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    Fallout | RIP Galen, model for the cat paintings

    Fallout | RIP Galen, model for the cat paintings

    RIP Galen, model for the cat paintings

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    I don't know if this has been posted but it made me sad and thought everyone should know.

    Galen, the model for the stripy cat on the paintings from Fallout 4 and 76 has passed away at 10 years old due to a heart condition.

    Here is a link to the tweet: https://twitter.com/NPurkeypile/status/1287167225879769088?s=19

    Edit: spelling that I missed 🙄 FFS me

    submitted by /u/DAZ4518
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    Is it possible to side with the Rail Road, and still be friendly with Danse?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    So I started up fo4 again recently, last time I did the BoS. This time I want to join the Rail Road, but I understamd that doing so will piss off Danse. I really don't want him to become hostile or anything, is there a way to do the rail road missions and keep Danse as at least a friend? Like he probably won't be a follower, but at least he won't try to fight me.

    submitted by /u/SnakesBox_
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    First time playing Far Harbour dlc and stunned by it!

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    I guess the title says it all really.

    I bought F4 GOTY a while ago in a bundle with Skyrim (play on PS4, without mods as I'm trophy hunting) and I constantly find new things to do and things I didn't realise were possible!

    Currently I'm playing through the Far Harbour dlc and it's taken me almost two weeks and I still have ai much to do!

    Bethesda really did a good job with this one :)

    Just wanted to share my joy with you folks of the wasteland!

    submitted by /u/WanderingPanda92
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    Fallout 76 or fallout 4 dlc?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:41 AM PDT

    So I played fallout 4 when it first came out. Hated the story, loved the gameplay. To that end I only have the base game.

    After playing through three again I'm looking to move on so im wondering if fallout is 76 any good now that wastelanders is out.

    I'm primarily looking to play single player, not really interested in other people. Is it possible to play 76 on your own server? Or should I just say fuck it and buy all the dlcs for 4 and mod the hell out of it?

    It seems it will cost roughly the same to buy 76 or the dlcs for 4 in my country.

    submitted by /u/Argumentativeone
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    Which faction do you despise most in all of Fallout?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Personally for me it's the institute. They have all this technology and really seem not to do much of anything with it. They seem perfectly content with sitting in their little bunker and that's it. The leadership is also abysmal unless you take the reigns, and even still the fact that so many synths run off and go rogue is appalling. Say what you will about the Legion but you don't see many if any at all rogue legionaries.

    submitted by /u/snake177
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    Anyone Else Think the Railroad Missions/Quests Could Be More Interesting

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    As someone who likes fallout 4, and have sunken ridiculous amounts of hours into the game despite it's flaws, most of my Playthroughs consist of either siding with minutemen, or BOS mostly because I found their stories more compelling. Or the very least bearable.

    With the Railroad and institute, however, they are probably the least developed of the factions. With the Railroad, I like them in concept, and usually do the first couple missions for them, and maybe some of the side quests for ballistic weave, but at the same time, I can't help but feel like their missions are kinda shallow.

    The Railroad are suppose to be this secretive group dedicated to freeing Synths under the table. And while some of the missions reflect this, none of them ever really stuck with me or make you feel like an agent.

    It felt like I was just doing the institute quest line, but with small interjections to the RR when relevant. What would have been a lot better in my opinion is if maybe we had the option to dismantle the Institute from the inside out.

    Perhaps taking out key institute figures and pinning them on other institute scientists, or factions. Maybe, one of the missions could have you go to Libertalia disguised as a Raider, and talking to Gabriel, and convincing him to have him and some of his Raiders help you wipe out a couple institute patrols, or maybe even with the "Nuclear option" questline.

    Maybe one of the Synths they "Liberated" from the institute is a double agent and is secretly feeding the institute, RR plans? Hell you could even add a Schism within the RR where Desdemona and perhaps the SS ideals but heads and there is some inner conflict.

    Another idea would be using any other rep you have with the factions and getting them to assist you in the nuclear option, or taking out the institute. If you have positive rep with RR and say MM you could point out the flaw in their waterways, and slowly move troops in to the institute disguised as scientists.

    Way I see it is you have all this untapped potential of espionage, and wetworks that you could work with and its a shame to see such great writing opportunities be thrown away for a bunch of idealistic do gooders.

    I honestly think the Railroad should have been the faction that blurs the lines of morality. Showing that there is no right or wrong, only what you believe. You wanna save synths right? What are you willing to do to go to that extreme? Would you sabotage the nuclear reactor to destroy the institute knowing that hundreds if not thousands of innocents would be killed? But you liberated the synths right? Torture an institute scientist about how to get into the institute? You wanna find your son, that man in front of you, he knows where he is. But he doesn't wanna talk, wanna loosen his tongue a bit? Maybe pull it out of his mouth while it's still waggling?

    What if you need to go undercover, and the institute catches wind of a double agent? To prove your not it, perhaps they want you to question or torture the suspect they think it is. Get information on the Railroad. But what do you do then? Tell the institute about it, or tell the railroad?

    Fallout always had a darker tone to it. That sometimes you need to do what you have to in order to survive. I really wish the Railroad explored the darker side of things, that if the SS really wanted to find their son, they would have to go to more extremes to get him back rather then storming the castle.

    submitted by /u/DexxToress
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    what heal should i use (fo4)

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:39 AM PDT

    i normaly used deathclaw steak but after reaching level 105 because of the increased health i think it started to heal less of my health any suggestions of heals i should use (except milelurk queen ,nc quantum, and stims) also i dont own nuka world so i wont be able to get any from there

    submitted by /u/Rexi_meme
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    what is considered to be the best build for fallout 2

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:41 AM PDT

    im trying to figure out a good build but i cant seem to make a good one what is considered the best?

    submitted by /u/something_awufull200
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    PS4 Mods future ?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    Do you think one day Sony will let Fallout on PS4 to support the full potential of mods like on Xbox One where it accepts assets outside the game creating much better mods that are not just a stupid config file ? (I would love to download some armor mods that look awesome like the Veteran ranger gear )

    submitted by /u/DreingonMagala
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    what would be the best charisma build for fallout 2

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:26 AM PDT

    ya im not good at making characters and i cant figure out a good build for fallout 2

    submitted by /u/something_awufull200
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    Popular Musicians in Fallout?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 10:57 PM PDT

    In the Fallout universe, who are the most popular musicians? I'm 76, many of the songs are either performed by or have been covered by Bing Crosby, the Andrews Sisters, or Johnny Cash. There are schools of Elvis impersonation in New Vegas. Who is the most popular singer/songwriter/musician in the wasteland?

    submitted by /u/Timmy-my-boy
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    Fallout 2 Highwayman disappeared

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    I just got the highwayman and drove down to Redding. ( I´m pretty sure i wasn´t stopped on my way down there so no encounters). However when i left Redding on foot it didn´t show that i was using the car, so i went back into Redding thinking that i need to use the car to use it on the world map, however the car wasn´t there (I don´t think it was there in the first place? Maybe i just didn´t see it or i´m still simply not seeing it).

    Since i didn´t want to lose forever i downloaded a save editor, however i can not find a way to give myself the highwayman this way either.

    So did my car actually disappear or is it somewhere in Redding and i´m just to dumb to find, and if it disappeared is there a way to "recover" it using a save editor?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/SupremeMuppetKermit
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    I sincerely wish there was a single player version of 76

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    This topic has most likely been beaten into the ground, but I really wish there was a single player of 76.

    The main reason I want something like this is that I like to mod and cheat in games, I've cheated in some way shape or form in nearly every game I've played, and before you say "uR nOt A rEaL gAmEr" it's mainly because I don't like playing games for the challenge, I play them to have fun. When I don't cheat I usually use the easiest difficulty, and when I do mod I mod extensively, my mods folder for FO4 has over 300 files in it, and it makes the game a thousand times better. I've played 4, new Vegas and 3 multiple times, including all the dlc, and I cheated in every single one, and I LOVED it.

    I very much want to play 76, as it seems (despite all its glaring flaws) it has a lot of interesting mechanics and great environments, but I can't enjoy those because I'm not good at normal gaming like at all, and I don't want to download a cheat menu from one of those sketchy websites on the 7th page of google, because for one it would probably give my PC a million viruses, and for two because even if it did work, it would ruin the experience for other players who worked hard for their gear, meanwhile I just opened up in console and spawned it in.

    I feel like Bethesda is missing out on a huge demographic by making the game multiplayer only, and either they should make a single player mode for the game or someone should mod it to support single player.

    submitted by /u/MaxMoose007
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    I Really Want to Enjoy Fallout 1 and 2 But Turned Based Combat Ruins It For Me

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    Loved Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Four. I loved 3's atmosphere and eerie environment, I loved NV's story and interesting conversations with the NPCs, I loved four's customization and Exploration. With all of this in mind I thought I would fall in love with Fallout 1 and 2 just like other fans of this game series but OH MY GOD IT'S SO BORING. Maybe it's just me but the combat is so boring that mid-combat I usually just quit the game because it's so bad, I even tried the play styles where I can end the combat quickly but it doesn't help. Man I'm just gonna have to watch someone play it...

    submitted by /u/The_Oracle69
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    Is it possible to get one of the Fallout 4 Vault 111 Armored Backpacks?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:06 AM PDT


    I bought one of these bags around 4 years ago or so. My bag has travelled several thousand kilometres through the Australian outback, survived years of being thrown around with several kgs of books in it, had liquid poured over and inside it and stored my laptop, tablet, phone, wallet, keys and lunch for many years. I'm worried that in 2050 it will begin to fray and fall apart, so does anyone know where it was made (or who the manufacturer was), whether the manufacturer is ever considering doing it again, or if anyone is selling one online? I'd love to know. Cheers

    submitted by /u/i-love-the-pink-one
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    How are addictions cured in the "Fallout" universe?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    Has that ever been explained? I was talking to my girlfriend about the advanced tech of the Fallout series, and one of the things I brought up was that chemical addictions were curable.

    But... I don't really know how. Has it ever been explained?

    submitted by /u/AlexTheGreat1997
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    Is anyone interested in Fallout 4 YouTube videos?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:53 AM PDT

    I recently uploaded a Fallout 4 video to YouTube and I was wondering if anyone had any interest?

    submitted by /u/SenanGaming
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    Fallout 4 has a lot of side-quests

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    Currently I'm level 103 and have over 600 hours in the game i haven't even done The Glowing Sea quest yet because i get so side-tracked by side quests and then i started the DLCs (I'm doing far harbor rn)

    submitted by /u/shrek5trailer2020
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    Who here plays Fallout 76 and is it worth it?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 04:03 PM PDT

    I've been thinking about getting it since they said that the Wastelanders update made it much better, do you people think so? And who here plays it?

    submitted by /u/MaStEr_MeLoN15243
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    My thoughts on Mr. House and why I grew to admire the man in the lore

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 12:10 PM PDT


    To start out, despite my strong admiration for the man, I want to make it clear that I know he's not a saint, and at best operates on a light gray tone of morality, with an emphasis on blue and orange morality as well. I know that he can be ruthless, and I do not agree with every action he takes (I mean seriously, there were CHILDREN in that bunker, House...)

    That said, I think he was one of only two factions I felt were both worthy, and capable outright, of restoring the wasteland in some form of significant capacity, to a modern civilized world, given time and the right help.

    While the Institute is technically more advanced than House and his company, in all aspects including the very line of signature machines between the two, Mr. House has a good head on his shoulders and genuinely has the interests of the wasteland and the people at heart in his own grey sort of way.

    While ruthless, his plans and methods of keeping order and civility started when he saved the city from total annihilation, and can very much end with New Vegas or all of Nevada restored to a civil and livable state of life.

    I admit that I am not the best at analyzing his every chunk of lore or his mentality, and there is SO MUCH detail about House and his plans that I fail to do justice, but I think that I would back the man any day of the week if given the ability to do so.

    As for the other major powers, the NCR is a decent but doomed-to-fail nation that needs a HUGE reform if it intends to stay alive, and the Legion can go yeet itself down the same canyon they threw Graham for all I care.

    So that said, what are your thoughts on this? Do you think I missed something? Was I right on the ball? Etc.

    submitted by /u/TimeLordHatKid123
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    I did an evil playthrough in FO4 and no i dknt know what to do

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    As the title says, I did and evil playthrough in the main game and a super evil playthrough in far harbor(which is the only dlc I have) and i don't know what to do, any ideas?. For context I sided with the institute, so the railroad and BOS are gone and in far harbor I ended up killing everyone. So does anyone have tips for what I could do?

    EDIT: I just realized how much I misspelled in the title, I'm an idiot

    submitted by /u/Giraff3sAreFake
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    Is it possible to remove Danse from the power armor without commands

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 11:47 PM PDT

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