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    Monday, June 22, 2020

    Fallout | 10 years and FNV is still the best RPG I've ever played

    Fallout | 10 years and FNV is still the best RPG I've ever played

    10 years and FNV is still the best RPG I've ever played

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    Warming: heavy FNV jerk session below.

    I wish FONV could be remade the way it was envisioned with more modern graphics. I keep waiting on some to top it but nothing has. At first I thought it would be 4, but 4 dropped the dialogue and skill building, and made side characters considerably more two dimensional.

    Then I thought the outer worlds would do it, but the universe wasn't as interesting and the game, to be Frank, wasn't as fun. not to mention the inventory menu was awful imo.

    The witcher did a wonderful job, but I didn't find the atmosphere as engaging and I didn't enjoy the leveling or choice as much. I didn't end up finishing it because the world just wasn't as good to me. I just feel like with modern tech the potential for the greatest RPG of all time is here, but the right people with the right tools haven't come together like they had.

    submitted by /u/andrewwrotethis
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    Highlights of Fallout 3

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    Each week my buddy and I attempt to play through old games in one sitting that are nostalgic for one and new to the other for comparison, to see how they hold up.

    This week we played Fallout 3 and as the guy who had never played it before I absolutely loved it. I thought it would be pretty bad based on what I had heard of the combat but it was so much fun.

    I thought you all might enjoy some of the highlights of our play through as much as we enjoyed making it. As you can tell by the video we were having a blast.

    Fallout 3 recap

    submitted by /u/Irishluck233296
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    you guys are too sweet

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    i was playing f76 tonight and im only like level 9 (bought it release date, somehow forgot abt it for 2 years), and this 200+ lvl player came to my camp and gave me ALL KINDS of cool items, then minutes later another player gives me a high powered gun, then two more proceed to do the same things!? my brother joked and was like "pff they just did it cause you're a girl" but even if that, some of you guys are hella nice, thanks for the loot :D

    submitted by /u/rottedgrapegum
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    People who are named Gary and have played Fallout 3: what was it like hearing your named get called out for the first time in Vault 108?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    Ngl I would have left and literally never played again.

    submitted by /u/meowman8080
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    HELP Fallout 3 Not Working

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    I have been trying for 3 days to get Fallout 3 GOTY edition I've tried running as administrator, compatibility mode, using it windowed, changing the preferences to bUseThreadedAi=1, adding iNumHWThreads=2, I've tried with or without the unofficial patch and disabling windows live but it still crashes every few minutes also I'm running with mods using FORS (i might have missed stuff I've tried) please help

    submitted by /u/TheFox77
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    I don't get the hate on all of Bethesda's Fallouts

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    You see, im new to Fallout 4, been playing Fo3 and NV for years and recently i got my first gaming pc and have been playing 'newer' games like Fallout 4 and let me tell you it is so fun to play, i was afraid of it not being as good or being a bad game because i used to read a lot of bad critics and watching youtube videos about how bad it is, but honestly fuk all that, this game is one of my favourites.

    Yes, New Vegas is the best, yes, Fallout 4 has some repetitive quests, less dialogue, "dumbed down mechanics", but it is a more modern game with much to do, i do miss the more rpg elements, but its ok, games evolve, games change and Fallout 4 introduced many good things, why to be angry at all that?.

    Let me be real honest with you all, i think many of these people who hate on bethesda Fallouts, have collectively jerked-off to some guys that complained a while ago and have the mentality of "old is always better" saying 1 and 2 are better based entirely on nostalgia. Nobody is saying the newer are inherently "better", they are just more "playable".

    People have said "its dumbed down", but cmon its just a videogame not Nuclear Physics, its still SO enjoyable, the new games are not made for you "the guy who wants to play the same old 2d games" they obviously want to attract a younger and more numerous audience. And thats ok.

    Im glad my nephew has been playing Fallout 4, now he has a huge interest in Fo3 because i told him about 3's lore :)

    See? It may be bad for RPGs nerds, but good for growing the community.

    See these videos below? Would you believe that i agree with BOTH? Its not that complicated.

    FALLOUT 3 IS GARBAGE: https://youtu.be/mLJ1gyIzg78

    FALLOUT 3 IS BETTER THAN YOU THINK: https://youtu.be/5z8XHe2NoAE

    And maybe some day ill play Fo76 and see for myself.

    submitted by /u/Roykmp
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    Out of curiosity. How would you look at a bethesda fallout game but with the quest log/tracking formula of fallout 1 and 2?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    For the record, im not looking to compare classic fallout with bethesda's. Each have their charm and criticism but in the end, we all love the fallout universe.

    Now back to the question, just image if games like new vegas or fo4 had the quest tracking formula that, for example, fo2 have?.

    Basically what this means is that you would have a very vague idea of what you should do, you would get a go to X place and talk to Y person for example. But that would be your only info, so, in short, you would have to talk with lots of npcs, memorize whenever someone points out usefull info and even if you have to, to take notes of it and when (if you manage to) find the place, you would have to start the same long ass process of talking to every npc and hopefully get to the person. Its a chore but that is how old school players grew up. To not complain and keep playing.

    I say this because this is preciselly the only reason i simply cannot enjoy classic fo games. I dont mind the different gameplay, different controls. But good lord that incredibly awfull quest log/tracking is why i cant progress at all, i trow the towel and keep exploring like a dumbass untill im unlucky enough to get overpowered by random hostile npcs or find some place that has zero fucks to do with the main quest, and even when theres side quests, i dont even do those because its the same, fuck knows where to exactly go in the world map, exactly wich building and exactly wich npc im supposed to talk to!. Judge me all you want but i dare say this is exactly the main and most powerfull reason why new players are unable to enjoy classic fallout games. Plain and simple.

    submitted by /u/PotMaskedMan
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    Anyone else a little afraid of the feral ghouls in Fallout 3,4,76,and Vegas

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    What happened to the characters after they were probed back to earth in Mothership Zeta?[Fallout 3]

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    Fallout tactics in underrated and doesn't deserve the hate it gets

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    That's it. That's the post

    submitted by /u/HelpMePlsIAmDumb
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    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    What faction do you recommend me joining?

    submitted by /u/killcapman123
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    Problems with MCM

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 03:49 AM PDT

    I installed the Flashy Crime And Punishment mod but when I went in-game and opened the MCM and clicked on the Crime and Punishment mod it said:
    Missing Plugins:

    I have tried to re-install both mods but that didn't work. So what do I do?
    Edit: I went to Diamond City to see if I could find the bounty hunter leader but she wasn't there which means the mod itself isn't working, as I mentioned I already re-installed the mod and tried installing it manually but it didn't work.

    submitted by /u/Lucky_VII_
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    Settlement building ideas for fallout tabletop game

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    Im playing a fallout tabletop game of my own design and was wondering if anyone would like to help out with the mechanics of settlement building, if one of the players wants to set up shop somewhere

    Any suggestions are 100% welcome!

    submitted by /u/swagmaster1911
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    Is anyone else slightly bothered by some inconsistencies in the fallout universe? Ex: new vegas takes place over 200 years after the bombs fell, yet supplies can still be scavenged around the wasteland. I'm certain any useful supplies in real life would have been picked clean a long time ago.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    Nothing too serious just some food for thought.

    submitted by /u/FilthyNingen1994
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    Ideal settlement for a trade hub?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    Im going to link up all the settlements and have one settlement that acts as the trade hub, anyone know of a good settlement to act as that? (Not starlight im sick of that one)

    submitted by /u/swagmaster1911
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    Fallout fans! Who is your favorite follower and why?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    I don't tend to use followers (for long periods of time), but when I do there's a select few I prefer. Once I met Porter Gage from Nuka World, I've had him with me every step since, despite the bug where his affinity gets all screwy. He's a total badass in a fight and the random comments he makes are the best. He definitely seems to be underrated though. Anyway, just curious to see who you all prefer and why you like them :)

    Edit* Valentine seems to be the fan favorite with you guys :D

    submitted by /u/beanerviking
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    Fallout 4 Freezes when workshop is open at Red Rocket Truckstop

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    When I'm trying to move large items, put a new generator down, or even move a feeding trough the game freezes and I either have to reset or close out the game. I play on Xbox one, and this started happening recently before I started using any mods. I have a decent amount of settlers at Red Rocket, and have been adding more workstations and items. Xbox is usually connected to the internet via ethernet cable. Is there a way to stop it from happening?

    submitted by /u/Mercury90210
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    The looks of feral ghouls

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    I don't know about you but I love the newer feral ghouls you know the ones in fallout 4 and 76 they are much scarier and threatening than the ones in 3 and new Vegas. But I kinda miss the old design. Do any of you think that they should get their old look back?

    submitted by /u/Dieseldees73
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    Ive finally got the plat after 4 years of playing this game.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    It feels good

    submitted by /u/Luxomembourgisop
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    Tell me your favorite/top faction's. (And why you like said factions if you want)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    Personally I'm really big into the Enclave, The Legion, and Mr House. I love Mr House because I mean how could you not. I love the Enclave because of their ideals and their power armor / technology. Lastly I love the Legion because I like how they speak Latin, and I love how their hierarchy is set up, and the idea behind it. (No I'm not endorsing slavery) I don't know if anybody has ever done a thread like this before but I just wanna make conversation. Other than that, I hope you all have a good father's day with your dad's, and stay safe. (Edit: Look I'm not here to argue, I understand everyone has their own dislikes for certain faction's but I'm honestly just trying to make conversation with people for fun, we all love Fallout, let's keep the bs out. You're allowed to criticize me for the faction's I like, I respect criticism, but don't come here for an argument. This is a respectful discussion, not a debate for an election.)

    submitted by /u/Kroenen64
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    Mods deserving their own game

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    Would anyone else buy a fallout dust or fallout frost. I know it's stupid to say because you can get both of them as mods for free but I'd honestly love to see either of them as their own game. The concept, the gameplay, the story, and the unique difficulty of the mods are things I've never seen in a game before. I use fallout new Vegas on my pc to only play dust (if I want to play it normally I just go on my ps3) and it's always such a fun experience. Despite the occasional frustration. But as Bethesda games usually go it ends up crashing after a little while. I'd love to see specifically dust as it's own spinoff game or spin off series. But as other mods are concerned fallout new California is also a good choice as a fully fledged game for $40 or so. I've rambled on too long, and all I want to ask is what are some mods that you'd like to or you're surprised to see isn't their own game.

    submitted by /u/Dieseldees73
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    Fallout 4 CTDs 15 seconds after startup, without input

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 10:41 PM PDT

    First off, I have updated the AMD graphics driver and Windows 10 itself. I also tried loading other saves.

    My laptop is decent, intel core i7-4510U, AMD radeon jet r5 m230. It ran perfectly with my mod setup on the lowest settings (I have a few quality of life mods, nothing big). The game is on an external HDD connected by USB 3.0.

    If I eventually get in the game, I can play without crashes or bugs for hours. The problem is loading the game in the first place - weirdly enough, the same problem happened a lot some time ago, and without any changes, it started working perfectly again. Now it's broken again.

    I ask cleared up some space on my HDD and defragmented it, still doesn't work.

    submitted by /u/DalvestDC
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    [PC] F76 into Fo4

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    At now, which mods can I use to have Fo4 with most similar features of F76? Any suggestion are much appreciated.

    P. S. I translate mods from English to Italian and I want recreate F76 how much as possible on Fo4 because I like much single player

    submitted by /u/Roger08_ITA
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    Cultural stagnation in Bethesda’s Fallout games.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    In my opinion after 200+ years, the culture should have not stagnated this much. There should be a major governments bigger than Diamond City for example because 200 years is a long time. You can still find heaps of rubbish, dirt and skeletons at places where people live, you would expect them to clean up by this point. People still live like how you would expect them to live like 20 years after the bombs fell and not 2 centuries.

    New Vegas which was made by Obsidian portrays the NCR to the west, the Legion to the east, we have two major civilizations. It makes sense that something like this would develop after 200 years, but we don't see this in FO3 or New Vegas.

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Luciano1994
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