issue were Ben and Jenn. From this point on, the companions felt like very flat characters: they never interacted with each other again, and their stories seemed very inconsequential. Even once I rescued Kira, who actually had a major plot point, what with being captured by the raiders and all, she seemed completely irrelevant to the rest of the story.

    Additionally, the quests in the later part of the game seemed extremely specific to me, to a point of incomprehensibility. For example "The Revanchist" is a quest that can only be initiated in the middle of restoring resources to Union City. For seemingly no reason, if you decide to turn in the quest for Union City, The Revanchist quest becomes unavailable, and the NPC will just refuse to fulfill her previous offer for no reason. It makes no sense why this quest must be initiated at this time logically, even if it makes sense coding-wise.

    Sorry for the wall of text, I realize that the creators put tons of work into the game and did genuinely try to make it the best it could be. I think it may just be that I enjoyed the start of the mod so immensely that the strange change of pace that occurred a third of the way through was very disappointing to me. I had grown so attached to these characters in the first 4 hours that the fact that they were sidelined after the game started to pick up was a bit of a slap in the face.

    That's just my take on the game. What did those of you who played through it think?

    submitted by /u/FrostyCeph
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    (FO4) Can I install Sim Settlements 2 + Conqueror mod playthrough (existing save), is it going to break my saves?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 06:35 AM PST

    I have 4 characters for roleplay purpose, and I've done so much work on them that I don't want to restart.

    submitted by /u/Gromchy
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    Did they stop doing weekly cc updates

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:33 AM PST

    I could be wrong but the creation club has not changed for 2 weeks now and I read somewhere that they change it every Thursday afternoon. Did they stop updating it weekly

    submitted by /u/mregg1549
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    Fallout 4 into fallout 3 mod recommendations

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 06:13 AM PST

    So I'd like to make my fallout 4 feel more like fallout 3.

    Any mod recommendations?

    I plan to use:

    *FN-FAL replacer for the assault rifle- lando_commando (looks like R-91) *R91- replacer version - KoKaZ93 (combat rifle)

    *Wasteland melodys' Chinese assault rifle *Chinese assault rifle - wardaddy765

    Project megaton - drmabuse1981 (for the green filter)

    Dks-501- lando_commando (sniper rifle replacer with fo3 model)

    Legacy fallout 3 creatures overhaul - lando_commando (behemoth, molerat and a few others I think)

    First aid kit replacer - princesscake

    Holotape replacer- princesscake

    Capital wasteland workshop pack - thefriedturkey

    Fallout 3 music replacer - taggyn

    Fallout the capital wasteland- NV classic metal armor - xgamer468

    Classic energy weapon sounds - spiffyskytrooper

    Grunt outfit variants - tacoduck

    Classic combat armor - metalmouth741

    Gunners into talon company -nihito (xbox port bhk1990)

    Tribal power armour - sovreignwalrus

    Chinese pistol - sgtbobswagger

    Full dialogue interface - cirosan

    Barren trees - sqepticism

    10mm smg - mccrackin

    TL;DR: what mods add a fallout 3 feel?

    submitted by /u/BiBhamGuy
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    I decided to say how I think the nuka world dlc should have gone down also this is a really long paragraph so do enjoy

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:23 AM PST

    After you fight off all the ghouls and making it to the top of the power plant you turn on the power for the park and make your way back to the park,but apon your arrival one of the raiders from the one of the raider gangs comes and warns you that that people are on their way. You don't have long the get prepared and get ready to defend nuka world from what ever threat is on the way so you go to each of the raider bosses and tell them where to go and defend that area. You make your way towards the front gate and you run to the front gate and whoever you told to guard the front gate will be there. Not long after you get there the fighting begins and not long you notice that the people attacking you are the minuteman, they tracked you down here and decided to bring the fight to you. This quest will act like the defend the castle quest and will be wave after wave. After you holding your ground and making quick work of the minutemen soldiers and go talk to shank, he tells you that its probably best to bring the fight to them and how its time to attack the castle. You agree and the raider bosses give you their gear like the final mission we got now for the nuka world dlc and you head back to shank to tell him who you want with you too raid the castle but this time you have the option to have all the raider gangs come with you instead of just one. You tell him bring the Pack, The Operators, and The Disciples for this battle. You get to the castle and tell the raiders the plan on how they are going to take this place, Everyone Is geared up and ready and than you give the order to attack. After winning you confront Preston and have the opinion to spare him and tell him to leave the commonwealth( which will be a speech check)or you can kill him. I would pick to shoot him but its up to you to decide his fate kinda like Benny in NV. After two days you get a new mission, defend the castle so you head back to the castle and the raiders tell you that more minuteman are coming so you set up turrets and traps and get ready for the final battle against the minuteman. After you win the battle one of the raiders comes up to you and say he was able to change raido freedom into raider radio. Thanks to this change raiders can now use artillery and the castle will be the only settlement where all 3 of the raider gangs can hang out at. You will see other raiders enter and leave just for trading or to make a few caps but these people will not count as settlers. This is how I personally think the nuka world dlc should have gone down

    submitted by /u/mregg1549
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    Some thoughts on the point lookout

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 08:39 AM PST

    How exactly did Wan Yang reach her demise in point lookout? The details are very vague. I looked up the details on the wiki but it doesn't quite mention how Yang exactly died. Do we know from a concrete hard source how she ended up dead? I believe it was some sort of interrogation but it doesn't quite mention what led to her demise. Another thing is how exactly did she reach her demise? There is no proof showing she was shot, no bullet wound etc if you refer to her character model, also another mystery is, why she was not incinerated like the other spies that ended up at point look out? It seems that her corpse was not incinerated, is this because the bombs fell shortly after which led to the events of Fallout 4?

    submitted by /u/samjee419
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    Need a build for my FIRST NV CHAR!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 08:14 AM PST

    Hello to all wastelanders!

    I am a newcomer to the Fallout series and after looking at MittenSquad's videos (big shoutout to him) I would love to try and play the game in a different way as well.
    Not a challenge but a character idea style - go only unarmed, only pistols, only snipers, only sneaking or melee and that kind of thing.

    That is why I am here! To get ideas from you, professionals! Throw me any and all builds that you guys used or would like to use and I will definitely try one of your. I would like to play New Vegas first.

    Thank you to and once I have chosen I will post my choice and will keep you updated how my playthrough is going!

    submitted by /u/ZombBerz
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    Fallout 3 not running

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 08:11 AM PST

    I decided recently I would like to play fallout 3 again, so I purchased it on sale and downloaded it earlier today, I then fixed the problem where nothing would happen when I pressed Play but I'm getting an error message now saying "The ordinal 43 could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\xlive.dll." and was wondering how to fix it, I'm not the best with computers so sorry if this is something really easy to solve and I'm being a complete idiot. Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/Raydeo-Head
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    Fallout 3: Can you max all skills without comprehension, education and without intelligence being at 10? Yes i have all dlcs

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:50 AM PST

    Maxons's Brotherhood

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:41 AM PST

    So I don't have a long post but I find it interesting that the East coast brotherhood is definitely evolving in their doctrine. They clearly retain the core brotherhood mindset of confiscating technology however as paladin danse states, thwy go on recruiting runs and are now pacifying the wasteland. It wouldn't surprise me if they follow the same route that crusader States did and reform into a kingdom or something akin to it. The West coast brotherhood is a dead end as they refuse to evolve however the East coast seems to be adapting to their circumstances and will probably survive even if Maxson is killed in the events of fallout 4. In fact it's most likely that he will be and the next fallout will be some kind of war between the brotherhood and the institute.

    submitted by /u/Jacketel
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    Experienced Fallout player, just installed Fallout 4 for the first time, any tips?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:10 AM PST

    I have already played and finished New Vegas, the classic Fallout games (1,2 and currently playing Tactics) and Fallout 3 several times, I just downloaded and installed Fallout 4 for the first time. Any suggestions, tips & hints are welcome!

    submitted by /u/Prezsident
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    Does anyone know what happened to Salisbury Steaks?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 09:25 PM PST

    The Salisbury steaks don't give you food anymore? It just shows up as 0 percent??

    submitted by /u/scottfallout
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