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    Thursday, January 28, 2021

    Fallout Lore | Why is the Fallout 4 intro so antithetic to the lore and tone of fallout?

    Fallout Lore | Why is the Fallout 4 intro so antithetic to the lore and tone of fallout?

    Why is the Fallout 4 intro so antithetic to the lore and tone of fallout?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:08 AM PST

    The cinematic is a masterpiece in story telling that gives a gist of the backstory of the fallout universe and how it became what it was, it explains how everything was nuclear powered and shows that computers were bulky. It also explains the societal reasons for the great war even going so far as to show how bad things have gotten when you see a riot and kids fighting in a broken slum but after that you witness a segment which I believe contradicts the lore and tone of fallout in so many ways.

    First of all, your character asks "What Vault-Tec?" as if it's not a household name with their own commercials and advertising and also wonders why everything is so urgent as if a Nuclear Scare hasn't been happening since the beginning of the resource wars with many people prepping or at least worrying about the eventuality of nuclear war. (Including Nate in the cinematic)

    Your character, neighborhood, and family seem totally oblivious and unaffected by the war in general living in a nice neighborhood with a stocked food supply (during a time where food is rationed) and speak with a general comfortability about going outside during a time where there is a plague, food riots, and social unrest everywhere. (though some of this like going outside is forgivable due to it being pretty overlooked in even the games that mention the plague)

    I ask myself if the cinematic and the intro sequence were made between two entirely different sets of teams.

    My guess for why this is is that the creators of this segments had only a general familiarity with the lore, didn't have enough time to expand on the state of the world, and wanted to handhold the player through the lore in the intro sequence.

    submitted by /u/lgbt_turtle
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    Feral ghoul appearance

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:09 PM PST

    Why do all feral ghouls look so drastically different than non-feral ghouls? Feral ghouls and non-feral ghouls are the nearly identical, save for their intelligence and going feral from radiation. So, why do feral ghouls look so different? Their face is sunk in, hands and feet have weird skin growths, long nails, ect. This can't be attributed to the of the ghoul because there's non-feral ghouls that were born and alive before the bombs. Those pre-war ghouls still look relatively normal. (no sunken face and no weird growths) Also, shouldn't we see non-feral feral looking ghouls sometimes since eventually non-feral ghouls will go feral?

    submitted by /u/pepperpeppington
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    So....the skeletons. Did those people instantly die as the bomb dropped or were their deaths gradual?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:43 PM PST

    Near the slog I found the skeletons of a couple lying on top of a car as if to embrace the end together via a slow radioactive death, yet in concord we find the skeletal remains of two people who died right in the middle of a fight. I constantly wonder how this person died or that person died.

    submitted by /u/AgentOfBliss
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    Does Vault Tech have spaceships or anything space related?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 12:27 PM PST

    The lore suggests the enclave went to space, but does vault tech have any space stations

    Or space vaults.

    I've just been imaging what the next fallout intro to a game could be like.

    Also wondering if any lore fits in the first place.

    submitted by /u/jayenatior
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    Why were gen 3 synths even necessary?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:52 PM PST

    I mean it looks like a huge plot hole. If gen 3 synths are not considered humans, and if they are just robots and therefore property, and their only purpose was to perform labor, then why did the Institute create them in the first place? What's the point of making human like robots that go rogue all the time if they are practically used for the exact same kind of work as regular robots and older synths? I mean the reasoning is totally beyond me. It's like the Institute could have had a huge army of obedient robot workers and soldiers but instead they decided to shoot themselves in the knee and make all of those robots self aware and human like. I'm not discussing whether or not they are people. I'm just asking if the Institute denies their humanity and human rights why do the synths have to be human like and self aware? I mean, that kind of does sound like a plot hole, doesn't it?

    submitted by /u/One-Potential-2581
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    How and corrupt is the ncr

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:42 PM PST

    We hear in new vegas that the brahmin barons have sentaters in there pocket and we see them uae that power to do cruddy things like at jacobstown,but i was wandering what the extent of the total corruption in the ncr like do they hire hitmen to take out oppostian and is there term liments in place to not have swampy carreer politicans also does the presidant have checks and balances in place to prevent tyranny

    submitted by /u/politicaly_incorect
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    Okay so I don’t know if this has been asked but does anyone know what has been released about pre war world like politics borders ideology that sort of thing?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:11 AM PST

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