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    Friday, January 29, 2021

    Fallout | Everyone who said that bethesda should take notes from The frontier should apologise to bethesda

    Fallout | Everyone who said that bethesda should take notes from The frontier should apologise to bethesda

    Everyone who said that bethesda should take notes from The frontier should apologise to bethesda

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:34 AM PST

    The Fallout: The Frontier mod is fucked up and nobody should support it or it's creators. [NSFW]

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:16 AM PST

    Ok so you probably know about how one of the mods Zutheskunk was recently outed as a pedophile for posting loli hentai on his personal art account.And you also probably know how the mods release and even the whole mod itself was not very good with the whole lizard people, practically underage sex slave, and everything else.

    Well I feel like ever since Zu was outed as a pedophile and the when the devs realized just how fucked up the situation was everybody started pointing the blame on Zu (who was only a minor 2d artist and contributed nothing to the storyline or the gameplay) as he was the pedophile so by default all the messed up shit THEY approved and THEY created is Zu's fault because again he is the pedo.

    Deathclaw sex scene? Zu's fault. Oh one of the companions can be a practically underaged sex slave? Zu's fault? Here take this gun and shoot the injured? For sure Zu's fault.

    Also let's talk about how when the mods fucked up by adding America as the sex slave they added a note to the game that said she was barely 18.That's like saying a 12 year old in a hentai is not actually 12 but a 3,000 year old spirit who is in a 12 year olds body, it's messed up either way and there should be no exceptions.The intent was there so it counts.

    TL;DR Mods and Devs are blaming one dev who contributed ZERO to the story or the gameplay for all the messed up shit in the mod because the one person happened to be a pedophile.

    EDIT: And no I'm not defending Zu as what he did was fucked up I'm just saying that you shouldn't throw one person under the bus because they were a pedophile.

    EDIT 2: I don't think the shooting the injured scene was that bad but I just used it as an example of one of the morally questionable things Zu is being blamed for as again it seems Zu's being blamed for EVERYTHING vad that happened in this mod.

    submitted by /u/Mrminutemansupreme
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    One big problem with the Frontier that I don't see anyone mentioning. And it's been an issue with the series since the 2nd game.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:56 PM PST

    Fallout as a series has had hard time balancing it's light hearted zany side and the fact that the world was damn near bombed back to the stone-age, and countless horrors roam the wastes. Strangely enough the first game never had this issue, and that was played completely straight in terms of the dark and brooding atmosphere. It's the bleakest game in the series that's for sure with 3 coming close, but I feel it wasn't nearly as oppressive as 1 was. Fallout 2 as good as it was, is where this skism arises and I think out of all the games in the official series it's most apparent. Especially when compared to its predecessor. It's not to say that a shift in tone is unwarranted or that you can't mix them successfully. New Vegas is a testament to that. But considering that's the game the frontier devs were trying to emulate the most; man did they drop the ball.

    Fallout the Frontier is New Vegas with the zany bullshit cranked up to eleven with no understanding of how it's Mojave cousin did it successfully. The game bombards you with characters that feel out of place for the setting they are in. Not to mention the tonal shifts are the worst in any fallout game I have played. If the writers were smart they would have everyone who was cracking jokes, use them as a coping mechanism for the fact that they are in a warzone that happens to be in one of the most inhospitable wasteland settings yet. If fallout 1 played it's bleak side straight then Frontier goes in the opposite direction with bad results.

    The 21st century real world lingo and pop-culture references used in a society that never got out of the 50's, 200 years removed from a nuclear war takes you out of the setting even further. "I'm a sick fuck I like a quick fuck", "I know it's kind of edgy", and "Any holes a goal", are not sentences/phrases that should be put in a fallout game. Principally if one of the tags on your mod is "lore friendly". Even ignoring the controversy within the dev team, it seems more and more like this project was destined for failure. The setting and story are not taken seriously, and the game falls flat on its face for that. Plus that is STILL ignoring the Enclave Space stupidity.

    I could just be reading too far into this franchise as a whole, and maybe this mods failure is down to reasons much simpler than that. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/PrimaryTeddy
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    Something i just found out about trash cans in fallout 4

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:31 PM PST

    So recently i was putting decorations in my red rocket settlement and i placed down a trash can because why not and in the next in game day i found out that the settlers actually use the trash cans and there was a desk fan in it. I thought i might share this for people that didn't know EDIT: so reading through the comments made me realise that its actually the cells or something reseting that made the stuff appear in the trash can not the settlers putting stuff in there but i think the way i put it sounds better

    submitted by /u/Glass_Disaster8884
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    Fallout 76 went from the most depressing canon game in the series to the most hopeful.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:47 PM PST

    Basically what the title says. At launch, 76 was, for a lack of a better description, depressing as shit. Every single person who fought tooth and nail to survive the war was dead or worse, and almost every location, note, and data entry hammered that in hard. The original main quest had a decent but depressing story too. The freakin Enclave went and ruined everything, specifically President Eckhart, and the other factions almost won and survived but a lack of coordination, distrust, and bad luck doomed them.

    Fast Forward one year in game time with Wastelanders and Steel dawn, and not only is the Scorch Plague under control (If not destroyed completely), people are returning in force to this beautiful land, the Vault 76 residents actually succeeded in their mission and stopped the second apocalypse, and the Brotherhood of Steel is back and actually helping. The land of Appalachia is stunningly beautiful, and has gone from a sad and mournful beauty to an extremely hopeful setting. Things are still not easy for the people there, and much could still go wrong, but Appalachia is on the rise. Even the rebuilt civilization of New Vegas wasn't as hopeful as 76 is now.

    submitted by /u/Nerdthenord
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    Some of frontiers' devs didn't understand fallout.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:13 PM PST

    Recently Frontier recieved a lot of blow back. Now the main focus is on all the wierd sex, pedo and lore breaking stuff. Topics range from 'eehh' to 'WTF DUDE!'. But there is one thing some of the devs said that proved to me they don't get fallout.

    Some devs said that you can't join the Enclave because their fascist and a misogynistic power trip. Later they said it was because they didn't have enough time to write it, but there are interviews and messages where they said it was because they morraly object to the Enclave.

    Now here is the thing. I would argue that being able to join morally objectionable factions is what makes fallout great. Fallout storries really work to remove a pure good and pure bad faction. Every faction has some flaw, something you don't like. This is what good writing is about.

    If you are a writer and you are able to get people to see the motivations of a moraly questionable faction like the legion or BOS in the commonwealth. Then you have done a good job. There is a reason people joined these factions.

    To end on an example. On my first Fallout NV run I played for the NCR, since every one hated the legion in goodsprings and i saw what they did in Nipton. Now the thing that got me is when i went to see Ceasar there is a trader when you get off the boat just outside the camp. This trader was level headed, hea saw all the bad of the legion and still worked with them because they kept the roads and their people save. I loved this since it showed this slave keeping, citizen crucifying faction also had good things for it's people. That is good writing. That is why i love the 'bad factions in fallout'. They make the story better.

    TL;DR: The devs of the frontier mod didn't want you to play the Enclave because the Enclave is moraly bad. I argue that trying to justify the existence of a moraly bad faction brings out some of the best qualities of fallout.

    submitted by /u/ReaperXXVII
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    Take a look at the Autumn Leaves mod for New Vegas

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 06:38 PM PST

    Frontier has been a bit of a disaster so I am hoping to direct the people hungry for single player content to this mod.
    It is not only the best Fallout Story mod that I have seen it's also on par with a lot of Fallout dialogue itself I would say

    Autumn Leaves has a rather grounded setting you solve the murder of a man in a place where the only residents are the robots that he created.

    These robots are sentient and have great writing and amazing voice acting.

    I won't say anything further go in blind and if you like well written stories this mod will surely scratch that itch

    submitted by /u/LyadhkhorStrategist
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    Did y’all like fallout 4s version of Power Armor?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 07:04 PM PST

    Honestly I rarely used/use power armor in Fallout4 the concept was really neat but I thought it was very over powered and didn't really enjoy being in it

    submitted by /u/SaltyMush
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    Are all the factions supposed to be this terrible in the mojave ?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:39 AM PST

    No they're not grey (IMHO), they're all just shades of rusty and dirty black

    Yes man - Unavoidable anarchy, no matter who your courier is and how good they can lead, this ending still sucks for like 90% of the mojave.

    Mr. House - Purely trust-based. You gotta BELIEVE that his plan is actually gonna work, if he did anything at all, that is. And so far, he didn't do much that make him the trustable type.

    NCR - Images, images images. They appear good, but they're abosuletly terrible, at the start of the game, you think "Hey those are probably the good guy" but oh boy, the more ncr quests you play the more you realize how terrible they are, and how little they actually care about their people.

    Legion - Arguably the only faction that could work, but, when you see how they resolve to violance and fear before any other solution, and the fact the only one who's holding this band of raiders together, Caesar, is gonna die fairly soon, and that sub-brick Lanius is gonna rule after him, it becomes arguably the faction that could never work.

    For any redeemable quality of any of these factions, you find 100 terrible qualities that counter it.

    Maybe the mojave is just doomed ?

    submitted by /u/kh_tum
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    Any mod suggestions for Fallout 4 on ps4? Im pretty much new

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:57 AM PST

    Is Fallout: The Frontier's Writing Bad ?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:24 PM PST

    Present controversies aside, I'm in the middle on reinstalling New Vegas and after discovering the recent issues with the Frontier, I managed to find saved links of the mod and hotfix after the Nexus takedown. Although currently I'm debating whether I should jump into it or not. While I've heard it's impressive on a technical level, the writing seems to be heavily criticized I've heard some people say it improves after the first act, but the general consensus seems to be that the writing, especially for the main story falls flat.

    I was just hoping to get a couple more opinions from people who've tried out the mod, especially for those of you that made it past the first Act/Chapter to hear out whether it's is worth playing or not.

    submitted by /u/Godzilla52
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    Super Mutants in every single Fallout game.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:57 AM PST

    So we know that in Fallout 1 the master found FEV vats in Mariposa Military Base meaning that the military was experimenting with FEV, most likely for super soldiers. In Fallout 2 they're much rarer, only being seen in Broken Hills and occasionally as a random encounter.

    But now they're in Fallout 3? Apparently it was Vault-Tec who also decided to experiment with FEV? Okay, I guess. I mean their whole thing is experimenting so that's reasonable.

    In NV it's remnants of the master's army (proven by Tabitha)

    In Fallout 4 it's the Institute? C.I.T had access to FEV? Why? You'd think they would commission the top biologists to come offsite. Considering FEV is extremely unpredictable having it in BOSTON is really unsafe. In a remote area of California they can try control an outbreak but in somewhere as densely populated as Boston? Who knows what could happen.

    Even though we know FEV doesn't spread like a virus, the military most likely didn't know. So there is no reason for CIT (or the Institute) to have FEV to create mutants.

    In Fallout 76 it was West-Tek, who poisoned the water supply like a cheesy villain. They have strong government ties and they're a defence contractor, so it does make sense for them to have FEV. I have no objections.

    But at this point, should we even have mutants in Fallout? Unless it's set in California, D.C or the Commonwealth again what's the point? Bethesda is really stretching them out as an enemy when they could easily just create a new mutated enemy. How about naturally radiated humans who are rare but decently powerful? Like ghouls but mutated.

    So I'll ask you, should Super Mutants even be in Fallout anymore?

    About 4 different groups had access to FEV, The military, Vault-Tec, West-Tek and CIT all to explain why Bethesda is so lazy.

    submitted by /u/Jumpy_Buy1231
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    Question about Fallout 4 Shaun (Spoilers)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:17 PM PST

    So, I am partway through Fallout 4's story (second playthrough) and have a question.


    I'm going through the memories of Kellog, and I noticed something. The big twist in this game is that Shaun is real old and leads the institute. I remember that from my last playthrough, as the period between your seeing Shaun's kidnapping and waking up completely is longer then expected. Kellog has the implants to make him basically immortal. But here is the problem.

    In the memories, where you first see Kellog with young Shawn, you hear wimpy Trevor on the radio talking about Piper. Which would mean this took place very close to when the Vault dweller woke up. But there is kid Shaun with Kellog, was that synth Shaun? The wiki didnt say. Is there some other explanation for this I didn't see? Or is it a mess up?

    Edit: typo

    submitted by /u/Alpha_pro2019
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    Bottle cap discussion. PLEASE HELP!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 06:42 PM PST

    My bro and I are having a discussion as to whether "beer/alcoholic" beverages that have bottle caps be considered currency? And if they don't (google's opinion ONLY nuka-cola) what do we do with all these beer caps? Do they not count for anything or WHAT? WE. HAVE.QUESTIONS.

    submitted by /u/destromanifesto
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    Pip-boy gone. I'm on Xbox one. Any way to fix this?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:40 AM PST

    I just left the vault. While I was in the vault, I could use it and it wasn't invisible. As soon as I left the vault, however, it is invisible. I can equip things but I can't see anything.

    submitted by /u/NORMALPERSON724
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    Yet some more arguing over the Minutemen!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:06 AM PST

    Right, I know everyone is talking about Frontier and how much questionable shit has been going on. For anyone whose looking for something that doesn't involve real world law, below is a reply to a several day long argument over the merits of the Minutemen. My reply is quite long, but I think it gives a brief summary of the opposing arguments and my counter to the points being made. Quick context: the other guy is saying the Minutemen are too weak to really do anything whereas I don't.

    So, let's distill what's being said.

    1. The Minutemen are weak because a Mirelurk Queen, one of the strongest enemies in the game, attacked the Castle to use as a nest and forced the Minutemen to retreat, losing their most valuable asset. They lasted a short while until General Becker died, at which point the petty politics and rivalries between the various militia (which you haven't touched on yet?) tore the faction apart. This did happen. This is the most recent history of the Minutemen. I agree that the Minutemen start off as the weakest faction. They are in constant war with every threat in the Commonwealth, save for the Railroad, BoS and Institute unless the Sole Survivor intervenes. They are constantly fighting the Gunners, raiders and Super Mutants. The other three factions only attack when they are confident they can win. The Minutemen help out settlements because that's what they do. Protect the people at a minutes notice.

    I don't deny that the Minutemen are weak when you find them in the game. Well, Minutemen is kind of misleading as it's one, singular Minuteman in Preston Garvey. At that point, the Minutemen are finished as a faction. But as the Sole Survivor you can choose to help Preston when he asks you to help rebuild the Minutemen. You spend a lot of time helping out the existing farms, dealing with raiders and Super Mutants and building up those farms into small towns with defenses and supply lines. Eventually, Preston Garvey will ask for your help in taking back the Castle. This is an important step. A moment in history, where the Minutemen finally reunite as a Faction. Now, they have a means to communicate among the various towns and farms and the various militia groups they support. No one is talking about a new Government yet, but there are whispers of one. In dialogue between Preston and Curie, she will comment on how the Minutemen can help restore civilization to the wasteland, with Preston replying with, "That's the idea Ma'am." Clearly Preston believes a Commonwealth Government is still possible. If the Sole Survivor can take a single Minuteman and rebuild an entire faction to the point where it has regular patrols around an area as large as the Commonwealth and set up small towns and farms, then it is inevitable that those same towns and farms will start considering other ways they can help one another.

    It's important to explain what the Minutemen are and what they're about. They are not professional soldiers like the NCR military or BoS, nor are they hardened mercenaries like the Gunners. Those factions have a strict chain of command and a constant source of income. The NCR military is paid for using NCR taxes, the BoS trade chems and food for advanced technology and caps (as well as other means I will discuss below) and the Gunners are mercenaries. The Minutemen don't have any of that.

    They are volunteer soldiers. They are farmers and traders, caravan guards and brahmin herders. They come from the very towns and farms they are trying to protect. They don't ask for food or shelter and they don't demand loyalty. United We Stand isn't just some fancy words thrown together, it means something. It's a statement: the people of the Commonwealth realize that only together can they protect themselves from the dangers of the wasteland. Together, they are strong enough to repel the raiders and Super Mutants, Gunners and feral ghouls. Quincy was destroyed because the last few groups of Minutemen abandoned this statement. They turned their backs on it. The Minutemen didn't fall apart overnight, it took time. But United We Stand still has meaning. If the towns and farms can work together to protect themselves, what else can they do if they work together? As Sole Survivor, you can set up supply lines between the settlements you help. These supply lines are essentially trade routes. The provisioners are traders. Maybe not in the sense that we recognize. Bethesda got really lazy here and didn't bother fleshing any of this out, but certain assumptions can be made. These supply lines are used to move resources like food and building materials between the various towns and farms. These need protecting, which is where the Minutemen come in. If someone at Abernathy Farm needs copper from Red Rocket Truck Stop, then that someone can buy copper from the provisioner that makes the trip between the two settlements. The two settlements can come together to agree on prices for the various resources. This is how a Government will form. The farms and towns will come together to agree on how they share supplies, what prices are set for individual resources, what laws govern everyone. They can't do this without the Minutemen.

    2) You argue that if the Minutemen grow too large, other factions such as the Gunners, raiders and Super Mutants will specifically target them. I don't know why you can say this in a serious debate while also saying the Gunners won't attack Goodneighbor because it's a large city. The raiders are a joke to the larger factions. Yes, they're dangerous. Yes, they need to be fought. But there is no precedent for them organizing in such large numbers that they can take on the Minutemen, especially after the Castle is retaken. Ignoring the obvious gameplay reasons, after the Minutemen destroy the Institute and even more so if the force the BoS out of the Commonwealth, the Minutemen have by that point become large enough and strong enough that raiders are less of a threat than before rather than more. As the Minutemen grow as a faction, they become better organized and more patrols begin to appear. Yes, some raiders will target the Minutemen, but they will most likely be pushed back. It is near impossible for the raider gangs to take out the Minutemen after it has retaken the Castle.

    The Castle can and will be said about the Super Mutants and feral ghouls. There's simply no way they could organize in large enough numbers to pose a serious threat. I admit the behemoths are a serious threat, but they rarely appear. And the feral ghouls are glorified target practice. They pose a threat - to a couple of farmers and the odd scavenger. Not Minutemen patrols. These aren't the same Super Mutants created by the Master. They're not as smart, nor are they as capable. In large numbers, they pose a threat. And in the Boston ruins they are a significant threat. But not outside the city ruins. With the Institute gone, it can be safely assumed that the number of Super Mutants will dwindle over time until they are no longer a serious threat.

    3) The Gunners are another threat entirely. Well organized, well equipped with a chain of command that's absolute. They're trained mercenaries. And yes, they did defeat the last of the Minutemen at Quincy. However, if they wanted to remove potential threats, why wouldn't they target Diamond City and Goodneighbor? Or are they not threatening enough? They don't attack Goodneighbor because it's a threat. It's too strong for them to attack without taking serious costs. Same with Diamond City. The Gunners will and do attack the Minutemen, even after the Castle is retaken and the Institute destroyed (Defend the Castle: Gunners quest). But it's important to note that they can't wipe out the Minutemen. Again, this is probably something Bethesda was too lazy to explore or maybe they decided to leave that for another game. That doesn't matter as much. You have made the assumption that the Gunners will wipe out the Minutemen just like they did with Quincy, but I have to disagree. If the Castle is retaken, the walls rebuilt and strong defenses in place, the Gunners will have an incredibly hard time trying to invade it. Just like the BoS and Institute (both of whom are far stronger than the Gunners) did. They are more dangerous than the normal raiders and Super Mutants. But they're not strong enough to take out the Minutemen at its strength.

    4) A Commonwealth Government is inevitable under the Minutemen ending. If the towns and farms can come together and destroy the Institute of all things, what else can they do if they work together? People will always have the need to come together. As sadistic as raiders are, they always form "tribes" of raiders. The Gunners have a chain of command with leaders and rules. Diamond City and Goodneighbor exist because people worked together to have somewhere safe to live. If they can, people will often choose to work together rather than fight. That's why the CPG was even attempted. It's why the Minutemen even exist. The Institute caused not just a lot of paranoia and mistrust, but they were the ones that wiped out the CPG. Yes, they most likely did help start it off. It doesn't matter. When they couldn't get their way, when the CPG wasn't fast enough in making decisions, the Director of the Institute had the CPG wiped out and then lied to the scientists of the Institute. He had it labelled as an "accident" or it "fell apart". Democracies are messy and take a long time to form. Rome wasn't built in a day and a functional democracy takes a long time to form.

    You also have this idea that everyone will look and say "Shit, they're trying to start a government!? Quick, stop them!!". I don't think that has much in the way of merit. Firstly, the Minutemen will have gotten strong enough by this point that they can successfully defend any attempt to form a new CPG. Even against the Gunners. What do you think would happen? A bunch of farmers crowd a small shack in the middle of nowhere to discuss super secret important stuff? And you think raiders will attack a large defensive fortification like the Castle or even Diamond City for shits and giggles? Let's not forget about Super Mutants. Do they even know what a Government is? What it means? Would they even care enough to find out, if they were smart enough to do so? Even if they did, how would they even start planning an attack (if Commonwealth Super Mutants are capable of such complex thought)? I'm doing my best not to dismiss the idea that raiders and Super Mutants wiping out a new Government as a joke. They're simply not strong enough. If it were the Forged attacking Preston and the Quincy survivors in Concord, it would be an entirely different story. But we're talking about a Government that would meet somewhere safe like Diamond City (which has a Government already) or the Castle.

    The only faction that would even bother planning an attack would be the Gunners, but not for the reasons you think. There's plenty of bad blood between the Minutemen and the Gunners, for good reason. The Gunners wiped out Quincy, something Preston has never forgiven. There's a lot of hate there. The Gunners will definitely try to take out the Minutemen. If they take out a potential Government, then it's a possible bonus depending on however the Gunner leadership sees it. Are you trying to argue that they will attack Diamond City just to stop a Government from forming? They ignore the city for decades, only to attack because a new Government is forming. It's highly unlikely that would ever happen. I'm not saying they wouldn't consider it. They'd be the only faction in the Commonwealth with the remotest possibility of attacking Diamond City. But would they?

    5) Finally, I need to bring up the way you dismiss the Mirelurk Queen as a mere crab. What are they like 10 meters tall? Thick outer shells that deflect most projectiles and are resistant to lasers? You know, the ones strong enough to collapse one of the walls of the Castle? They'll appear just because you assume they're hungry? Plot device? Just because? Is this even a serious argument or can we dismiss it out of hand without consideration? Mirelurks are animals that can be hunted, but it so happens that they're pretty tough and Mirelurk Queens are up there as the strongest you'll face, like Deathclaws and Behemoths. It's a good thing they're rare, otherwise they really would be a problem like you expect them to be. If you're going to argue a possible attack from an animal, make it one we know is smart. Deathclaws are far smarter, can hunt in packs and there's a debate as to whether or not they very loosely understand human concepts (by this I mean not as well as Super Mutants but well enough to do some very basic planning). But I've never seen a Deathclaw in Diamond City and I don't expect a pack of them to hunt down the Castle residents. None of them will specifically target any group trying to start a new CPG. They're animals.

    submitted by /u/HorrorShow13666
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    Name your city and what your post-apocalyptic shantytown would be!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 05:57 PM PST

    A bit of background info: I am from Chicago, and I was thinking a lot about what our Megaton/Diamond City would be. My first thoughts were Navy Pier or the Field Museum, but I really don't know! I also don't know what the "big city" would be in Houston or Atlanta or Milwaukee, but I wanna know what you all think! What would your cities' "new beginnings" start in?

    submitted by /u/wiggledixbubsy
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    The Frontier is coming back right?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:43 PM PST

    Sorry if y'all are getting tired of these posts but I just need to know. I wanted to beat Fallout New Vegas at least once before installing mods and The Frontier heavily motivated me to finish but now I'm hearing it's gone.

    submitted by /u/TheCxre
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    So I was planning to do a fallout new vegas playthrough that included the frontier

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:10 AM PST

    Since the frontier seems to have shit the bed what other quest mods are worth installing? I'm looking for big mods if possible

    submitted by /u/ThandiGhandi
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    So i wanna farm legendaries in a particular area, I got the legendary I wanted by killing the enemy and now the are is 'CLEARED'. What do i do to spawn the legendary enemy again to farm another legendary weapon/armour?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 11:49 PM PST

    Did you ever hear the tragedy of Fallout: The Frontier?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:01 AM PST

    Caesar Sending You to the Bunker is Idiotic

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 07:57 PM PST

    When you do House's (or Yes Man's) wish to upgrade the Securitrons, Caesar will just let you into the bunker under the impression you, a woman or man with no allegiances to him, will do his bidding.

    It's even worse when Benny escapes.

    Now, he'll say he doesn't know what's in it if Benny didn't escape, but still send you. And it's plausible to be a test of loyalty - except he doesn't send anyone to check. Not even he goes to check.

    And with Benny escaping, he has the ability to send a Legionaire and have them do the task. You can even ask him can't one of his men do it, which he replies yes, but he'd have to kill them after.

    So, Caesar, who executes his own men daily waits for Courier-senpai to help him, despite having the ability to, and goes against his character of not sending one of his men to do so then just execute them.

    submitted by /u/Benjamin_Starscape
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