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    Tuesday, August 10, 2021

    Fallout | Ironsides may actually be in command of all remaining US forces because of a technicality

    Fallout | Ironsides may actually be in command of all remaining US forces because of a technicality

    Ironsides may actually be in command of all remaining US forces because of a technicality

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 06:35 AM PDT

    If the USS Constitution is still a commissioned US Navy ship in the fallout universe (it's actually still commissioned IRL) by the time the bombs dropped then by the order of succession Captain Ironsides (the sentry bot) of the USS constitution would be in command of all US Navy forces and perhaps even the entire US military as long as there are no other survivors of higher rank than him.

    Hell if the line of US Government line of succession is completely wreaked and if the Enclave don't count then Ironsides would technically be the US President. The male sole survivor was probably at most a Sargeant so Ironsides would outrank him.

    submitted by /u/Cooldude101013
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    How are there so many power cores still in the wasteland? I'd expect the majority to have been taken already.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 01:32 PM PDT

    The Pitt… Is the best DLC ever made!

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 07:48 PM PDT

    There's just something about the Pitt that always draws me back to it. Every time I play Fallout 3 the one thing I really look forward to the most is going to the Pitt. Let's talk about the atmosphere. Oh. My. God. The atmosphere. Slaves cutting down cars and steel beams with the Auto Axes. The sounds of grating metal moving across the steel mills. The smoke rising from the giant smoke stacks. Pittsburgh completely in ruins… there is no other Fallout DLC that has a better atmosphere than the Pit. It truly feels like an apocalypse but takes place in Hell instead of Earth. I personally feel like the Pit could've been it's own game. There would be a lot more to explore in Pittsburgh and with all that radiation theres bound to be more monsters than just the Trogs. On top of that the weapons are awesome like the annihilator and metal blaster. However the Auto Axe is by far the best and most satisfying melee weapon in the Fallout franchise! The story and the characters are great and always drags you into the lore of the Pitt! As someone who lives near Pittsburgh this is just my favorite DLC and will always be my favorite. Also I'm considering re-buying Fallout 76 just to go to the Pitt again lmao.

    submitted by /u/Heiwbs
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    Should karma be in fallout 5?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 11:59 PM PDT

    Should the karma mechanic return in fallout 5 or should it stay gone?

    submitted by /u/Moe_lester6942021
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    [Fallout 4] Does the BoS still have squads in power armor that roam around after "Airship Down / Rocket's Red Glare"

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 08:40 PM PDT

    Basically the title.

    I've already done a minuteman and BoS playthrough. I also went ahead with institute ending this time around but reloaded back to a previous save just for the achievements.

    However I intend to enjoy the post game with the rail road ending, though I'd imagine those passive BoS knights that come and go around would be a pain to deal with now that I'd be enemies with them.

    So are they still around?

    submitted by /u/Xx_Falcon_Lover_xX
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    Old world blues is the greatest thing ever (spoilers for the DLC)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 09:10 PM PDT

    From the dialogue at the beginning where they talk about how they removed like half your body, to the primary antagonist of the DLC being just a nice old man robot who gives you a mentat. You have to convince your own brain to not suck and they make a penis joke inside of a fake school, this truly is the greatest DLC ever made.

    submitted by /u/Dear-Truck6910
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    Is there something I'm missing in Fallout 76?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    I'm having trouble playing Fallout 76 because it isn't really interesting for me (at least not yet). I'm trying really hard to get into it, but I feel like I'm missing something. Everything seems kinda bland to me. I'm not trying to just shit on it, but I'm having trouble enjoying it.

    submitted by /u/MaximusKoto
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    Is it wrong I want the Enclave to make a comeback next game?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    Depending on the location it could make sense, a moon base, secret vaults, perhaps a morally gray transition rather than full blown evil faction (although that may make people mad understandably as it debatably waters them down) The option for them to infiltrate other factions, take over a chapter of the BoS for example, they have somewhat similar motivations concerning mutants and the like. Of course fallout storylines are not set in stone, typically, and it could all be optional side quests. I personally think the Enclave is a really good writing device and if it's not used again I'm going to be a bit sad, although some people may be tired of them.

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    Ive fallen in love with fallout 76

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    Idk what to say i didnt think i would love this game but here i am idk what it was like when it first come out but now i love it it still buggy as heck and it does still crash sometimes but man besides that i love it the community is so nice and giving and constantly trying to team and play casualy one thing the game has is a great community and besides i like the perk system and the building mechanics its been a blast to build my c.a.m.p and ive liked the missions so far even tho some of them are boring and to its still doesnt beat fallout 4 quest but overall i like it cant wait to see where it goes.

    submitted by /u/Friendly-Campaign227
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    What do you think would be an interesting setting for a fallout game?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 03:15 AM PDT

    I'll give an example of what I mean, something I've thought for a long time is that I want a fallout game in Canada, I really wanna see what happened to it after it was annexed into the States, How did that go? Did they separate it up into smaller chunks? And by the looks of the broadcast it seems like people might might've been rebelling against it, and then how did the bombs dropping effect all this? How does the naturally colder climate effect survival? All of these questions and more could be answered in a game set in like Toronto or Ontario, or maybe on by the border of Alaska if it must be set in the United States, So I wanted to ask people much smarter than I, what they think would be an interesting place to examine in the fallout universe.

    submitted by /u/StoryPerson
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    Would love the next Fallout game to be more Darker and more horror orientated than it's predecessors

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    Dunno where this sits with other people but for Fallout 5 I think it would be really cool if the plot and overall vibe/look of the game was darker in tone and had a little more horror to it.

    I'm not talking Resident Evil level, but maybe Bethesda could show a different side to how Nuclear radiation has affected the planet. For example, maybe set the main plot of Fallout 5 around a mutated parasite that's become a global threat ? I personally would think that would be really cool.

    Location wise, Somewhere thats dreary in nature akin to Far Harbour would set the tone nicely. Maintain the item management aspects as seen in 3, New Vegas & 76 and maybe make them slightly more hardcore ?

    Since the days of Fallout 3 I've always wanted to see mutated spiders in the wasteland, as well as other mutated creatures that give people the creeps. More mutated bugs, definitely.

    I think that Bethesda should make the next Fallout game more horror orientated. We'll get to see the series in a different light and giving the game it's Fallout feel whilst adding a bit of scary to it sounds totally doable. Heck, what they did with Fallout 3 was brilliant; Visiting the Dunwich Building and The Pitt sent the shits right up me every time, even 30 odd playthroughs later 😄 That game proved that the horror aspect can be added to Fallout and it can work rather nicely even though we got it in small doses.

    If anything, developing the next game using a slightly different perspective will breathe a welcome breath of fresh air into the franchise I think 👌

    submitted by /u/Still-Ad8061
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    Fallout 3's first few quests are so great at teaching without hand holding or being tedious

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 07:56 AM PDT

    Your first real quest gives you the bare necessities. Then you get to Megaton and have a bunch of different ways to complete your objective. Do you use your first perk to make Nova tell you what you need to know? Do you use a speech check on Gob? Do you do the quest for Moriarty? Or do you sneak in and find everything yourself? Everyone has great starter info about the world and your first vendor gives you a nice set of slightly better armour for free and gives you a perfect easy sidequest. (Wasteland Survival Guide is so perfect. Your complete noob to the Wasteland is learning how to survive in it. And the first two stages can be easily completed before moving on to the main quest) At this point you should have a baseball bat, 10mm pistol, and a police baton, plus anything you may have decided to buy from Moira. Now you head off to Farragut West, and beyond that, the first Super Mutant encounter. You can now get access to a hunting rifle, the bottom tier of rifles, and maybe an assault rifle with a bit of ammo if you explore a bit. Oh, and a very damaged laser pistol. And your first ghouls. Lots of tools at your disposal, but never too much that you can use one thing the whole time. Ammo management is still important at this stage in the game. So yeah you run around underground killing some future zombies and then you turn the corner and see HIM. 8 feet of pure muscle, FEV, and rage and it doesn't see you yet. But you can't get around it. Luckily some ghouls attack it, demonstrating another game mechanic, enemies will fight each other. Then you have to finish it off. Not so much of a problem right? Then you enter Chevy Chase and two of them jump you. Thank god for Sarah Lyons. Now you meet the main faction of the game and get to participate in a fun little running firefight where you'll get a bunch of guns and ammo and most assuredly be reaching your weight limit. Funny how entering Chevy Chase was when the game prompted you with the fast travel ability. So then you run around getting some more guns and ammo, plus a better laser pistol from the dead BOS guy, and you probably learn the limitations to power armour. And there's another conspicuously placed BOS corpse in the GNR plaza fountain with a... what is this, a fat... man? And then Initiate Redding explodes. And you get your first boss battle. Unless you use your fat man.

    At this point the game kinda stops being as much of a tutorial so much as just still in easy mode. But yeah, I was playing last night and was noticing all this stuff because I hadn't played 3 in a long time. Made me think of Egoraptor's video on Mega Man X and how its first mission is expertly crafted to teach you the mechanics of the game while not explicitly telling you everything and holding your hand.

    submitted by /u/AllCanadianReject
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    The New Reno Massacre: A tale of Fallout 2 and burst fire.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 04:36 PM PDT

    I don´t if this is the right subreddit to share this, but this is a game story.

    I´m replaying Fallout 2 at the moment, the first time I played it I was a combat focused character now I´m a combat inept, with tons a charisma expert gambler and bullshiter, so of course my whole playthrough was focused on reaching New Reno so I could break the bank.

    This is also to compensate my first playthrough since I just scan it through and never got to do the side quest or even gambling, so of course after making +60k chips, I explored and start doing some quests... a few highlights are that I slept with bishop's daughter and retrieve the evidence of him working with the NCR, and also start the first Mordino's family quest...

    For some reason I open the wrong door and I killed everyone, I killed ramirez, the slaves and the scientist, everyone but myron who I recruit into my party, speaking of which my party was Vic and Cassidy at the moment since sulik bite the dust so me and vic would reach modoc.

    Anyways a quest later and I go look for something in New Reno, and I don't why I though walking in from of mordino's casino was a good idea, since it wasn't his goons start shooting. Cassidy respond with burst fire so everyone is shooting with automatic weapons in Virgin Street, New Reno. Between all the firefight the streets where full of prostitutes, and attack both mordino's men and my party.

    Almost all prostitutes and the pimp that's in the front building died, my party put on a fight but the bite the dust leaving me partyless.

    But F-it, it was so fun I cannot see my self reloading a save game I'll just roll with the punches, and remember this moment.


    submitted by /u/Chance-Start-4796
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    Finished Fallout 2 - Here's my review.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 08:39 PM PDT

    I just finished Fallout 2. I enjoyed it a bit more than the first one in most aspects.

    I enjoyed how the combat was more difficult and how it was a bit harder to start out and get equipment. It make the immersion better. I found the companions worked better, being able to give them armor and better guns helped alot. I liked how big the map felt. It made me feel like I had to choose more carefully where I was going and when. I also enjoyed the story line and the cities more. They felt more in depth and just generally funner to explore.

    Neutral things - random encounters were neutral. I liked that they were powerful, but I felt, especially early on, many of them were overpowered. The highwayman was cool, it made travel easier and gave a kind of mobile home base, however I felt it was odd to have a working car and felt it broke immersion and bit. A few of the side quest were funs but kind of worthless in the long run

    Things I didn't like - first and foremost, I still disliked the unmarked quests. I also disliked how some quests were locked behind skill percentages. I get it but I felt like I had to be a skill junkie and put points everywhere instead of focusing on specific ones. I also disliked the skynet companion and ended up killing it because I couldn't make it stop following me.Lastly I disliked the bugs and crashes the game when through.

    Notes/misc As for the crashes and bugs I note there is a 1.02 patch but two notes on that. I'm not a big PC gamer, I only got into this past year, normally I play on console, so I was unsure where to find the patch and how to download and install it. Also. The game said I had the 1.02 version already. I was confused on the switch from caps to money. Does any other game not use caps as currency?

    The only left is to decide what to play next - fallout 3 - fallout new vegas - or fallout tactics

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Kattasaurus-Rex
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    A Review of Fallout 2

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 07:30 PM PDT


    If you read my past review of fallout 1 than you know that i am a fan of the 3d fallouts who decided to go and check out the classics. Fallout 2 is a great improvement over the original and feels more like the modern fallouts than the first one did. i'm going to break this review down into a few central subjects, so if your interested in one part or the next, you can skip around. Anyway, lets get into this.


    Fallout 2's story is great. it's not that complicated. The main story is one of the best in the whole franchise and the side story's are just as interesting. While once again the main antagonists are kind of generic it feels much more moraly grey with its choices as a hole and it really gives you the potential to be an awful person. The voice acting is very strong when it pops up and this is really exemplified with encounters with the enclave. While President Dum Dum is boring as a antagonist, we all know who the main antagonist is. I don't even need to say his name. His contribution to the finale being awesome is massive and really in terms of terrifying powerhouse antagonists in fallout you know who eats Legate Lanius for brunch. But, to quote the mutant himself, "your ride is over, time to read the next part of this review".


    Just like Fallout 1, Fallout 2 doesn't make me like turn based games. but thats nothing a bit of speech, science, good karma, and companions cant fix! While the combat is pretty much the same as the original the random encounters are very different. They all feel very different from 1's random encounters, those being you get attacked by X. You have pop culture references, you have caravans, you have deathclaws, you have aliens, you have caravans, you have deathclaws, you have aliens, YOU HAVE DEATHCLAWS, YOU HAVE CARAVANS, YOU HAVE ALIENS! Oh yeah, and the seemingly never ending war between Hubologists and press gangs. I just want to see something else! Why do i never get the funny pop culture references? And while the military base patrols are no more they have been reincarnated in the form of the enclave patrols, who were tough to fight even with hardened power armor! Well, exploring the game areas is still fun and well the intelligent speech choices never really reach the level of the Master the conversations are still intelligent and choice of words still matters. Companions are also more helpful in a fight because of there new, profound ability's like leveling up, and wearing armor, and just being able to give and take stuff instead of having to provide something of equal value. also the ability to push companions out of your path is also helpful. Having the final boss require combat may seem like a daunting task for a speech character like me but with a few turrets here and a Enclave soldier squad there, as well as a massive amount of drugs, the "hardest" boss in Fallout goes down without me laying a finger on them. So overall, a improvement over the first game.


    To me companions are one of the most important parts of a Fallout game and unlike Fallout 1, most of these companions don't suck. just as a warning i didn't meet Skynet or Robodog, i refused to sleep with Davin or Maria, i didn't meet Paria dog, and i blew Myrons brains out the instant i met him. with that this is my companion ranking/analysis.

    1. Lenny

    Meet the first Ghoul companion in Fallout! He's worthless. He sucks in combat and can barely make up for it with personality or utility. medical skills are not really worth a companion slot in the long run and the only interesting thing about him is that he met the vault dweller and wanted to join him. Pass.

    1. Ghost Dogmeat

    cool easter egg, but no story and i found them to late into the game for them to be useful.

    1. Vic

    I know some people love Vic, and being a humanoid companion who isn't Lenny he is good in combat, but i don't like his lack of standards for who he follows, or the fact that after i clicked on him by accident during combat he refused to be useful or leave the party, so i killed him. If he was more interesting maybe i would havd felt bad. oh well.

    1. Cassidy

    To me, Cassidy is the perfect example of a companion thats hollow. he is cool, but he has no personality besides complaining about his heart. But being badass and giving us good old Rose in New Vegas gets him higher than Vic. Also once again he is useful in combat like all human companions(accept Lenny).

    1. K-9

    Finally a companion i value for something other than combat. K-9's greatest weakness is they come in to late in the game to be useful but i don't care! there a sarcastic talking robot dog! whats not to love?

    1. Sulik

    The best of the human companions, Sulik's crazy design, funny voice, and the wonderful character of Grampy bone make Sulik a joy to travel with. I wish his sister quest made it into the base game. also yes he is useful in combat like all humanoid characters(accept Lenny, do you get it now?)

    1. Markus

    First super mutant character is way better than first ghoul. Interesting, able to use powerful weapons other companions can't, and comes back in New Vegas! A great companion all around.

    1. Goris

    What did you expect? How can anyone not love Goris? He is a scholar albino Deathclaw! He's decent in combat, has core ties to the main plot, and when his removing the cloak sequence before every fight is awesome. He had this victory in the bag.

    My core squad in the finale was K-9, Sulik, Markus, Goris, and Cassidy! Also thanks to me being overprotective they all made it out alive! a 50/50 ratio of good companions is way better than a 75/25 bad ratio like in the first game. Good companions!

    Easter Eggs and References:

    What nearly turned me off from Fallout 2 was all the talk of the references hurting the story, but i only found them in random encounters, and not as often as some people would have you believe. If your thinking about playing the game, and getting turned off by the talk of constant references and easter eggs, don't be. This game is worth playing.


    So, should you play Fallout 2? Yes, yes you should. it's better than the original and has tons of amazing quests and hidden secrets. Also a car you can drive. I didn't even learn about that until the end of the game! take my word, it's worth playing. see you next time, when i finally fully complete a playthrough of Fallout 3! (Also say if you wan't to here my thoughts on new vegas). Bye! Or in a proper end for conversation, "time for talkings over".

    submitted by /u/finja777
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    Let’s say you are in the fallout universe after the bombs go off and you turn into a ghoul, not feral just a friendly ghoul. What would be the first thing you would do?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 03:51 AM PDT

    This is a shower thought.

    submitted by /u/Broddo-B
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    A Fallout Idea (Fallout: New England)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 03:47 AM PDT

    So ever since I've played the first few fallout games by Bethesda and recently started playing fallout 1 on my gaming pc. I've recently thought about this; the fallout franchise always takes place in the wasteland of the united states of America. and I've asked myself this; why hasn't there been an idea of a fallout game taking place in the UK? Think about it!

    Map Layout:

    A fallout game taking place on the island of the UK where you can travel from England (Or New England as it would probably be called) to Scottland (Which would be part of New England but an organization called The Scottish Restoration/TSR) and you can probably even go to the island of Northern Ireland. Well, at least some parts of it.

    Scenario Layout:

    • New England; Would be a new nation trying to restore the good old days of England before it merged together into the UK. The New English Kingdom (NEK) holds territories of New England, Wales, and Scotland. But TSR aka The Scottish Restoration claims the territory of their land, but in reality, they don't but eventually later on in the game you'll see them ragging war to one another. (Kinda like the NCR and Ceasar's Legion version of the UK) But that'll be explained later!
    • The Scottish Restoration; Is an organization of Scottish settlers who survived through the atomic bombs. TSR is one of the groups that claim their own territory of Scotland but in reality, they are under New England's rules. NEK soldiers roaming around their "territory", TSR doesn't like it when they see them roaming around their "territory" so normally when a Scottish restorationist soldier sees an NEK soldier it's usually a small war going along around them as you explore the wasteland depending on where you go. TSR doesn't mind you walking into their "land" as long as you are not working with the NEG they won't attack you on the spot (The same goes with the NEK with you.)
    • Northern Irland Territory; Is a place where some Irish settlers have survived the blast just like the other two. you'll encounter some villages and cities that people are settling at, and at some point in the island, you'll encounter some NEK Soldiers roaming around at some locations in the territory. The reason for this is because the NEK is trying to expand their territory and to enforce the Irish settlers again to become one of them once more. But there is one problem; the more west you go, the more radiated it is so basically the NEK can't reclaim all of the territories. Not even you can travel that far since most of the west side of Northern Ireland is completely radiated and it's not inhabitable. That's why I mention some parts of it. because you can only explore just a small percentage of the island. Some Irish Settlers are trying to band together and gear up so they can fight off the NEK, because they don't want to be gobbled up as their ancestors did.

    Year Layout:

    My best guess is I would probably say it's taking place sometime between 2277 to 2287. so basically taking place where fallout 3, new vegas, and 4 is at. Since it's taking place on an island of the UK and not taking place in the USA it would make sense as to why.

    Vault Scenario:

    Since Vault Tech is an American-only company I've thought of an idea that; the UK government has also thought of a vault-like underground facility that'll help protect the civilians from nuclear annihilation. I've thought of a name of this vault copycat Uk edition, called The Shelter Protection of Technology. Or TSPT for short and the vaults are called Shelters. Instead of numbers like with vaults in the USA, I've thought it would be an interesting idea to have the shelters to be in alphabetically. For example; Shelter A (Shelter Alpha), Shelter B (Shelter Butter), and Shelter C (Shelter Charlie). Since it is an island after all it would make sense, since the island isn't that big at all to have numbers.


    This is at least a rough draft idea if fallout took place in the UK, hell if possible maybe Bethesda could use this idea of mine and make it into an actual game. Or what about this; if I do feel motivated enough I could just make it into a mod. But that's a lot of effort, programming, modeling and etc to make everything from scratch just for one person to make a fan-made mod.

    Who knows, I do like this draft idea and I hope you guys like the idea too!

    ~Brandon Station

    submitted by /u/Brandon_Station
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    I had the weirdest experience today playing TTW in the Mojave.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 09:04 PM PDT

    To start…I've been playing TTW, with TTW Interiors added, for about 2 weeks. Holy crap. So far, it's amazing. And Union Station is a real work of art.

    This morning, I hopped the train to New Vegas. My guy is level 15. While wandering the wastes in the area around Searchlight, I came to the "Raided Farmstead", and the panorama that unfolded before my eyes…

    The expected Viper Raiders showed up, and were immediately attacked by a wandering band of Legionaries, while I watched from the door of the trailer.

    I whipped out my missile launcher and lobbed 2 into the melee. And then spent the next 10 minutes sorting through the corpses.

    I love this game.

    submitted by /u/MadMorf
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    I just tried a new start mod on FO4, upon first entering the world I was immediately attacked by an Alpha Deathclaw, and running away I ended up on top of Vault 95, all during a radstorm at night with Darker Nights on. What is your worst start to a fallout game?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 11:08 PM PDT

    Title says it all, I am getting back into the game and was immediately hit with rad damage upon finishing my character, stumbling through the dark I hit a wave of ghouls and an Alpha Deathclaw. Managed to kite the Deathclaw on a banister and kill it + the ghouls, made my way up a mountain towards a vault & was surprised by automations and gunners lighting me up pretty much immediately.

    This had me thinking about the worst starts I've had to fallout games, modded and un-modded absolute messes that made me put the game down for a while and rethink why I enjoy pain.

    What is your worst start, or even worst luck encounter, you've had in a game?

    submitted by /u/SpacedSage
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    I can’t get in the pwdren (fo4 Xbox)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:49 PM PDT

    Every time I try and enter any part of the pwdren my game freezes

    submitted by /u/Jgamer1301
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    Can anyone help with getting widescreen fix to work on FO4?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 02:28 AM PDT

    I installed "Widescreen Fix" from nexus mods using the (vortex mod manager) and the instruction for the mod say:

    1. open flawless widescreen and install all updates
    2. search for fallout 4 and dobble click on it
    3. uncheck Constrain HUD to 16:9
    4. check Fix Enables
    5. leave the program open and run fallout 4

    Where do I open flawless widescreen to make these changes? I looked at Nexus and I dont see anywhere to open or run the mod from and there is no exe file in the mod folder and it doesnt show in the ingame mod section either.

    (mod shows as installed in vortex)

    Edit: I am trying to get it to 3440x1440 and downloaded the appropriate file from the mod page.

    submitted by /u/Scoobydoomed
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    Which 2D fallout the best?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 05:22 AM PDT

    Hi guys, i've played only fallout 4 before from all the series. I want to play original 2D rpg fallout but i don't know if i like it or no, so i want to start with the best one. Which one will you recommend?

    submitted by /u/Covori
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    Fallout 4 Settlements with factions

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 05:33 PM PDT

    Okay, I just recently bit the bullet and got FO4- I have like 98 hours already, and I haven't chosen a faction (love the BOS but don't they disable some settlements? also can you have settlements with the institute?) anyways I just got done with the battle for Bunker Hill (Kessler won't talk to me and no enemies were hostile lol) and I want to get it as a settlement. I just got Charisma up to 6 for the Local Leader perk and I think I understand supply lines. My question is- what do I have to do to get settlements if I work with the institute or BOS? Should I do the Minuteman quests, because I really want their settlements and the castle? How do I start new settlements? For example, I just built some defences around Red Rocket but no people go there, I set up a supply line though so I should check on it. Any settlement tips to move buildings or to arm settlers? Will playing a specific faction mess up getting certain settlements? Sorry for the long post, FO4 exceeded my expectations from what I remember of it on console. Thanks all!

    submitted by /u/micahhess
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    does alcohol effect thirst in survival mode? (fo4)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 02:12 AM PDT

    i looked on the wiki and couldnt find any info

    submitted by /u/Capable-Specialist-3
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