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    Thursday, December 31, 2020

    Fallout | Visited the Republic of Dave today..

    Fallout | Visited the Republic of Dave today..

    Visited the Republic of Dave today..

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 10:39 PM PST


    submitted by /u/Casanova64
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    Finaly going to try fallout 4!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 05:15 PM PST

    So I'm know I'm pretty late but I finally got an Xbox One for christmas and I'm going to play for the firat time tonight.... Any advise? I played the shit out of fallout 3 and new vegas so I'm far from a beginner but I really like not to miss the nice things!

    submitted by /u/Mimziie91
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    I absolutely love Fallout 2

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 11:54 AM PST

    Recently i played Fallout 1 for the first time, it was great but short and kinda empty, heard good things about 2 so i got it, and..
    ITS SO DAMN HARD, the biggest challenge so far was mercenary cave, when i first went into it and saw like 12 mercenaries all with better gear than i was, i thought to myself " no fucking way " but i didnt want to go back as way there was long and full of random BS encounters
    Ive been sitting there for like 3 hours trying to come up with strategy to somehow make this miracle happen, me my leather armor shotgun and around 100 shells
    But then i found a spot behind rocks in the back storage room with the ladder, if you stand in a certain spot only one merc can attack you at time, so i camped there, everyone who got in got a nice shot in the eyes, usually two shots in the eyes were enough to kill everybody, fast forward half an hour and i was standing over pile of corpses in empty dungeon

    i love difficuilt games that pile the odds agaist you, long time since i felt such a good feeling from beating a measly dungeon.

    submitted by /u/Chessie723214
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    The philosophy of the Railroad makes little sense to me (heavy spoilers)

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:41 AM PST

    The primary directive of the Railroad in FO4 is to free synths from the Institute's slavery. There is controversy within the Railroad as to whether only the Gen 3 synths should be freed, or also the Gen 1s that you typically shoot while running around the Commonwealth.

    The thing I don't understand is: what about the ROBOTS?

    Professor Goodfeels in Sunshine Tidings Co-op floats around a building that says "free the robots." Shouldn't the Railroad be doing just that?

    Curie, as a robot, remarks how her colleagues in Secret Vault 81 insisted that she have her own terminal, which she was not comfortable with because RobCo programmed her to not own any property. But, that's just the thing: she achieved a new state of consciousness once she became a Synth. But her personality -- the vast majority of her -- is still Curie. Codsworth is an unpaid robot butler, but he doesn't really seem to have any less a personality than Paladin Danse or Brooks in Far Harbor. He is a sentient, free-thinking being that has the capacity to reject his former owner if he or she turns to evil. Shouldn't the Sole Survivor be judged by the Railroad to be a "slaver" for owning Codsworth and giving him nothing for his services?

    The difference between synths and robots in terms of AI doesn't seem to be that great. But, synths are considered by the Railroad to be enslaved while the robots, to my best understanding, are still considered "property." This point is never fully addressed and I think is a giant hole in the Railroad's thinking.

    submitted by /u/Revenant62
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    Crashing randomly without error message on Fallout 4

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 12:13 AM PST


    As the title suggests, I'm having a problem with random crashes in FO4. I can usually play between 3-4 minutes before the crash occurs. It just blinks to desktop without an error message like "Something went wrong, please try again later" or anything of that sort. I just newly installed the game, and I'm still in the prouloge due to the crashing. I've tried to modify the game settings in config file, set borderless window to 0 and set fullscreen value to 1 which didn't fix it and I've tried making an exception in my anti-virus too, that didn't work either. (F-secure safe) I looked at every other post on the internet who had this issue, but haven't seen a fix, and I just thought that this problem would've been gone by now, since it's been around for 3 years. My drivers are up to date and I have zero mods installed. I have all the settings to max and can play with constant 144fps weirdly.

    Here are my specs:

    i5 9600k

    RTX 2070 S

    16gb RAM

    Hopefully there is something out there that fixes it, and I really hope I'm just dumb and there's a simply solution. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Adrinoforsino
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    Fallout 4 PC Companions Perma-Death

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:51 AM PST

    Hello, I have been having a problem with my most recent Fallout 4 install (Steam version with all DLCs) in that companions are being treated as non-essential. Searching the internet has only led me to articles about how unkillable these NPCs are much to my annoyance and I was wondering if this is a new bug or if there is a mod to fix this. I first noticed it when Cait died to a bunch of super mutants and ghouls and later ADA being killed going through the Rust Devil lair while I was on Normal.

    As I modded my game pretty bare to begin with (21) I first tried disabling all mods however I was still able to kill both Codsworth and Dogmeat at the start of the game (I know most companions can be killed out of combat by the player but according to most sources Dogmeat should be exempt from this) I know I am able to bring them back by using the resurrect command however this clears whatever items I have given them and I'm not sure if it would break affinities or quests. Still though if I wanted to deal with them dying in the first place I would be playing survival

    As said I am not sure what mods would be causing this as there is nothing crazy or gameplay breaking in any of them, I have used them all before and never had problems like this. Any help would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/Capital_Status_6560
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    Trouble at necropolis

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 04:57 PM PST

    So I am at the living quarters,trying to get the 2 rad-x in the locker in one of the rooms there.I am currently fighting 3 mad glowing ones,one on them have 24 hp,the rest are at full hp.I have 1 stimpack,and my weapons are a assault rifle,a knife,10 mm pistol,a cattle prod,and 10 mm sub machine gun.I also have a piece of dynamite,if that helps anything.I will answer any questions about my character.

    submitted by /u/godalmightymemes
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    Fallout 76 red asylum dress

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 03:55 AM PST

    Is the red asylum dress still worth farming for and is so what could I get for it?

    submitted by /u/badboyquinny
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    why don’t people ever fucking clean up around thsi place

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 02:44 PM PST

    I mean you'd think after 200 years they could have moved a rotting corpse or done the dishes. Still shit all over the walls. Why wouldn't they clean the stuff up? I get Bethesda thinks it makes for an even better post apocalyptic world but it's just not realistic.

    submitted by /u/OhYeahItsZ
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    Found a dead mercenary stuck in the ceiling inside the irradiated metro in Fallout 3

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Was exploring the irradiated metro when I happened upon a dead mercenary stuck in the ceiling: https://imgur.com/a/4VgGmro

    submitted by /u/CrisperLace8106
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    Enjoyed Fallout 4 a good amount

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 10:04 AM PST

    I'm guessing this tends to be the majority's opinion and there won't be anything too interesting in what I write here, but why not share anyways? So I played FO4 a while when it was released, then I kinda stopped as I was figuring out some stuff in life. Come near 5 years later, I beat it. I spent some 160-170 hours doing the base + all the DLCs. I found the game to be an engaging, though, at times, very shallow experience.

    I actually like the main story of the game. It follows a general pattern for Fallout with finding which factions you wanna side with to figure out the fate of the Wasteland you are at. Surprisingly, there was a lot of choice in this area of the game, more than it is given credit for. I couldn't stop shooting my son every time I had the chance to talk with him. Everyone can whine about the lack of depth to conversations, but do you seriously know how hillarious it really is to shotgun Father and have the entire Institute come after you before reloading? I'd almost call the game a masterpiece for this. Seriously though, the story is quite engaging and doesn't have any clear discernible flaws to me. It's nothing mind-blowing, but I like it. Every faction has their pros and cons. I went with the Railroad personally, and liked that it had quite the bittersweet ending. Compared to Fallout 3, Fallout 4 has a story that isn't riddled with plot holes and simplicity. I love me some FO3, but looking back at it, the main story is quite poor in quality.

    There's a notable focus on companions in FO4, obviously inspired by Bioware games (as are other things I'll get back to). I found plenty whose company I greatly enjoyed. The best companion is obviously Dogmeat, no question about that. He's the goodest boi in the Commonwealth, potentially across the entire post-apocalyptic US. That model is adorable, and he behaves like an actual dog should. He even goes as far as to frustrate you at times, until you see him wagging his tail. Besides him, my favourite humanoid was Nick Valentine, who was a character with great depth and personality. Other companions I want to give a shout out to are Deacon, Piper, Hancock, Codsworth (love hearing my name). I went ahead and made Red Rocket into a home for myself and my favourite companions.

    Speaking of the major focus in this game - settlement building. So this one is quite the mixed bag, as it feels rather arbitrary most of the time. I recognise that there are those who are absolutely enamoured by it, but I'm more in the middle. Once I dedicated my efforts to a single place (Red Rocket), I had a lot of fun playing around with it! But the game does a horrible job at introducing all these new systems. Before I realised it, I had almost a dozen settlements I was trying to take care of as Preston was firing radiant quests at me in a consecutive fashion. There was also a potential to really showcase how humanity is rebuilding after the War has become a relic of the past, but the game treats that matter in too shallow of a manner for me to engross myself. As it stands, the settlement building is a great concept I hope to see in future titles, so long as it is toned down to a smaller area (player homes). I don't enjoy babysitting a bunch of settlers, though kudos for not forcing me to.

    Going to the Bioware influence, the approach to dialogue is where this comes at. Bethesda really tried to make NPC interactions more cinematic and immersive, and to a degree it works. I hate how limited the system can be, don't get me wrong. Choice is present, but to a very generic degree. It does not live up to previous titles. Worst of all, options such as the fabled "Sarcastic" have me constantly reload saves as it is unclear what my character was actually going to say. The voiced protagonist wasn't too bad, I though the VA did a good job. Not outstanding, a little overacted at times, but certainly more than acceptable. Still, I can see how the modding capabilities were impacted negatively by this choice. The roleplaying aspects didn't bother me as much, but I can understand that too.

    The general gameplay has been improved tremendously in areas related to active engagement. Gunplay actually functions like an FPS. Power Armor is badass. Stealth is the same BS as it has always been, but it was pretty fun sniping down creatures. VATS' implementation is quite interesting and tense. But, as has been said by many, the RPG elements have taken many steps back. I actually hold the opinion that Bethesda went in the right direction simplifying these in Skyrim. There, I found that removing the resctrictions of a typical RPG allowed for a much larged degree of player freedom, something I find very characters of the TES series. But in FO4, there is just so little in the way of these mechanics. It's actually less fun. I miss the satisfaction of gaining 20 or so skill points each level and upgrading your skills in a certain area. I miss some of the more fun and wacky perks the series used to have. There are indeed less options for you throughout the game, as the side quests do often lack any meaningful choices and consequences. While a lot of these mechanics might have appeared to be no more than flavouring, it seems there was a lot of depth they added that made the older games more satisfying in this regard.

    Lastly, I'd like to talk about the atmosphere. This is actually one of my biggest gripes. I dislike it. There is nothing outstanding about FO4's environments to me. FO3 had one of the best realised worlds I have ever seen in a video game. I have seen Todd's statements that it was too distressing at times, but that is what was great about it. It took the feel of the classic Fallout games and recreated it in a different setting. New Vegas had a much more boring environment to me, but I can still recall it. FO4 has a bunch of colours that to me are the equivalent of a vomitcoloured abstract painting. Just colours everywhere to try and grab your attention, without creating a believable setting to me. The music was good on the other hand. Not great really, but it had some memorable tracks.

    All in all, I thought Fallout 4 was a good game. I played it for a fair amount as it is clear, and enjoyed most of my time. I have an issue with some of its weaker aspects, as it creates an experience that is very shallow at times. Nonetheless, it's a fun game. It has its moments and I am likely to go back and replay it one day, likely on Hardcore Mode to see what I missed there. I find it interesting how the public consensus on the game has changed, as well as my own. I rode the hype train way back in 2015, and while I was naturally disappointed to a degree, I can't say I didn't have a good time. A decent 7 to me.

    submitted by /u/FrickingPitches
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    Fallout 4 Sale [FO4] [PC] [Steam]

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 02:13 PM PST

    For those who are unaware and really want to play this game on a computer, steam is holding a 70% off sale on just about all of the Fallout 4 Components. Now's your chance if you haven't gotten it already!

    submitted by /u/Devil_Muffins
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    Is Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines similar to Fallout NV?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 11:53 PM PST

    I had heard about it vaguely before but now looking at it it seems really cool and looks similar to Fallout: NV. Sorry if this is off topic I just thought this might be a good place to ask

    submitted by /u/The-rus-h
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    New Vegas DLC best order storywise?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:53 PM PST

    First of all, I really love the dlcs and played them 2 or 3 times. I'm getting into a new playthrough and I wanted to know your opinions, when is the best moment in the main quest to start the dlcs and which order do you play them?

    submitted by /u/TheBallerGoat
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    Can you set SPECIAL points to 0

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 05:08 PM PST

    Was wondering if you can make special 0 in fallout 3 or 4 tried searching but couldn't find anything about it. Saw something that might suggest it can only go to 1 but wanted to check here just in case.

    submitted by /u/nutembustem
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    Is there a way to join the brotherhood in 76??

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 11:01 PM PST

    How much space does Fallout 4 game of the year edition take up ? I have 86.9 GBS left on my Acer Nitro 5

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 07:14 PM PST

    What is the best Fallout 4 perk?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 07:01 PM PST

    I started a new game and I want to be able to have the best perk as fast as I can but I can't really do that without knowing what it is.

    submitted by /u/tuduohua
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    [OC] Is there somewhere I can share a Fallout drawing I did?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 10:40 AM PST

    I have some on-topic artwork to share but uploading images doesn't seem to be an option


    submitted by /u/torenmcborenmacbin
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    Which Fallout game should you start with? (A quick guide for new Fallout players)

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 07:38 AM PST

    This question has been popping up a lot lately. I think a lot of new players have gotten Fallout games for Christmas or have some extra spending money from Christmas and are interested in trying Fallout.

    So here are MY two cents:

    There is no BEST Fallout game (however my personal favorite is New Vegas, so I just want to be honest about that, lol).

    There is also no BEST choice to start with. Much like the factions you'll get to know in each Fallout game, there are lots of pros and cons no matter who you choose. The best game for you to start with really depends on what YOU are looking for.

    With that being said, here is my best attempt at explaining what you'll be getting into with each Fallout game:

    Fallout: Super old-school computer RPG. Very slow paced and very challenging. Fallout 1 doesn't hold your hand. If you want to play Fallout 1, you're probably going to rely on a guide/FAQ, or be a *very* patient person. I found that, even when playing alongside a guide/FAQ, a single engagement can take a LONG time. I spent over an hour in a fight in Necropolis, that I still ended up losing anyway. On top of the slow and challenging gameplay, the character improvement is also pretty slow. With each level you earn skill points that you can spread throughout different skills, and you only unlock a new perk every THREE levels. With all that being said, Fallout is very rewarding once you get the hang of it and make progress. It's rough around the edges, but still fun. And if you end up starting with a different game and falling in love with the franchise, you'll probably want to go back and play this one just to get some lore and see where the franchise started.

    Fallout 2: Very similar in style to Fallout 1, but a LOT more polished and developed. Many old school gamers think Fallout 2 is the best game in the franchise. There's a ton of lore and a great story. There's also a lot of humor and self-awareness (some people think there's TOO much of this). If you like old school RPGs but think Fallout 1 is a little too basic, give Fallout 2 a try. It's definitely not essential to play Fallout 1 before 2.

    Fallout 3: Fallout 3 is the first 3D action RPG in the series. 3 is great! The most notable qualities of 3 are that it's a true sandbox game. The enemies scale to your character, so you can *mostly* go wherever you want whenever you want and do okay. In fact, most of the encounters in Fallout 3 are randomly generated, so the more you wander around and explore, the more fun stuff will appear for you to do. There's also an emphasis on picking over details. You're gonna want to scavenge each and every area you find. The stories and information on a random terminal in a random building you'll never be sent to on a quest might be very important! And keep an eye out for Bobbleheads! The other cool thing about Fallout 3 is that, along with skill points, you get a perk at EVERY level up. The downside to this is that the perks aren't always super exciting. Play Fallout 3 if you aren't super dedicated to a linear story and just want to explore and shoot stuff.

    Fallout: New Vegas: New Vegas is my favorite Fallout game and a lot of people agree with me, so I'm not going to spend much time praising it. It gets enough attention, lol. Above all, the plot of New Vegas is the best. The story is complex and fascinating and it's fun to play the game over and over again siding with each faction to see how it all plays out. Instead of getting perks and skill points at each level, you get skill points at each level and a perk every OTHER level. To make up for this, the perks are a lot better in NV than they were in 3.

    Fallout 4: I'm not here to dump on FO4, I think it's amazing. But I don't think it's too insulting to say that it has the weakest plot and best gameplay. I have played Fallout 4 many many times, but not for the story. 4 is all about great, action shooting and customization. It gets rid of skill points, but gives you a perk at each level up. You can make highly customized/specialized characters, and weapon/armor modding and settlement building add HOURS of gameplay that make up for the weaker plot. it's one of the best games for exploring and scavenging and building cool shit.

    Fallout 76: People are divided on 76. Some people flat out hate it, some say it was awful at launch, but Bethesda has done lots of work to improve it via patches and free DLC. It's an online multiplayer game similar to Destiny or PUBG. Like 4, it has no skill points, but it also gets rid of permanent perks. Instead, with each level up, you increase your SPECIAL by one point and can use interchangeable Perk Cards to give you new abilities and change up your build on the fly. The best advice I can give is to give it a shot, and if you like it, subscribe to /r/fo76. It's a great community and they can give you advice.

    Tactics/Brotherhood of Steel/Wasteland/etc.: For any Fallout game outside of the main entries and New Vegas, don't bother for a while. They're mostly weird and not great. I've tried all of them, and if you get sick of all the other Fallout games, they're worth trying, but I wouldn't get my feet wet in the series with any of these titles.

    If you have any questions or feel like I missed anything, please comment. I'll gladly update this. Oh, and before you ask, Yes, the DLC is worth is. Always buy the DLC.

    submitted by /u/ButteryBiscuits43
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