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    Tuesday, June 30, 2020

    Fallout | For my first ever female Fallout protagonist, I got bored of armor and decided to look fucking fly instead

    Fallout | For my first ever female Fallout protagonist, I got bored of armor and decided to look fucking fly instead

    For my first ever female Fallout protagonist, I got bored of armor and decided to look fucking fly instead

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    TIL the name "Third Rail" is more clever than I thought. It is the term for the device running parallel to train/subway tracks delivering electricity. Touching can easily result in death.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    According to Wikipedia, it is also a metaphor for any issue so controversial that any politician who broaches the subject will suffer politically.

    These really seem to sum up that pub nicely.

    submitted by /u/Berlin_Blues
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    I have been saving bottle caps for 4 years now.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    No they are not all from my bottles, I have a bottle opener above this bucket and anytime anyone cracked a beer at my house it got dropped in the bucket. I'm not sure how many caps there are but if I were to guess it would be around 1000.


    submitted by /u/Acehboy
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    You are the overseer of a vault, what is the experiment and number?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Deathclaws aren't as scary anymore.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    They used to be really terrifying not just in appearance in the older games, but in their environment and the situation you found yourself in when encountering one or several. My first time seeing one in F3 had me running away in fear and jumping in my seat. The way they attacked also added extra fear in you how they just walk towards you real fast and lung at you all casually like you are nothing to them. It really made killing one feel like an accomplishment.

    submitted by /u/FilthyNingen1994
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    I hope there’s a remake of Fallout 2 someday.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    I need Frank Horrigan to come back.

    submitted by /u/Fossil-boy07
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    Across every fallout game, which is your favorite weapon?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    Mine is the grenade machine gun from Fallout:New Vegas. I love to watch as my foes get their limbs ejected from their torso sockets. Very Nice!!

    submitted by /u/FusionFred_SAGE
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    Revisiting Fallout 4

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    Just wanted to share this for anyone in a similar situation to relate with and share stories. 2020 has been dreadful. Stale, uninteresting game releases and being cooped up inside 24/7. I realized I never actually played fallout 4's DLC and I recently went back and played a modded play through of New Vegas. Was in the Fallout mood I suppose. Anyway I was 15-16 when I played fallout 4 at release on my PlayStation 4. Im 20 now if anyone cares. So as I no longer have a PlayStation I'd be forced to replay the main story, and boy was I shocked. I was convinced I had never played this game. It looks fucking awesome on PC, I somehow can run it at 50-60 fps on Ultra and those god rays, Jesus. I did not recognize 75% of the game. I was having fun building up my settlements and exploring getting my ass kicked by legendary ghouls, raiders, bloatfly's, whatever the wasteland wanted to throw at me. I'm convinced I did not do a single side mission on my PlayStation because I do not recognize any of them. The only parts of the story I recognized was the confrontation with the mayor at Diamond city, I remember being mad I failed the speech check and I didn't know how speech worked because it was all new and the leveling wasn't anything like 3 or New Vegas. I was shocked by the story for a second time (I don't know how I didn't remember the ending) anyway I was very pleasantly surprised by this, and I have not even started the DLC. I've spent 3 hours preparing for DLC and don't event know where to start LOL. Anyway, hopefully someone here sees this and revisits this beauty of a game, it really was super fun and I loved every minute of it (for the second time)

    submitted by /u/GentBug
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    Your Fo4 companion wants flamer

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    One of the best decision I made in Fallout 4 was to give Flamers to companions. It requires no marksmanship skill, actually no skill at all. Also no perks required to upgrade it. Companions tend to get as close to the enemy as possible anyway (to the point where it becomes absurd). So, why not let them do things their way, while you are keeping distance and taking potshots ?

    Ammo should be bought most likely, but many traders sell it. Weapon is ammo (fuel) efficient, so small amount can last long, unlike Minigun or Cryolator. Make sure to upgrade it to Napalmer, because it increases damage with no unwanted side effects. Keep the barrel short, companions are not good with long barrels of any weapon. Standard nozzle is probably better because it adds some range.

    You can get it for free. Kill the Forged, that is the fastest way. You can also travel to Castle and kill mirelurks in the courtyard before taking one from the shelves inside the wall. No need to fight the Queen.

    submitted by /u/taskdone
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    I found a radio station irl that sounds just like the one in FO4

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    Cladrite Radio, based in New York, play a selection that makes me feel like I'm wandering the wastes! I listen on an app called Radio Garden.

    The only difference is that the songs aren't all about nuclear fallout!

    P.S this might get taken down for not being relevant enough... I think it's so very cool I'm willing to risk it 😁

    submitted by /u/TheSockDrop
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    Good Quest mods for Fallout 4?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    I've found a few which we're quite good, but I'm starting to lack things to do on my character now. Anyone got any suggestions on good Quest mods?

    submitted by /u/bearface40
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    I don't know how to proceed with For the republic,Part 2.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    So iv'e reached the part of the For the republic,Part 2 quest where you have to get rid of the Brotherhood.So I went to the hidden valley and warned the NCR ranger and as a result a couple of BoS soldiers came out of nowhere and attacked.The ranger died but I managed to kill them and then I got stuck.I went back to the bunker and I couldn't access through the door as it requires a 100 lvl lock picking skill and I can't reload another save as my last save was a LONG time ago(I know big mistake) so can someone please help me!?

    submitted by /u/Mrminutemansupreme
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    My Ideal fallout Game

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    Ok first off this builds off of Fallout New Vegas and assumes alot of things also this is really just a first draft idea and i would love people talking about ideas/quests that would fit in and finally i know this will never become cannon unless i get something insane happens but its fun to imagine. Ok so President Kimball would get killed by the legion but it doesn't matter at the second battle of Hoover dam. The next leader of the NCR is someone who dislikes the war of the NCR and stop at the Mojave. The NCR enters a era of peace and stabilizes and this leader is regarded as one of the best presidents the NCR ever had. For the next 100 years all subsequent presidents dare not go against this isolationist mentality. This would be my ideal game, you are a citizen of the NCR who lives on a border town and has experience fighting off raiders who strike quick and then run before any NCR soldiers come. The NCR military is under trained and armed due to the century of peace. This neglect causes dissent in border towns which seeps deeper into the NCR making its citizens want more defense and even expansion. During this century of peace other factions form around the border and some seek to threaten the NCR. The player character must choose one of these options:{ 1. The Player Lets the NCR fall to its own inefficiencies and let the factions swarm and devour the corpse protecting his town and other nearby peoples form a tribe 2. The Player joins one of the factions (which can be entirely new) and creates a empire or at least sets it down a path to empire using the ideology the faction believes in (perhaps the factions can all be different ideologies) 3. The Player sides with the NCR and leads the military to victory and defense of the NCR and then could make the NCR expansionist again or have it return to its old ways } now in a perfect world the game would be much of NCR's territory as well and parts of the surrounding states however i know that would likely be such a massive endeavor to take on it would never happen with the technology games use today so maybe the border towns and like part of an area like Washington. becuase it is after every other game so far you could hear stories of things that happened in other games like snippets of a "war wagged by robots" for fallout four, a "place with clean water for everyone" for fallout three and something for the other games which i havent fully played or dont think would fit in. A big problem is that you need to choose specific cannon endings for each of the game if you wanted to include stuff like that. Perhaps there could also be a faction from the east arrive like the enclave if they won or the brotherhood/institute(i dont think the railroad/minute men could win) and these factions could be a major force that provides pressure on the NCR/other factions when they can handle it the least

    submitted by /u/PriorSolid
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    Does anyone side with Ulysses in Lonesome Road?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Am I the only one who gets high NCR, Legion, or Vegas rep just to side with Ulysses in the end of Lonesome Road, I find it cool as 2 couriers fighting the marked men and escaping the Divide with Ulysses, he can help you by giving a way to defeat Lanius, he can give you two recipes to help you heal and get rid of poison, and I think hes an epic character, most likely one of my top characters.

    submitted by /u/tsunamiyamada
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    Modded Morrowind engine running Fallout New Vegas

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    Fallout-inspired Smash Bros screenshots

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 08:31 PM PDT


    Pictures include: Nate with Dogmeat (and... Vault Duck, I suppose), Nate and Dogmeat battling a Super Mutant, Fallout 3-inspired Power Armor outside of a Vault, and Nate discovering Shaun.

    submitted by /u/BlakeJay2019
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    Shihkebab doesn't set enemies on fire for some reason?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    Anyone know a fix? I got it from the iron woodworks or whatever it's called

    submitted by /u/Rund1983
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    'Optional co-op' should not be a feature in the next Fallout game, at all.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    People always say 'there could be an optional form of co-op in the next Fallout game' with an emphasis on the 'optional' side of it.

    What people forget to realise is that doing this would almost certainly turn the game into a live service, requiring you to be always online, and shoving in annoying microtransactions.

    Also, Bethesda would likely try to place so much emphasis on that co-op system, they would forget about other aspects of the game. See Fallout 4's settlement system, a nice system, but they made so much workshop DLC it just got annoying.

    submitted by /u/Sivboi
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    Best weapon for VATS heavy run

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    Doing my second run, currently level 34 siding with the railroad, Very Hard difficulty. I'm pretty happy with my stats and am burning some side quests before entering the institute. My damage output is high enough and my survivability is a bit low. I'm fine without PA, but I've been steadily burning Stimpacks. So far I've been using a modded Righteous Authority with a reflex and +Crit receiver. However, I have several other options and don't know what to use.

    1. The Deliverer. Can benefit from Mister Sandman, but I've done plenty of modding and don't know If it can go any further.
    2. Righteous Authority, Can recharge crit in 3 hits, high damage potential with crits, but cant benefit from Mister Sandman, Higher damage.
    3. 10mm Pistol. +25% damage or +50% limb damage. Can benefit from Mister Sandman, lower damage.
    4. Gamma Gun. +150 damage resistance while reloading. Could be alt weapon, expensive ammo, unlikely candidate, unsatisfying damage.

    I've built Gunslinger, so if any better weapons exist in the base game, Nuka World, Far Harbor, etc tell me. I'm thinking I'll just try putting points into crits and other damage boosts for 2. Just unsure what the best weapons would be. Even after choosing between these 4 I still don't know what else I could use.

    submitted by /u/MaybeABluePineapple
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    So......I might have built a prison camp in fallout

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Basically,I hate a lot of characters in fallout 4 (Marcy Long),so I built a camp at Abernathy farm.The entire place is surrounded by concrete walls and turrets on every side.Inside is filled with 10 or so people at scavenger posts.The best part,because the brotherhood hates me,they send multiple vertibirds after me, so I gave the family all their loot and now the place is impossible to attack.THATS WHAT YOU GET MARCY.

    submitted by /u/TheCheeseman---
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    FNV: cybernetic implants, worth doing?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:08 AM PDT

    I have the perks and Project Nevada. I haven't tried them before. What's your take? Is there a downside?

    submitted by /u/Alex_Portnoy007
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    Is there anywhere that I am able to store weapons, ammo, etc in Fallout 1?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    I'm asking this as in, is there anywhere I can own a house of some sort. I wanna give them to my companions, but I'll just have to buy them back and i don't wanna do that. Now, keep in mind, I've been getting into fallout 1 recently as I've owned it for a little over 3-4 years, but never really tried my hardest at it. (Which is what I'm doing now)

    submitted by /u/pRoJect45yt
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    What’s the big deal with mothman in 76?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    Just started playing, level 14. Checkout mothman museum and I am under whelmed. What's the deal with the hype in the atom shop?

    submitted by /u/DiscoKitten69
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