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    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    Fallout | but also

    Fallout | <Pained Beeping> but also <Satisfied Beeping>

    <Pained Beeping> but also <Satisfied Beeping>

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:14 PM PST

    Got a tattoo of Ed-E!

    I've wanted a fallout related tattoo for years now but I never really knew exactly what I wanted. I felt like the vault boy was a little too on the nose and the BoS symbol didn't really click with me. So I got my favorite companion to travel with me forever!

    submitted by /u/TheTonyReznov
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    Emogene Cabot would have made an amazing companion fo4

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:24 AM PST

    Emogene is strong, adventurous, has a backstory that could use elaboration, and is bored out of her mind sitting at the Cabot house. In her terminal she even mentions how the apocalypse happening was maybe one of the most exciting times in her life and is seemingly excited about killing someone to protect the house. She clearly had the personality and spunk to be a fun traveling companion. Taking her around the commonwealth and letting feel life again and not be so bored would have been fantastic.

    I didn't think about it until replaying it now but what are others opinions?

    submitted by /u/ToWanda00
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    14th vday, acquired the big iron

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 01:10 PM PST

    It's such an epic gun and it's a good thing it's chambered in .22 because I'll end up quickdrawing and spinning it which is a bad idea for beginners with high calibers

    I'm not new to firearms just revolver tricks*

    Pic- https://gyazo.com/ead5a233dbdf4b9101808e5cd85ece13


    submitted by /u/Reeee93616
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    My Thoughts on Finishing Fallout 2 for the First Time

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:26 AM PST

    So this is the follow-up post from my last one talking about the first Fallout game. Now I've finished Fallout 2 and want to share those thoughts as well. Luckily, unlike my Fallout 1 playthrough, I had a lot of extra time to play the second game, so I finished it in less days than last time, but the overall hours I put in were far more than the previous game. I didn't rush at all, I took my time exploring every nook and cranny and tried my best to discover all the quests, secrets, and things I could find just like I did for Fallout 1. So here are my thoughts as a first timer, straight after the first game, into Fallout 2. I've got a lot to say.

    So I had high expectations heading into this after Fallout 1. The story, the world, tone and themes, how could you top what the previous game, in my opinion, had mastered almost perfectly? Well, to be completely honest, my first few hours into Fallout 2 were... not as pleasant as it was in Fallout 1. To start off, the Temple of Trials... need I say more? One of my criticisms of Classic Fallout is that the combat is not very interesting or engaging. As I said last time, it isn't the main focus of the game. But Fallout 2 ramps up the amount of combat encounters from the previous game to, at times, absurd levels! In my first 4 hours of the game I had gone through more combat sequences than I had in Fallout 1 at the same rate. In fact, that's the main issue I had with the majority of my time playing. There were moments that I had genuinely grown frustrated with the game to the point that I borderline disliked playing. Those awful moments were very very rare, however, otherwise I may have just dropped the game altogether and miss out on what makes it the best in the series for many players.

    Another complaint, although a very subjective one, is the drastic change in tone compared to the first game. Fallout 1 had a very bleak tone to it, while Fallout 2 has a much wackier and humorous tone to it. While the dark tone does apply and crop up at various points in Fallout 2, the overall tone is a far cry from what the original had created. I personally prefer the darker tone and themes of the original, but that's just my own personal preferences.

    Now onto the meat. Fallout 2 is LEAGUES larger than Fallout 1. More weapons, quests, larger map size, locations to explore, companions to meet, factions to interact with, and many many more! The story, as well, is much grandiose in scale, albeit after you reach a certain point. Just like the first game, it starts off with a small, personalized goal to save your village of Arroyo by retrieving the Garden of Eden Creation Kit, the G.E.C.K. Obviously this expands from simply saving the village and your people to saving the Wasteland once again, but this time by destroying the Enclave, the remnants of the Old World U.S. government. The story is, in simple terms, truly an epic journey. While I personally prefer the Master in Fallout 1 as a superior antagonist, mainly due to his upbringing to become what he is and the story behind it, the Enclave are fantastic villains. They're a force beyond what had been seen before. Even the Brotherhood of Steel, who up to that point were the most technologically advanced faction due to their hoarding of it, are dwarfed by the Enclave's prowess. To beat them and rescue your villagers, you have to repair an old tanker: the Poseidon Marine Vessel Valdez, and take the fight to the Enclave Oil Rig; their main base. But you'll need various things to get it started up. A NavCom part that can be found in Vault 13, fuel to run that can be obtained in a variety of different ways in San Francisco, and the tanker FOB that can only be retrieved by infiltrating (or if you're suicidal, assaulting) Navarro, an Enclave base established to the north of the city. Even once all has been obtained, you still need to find a way to keep the damn ship from being blown to hell by the submarine in the bay. Once all is done, you start the ship up and sail to the Oil Rig. Watching everything start up and seeing the ship set sail is the moment in the game where I saw that the stakes and the story had reached a new level. Once you reach the Oil Rig, finding Arroyo's villagers and destroying the Enclave are your top priorities. You can assault the base with all the companions you've gathered through the game, or you could sneak your way in and find what you need covertly. You scour the the Oil Rig, finding the villagers, and uncovering all the options you can use to topple your foes. You speak with President Dick Richardson, uncovering the plans the Enclave have. They've been studying the FEV from the ruins of the Mariposa Military Base, and modified it to kill those they've deemed mutants. They aim to destroy any life that's been touched by the radiation, and retake the ruins of the United States and rebuild. With that knowledge now uncovered, you find a way to free your family and friends and destroy the Enclave. It seems the end is in sight, and so you make a run for the exit until you're stopped by the big man himself... a guy named Frank. "You've gotten a lot farther than you should have, but then you haven't met Frank Horrigan either. Your ride's over, mutie. Time to die." Frank Horrigan is, without question, the most dangerous man to ever walk the Wasteland. A man fiercely loyal to the Enclave, mutated into a stronger being, and power armor grafted to his flesh, he is an imposing figure that, to the unprepared, will tear you to shreds! Throughout the game you will witness just what he is capable of. Early on you'll see him slaughter a group of defiant peasants and, after visiting Vault 13 and retrieving the G.E.C.K., you can recover security footage of him and the Enclave committing genocide against the intelligent Deathclaws within, with him personally killing Gruthar. Like you were told in the Temple of Trials at the beginning of the game, you won't be able to talk your way out of every situation. You have to kill this mutant. Frank Horrigan has 999 HP, unique, unobtainable weapons, armor that is resistant to almost everything, and is the only character up to that point to have 10 in all of his S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats! He is, without any shadow of a doubt, the toughest enemy in the Fallout franchise! Not to mention that the turrets, unless you shut them down or turned them on Frank, will shred you apart. You will die against him in conventional combat unless you are prepared heavily! Turning the turrets against him is the most effective strategy to quell the monster. Once he dies, he has a unique death animation, but he has a few final words for the Chosen One. "You *cough*, you haven't won here. You and your mutie-bastard friends are gonna join me in a big ol' mushroom cloud sendoff. I just triggered the self-destruct. Heh, heh *cough cough*... The work will go on. You didn't do nothing here, 'cept seal your own death warrants. Duty, *cough* honor... courage... Semper Fiiiii......." Horrigan's words are the last thing you hear before you escape the base. As the ship gets away, the Oil Rig explodes in a vast mushroom cloud like Frank said it would. The game ends, and so the ending slides begin.

    Fallout 2's story is one of the best in gaming, and arguably the best in the franchise. I went into such lengths talking about it because it is the best part of the game, in my opinion. So many unforgettable moments throughout. Returning to your village to see the devastation brought by the Enclave, seeing Frank Horrigan for the first time, meeting the intelligent Deathclaws of Vault 13, infiltrating Navarro, watching the Valdez take off, and the battle with Frank and the nuke sendoff. Fallout 2 is such a memorable experience beginning to end, and the story exemplifies all of that masterfully.

    The story is what I had most to talk about, but there's so much more. The various locations you visit and quests you encounter maintain the core of Fallout. Multiple solutions and consequences for your actions. But unlike Fallout 1, where most of the quests affected the select communities they're in, Fallout 2 leans more into the politics between settlements. Fostering relationships between the various factions, forging new mutual alliances or siding entirely with one faction over the other. Seeing as how the game is set 80 years after the events of the first game, you get to see how the people have adapted to the Wasteland. The isolationist Vault City, the town of Gecko full of ghouls, the mining community of Redding, uranium mining town of Broken Hills filled with people of all kinds, human, ghoul, mutant, the city of vice New Reno, Shady Sands has now become the New California Republic with Tandi being the President, and San Francisco filled with the Chinese Shi and the Hubologist. The Brotherhood of Steel are even here, albeit a very minor role, one unlike any other in the series. Keeping a low profile and biding their time to snatch the technology from the Enclave once they're defeated, something that, although unfamiliar to someone like me, I actually quite like and appreciate as it makes sense for the Brotherhood to do. Fallout 2 focuses more on the various relationships between the factions than the previous game had before. I see this as a natural evolution for the franchise at that point in time, and we saw expanded further and more successfully, in my opinion, in New Vegas.

    Fallout 2 improves on everything from the previous game. Quality of life improvements, better companions, more things to do, a better story, and so many more options to choose from. My playthrough of the game STILL wasn't enough to see absolutely everything. Instead of becoming a Wright Made Man in New Reno, I could've been with the Mordinos. Spoke with the Salvatores instead of having them assassinated. I didn't even get to take Mr. Bishop's quests because of a small mistake I did back in Vault City. One line of dialogue doomed me to be his enemy. So I decided to sleep with his wife! Then killed him and his men. You could even become a damn pornstar! I could've sided with the Hubologists over the Shi. I could've screwed with any hope of peace between the NCR and the people of Vault 15. I didn't even touch the martial arts of San Francisco because of the way my character was built! This game has larger replayability than the first one.

    I honestly didn't think Fallout 2 would be as good as the first game, let alone surpass in many aspects. In terms of roleplaying and mechanics, it is an objectively better game than Fallout 1. Other aspects are up to personal opinions and preferences. The game's tone is vastly different from the first game, but the script and writing is, of course, fantastic and actually had me laughing and chuckling at various points in the game. Not so much the pop culture references, though, but that's a small complaint. Relatively. So many great side quests and stories to be found, great characters to meet, and the fantastic main story to journey through. While Fallout 2's change in tone is something I'm not that big a fan of, the pop culture references are just odd at points, and the game's bigger emphasis on combat; the fantastic story, great roleplaying elements, clever writing, and enjoyable and great quests overshadow the various faults the game has. Fallout 2 is one of, if not, the best in the franchise.

    So, I've finally finished both classic Fallout games. I have to say that I had a fantastic time with both games. It's genuinely difficult for me to decide which game I personally prefer over the other. Fallout 2, in terms of the mechanics and amount of content, is the superior game, but Fallout 1 helped lay the groundwork for the franchise, and I still consider the world-building better in that game for setting up the universe. Either way, they're both absolute classics, and anyone who calls themselves a fan of the franchise and RPGs in general should give these great games a try. You won't regret it.

    I'm thinking, now that I've played the originals, that I should revisit modern Fallout next. Fallout 3 was my first foray into the series, so it'll be fun to revisit the game after playing the previous two in the series. I haven't played it in, funny enough, almost three years. I know a lot of people harbor intense feelings about 3, whether positive or negative, so it'll be interesting to see if my opinion shifts having now experienced the originals. I'll probably do the same thing for that as I did for 1 and 2, maybe I'll go through the entire series. It's fun to evaluate the games to one of my favorite franchises. That'll be awhile, though, so who knows when I'll get that done. Anyway, I've talked enough for this. I hope this wasn't a bad take on Fallout 2, and you enjoyed reading my thoughts on the game.

    submitted by /u/Dovahkiin812KW
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    Sino-Soviet Relations Before the War?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:02 PM PST

    Generally, how was the geopolitical relationship between China and the Soviet Union previous to the bombs dropping? Does Fallout Lore ever mention China nuking the Soviet Union as it potentially did to the United States? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/EmperorHealy
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    Fallout New Vegas' soundtrack

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:38 PM PST

    Is it just me, or is the Fallout New Vegas soundtrack really damn good

    submitted by /u/BluIsFeelingBlue
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    Fallout DownUnder

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:56 PM PST

    I'd love to see a fallout game set in Australia, the animals are incredibly dangerous anyway, and i want to see them irradiated. And a lot of people could complain about how the Americans screwed everyone over.

    submitted by /u/MagicSm0ke
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    If New Vegas was the conclusion to a west coast trilogy, what location would be a good conclusion to a trilogy on the east coast?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:22 AM PST

    Personally I think New York would work well, similar to the way New Vegas embraced the lights and glamour for its central location. How vegas lights up the Mojave the Empire State Building can be a monument to the past, still standing after many other buildings crumbled.

    submitted by /u/The-Toxic-Korgi
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    Which Nuka Cola bottle design do you like? The one from Fallout 4, or from 3 and New Vegas?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 01:40 PM PST

    I personally like 4's design better, I think the rocket design fits better in the universe than the one from 3 and New Vegas

    submitted by /u/Cowse
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    Fallout: New Vegas- White glove society

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:08 AM PST

    Something I noticed after playing New Vegas for like the 3rd time through is that the white glove society wears masks awfully similar to that of the notorious cannibal Hannibal Lector. And obviously if you do there quest it turns out they were once cannibals as well looking to continue the tradition. Is it just a coincidence or do you think the devs did that on purpose?

    submitted by /u/DanielJDean
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    Favourite model of Power Armour?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:07 AM PST

    Wether it's for it's looks or its effectiveness, what is your favourite model of power armor

    submitted by /u/MZGrav1ty
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    Are there female super mutants?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:26 AM PST

    If not are they asexual? Or do we see them all the time and can't tell the difference between the males?

    submitted by /u/johnyb6633
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    Companion Ages in Fallout are very unintuitive (Very Minor Fallout 4 + NV spoilers)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:26 AM PST

    Outside of dogs and eyebots, the youngest companion in Fallout New Vegas is:

    • Boone, the grizzled veteran soldier, father, and husband (26).

    Outside of dogs and Automatrons, the youngest Companion in Fallout 4 is either:

    • Robert MacCready the skilled mercenary, family patriarch, and former mayor of a small town (22).
    • Porter Gage, the brutal, hardened raider consigliere who has presumably killed many people (17+).
    • Paladin Danse, the experienced, high-ranking military officer (anywhere from 11 to 60 years old).

    That's... really not what I'd have guessed just from meeting them.

    For anyone wondering how I came to these numbers:

    Boone and MacCready have explicit birth years, making their numbers easy.

    Veronica is canonically a year older than Boone, Raul and Tabitha are both older than any normal human lifespan, Cassidy is canonically over a decade older than Boone, and Arcade Gannon is also older than Boone by several years.

    MacCready's age was given in Fallout 3, set ten years before Fallout 4. His age is the easiest of the Non-Automatron companions to pin down, but we can make some assumptions about the others.

    From what we know about FEV, I don't think children can be transformed (please correct me if I am wrong), so Strong must already have been an adult when he transformed. Combined with the FEV Lab being recently shut down by Virgil, and the long timespan during which the Institute's FEV programme ran, I think we can safely assume that he's been an adult for years, if not decades.

    Old Longfellow implies that he is around seventy years old.

    Piper was not born in Diamond City, and didn't live there until adulthood, but she speaks about McDonough as though she lived there before he became the mayor,>! when there were still ghouls in the city!<. She's probably older than MacCready, therefore. The same logic applies to John Hancock (formerly John McDonough) who was also an adult when the election occurred.

    Curie and Codsworth are both pre-war.

    Cait was enslaved at age 18, freed herself three years later, then spent "years" as a cage fighter.

    Deacon is hard to determine, but he was an active member of the Railroad (so, presumably, an adult) at least ten years before Fallout 4, making him mid-20s at the bare minimum.

    Now, Danse. Danse was part of the BoS During Fallout 3 (he was taught by a man who dies at Adams Air Force Base), meaning that he joined at least ten years before the start of Fallout 4. As a missing (presumably memory-wiped by the RailRoad) synth, he conceivably could have been born as little as one year before that, and travelled south to the Capitol Wasteland. He's a Gen-3 Synth, so he cannot possibly be more than 70 years old.

    Porter Gage became a raider at age 16, then left his first gang after a year. He spent some time as a raider before meeting colter, but it's unknown how long. He could theoretically still be 17.

    submitted by /u/TheCybersmith
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    Dogmeat no longer essential for some reason

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:31 AM PST

    I don't know what I did, as I haven't downloaded any mods that would make him not essential (as far as I know), but for some reason Dogmeat can die, and I'm not able to make essential with the setessential command, as it just says, "Compiled script not saved!". Does anyone know how to fix this? I did download rhe Horizon mod, so maybe that caused it.

    Edit: This is for Fallout 4

    submitted by /u/8spooky7me
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    Naming your child Robert House

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:42 PM PST

    To all fallout fans; if you are expecting a child to be born on June 25th, 2020, and it is a boy. Make damn sure you name him Robert House.

    submitted by /u/RioGrande346
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    Tips for survival mode?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:33 PM PST

    I'm starting my 4th playthrough. Should I try survival mode? What's actually good about it, and any mods to go with it? Eh feel free to just leave a tip or two

    submitted by /u/LeiLeiLeila2006
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    Future of the Little Lamplight Children?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:42 PM PST

    I'm fairly new to the Fallout Franchise and have only been knowledgeable of the series since, perhaps 2015. I've never actually played Fallout but I often watch snippets of game play or videos uploaded by Oxhorn, Mitten Squad, etc. Recently I intercepted the Little Lamplight characters and wondered If they would ever reappear in some form or another (grown up, etc.) in future installments of Fallout, say 'Fallout 5'. I am aware that Bumble is sold to slavers, never to be seen again, Maccready appears as an adult in Fallout 4.

    submitted by /u/EmperorHealy
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    Is the medicine stick the best gun in fallout NV?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:14 PM PST

    What do you think about the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:18 PM PST

    After blind betrayal, does Danse have any new dialogue as a companion?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 01:53 PM PST

    For example, he says something like "I can't believe your replacing me with this thing!" after swapping him with Valentine. Does this change after blind betrayal? Is it entirely removed? Or does he just keep saying the old lines?

    submitted by /u/FetusGoesYeetus
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    Syringer and Synths

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:49 AM PST

    Since bleed out syringes don't damage synth can it be used to tell if someone is a synth or not? I know it's probably gameplay vs story/lore problem but it seems like a huge oversight to me.

    EDIT: after quick testing it turns out some synth are immune while others aren't so my bad

    submitted by /u/plziom
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    Recommendations for fun FO4 play through

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:26 PM PST

    Hi all,

    Decided to give Fallout 4 a revisit and started a new character. I've already beat the game twice, once as railroad, once as the brotherhood. I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a fun casual play through this time around. I'm talking mods, faction alliances, dialogue decisions etc. Any advice would be much appreciated. If it makes any difference, i have all of the DLCs as well.


    submitted by /u/hirarycrinton
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    FNV compared to the other fallout games.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:53 AM PST

    Personally, and I know many others believe that FNV is the best game. Due to plot, and the stories of it. For those who do or don't. Why do you think that the rushed design of only 18 months turned out to be the best or most popular.

    submitted by /u/Msampey1
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    Fallout 76 Cant install because i dont have “enough space”

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:59 PM PST

    Anyone know any way to fix this thing where everytime theres a new update to F76 it wont let me install it cause "there isnt enough space on my ps4" (i had 60 GB Free) or do i have to keep deleting and restalling the game just to get a 8GB update

    submitted by /u/Atombombtom407
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