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    Thursday, January 28, 2021

    Fallout | Fallout Frontier Is Currently Set To Hidden!

    Fallout | Fallout Frontier Is Currently Set To Hidden!

    Fallout Frontier Is Currently Set To Hidden!

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:30 PM PST

    Hidden at 28 Jan 2021, 5:49AM by macintroll for the following reason:
    Some deeply concerning news has emerged in the past few hours. We have been recently notified that one of our developers, ZuTheSkunk, had posted animated pedophillic content on their personal artist accounts. The items in question are deeply disturbing to the entire team, and we condemn them in the strongest sense. ZuTheSkunk has since been removed from the Development Team and banned off of our Community Discord. We will be conducting dialogue with members of the development team to hear their thoughts regarding the current situation and help make our decision more informed. We have stopped production and work on the mod to address the current events properly. More measures will be undertaken and a more detailed address will be posted soon.

    well this is rather unexpected and it hasn't been a full month and this happens.

    submitted by /u/psydffx
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    Fallout: The Frontier is dead. The final build will be up on steam and Nexus soon, but the lead dev has officially pulled the plug.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:39 PM PST

    His final Message was as follows on discord:

    "It's time I depart.

    This project has been an infinite bed of stress for me, at an incredibly stressful point of my life, and I cannot in good faith or good health continue to work on the mod. The steam build will hopefully be finalised sometime soon. Thank you to those who have supported the mod over the years, and supported me. It's sad to see so many years of my life devolved into this, but as I've said for years, if even a single person has enjoyed the mod then I'm happy.

    To my team, thank you all. I love you all.

    ~ Tgspy, Ex-Project Lead for Fallout: The Frontier"

    All I can say is I'm very, very sad that this has happened, and I hope the rest of the devs can recover from this terrible outcome. This is a very sad day for fallout modding in general.

    Update: Devs are discussing the Final edition of the frontier. It appears multiple contributors pulled out. this could mean the final edition will have cut:

    -Weapons. (Zu Designed some of them.)

    -Armor. (Zu textured some of them.)


    -Icons (Almost certainly. Zu did almost all of these.)

    -Voice Work ( VAs are actively pulling out for damage control due to this mod's failure.)

    -Lizard People.

    -all references to America's Slavery and feet.

    -The Deathclaw sex scene.

    While I'm sure the final 3 will make people happy, this will mean a much larger amount of content is cut too. I'd highly recommend making backups of The Frontier if you have it, if only to save the content from reputable contributors who are rightfully scared for their reputations. This may be your only chance to keep it before the final version.

    If you like this mod, please send the devs (Not zu) some positivity. Tell them what you liked about the mod, maybe. Let's try to keep an optimistic mindset.

    submitted by /u/Pain7788g
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    How bad is Fallout New Vegas: The Frontier?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:59 AM PST

    So, a while back, I saw a video on YouTube that was a trailer for Fallout: The Frontier, a total conversion mod for Fallout New Vegas which was apparently the biggest in history.

    Now, On this subreddit, I see posts talking about how bad it's supposed to be. How there's 'lizard sex', and other bizarre things in the world of the Post Nuclear Role Playing Game.

    I'm curious. How bad is Fallout: The Frontier? I don't want to install it for myself because the file size might be too big, so can someone please explain to me how bad it is?

    submitted by /u/BennytehBeaver
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    Alright. Let's talk about The Frontier. (Light spoilers for the mod's plot follow).

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:29 AM PST

    The sheer technical wizardry that has been achieved with this mod is unparalleled for any Fallout mod since 2008, but unfortunately its all wasted on extremely poor writing. This gigantic, ambitious mod suffers because the creators quite clearly didn't know how to restrain themselves when it came to planning out their story, and its a shame, because there is quite clearly some immense talent on display.

    This is a big flaw to have in your mod that claims to be a DLC worthy experience, considering that the main draw of Fallout games is getting immersed in the narrative and the world. This mod quite clearly doesn't know what it wants to be, and as a result the tone is all over the place. You have missions that are trying to capture the essence of a gritty war drama, some disturbing and dark themes reflected in various quests, and then you have balls-to-the-wall action setpieces set on a space station fighting evil Nazi scientists. And then you have that usual mod problem where things are unnecessarily sexualised (I can usually forgive this, but in a big mod that has put so much focus on its narrative, it really sticks out and reminds me that I'm playing a Fallout MOD rather than a game).

    This mod would have clearly benefitted from more stringent quality control and focus. The mod team desperately needed an editor of some sorts slapping their hands away from the keyboard. I know standards are different when it comes to modding, but its quite clear that the team behind the Frontier wanted to deliver the kind of story that people would acclaim, yet their own inability to restrain their creativity has hurt this goal. The end result is a confusing mishmash of shooter genre tropes, endless homages to other games, fetishized characters, tonal inconsistency and borderline nonsensical plotting. It takes a tremendous amount of thought and care to create a Fallout plot that does justice to the series, so maybe the team should have just stuck with the campy tone like in the space missions, because then you could easily forgive all the other indulgences, the indulgences that in the actual Frontier are unable to be forgiven because the story takes itself so seriously.

    I commend the mod team for creating something so ambitious and for all the seriously impressive work they've done on the engine, but please, if you ever attempt a project of this scale in the future, dont try to create a serious, grounded story - if you're going to go stupid, go full stupid and have us fighting junkie space aliens from another dimension and battling demons from Hell or whatever. But don't then insert a B plot where you navel gaze about all the slaughter and the horror! the horror! of slaughtering innocent aliens who all have innocent alien families and then you have to go and decide the fate of a bunch of junkie alien prisoners of war and then tell the children of the junkie aliens you killed that you murderered their daddy in cold blood.

    And dont actually SHAME the player character for things the player character didn't even do as the player (like the Hopeville massacre), it comes across as extremely puritanical moralising at best. This also applies to things like locking you out of joining the Enclave because they are "objectively evil" - you know, it would actually be a braver story if you were allowed to join the Enclave and then forced to consider the reasons why you would be for or against that kind of faction. I'm quite sure JE Sawyer and John Gonzalez don't condone mass murder and crucifying your enemies but they still allow you to join the Legion because they recognise the value in exploring these ideas by allowing you to realise them in a virtual setting, and then better equip you to form an actual opinion and reason why you oppose them far more than just going "nah, they're objectively evil bud, now shut up and shoot the bad guys".

    I dont want to heap hate on the mod authors and I respect (somewhat) what they've accomplished with what they've done with the engine, but this mod fails as a Fallout story, and ultimately THAT is the reason why we play Fallout games, not because we can realistically drive a car or convincingly animate a helicopter crash.

    submitted by /u/ultimatefetus
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    The Frontier Mod is shut down.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:22 PM PST

    Steam version has been canceled, mod lead quit, most developers have quit. It somehow took a week for this seven year mod to fail. The nexus version has been shutdown. Any attempt at PR had failed and has further been privated. The thing I'm just so confused on is how? How do you make so many mistakes?

    submitted by /u/AdBubbly5933
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    What character concepts do you want in future games?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:52 PM PST

    People here often talk about new locations, but what characters and factions do you want in them?

    Three I thought of:

    • A ghoulified former BOS trying to deal with their identity.
    • A prewar ghoul whose family survived but didn't become ghouls, and them dealing with their descendants.
    • Raiders who ended up addicted to mentats and ended up with high-tech stuff.
    submitted by /u/Illustrious-Ad-375
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    Out of of all the Fallout games, what was the most emotional moment for you?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:47 PM PST

    For me personally was when I joined the Brotherhood of Steel on my first ever play through and I discovered that Paladin Danse was a Synth along and even he didn't know it. If I didn't kill him, I would be breaking the whole idea why the BoS was there in the first place other than securing pre-war tech. If I did, I'd be killing my brother, the man who fought by my side, lived and breathed the Brotherhood of Steel, it didn't help that he too was saying that I should kill him since he was a synth, it broke my heart, I personally decided to kill him, it actually made me feel really sad, and I wanted to destroy the Institute for what they had done.

    submitted by /u/Demobot2000
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    Fallout: The Frontier should've made better use of its setting

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:33 PM PST

    We've all taken turns dunking on The Frontier here (rightfully so) but here's what irks me the most about the mod. It's not the weird fetish shit like the snake people and slavery, it's not the bizarre sci-fi elements, it's not the tonally frantic writing. It's the setting.

    Fallout: The Frontier (allegedly) takes place in Portland, Oregon in the United States. That's less than 200 miles from Snoqualmie, Washington. This is important, and I'll get to that in a minute.

    I've not played The Frontier, but I've seen a lot of footage and learned what I can through osmosis, and what fascinates me the most is the hallucinations. I like the idea of them...but their execution is terrible. It's another symptom of how the writing just went everywhere and the mod desperately needed a script editor. But if you want to make a mod that deals with the Courier's guilt and have a gothic, surreal tone...I think it's possible.

    Snoqualmie, Washington is the setting of Twin Peaks, a fantastic TV show whose surreal qualities and writing are still leaving their marks on TV today. Twin Peaks features ancient Native American spirits, ethereal woods, evil owls, hallucinatory spirits giving cryptic hints, murder mysteries, and a strange cast of characters with their own winding, interconnected stories. It is my opinion that Frontier's primary flaw is that they absolutely bungled their choice of setting, opting for a more immediately recognizable place than doing something actually interesting (Snoqualmie is also only 30 miles out of Seattle).

    A Twin Peaks-esque story seems like great fodder for Fallout. New Vegas is renowned for its dialogue, throw in a colorful cast and some branching questlines and you've got yourself a great deal. And since radiation also has a life of its own in Fallout (the Children of Atom literally worship radiation), you could use it as a plot device for causing all the surreal shit to happen, including the Courier manifesting hallucinations about his own guilt.

    Look, maybe this isn't a great idea, but I'm a massive Twin Peaks fan and seeing that we finally get a big Fallout mod set in the Pacific northwest that ended up being Fallout: The Frontier hurts.

    submitted by /u/DrDoctor13
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    In an alternate universe, if the Enclave was joinable, this is how I woulda set it up.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:15 AM PST

    Obviously, this would only work in FO3, as in 2 they have the whole "gas the mutants" thing going on, and in NV they aren't exactly a "faction" anymore.

    We know that FO3's Enclave would be willing to work with wastelanders, because..

    1) Anna Holt defected to them
    2) In the bottom floor of the landcrawler, you can find an engineer who was explicitly a wastelander.

    Anyhoo, it goes like this:

    During "The Waters of Life" the Enclave shows up as per usual. However, instead of immediately trying to gun you down, they are all like "We're from the government and we're here to help!" If the player resists, then they try to gun you down. However if the player surrenders, they are then taken to Raven Rock (along with dad, since you were in custody, he didn't try anything crazy...)

    Colonel Autumn then gives you the sales pitch, really laying it on thick to convince you to help them (for added lulz, throw in a dramatic backdrop with an American flag blowing in the wind and blast the national anthem). After all, they have heard about you, all they had to do was tune into GNR to listen to the DJ singing your praises (or condemning your dickery...) to know that gaining your support would be very...beneficial to them.

    FO3 was my first FO game. When these guys first showed up, I had no idea who they were, or what they did. It would have been pretty clever writing to con numerous new players into willingly joining the bad guys, if you ask me.

    submitted by /u/Explodium101
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    Any way to download Frontier right now?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:48 AM PST

    My friend wants to download it to experience the cringe fest that is the writing and so do I but all the download links are hidden now.

    Anyone know of any third party sites or is willing to share the Frontier mod files? We really want to spend a good Friday night laughing at this mod.

    submitted by /u/Ikcatcher
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    The frontier is fucking dead

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:48 PM PST

    They shut down both the steam and nexus version after the lead dev left and another dev is a literal pedophile. 7 years of god damn development. Even then in the mod itself is lore breaking and has a bunch of horny furry shit. You can literally fuck a deathclaw and you can have a horny slave girl who you can call "little girl". And you cant join the enclave because the devs deemed them evil yet the legion is fine.There gos the frontier.

    submitted by /u/GoldFeatureExp
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    Anybody else DESPERATE for a new Fallout game?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:46 AM PST

    I do enjoy other RPG's, but no other RPG scratches the same itch Fallout does.

    I don't get immersed in any worlds as much as Fallout's, i think we can agree there were some dissapointing features in Fallout 4, but one thing im sure noone disagrees with is how amazing the game worlds are built. There's so much detail and there's a story in almost EVERY building you enter.

    One can hope soon enough we will get to experience it all over again.

    On that note, has anybody started a new F4 save recently?

    submitted by /u/Tropi-
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    Trouble in the frontier

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:45 PM PST

    so i went to download the frontier, even tho i hear its not good, from the nexus and its been hidden by the mod authors due to one of them having animated pedo porn on there private art page. whats goin on with this thing

    submitted by /u/SooSpoooky
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    Is it strange that my least favourite thing in the last 3 games is to go into a vault?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:49 AM PST

    Especially in fo3 the vaults are an important aspect of the game. Less so in fnv and fo4 except for the beginning of the game.

    I HATE vaults. Theyre big, theyre mazes, they confuse me. Theres always looked doors, keys, keycodes for terminals. All spread out, the enemies there are usually annoying do deal with and the entire atmospehere of a vault is yikes.

    And i can not for the life of me remember a quest that i enjoyed doing that involved a vault.

    anyone else?

    submitted by /u/Madoorah
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    Dog eat found me a Fat Man, no nukes tho, at the robotics disposal place east of Sanctuary.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:21 PM PST

    Would add image but sub says no.

    submitted by /u/crazytree77YT
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    Frontier Announcements

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:37 PM PST

    The Frontier Controversy

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:06 PM PST

    So the Brony/America stuff is pretty horrific and disturbing i think everyone agrees with that. But why does the lizard quest have so much hatred? Its a little weird yeah, but this is the universe where we have super mutants, ghouls, centaurs, etc. Are lizard people really that crazy?

    This is my first FO mod so I didn't really know what to expect but the outrage is certainly high here. I've been enjoying the mod so far (it has its issues). What are your opinions?

    submitted by /u/Sl1mcognito
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    I got really bored and made a regular old broom into a weapon for New Vegas

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 02:55 PM PST


    Just felt like spicing things up a bit. So many gun mods but have you ever tried a broom

    submitted by /u/TheJanitorDave
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    Fallout Frontier latest hotfix

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:48 AM PST

    Im aware of the controversy surrounding the mod, and how disappointing the story is(almost as disappointing as CP2077 according to my friends) but i JUST finished setting up FNV and only recently found out the mod is hidden, hence the latest hotfixes are hidden. Is there a way for me to obtain those? I just wanna shoot guns and drive vehicles, i already expected the story to be underwhelming anyway.

    submitted by /u/Wooden_Pay5013
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    I saw this cool fallout short film thought deserves more attention

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:08 PM PST

    Hudson horwin who usually just posts cyberpunk jokes from his tik tok just posted a 9-minute short film to his YouTube channel it's pretty good so here's the link :https://youtu.be/SFr2BEmknIQ

    submitted by /u/mateo11716
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    A bunch of Fallout games appeared in my Steam libary!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:51 AM PST

    Fallout 76, Fallout tactics and even Fallout 2 are now in my Steam libary and I have no idea why. Has this happened to anyone else? I do own Fallout 76 on bethnet though but I only recently bought it.

    submitted by /u/Obsidianblade20
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    Which Companion's Better?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:33 AM PST

    I often find myself opting for anyone blindly, but between Longfellow and Gage who's the better dlc companion?

    submitted by /u/TheRegalKingKnight
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    Fallout 76 wastelanders update

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:28 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I have purchased fallout 76 for xbox one. Does the wastelanders update automatically start during installation?


    submitted by /u/awsp12
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    My thoughts on Fallout 4's dialogue and game/quest design, and how it killed potential for subsequent playthroughs.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:35 AM PST

    Lately, I feel as if Fallout 4 has been shown a lot of love on this subreddit. And I quite like that actually. I too enjoyed it for what it was, and it still remains my most played Fallout game simply because I'm a sucker for sandboxy games. However, as someone who has played all the Fallout games aside from Tactics and BoS, I also believe that Fallout 4 was easily the worst entry in the franchise.

    Now, let me preface by saying that I absolutely adore Fallout 3. Not just because it was my first ever Fallout game, but also because, apart from the main story, Fallout 3 is proof that Bethesda is quite capable of making an excellent Fallout game.

    The first time I played Fallout 3, I was absolutely blown away by just how open ended it was. Every time I finished exploring a location, and every time I completed a quest, I would jump on the wiki and read about all the other ways I could have resolved it, or all the different ways a particular dungeon could have been approached.

    Fallout 4 completely threw this out the window in an effort to show you everything in the game. The whole game is structured so that you don't miss a single thing. Where in Fallout 3 a random encounter would continue happening if you were close by or not, all the set pieces in Fallout 4 remain static until the God Survivor blesses that place with his presence. Where every playthrough you would catch different snippets of dialogue in Fallout 3, really making each run unique and memorable, Fallout 4 made sure you wouldn't miss a thing your first time through by literally not initiating a conversation until you yourself weren't in the vicinity. You could stand a bit farther away and the people in the set piece would literally stay standing there forever.

    Then there's the terrible, terrible dialogue. I've worked with the Creation Kit - a horribly outdated piece of junk that needs to be VATS criticalled in the balls - and I've seen the inner workings of Fallout 4. I do not kid you when I say, they made the dialogue system into a colorful, extremely simplified flowchart that a third grader could use. A colorful box with initial dialogue, connected by four lines to the four response options, each connected further by a line to a unique response to that said response, all then being fed back into a singular progression of the dialogue. Oftentimes, the four response straight up lead to the singular progression box with no change at all, an example being when you're first introduced to Mayor McDonough and Piper asks for your opinion on free speech in the press.

    This dialogue completely strips away any and all reason for a playthrough, other than seeing the different faction endings. Every subsequent playthrough, you experience the same set pieces, the same dialogue, and the same false dialogue choices that lead literally nowhere. There isn't a dialogue tree as much as there is a dialogue line that's straighter than my fucking sexuality. In just your second playthrough, you will feel like you're playing through a Call of Duty campaign rather than a Fallout game, and this is really bad.

    Then there is the matter of the quest design and game design in general. Where in Fallout 3 and New Vegas each dungeon had something new going for it, with either a rewarding story or a fun item to collect at the end, Fallout 4's dungeons all follow the same pattern. Generic enemies -> loot junk items -> shitty steamer trunk.

    The only real exception I can think of is the brilliantly written Cambridge Polymer Labs. A good story that doesn't point you to everything with a lousy quest marker, and an actual new reward that can't be found anywhere else. Unfortunately, this and the U.S.S Constitution are the only interesting places to visit. In a lazy attempt to randomize rewards with super crappy steamer trunks that pull garbage from a shitty loot pool, Bethesda have inadvertently stripped away any reason to explore these places other than to hoard around aluminum cans and desk fans, and subsequently removed anything new to gain in a different playthrough.

    Every single side quest in Fallout 4 ends almost exactly the same way, with the only differences being an extra one or two bland characters dying. And each quest forces you to do it the way Bethesda wanted you to do it, with no variety offered at all. Look at Diamond City Blues for example. One of the worst written quests in the entire game. No matter what you do, the game forces you to find out about the drug deal. Leaving Trish alive is also pointless, and has no future ramifications, much like Nick Valentine's slight foray into mimicking Kellogg.

    Then there's The Dig, a quest that is so bad it doesn't even allow you to warn Mayor McDonough or anyone else in Diamond City. Oh and, figured McDonough's a synth from a terminal in the Institute? You're shit out of luck. You can't tell anyone and you can't even kill him because of the absolute epitome of horrible game design: the Essential tag.

    Don't even get me started on Dogmeat teleporting to you when you need to track Kellogg. That was just laughably, painfully bad. There's also the Battle of Bunker Hill. Where the game yet again pretends you have a choice of letting the factions know, who still show up even if you keep them in the dark because "haha big battle go brr". The list goes on and on. My point is, once you've played through Fallout 4 the first time, there is nothing new left for you to see for 95% of the game. Absolutely nothing.

    Gone too are the days when Bethesda didn't design their games for kindergartners. Convenient holotapes containing passwords lie next to their respective terminals everywhere. Lock picking and terminal hacking have lost their helpfulness. Terminals no longer lock you out lest the God Survivor miss anything. The thing that made Bethesda's games good was that the world didn't revolve around the player. And that has been completely scrapped for this childish Godlike power fantasy.

    And finally, combat is abysmally bad. Instead of improving the A.I of the NPCs, Bethesda opted instead to make them bullet sponges. A raider will take seven bullets to the head and not give a flying fuck, but an eight would suddenly see him kneel over dead because the health bar was emptied. And remember when companions could die? So you actually felt tense when fighting alongside them, trying to keep them alive? Haha dog take mini nuke to face and live.

    I think I've said enough. I don't mean to be bitter, but I can't help but start to dislike, and maybe even hate, Fallout 4 every passing day. And if Starfield is going to be more of this lazyass "games are movies" design rather than an actual RPG that offers new content every playthrough, then I think I will truly have lost any interest in any future games from Bethestonks.

    submitted by /u/zetabyte27
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