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    Saturday, May 2, 2020

    Fallout | I made Yes Man from NV using illustrator, hope you like it!

    Fallout | I made Yes Man from NV using illustrator, hope you like it!

    I made Yes Man from NV using illustrator, hope you like it!

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    CMV: The Fallout franchise relies way too heavily on the same factions and enemies, we desperately need some new ones.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    The Brotherhood of Steel. The Enclave. Super mutants. Feral ghouls. Etc. We're gonna fight all those guys, also add on a generic and ruthless merc group, we'll just give them a random name because they don't really have personalities and won't matter much.

    I understand in the grand scheme that to some extent it makes sense that most of these groups would have a presence in most of America -- feral ghouls are irradiated people, we went through an atomic war, they're gonna be around. The Enclave and BoS are the remnants of the world's most powerful government and army. Whatever, yeah.

    But for the love of God could we please get some new content? Is it only me that thinks this way? I'm not against any of the above things existing in future Fallout games, I just wish there'd be some creativity so you could encounter new factions and new enemies that truly felt like the main people you have to contend with in the game -- not just some new content that's tossed in just to say they made some new stuff. Like the inbred hillbillies and weird cult people in Point Lookout, the walking dead people in Dead Money (forgot their real names lol) and the Think Tank from NV. Those we're all cool new people and you got to experience them a significant amount.

    submitted by /u/romansapprentice
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    3 and NV should get a remaster.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    Bethesda's done it with Skyrim, now give the true classics a breath of fresh air.

    submitted by /u/krantzerrrr
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    Fallout Pandemic Challenge

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    I'll try to keep this vague to apply to as many of the games as possible. The rules are:

    1. You cannot loot dead bodies except animals since they could be infected.
    2. You can only eat cooked food and pre war food since that is most sanitary or loaded with preservatives.
    3. You may not use any 'Raider' equipment. They truly are the filthiest people.
    4. Your character should always have a full facemask, bandana, or full head helmet.
    5. Radiation will serve as your infection meter. You cannot use radx or radaway since there are no cures to this disease, so you must get treatment from a real doctor.

    Please add any mods or additional rules that could make this more immersive and challenging :)

    submitted by /u/Saxxon_Rose
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    After Mothership Zeta

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    So mothership zeta is kind of infamous for its tentative position in canon, the gameplay, using the death ray you just disabled, etc. But one point I haven't seen many people discuss is how it just... ends?

    You come back to earth with all these alien weapons, ammo, aid and items, audio logs of centuries of abductees in your pip boy, and you have become potentially the most knowledgeable person in the fallout universe to confirm the fate of the rest of the world, as the only known individual to have seen the post-war planet from space and then returned again (apart from Somah, who just disappears).

    So why doesn't the DLC include just a minor add-on of some interactions regarding the aliens after you return to the capital wasteland? I went straight to the citadel to sell some of the alien loot and get my armour repaired. I sold a bunch of alien atomisers to the organisation obsessed with collecting advanced technology and they didn't even blink. No option to inform any of the brotherhood elders of the existence of this advanced ship in orbit that's still accessible from earth. No run ins with Somah, to see what she's done after her experience.

    It just doesn't make sense, and I feel like wrapping it up with a brotherhood research team being dispatched to the ships bridge would have made the DLC's place in fallout 3 just a little bit more sensical.

    submitted by /u/1thebeach
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    I’d love to see/read the many different stories of the salvagers, mercenaries and adventurers that sifted through the ruins of Sunnyvale to find the Platinum Chip for Mr. House.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    I really think it would be a fantastic bit of lore to explore- given how long it took House to finally have it recovered after spending millions of caps. I love that it adds so much more potential history to the Platinum Chip PLUS the events that we know, throughout F:NV.

    submitted by /u/Gasmasker
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    Anthony of Caesar's Legion is the only legionary I wpuld wish to spare.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:16 AM PDT

    At Caesar's camp, we can meet Anthony, the master of the hounds, who breeds and cares for the mongrels of the Legion.

    We learn from Anthony that he was once a member of a tribe that lived near Denver, the city of the dogs. His tribe worshipped them and he tells us what it was like when they met the Legion.

    It is actually depressing for Anthony's tone really hints at sorrow over what occurred. The Legion made Anthony's tribe surrender by throwing their dogs into fire which pained the tribe for they believed the dogs would burn forever in the afterlife, so the chief declared their surrender to Caesar.

    Anthony then states in a sad tone that he sees the beliefs of his tribe as foolish and doesn't need them anymore, only the Legion mattered. He sounds like a part of him really doesn't truly denounce his tribal heritage, and I wish more could have been done with him in the game.

    I guess his presence was to tell the player how even more despicable the Legion is in stripping people's identity from them to servititude. Oh well.

    submitted by /u/Hope1820
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    Shaun's Hearing [Fallout 4 Spoilers]

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    Why isn't Shaun deaf? I'm no pediatrician, but I'm pretty sure firing a .44 magnum less than 3 feet away from a newborn baby is going to affect their hearing. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. Maybe The Institute has really small hearing aids.

    submitted by /u/SometimesTea
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    Am i the only one who thinks Three Dog is a piece of shit?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    Like... the Lone Wanderer is looking for his dad. Three Dog uses that as an opportunity to further his own interests by getting the new radio dish installed. Kind of a dick move to withhold that info and honestly doesn't make him seem any better than the rest of the assholes in the wasteland... tell me i'm wrong!

    submitted by /u/PleaseSendtheMath
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    These past few Fallout games have felt more like experiments testing new things rather than new games.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Now I will say it is still a game but they've felt like they're more based around experimenting with new mechanics and such. For example, Fallout 3 was definitely an experiment to test the waters of a first person Fallout game, and it worked well enough. NV seemingly built off this and added some minor mechanics but since most of the stuff was in place they didn't have to add much and could focus on the story. Fallout 4, however, changed a lot of things and introduced more things, adding more to new mechanics and taking the focus away from story. I believe that's why Far Harbor faired better as it already had the mechanics in place and could focus on the story more than the gameplay. Fallout 76 was the same situation, especially with the multiplayer aspect taking away from the story.

    submitted by /u/Tamashi55
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    [FNV] territorial map of new vegas & observations

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    disclaimer: this is not a very high res picture, nor is it very well made. it wasn't intended to be a visually aesthetic art piece or useful reference, simply a basis for analysis.

    this (clean version) is a map of fallout new vegas with rough faction territories overlaid. some of these "territories" are just the location outlined, and some have areas larger than the location itself, where faction members—theoretically—would patrol and police. some factions, like the gun runners and followers of the apocalypse, aren't included, because, in practice, they live under the NCR's protection and laws.

    in fallout new vegas, faction members are present only inside or in the immediate surroundings of locations—they have no intermediate outposts, checkpoints, patrols, offices, and other signs of military control of an area. therefore it can be difficult to know if the area inbetween two locations is in the "jurisdiction" of the faction(s) occupying that location. this is why the various NCR locations' territories aren't connected, despite proximity.

    from this, one can see that the NCR is in a precarious position in new vegas. they've lost control of the southeast to the legion, nearly all of the south to gangs and the legion, most of the centre-west/south-west to gangs and the brotherhood of steel, the heartlands to the ghouls and supermutants, and the northwest to gangs and supermutants. they have little to no presence in the west, being confined to their locations, tied up in bureaucracy. those NCR at mojave outpost and primm were entirely unware of the legion's destruction of nipton, except for a single sniper, who needed the courier to confirm for them. the caravans from the rest of the NCR can't travel to new vegas through the outpost because of the giant insects at nipton road stop and the bridge, the gangs at primm, and the legion at nipton. the troops at the strip and freeside have been unable to dislodge the fiends and the powder gangers to the southwest, the scorpions to the west, and the vipers in the northwest, and the boomers to the northeast post a potential threat. the legion established footholds in the east and south with east, encountering little opposition.

    caesar could have easily taken the dam if he had allied with utobitha and the gangs. while caesar attacked the dam at fortification hill, the powder gangers, vipers, and legion could have attacked NCR-controlled primm and the mojave outpost. meanwhile, the mutants of utobitha could have attacked the ranger safehouse and the helios/el dorado complex. the legion at cottonwood could attack ranger station charlie, while those at nelson could attack ranger station delta. after the meagre NCR forces in the southwest were defeated, the legion, vipers, and powder gangers there could regroup with the supermutants in the heartlands to attack helios. after helios, ranger station delta, ranger station charlie, and the ranger safehouse were taken, the forces of those attacks could regroup at black mountain to launch a diversionary attack on boulder city and the western part of the dam to divide up and surround the NCR's forces at the dam. once caeser pressed the advantage, the giant force would push north to attack camp golf. meanwhile, the allied khans, fiends, scorpions, and powder gangers would attack freeside on the west. after golf is sieged, destroyed, or taken, the southern force would attack freeside by the west, the two forces combined taking the entire southern half of the city with ease.

    after the diversionary attack, caeser would take the dam, and divide his remaining forces in three, sending to the mojave outpost, the northwest highway out of new vegas, and northeastern highway out of new vegas. caesar's army, with wealths of new slaves, money, arms, armor, electricity, food, living space, and raw material, could easily defend these narrow chokepoints from NCR forces attempting to reclaim new vegas. although caesar lost the actual first battle of hoover dam, his forces held their own against the NCR and inflicted severe casualties. as his forces could hold their own against the armed, armored NCR, backed with compete command and accurate snipers, the legion could easily have defeated and enslaved all of the gangs across the mojave, after using them to attack NCR locations in new vegas.

    how would caesar get utobitha on his side? he could promise to slaughter the bright followers of repconn for utobitha to gain that territory, along with its nightkin denizens underground, along with a wealth of supermutant slaves/citizens from jacobstown and jack rabbit springs, ontop of all of that, weaponry, ammo, supplies, materials, and slaves from defeated NCR forces. it would be easy to manipulate the gangs to fight for caesar, as they fear him and desperately want weapons, ammo, and armor, along with the fall of the NCR. caesar's hate of tribals doesn't matter because caesar would just slaughter the fighters and enslave the non-fighters after taking over new vegas.

    caesar's failures at the first battle of hoover dam weren't the result of the men that fought at hoover dam, but the result of the legion men who didn't fight across new vegas. the forces in the south sat idly by while gangs gained territory against the NCR, and the NCR funnelled all its troops into the dam.

    there's a lot more to be said, but i don't want this post to be pages long. tell me what you think down below; do you think the developers had something in mind with the distribution of factions? do you think caesar's advantage was to the length i imagined? does this alter your opinion of the military strength of any of the factions? etc.

    submitted by /u/_eta-carinae
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    Laser weapons in future games

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    How cool would it be if laser weapons were more realistic and maybe even more difficult to use in future games? Here's what I mean. A la Shoddycast's video about FO4's laser weapons, the only logical reason they have recoil is because of game balancing. But what if instead of recoil they introduced an overheat mechanic where the first shot is the most powerful and they got less effective as the weapon got hotter. And then in the case of automatic laser weapons (which, honestly, why don't they just fire continuously at that point?) you could introduce a player damaging effect so that instead of weapon damage falling off it just became dangerous to your health to continuously fire (unless you're wearing power armor or some special armor to protect against the heat damage).

    Energy weapons have always ostensibly supposed to have been more difficult to use but the barrier to entry has never been that high. It would be cool if you actually had to spec your chatacter into these kinds of weapons to use them effectively and not just as a damage buff. So for example, in real life lasers are affected by atmospheric distortion, so on a clear day they can shoot farther and do more damage but on a foggy day they may be completely ineffective except at close range. So in the game then maybe choosing energy weapon related perks you can increase the effectiveness of your laser weapons under poor weather conditions. I just think that's a lot more interesting than a straight damage boost and would make laser weapons feel more unique. Idk how you could improve the plasma weapons, or if they need to be improved in the same way, but differentiating between weapon types can only be a good thing imho.

    This is a little off topic but I feel that in future fallout games there should probably just be more barriers to entry to the different playstyles available. Like bring back the need for a perk to use powerarmor, and maybe even require perks to be efficient at using any weapon type since people aren't born being able to use firearms efficiently (although it's forgiveable in FO4 since, at least if you play as Nate, the game gives you the backstory of being a soldier). That's just my two cents.

    submitted by /u/Peacelovefleshbones
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    I'm having a hard time getting into Fallout 3 after starting with New Vegas. Any tips?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    There's a few things that keep pushing me away from the game.

    1. Weapon variety is limited.
    2. Caps are harder to come by so it's difficult to keep your weapons
    3. Ammo is scarce so I find myself having to swich between weapons and micro manage everything
    4. The skill checks are chance based rather than having new dialogue trees being unlocked by your skill level
    5. No weapon mods
    6. It's harder to traverse around D.C than it is the Mojave. You have to use the underground a lot

    I've done a few side quests and finished most of the main story. I'm at the part where you defend the water facility from Enclave and James dies and got to a point where the game feels more like a chore than something that's engrossing me.

    How can I make the gameplay better? What could I be doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/CoffeeSlutt
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    Fallout 3 Soundtrack Vinyl

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    Wanting to gauge interest in my Fallout 3 Special Extended Edition vinyl, it's one of the translucent blue ones limited to 2500pcs.

    submitted by /u/ramonaparklegends
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    RefID for Sentinel AI Power Armour (Fallout 4)

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    Does anyone know where I could find this? Or if anyone does already know it.

    It disappeared on me taking the elevator back down to vault 111 and now I need to do the console command to get him back, unless there is another way? A location he returns to I am unaware of?


    submitted by /u/Jankybeams
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    Does anybody know how do i get cc to fallout 4 ps4 where to find mods and ext

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    I know ps4 dont have cc i just want to find a mod that lets me

    submitted by /u/fuckt_by_god
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    Combine Red Rocket with Sanctuary

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Wouldn't it be cool to combine Red Rocket and Sanctuary into one big settlement!! I think it would just make sense since they are both really close to each other. Tell me what you think!!!!!!!!!

    submitted by /u/FellKat
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    What if the NCR fell to Civil War

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    So ever since Fallout New Vegas came out we've all known throughout the game it has been mentioned that people aren't too fond of the New California Republic, One of the big reasons being the Bitter Springs Massacre, which was when NCR troops shelled through a mass of Great Khan civilians trying to escape the fighting between them and the NCR, but what if these reasons escalated to the point where the NCR fell into Civil War whether that be from an assassination or from something like Bleeding Kansas which is pretty much what kicked off the American Civil War.

    Who would be involved, Who would be the victor, Who would seced would it be a group of NCR states or every individual state for themselves...

    submitted by /u/K_E_B_A_B
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    Anyone feel like survival mode stops being fun around the mid to late game?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    Apology in advance for mobile formatting

    I wasn't a big fan of Fallout 4 at first, being a NV purist. I tried survival mode though and i really like it a lot. Crafting and settlements become so much more valuable and the early game survival Is so much fun.

    I'm now level 30, I have a strong hangman's alley and castle, most of the north conquered and enough vertibird grenades to go wherever whenever. Coupled with aqua boy to swim anywhere, the lack of true fast travels just wastes time.

    On top of that, dying and going back to a previous save isn't really a challenge, it's a nuisance now. Usually I die to a single hand Grenade that is lobbed from 40 meters away by Generic Gunner/Raider X. I have enough power armor and fusion cores to constantly wear lower armor but the HUD sucks and I don't constantly want to be invincible.

    I've considered not using any of the "fast travels" like I did early game but honestly fighting through generic raiders in places you've already cleared out is just tedious. I could also strictly play stealth and I know that's tactically best but sneak in Bethesda games feels like an exploit.

    Does anyone have any tips to make the middle of Fallout 4 a little bit less grindy?

    submitted by /u/mdown40
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    Vault 88 overseer

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    I've just placed the overseers desk in vault 88 and I've just completed the power bike quest, if I kill her now will the settlers turn hostile?

    submitted by /u/goblinjuices
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    Boston Area Crashes

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    Ive started Fallout 4 on Xbox One again, and Ive been crashing more there than I ever have before. I bought the game years ago and it didn't have this problem then. It's become nearly impossible to do any quests or exploring there without crashing. It had this problem before I even installed any mods, what should I do? I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but that didn't work.

    submitted by /u/LevelCell
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    Mod list/order Recommendations (X-post FO4)

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    I'm sure this sub gets plenty of these types of posts, I'm just trying to get an idea of what to do.

    I've been getting a hankering to play fallout 4 I havn't played it in a while, but had nearly 200h in my first play through. I'm looking for mods that can change the whole game and just improve the game as it is. I'm not looking to make it cartoonie, or is it cartoony, just improve on the game thats there.

    I'll try to keep up with responses as much as I can. I'll answer any questions that I can.

    I've not done much modding before, but I have installed Vortex Mod Manager.

    submitted by /u/Iceman7496
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    Minor nitpick, but anyone feel Kellogg's Pistol had the wrong legendary effect?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    I don't know about you guys, but I'm not a huge fan of the relentless effect, at least not on the 44. Pistol. I think either enraging (Crits Frenzy your target) would've worked better or maybe Assassin's (+50% damage towards humans) Would've been better both gameplay and lorewise (enraging because that's kind of what happens to the sole survivor and assassin's because...Really?)

    submitted by /u/dextermined111
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